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15345673 No.15345673[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books that explain why some races are inferior to others?

>> No.15345738

u picked the wrong board fool, nobody here is low IQ enough to fall for this normie 2020 /pol/ bait

>> No.15345754


the only low IQ is you for denying what is clearly obvious.
niggers are proto-humans that interbred with primitive apes, explaining their ''ghost dna'' and extreme genetic distance from humans, indians and asians.

''Anglo-Saxon Supremacy''

>> No.15345770

Racism is a sin. You're going to hell

>> No.15345777


racism is not a sin, unless you are muslim

>> No.15345794

You have to go back.

>> No.15345811

It is if you're a Catholic which is the only relevant Christian denomination

>> No.15345812


samefagging tranny, why dont you answer OP's question?

>> No.15345818

All of Ta-Nehisi Coates books are about this.

>> No.15345825


what part about exterminate the nephilim to the last man, women and child for holy lebensraum did you not understand in the Holy Bible?

>> No.15345829

>what is clearly obvious
Oh so you're just hear to fuel confirmation bias huh, signs of a pseud

>> No.15345842

Black people aren't nephilim according to Christianity, and no your stormfront fan fiction isn't considered valid by the church

>> No.15345852

Racism will never win

>> No.15345854

go back

>> No.15345874

Only a small minority of each race are genuinely racist, they exist to keep the equilibrium but just as they serve a purpose so do the boundary breakers

>> No.15345939

We don't want racism here OP
This is an inclusive board

>> No.15345975

cause spergs like u and op actually make me want to believe in bio-determinism as the only way to explain your brainletism. but I ain't a retarded redneck from facebook, that occupied /pol/ to use genes as one of the arguments in support of my edgystisism

>> No.15345986


>> No.15346032


>> No.15346036


OP talked about inferior races, which nephilim are an example of, and god told his chosen people to purify the land and take it for themselves.

black ''people'' obviously are inferior too ofcourse, due to low average iq and high amount of primitive distant dna

>> No.15346049


This man of color proofs you are all wrong

>> No.15346085


hes just repeating a white man philospher lmao

>> No.15346116
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racism is gay, get based and just hate all Americans regardless of their colour

>> No.15346118

Bruh what is the source of this webm

>> No.15346125

Harming people who have done no injustice is a far greater evil than most sins

>> No.15346141

based and racism pilled

>> No.15346180


I actually like Americans


>done no injustice

go be gay somewhere else tranny. youll never be a real woman

>> No.15346184


>> No.15346247

Yeah, not all black people are evil. This is the part of your brain that's fried. You're committing a sin and going to hell

>> No.15346282

I'm not OP, but how can you really talk to blacks and not deduce that they are significantly less intelligent. I kept trying all throughout college to discuss with them, and they always appeared to be unable to grasp concepts that I would convey to them. I even took an African American studies course, and it was the most illogical series of lectures I would ever take part in. I even entered the class lacking knowledge of lots of black history and by the end, I realised they were all severely delusional. I can't take blacks seriously. In creative writing, they always produced the worst pieces. Poetry was their only strong point. Anything involving math was like explaining concepts to a simpleton. They were lucky to have partners.

>> No.15346302

That's pretty sad

>> No.15346305

>African American studies course
Why would you subject yourself to such agony?

>> No.15346395

bix nood

>> No.15346475

I cared more about a set schedule for classes than having one I didn't like. I picked all the class I wanted a tried to select electives that seemed fine and fit the schedule. University essentially makes you take a "cross-cultural perspectives" course. The teacher was rude and made the class tedious for the course. I had to edit a 25 minute video and edit all of my partners audio because they couldn't read without fucking up or pausing.
In what way?

>> No.15346514

> boo hoo i had a bad time at my low tier state university with some mandatory courses uwu woe is me
grow up, i had to take mandatory biology courses as part of my degree and it was stupid and tedious but it doesn't mean i hate trees

>> No.15346575

trees have value

>> No.15346652

>In what way?
In the way that life isn't fair for them. Can you imagine how they must feel?

>> No.15346659

>books explaining WHY
origin of the species and further modern textbooks on evolutionary biology and processes. It is easy to infer that greater competition between groups in more fertile regions beyond africa led to greater populations, greater competition and greater men
>inb4 seething creationists
These texts are needed to explain how microevolution occurs for the purposes of explaining racial differences. Microevolution demonstrably exists and 'the more disputable' macroevolution is not relevant to racial differences except insofar as there may be prospect for different species to arise from different races given extended separation

>> No.15347096

You honestly believe my original post was about my bad time at college (it wasn't bad)? I was answering a question by another anon. Suck shit.
Hey, I don't hate black people. I understand that most people just don't go with the whole "black people are less intelligent" mantra because you can't live cohesively with them if you start spouting that. Fair? Yeah, that probably sucks. I imagine any inadequacy like that is troubling.

>> No.15347102
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