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/lit/ - Literature

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1536131 No.1536131 [Reply] [Original]


what's happened to our board

look at this front page

how can we make it right

>> No.1536141
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enjoy your complete lack of personality

>> No.1536138

1) ban all tripfaggotry
2) ???
3) Profit!

>> No.1536147
File: 84 KB, 486x717, anewhopee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lurk more
hide shit threads w/4chang addon
post original content


>> No.1536149


haha yes 4chan has no personality save for the tripfags. it must be why so many people continue to flock to this site!

>> No.1536145

I wasn't aware that you had a personality

>> No.1536160
File: 122 KB, 1021x663, tripfagslit1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tripfag General

Tonight's pressing issues:

Courage Wolf is letting the entire fucking team down

Isabelle Huppert Crawled out of his Fort made of qualifications to make a post on stupid russian history or something for the rest of us peons; the question is, was it worth anything?

>> No.1536166

then maybe you will finally learn about humility

>> No.1536167

>Courage Wolf
don't pay attention to that facade
I can't pay attention to this one

>> No.1536182

see you all on thursday when i remake my decadence thread

you all care only for healthy discussion no?

>> No.1536184

>Isabelle Huppert
How does someone that qualified manage to be that much of an idiot, anyway?

>> No.1536186


You are, as always, jealous of Isabelle Huppert.

I'm not going to bother responding to your response, btw.

>> No.1536193

Short story "book" club

Young Jedi Knights book club

Competition to win an Ayn Rand Institute scholarship with a troll essay

Competition to write erotic fanfic set at the National Book Awards after-afterparty

Competition to write a full-length novelization of Pokemon Snap

Competition to get a Nobel winner to start posting here

Competition to get Tao Lin to stop posting here

Shut down /lit/ and force us to go post about books on message boards for misogynist shut-ins and white supremacists

>> No.1536204

In other Tripfag news, Tybrax has dropped trip for an unspecified amount of time and I haven't seen Tom Harper around at all today

>> No.1536214

I fucking miss him

good thing this won't last more than a few days at most

>> No.1536218

Suicide is permanent.

>> No.1536221

that's not fucking funny

don't make me tear up

>> No.1536224

yeah Tom is really starting to grow on me

>> No.1536227

>Shut down /lit/ and force us to go post about books on message boards for misogynist shut-ins and white supremacists
>implying /lit/ is not full of misogynist shut-ins and closet white supremacists

>> No.1536232

Suicide is very serious. You should think about it very seriously.

>> No.1536240

honestly, I find gender theory and feminist theory interesting and I wish people on /lit/ weren't stupid enough so that we could get a thread on it that wasn't full of herp wimmins=kichins derp

>> No.1536241

>uses an internet board to have personality
>no personality in real life
>usually derail threads being attention whores

oh boy why you people arent banned yet? that's how you make it right

>> No.1536245

I was talking about tybrax

Tom has no effect on me

he's sort of pedestrian

but he does have that shit going on with SLAF, which is some breed of shtick i guess

>> No.1536248

I agree for the most part

even if it is all that it is rumored to be


please just tell me that whiny bitch is ok

>> No.1536249

It does happen occasionally. Saw a thread on neurosexism the other day.

>> No.1536255

ha ha, dude, it's 4chan, forget it. i mean, even before /r9k/ got shut down that was hopeless

>> No.1536257
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>> No.1536260
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>I was talking about tybrax
who? oh you mean that guy who was, like, here, made posts and then wasn't here. Yeah I remember that guy.

>> No.1536266

trips and anons are all characters to me. they can be absurd or stupid, but it's all a silly play anyway. yea look that guy said something stupid lets be hating on him. no, just laugh at him and move on.

tybrax though seems to live here with his real persona and he needs lots of help.

>> No.1536267

nope, all I've said it's a common denominator between tripfags, and it's not just me, pretty much every anon thinks like that

>> No.1536270
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you're horrible at concealing your true feelings

>> No.1536275
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don't begin to resemble one of those empowered tripfags

the kind that just desperately wants to join anons secret club

like Courage

>> No.1536277

I like about half the trips and the others don't really offend me, it's just that threads are so often derailed into personal snitfits between people I can't tell apart and obnoxious anons when one of them shows up. And yeah, tybrax needs help

>> No.1536285

do you know where he is?

where did you last see him?

>> No.1536286

seriously though trip meta is jsut stupid. i like to have a cute name, kind of like how you would title a comic strip or something. i think if people took this less seriously we'll see more trips (with good names) and less hurfing about trips. the hurfing is at least half of the problem

>> No.1536301

I agree i suppose

but then we get these little clusters of just bland and often times campy tripfags that are so enthralled by their unique senses of humor and end up shitting all over everything

>> No.1536353

the problem is, once someone establishes their own trip identity, they will go to great lengths to fetishize their trip and continually reaffirm their status

I've long since learned that any board on 4chan is eventually folly in terms of actual discussion; I would, for example, benefit much more by doing discussions in philosophy forums. I just use /lit/ as a place of entertainment and a feel of pop-culture. Most of the people on here are either too underdeveloped or they, like me, have given up on seriousness and just do it for entertainment.

/lit/ is not an intellectual forum, it's more like a social sandbox with intellectual themes

>> No.1536400

It used to be a nice little meeting place for all fans of literature. We'd talk about books we were reading, bashed Twilight, and took Rand seriously.

That lasted about a week. Then the pseudo-intellectuals, the fucking University kids who could never find real people to bug about their brain boners, they all just swarmed in. Rand was shit, opinions were shit, anything that wasn't on some .jpg list was shit, reading for enjoyment was shit, until fun eventually became shit.

Thing is, this is the same pattern /mu/ had. In the old days, you could even talk about nu-metal without getting slammed. Nowadays, it's nothing but hipsters as far as page 15.

We can't fix it. We can try to find some other website, perhaps a ProBoards that'll have five members or so, but eventually be dropped due to the lack of anonymity.

So, you either conform to the elitists and the pseudos, or you just come here, looking for a friendly thread in the oh-so-commonly-referred-to sea of piss that is 4chan.

Or, of course, you get real friends, and talk about books and philosophies and all that in a humane, calm, respectable environment with them. But that's a pipe dream at best...

>> No.1536454

yes it's like a food fight 24/7

>> No.1536489
File: 17 KB, 250x296, 1264721542907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, Lovecraft was /lit/'s first meme.

Fuck, this picture will never not creep me out.

>> No.1536494

too bad he's garbage literature, fucking faggot

maybe you need to go suck jkrowling's fat cock, faggot fuck

>> No.1536497

I like how in all of his fan art and just general representations of him his jaw is all like chiseled and shit

>> No.1536502


the ron paul of genre fiction

>> No.1536512

I always wonder what sort of day he was hiving in that picture.

It's not like someone told him a joke, then whipped out a cellphone camera. Back then, it took time to set up everything. And it's clearly on the street, so it's not like it was some professional shot in a studio or anything, where he might be getting an author's biopic done.

Lovecraft /wanted/ to be smiling in that picture.

Then again, maybe I'm just romanticizing him as this dark, dark man who was never happy. Hell, there's plenty pictures of King smiling on purpose.

>> No.1536519
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>> No.1536551
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