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File: 310 KB, 400x351, samdelany.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15356387 No.15356387 [Reply] [Original]

what's everyone thoughts on Sam Delaney. favorite thing by him and such.

>> No.15356391


>> No.15356394

Samuel R. Delany, the sci-fi gaynigga.

>> No.15356475

I'm reading Dhalgren. Its main character is full of self referential stuff (mixed race, clumsy, bisexual, confuses left and right). The worst part of it is the increasing focus on poetry (guy wants to be a poet, how original) and it's the sort of pretentious bullshit I despised in Fall of Hyperion.
The foreword describes it as experimental and yeah, it's very weird, full of hippie/progressive commentary, absolutely disgusting scenes. There's a gay sex scene and it didn't turn me on, and the following chapter has some steamy sex with a chick and it was pretty hot (my heterosexuality confirmed, thank God).
It's got at Wolfean/Kafkaesque vibe which is the only thing that's keeping me interested.

I tried reading Neveryona and it was okay but the ebook was barely readable from all the Ocr and editing errors, so I dropped it.

>> No.15356553

Yeah I thought Dhalgren was okay but kinda pretentious. Hogg was awful imo. Just really boring. It's just pages and pages of kids assfucking on dirty mattresses and eating each other's boogers.

>> No.15356715

Really enjoyed Times Square Red, Times Square Blue. Hogg was very jarring but I've come to appreciate it more now after reading analysis

>> No.15356751
File: 668 KB, 1530x2560, 9026CE97-98D9-4B3D-996E-9096C9C042B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Dahlgren a while back. Kind of a slog, don't remember much.

Read (Trouble on) Triton more recently and loved it. One of the best characters I've read. The book kinda gets the last word on the whole utopia/dystopia debate too.

>> No.15356862

Everything wrong with modern liberal progressive society encapsulated in a man, but go ahead.

>> No.15356878

I like his writing very much. I don’t care about his beliefs. He’s a damn good writer. Period.

>> No.15356888

Kill yourself, /pol/fucker

>> No.15356933

A great writer with absolutely abhorrent and degenerate ideas and themes. I respect his skill despite being as far away politically and spiritually as possible from him. Nova seemed more focused a little less experimental and shines for it IMO. A