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15347088 No.15347088 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15347107

What does Hilbert and Gödel have to do with your iceberg?

>> No.15347131
File: 2.83 MB, 1927x4135, 1555773972776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15347150

Level one (basic):
>luciferian zionism

Level 4 (Be careful with these, not very friendly stuff):

u wot

>> No.15347165

What rabbit hole does Banach-Tarski paradox lead to, in your opinion?
What about transfinite set theory?
What are recurring numbers? Do you mean numbers with a recurring decimal expansion?

>> No.15347191
File: 282 KB, 568x319, 1572155589128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15347218

I understand what Banach-Tarski states and how to prove it. I just don't understand why you view it as something groundbreaking. Perhaps you are confused about what it says?
Same with transfinite set theory. I'd be willing to bet $100 I know way more set theory than you do, that's why I'm curious to know why you included it in your iceberg.
I don't expect you to respond to my questions anymore. You come across as a bit of a low IQ person, like most other people posting these kinds of icebergs.

>> No.15347221

who the fuck told you about Bogomil

>> No.15347257

>I'm so FUCKING smart!
This may be the most masturbatory, pseudo-intellectual post I've ever read, congrats.

>> No.15347303

Go ahead, challenge me, brainlet!
Oh wait, you can't because you're out of your depth. All you can do is bark bark bark!

>> No.15347332

You're only proving my point.
Besides, I'm not the one who made the image, and I don't feel like explaining a ton of shit for you. Do your own research.

>> No.15347358

Why is pro-choice below the tip of the iceberg when it applies to almost every normalfag who doesn't live in an RV park

>> No.15347367

All I asked is why do these topics belong in the image. You're clearly a moron.

>> No.15347384

> level 1: anprim
> level 4: veganism, pro-choice, Nietzsche
> level 5: postmodernism


>> No.15347421

Threads like these show that no one cares about the actual ideas and just want them to show off and make up for their bland personality.

>> No.15347449

You know this board is anonymous, right?

>> No.15347494

Are you new here? This board is full of people posturing and pretending to be superior to others just by virtue of things they've read or the opinions they hold. The fact that it's an anonymous board apparently doesn't dissuade these people from attempting to feel superior to other posters.

>> No.15347513

>This board is full of people posturing and pretending to be superior to others just by virtue of things they've read or the opinions they hold. The fact that it's an anonymous board apparently doesn't dissuade these people from attempting to feel superior to other posters.
And you think you're an exception?

>> No.15347514

what is the south, alex

>> No.15347531

Yes, I'm better than all of those pseuds.

>> No.15347536

>t. Spoonfeed me to feed my ego
If you aren't aware that most people find BT (for example) to be counter-intuitive, then you're retarded. But you do know that, you're just looking for an excuse to show off about big-brained you are.

>> No.15347558

Yeah, that made no sense. I'd have put veganism at the top, AnPrim further down near anti-natalism to start with.

>> No.15347657

Of course I'm aware that most people find BT counterintuitive - that's the whole reason why it's famous and why it's called a paradox. It demonstrates a weird consequence of assuming AC.
>But you do know that, you're just looking for an excuse to show off about big-brained you are
I was (still am, to an extent) curious why you included it in your picture. I get the impression that it's just because it's counterintuitive, and that's ok, no reason to fret about it, I guess I just expected something more from a LEVEL 3 schizo iceberg meme.

>> No.15347691
