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15359838 No.15359838 [Reply] [Original]

Any books that explains why Jews are so intelligent? Are they really the 'chosen ones'?

>> No.15359850

I don't remember the book specifically (I think it might have been Deep Work by Cal Newport) but jews spend a lot of time in their youth rigorously studying their holy books and the accompanying commentaries. The book "The Chosen" depicts this vividly, where the main characters debate various aspects of religious law. That kind of engaged, concentrated, difficult mental activity while the brain is developing likely leads to significant gains in intelligence

>> No.15359860

Any books explaining why Jews are so handsome?

>> No.15359861

Jews used to be the chosen ones. Now that's the Christians.

>> No.15359934

Optometry books

They do poorly in math but great in areas thet need collaborative finance (Chemistry experimrnts etc)

>> No.15359954

Kevin Macdonalds trilogy.

>> No.15360010

The Torah.

It doesn't explain why they are intelligent(because they aren't) it just tells them to tell the world that they are superior to the goyim.

>> No.15360018

they value education. it's not complicated.

>> No.15360020

Lots of Jews dont have this kind of childhoof yet they are smart. It's mostly genetic.

>> No.15360029

i worked in israel for a bit, believe me there are plenty of stupid jews

>> No.15360823

as a secular jew, my experience is the culture of studying is still there. I showed some interest in mechanical stuff, so I was pushed to play around with mechanical toys, legos and erector sets, taught math, and now my mechanical engineering major is easy and I have plenty of time to read and study whatever else I want on the side.

>> No.15361087

This is the least ugly hasid I’ve ever seen

>> No.15361097

Probably more this >>15360823 Than genetics, although there definetely might be an epigenetic effect

>> No.15361101

If you've got a bias to confirm, you're looking for propaganda.

>> No.15361544


They were selectively inbred for generations - that's literally the reason.

>> No.15361590

>why are big city, secular middle to upper class Jews so intelligent

Big mystery here. Orthodox/Hassids are not much smarter than evangelical rednecks.

>> No.15361596

Jews are based and so is subversive jazz music

>> No.15361608

they're God's chosen, simple as. xtian goyim wrote volumes trying to cope but to no avail.

>> No.15361650
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>> No.15361660

Adorno was bald and subsequently wrong

>> No.15361672

Chaim Potok describes the intense academic pressure jewish boys are under. It's YA but decent YA, especially for young men.
inb4 muh juuish conspiracy, most jews are exactly as disenfranchised as anyone else so using jewishness as a category for hatred is weak.

>> No.15361749

>failed chosen ones

>> No.15361757

>xtian goyim coping
they're still the chosen ones, they even use good christian shabbos goyim like you to further israel's goals

>> No.15361772


>> No.15361783

I’ve never met a dumb American Jew

>> No.15361792

thats because they're mostly ashkenazi, the smartest ethnic group in the world.

>> No.15361796

israel goal iirc is world domination which would make sense if we had global awareness. It's a self-destructing ideology and would not move into place

>> No.15361815

>world domination
nope, Just domination on the middle east, see Greater Israel.

>> No.15361862

Thomas Sowell has a chapter about jews in Black Rednecks and White Liberals, it's mostly about antisemitism but some of it addresses OP's question.

>> No.15361872

How naive that's definitely only the first step.
And they will lose their land again and scattered across the world like always

>> No.15361894

They also do great in maths, to the extent that the vague statements "Jew are good at X" make sense.

>> No.15362084
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>> No.15362125

what is that thing on his head?

>> No.15362158


>> No.15362209

The only jewish aquantances i've had sucked at math. One struggeled to get a C in high school algebra and the other had a breakdown when he shitted precalc and knew he couldn't fulfill his parents wishes

>> No.15362321

I can't help but be sceptical that they are so intelligent. That study showing how China had such a high IQ was debunked not that long ago I think.

>> No.15362344

Jewishness is nothing other than a genealogically instilled victim complex.

You can’t prove me wrong.

>> No.15362346

>That study showing how China had such a high IQ was debunked

>> No.15362351
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>> No.15364146

They aren't, they just don't play by the rules. They have no honor so they use tactics that non-psychopatic people wouldn't even dream about. While white societies were based on meritocracy, jews played every dirty trick in their sleeves to get ahead, and once whites have realized not everyone is like them and there are evil people around, it was already too late. It's like playing chess with unlimited number of queens against someone who plays by the rules, even if you win you aren't superior, just pathetic.

>> No.15364168

If you are so informed about them then let me ask, what kind of dirty tricks did they use to get ahead?

>> No.15364303
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Another poster, but it's basically a combination of very strong family ties (nepotism for example), higher than average intelligence (mostly only Ashkenazis though), tribalism and overall racial awareness, add to that many Jews suffer from mental disceases similar to psychopathy as well as extensive inbreeding in many cases.

What you've got is a cunning, but very passive-agressive group of people that will go to great lengths to secure their tribe from the outsiders while preferably weakening everyone else so that they wouldn't get practically killed off like what happened back in the times of the Roman Empire.

>> No.15364366

Rev 2:9

>> No.15364573

Prove to me they are intelligent. They seem to operate without a spine or any kind of honor or moral code and often their 'intelligence' follows the same track.. but of course I don't speak for them all, just generally.

>> No.15364581

Their religion starts them reading and discussing from a young age. Same with Confucianism. Hence why Jews and Asians kick everyone's ass.

>> No.15364998

i doubt orthodox jews are very smart because
1) they don't seem to accomplish anything except for autistic-like obsession with an internal ruleset
2) they're so, so ugly which is linked with poor health just as intelligence is linked with good health

>> No.15365052
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>> No.15365089

Idk if there is any literature on it but during the time of the frankish kingdom and Charlemagne specifically they were only allowed specific jobs that christians weren't allowed to do, most of them in the financial sector. That also roughly coincided with the genesis of Ashkenazi culture around the cities of Speyer and Worms in the Holy roman empire and continued onwards for the next 8 centuries.
So exclusively non-menial jobs + mostly having kids with people in the same situation + time = higher average IQ than christians who had a much broader spectrum of occupations

>> No.15365286

Any books that explain why Jews wear the best hats?

>> No.15365434

Education has always been valued in their culture

>> No.15365437

Just courius, did Jesus really ever say that Jews weren't the chosen ones anymore? I don't care what Paul said, as I know he made commentaries on it, just wondering if the actual man himself said it. I mean, he literally chose just jews as his disciples, and critized the heathens/romans.

>> No.15365458

This is the correct answer OP.

>> No.15365516

There is a lot of selective bias. I read something about people mentioning their Jewish despite it not being their main ethnicity so its easy look at smart peoples biography and glance over that they are only vaguely Jewish.

>> No.15365522

mentioning they are Jewish^