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15337830 No.15337830[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why have so many people fallen for the lie that heroism is not possible in modern times?


>> No.15337838

>yaay car go vroom

fuck off

>> No.15337852

>reading through those comments
I don't care how awful 4chan is it has nothing on this stuff

>> No.15337854
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>> No.15337875

electric cars go whoosh

>> No.15337876


>> No.15337877

Twitter really is just another level of disgusting, isn't it?

>> No.15337884

Suck my dick, Elon.

>> No.15337890


>> No.15337949
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>Tfw work at Tesla and am waiting for my sup to email me with my return day
>There's already been reports of Tesla not even following its own health guidelines
>Other big companies that are reopening are already having spikes in cases

It's too soon bros the virus hasn't peaked yet

>> No.15337958

4chan is horrible, but whenever somebody links to reddit or twitter I realize how much worse things can be.

>> No.15337960

When someone shoots him dead, I'll believe in heroes.

>> No.15337972

Or indeed are

>> No.15337979

He's going to build an immortal billionaire paradise technocracy on Mars...sorry, his slaves will build it, but he'll get all the credit in the press.

>> No.15337980

we really dont appreciate how good we still have it

>> No.15337987

wow some hypercapitalist moron wanting to make a profit and tweeting about it for more self-promotion is a hero now?

the fucking globohomo indoctrination truly did a number of people

>> No.15337996

He's following his principles dammit
the law should not determine morality

>> No.15338004

>the law should not determine morality
So he should?

>> No.15338005

Not doing what the government wants is the opposite of globohomo imbecile

>> No.15338007


>> No.15338021

Capital is higher up on the globohomo scale than the state

>> No.15338022

His own, yes

>> No.15338033

If you don't think that they are all working together in cahoots and chortling at everyone's gullibility when the curtains are drawn I have a bridge in Manitoba to sell you.

>> No.15338059
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It's just the flu. The sooner people get it and get over it the better. And we'll have fewer boomers, and some of that wealth will get redistributed to younger people, where it belongs. And of course there will be spikes, this lockdown has weakened everyone's immune systems, which are designed to be exposed to germs. best way to deal with is the ol' burn cure, face first.
You know, if we didn't have the test we would not have noticed a thing, maybe a slightly worse flu season...

>> No.15338060
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>dictatorship of the redditariat

>> No.15338119

You guys fall for propaganda so easily

>> No.15338147

>le gooberment is the real evil, musk is a hero
the goverment is enabled by the same people that enable musk to make money off of marketing muh speyyss and muh electric cars which the majority obv cant afford, its all part of the cult of progress just that the cult of government progress (NASA) is being replaced by the cult of private progress (spacexxx)

literally different sides of the same coin

>> No.15338187

Something very suspicious is going on with the variability in death rates. Like what the actual fuck is happening in NYC? Someone somewhere who was responsible for decisions in NYC majorly fucked up

>> No.15338198
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The 2nd wave is approaching and it'll be 10x worse. These past few weeks have been a comfort that we'll be longing for by autumn

>> No.15338219

>OH NO state enforced production stop is a le fascist
>NOOOOOOO blumpf is a le fascist too

>> No.15338232

I have the same reaction, you guys aren’t too bad after all.

>> No.15338256

NYC's covid epidemic can be traced to the orthodox Jewish community. I know this is 4chan and this site blames everything on the Jews, but in this case it's actually true. These are the same people that brought back measles to NYC. They live in a suburb just outside the city.

>> No.15338342

bitch look up the amount of people in ICU because of severe respiratory syndrome. Even before tests were available. These people don't just have "the flu", they literally can't breathe.
Besides, covid19 has way worse systemic impact and is probably a microvascular disease . If it was just the flu it wouldn't have correlation to cyanotic episodes and strokes (even in young people). That just aint clicking

>> No.15338388

Can we change the topic of the thread??

What are other celebs you can use as a litmus test for other people so you can see by their reaction what they´re about?

>> No.15338392

>ook up the amount of people in ICU because of severe respiratory syndrome. Even before tests were available.

>> No.15338398

>And we'll have fewer boomers, and some of that wealth will get redistributed to younger people
Yeah, a few thousand grandpas dying in crappy retirement homes means a huge distribution of wealth is coming, lmao.

>> No.15338426

Is that House?

>> No.15338476

anyone have that screenshot of the guy who can't start up his tesla because it hasn't updated its software?

>> No.15338481

Can't find a source in english cause I don't remember the exact wording, but here's a brazillian outlet pointing out that there's almost 20 times more patients in ICU in Rio de Janeiro for acute respiratory syndrome this year in comparison to 2019

>> No.15338556
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>> No.15338562
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Publics opinion on him is really going sour lately

>> No.15338590
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>> No.15338605

For a man that wealthy to risk arrest is meaningless. He'd be out in 5 minutes

>> No.15338645
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Based Elon "Chad" Musk triggering lefties

>> No.15338672

Jackie Chan. If they think he's a goofy guy, I drop them. If they recognize his genius I know they have depth.

>> No.15338681
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He's been acting strange lately and even shared a /pol/ tier conspiracy theory video about how the virus was a hoax

>> No.15338690

Elon musk is literally the litmus test for whether someone's a limp wristed sneering leftist (((critiquer))) or not. Or whether they're a woman or not.

I saw a post on reddit (the same type of leftist that posts on /lit/) that called Elon anti-science. That is a false statement that totally reveals the truth. Science for many people (including most of lit) is an appeal to authority.

And then it's the same old crap. "He only makes stuff for rich people! Muh inequality!" When that stuff is an inextricable part of all progress ever.

>> No.15338718

That a small town outside of Vancouver?

>> No.15338721

elon is as left and reddit as they come, go suck his cock somewhere else, faggot.

>> No.15338722

But it's not just his own life that he's affecting you fucking moron.

>> No.15338723

Ok incel

>> No.15338738

>a carny that lied to bunch of investors who are starting to catch up to his tricks

>> No.15338746

>Elon musk is literally the litmus test for whether someone's a brown nosing right wing (((suporter))) or not. Or whether they're NPCs or not.
>I saw a post on reddit (the same type of republican that posts on /pol/) that called Elon pro-freedom. That is a false statement that totally reveals the truth. Freedom for many people (including most of lit) is an appeal to neoliberalism.
>And then it's the plain obvious. "He only makes stuff for rich people! Muh inequality!" When that stuff is an inextricable part of all idolization of capitalist icons ever.

>> No.15338835

>does what normies hate but gets away with it because he's a meme

>> No.15338851
File: 43 KB, 643x362, 9E720775-BFB6-49B9-9CE7-792559742041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have no great causes to die for, liberal democracy needs no such causes.

>> No.15338856

Its the ages old "no publicity is bad publicity". He'll say anything as long as it keeps people talking about him

>> No.15338904

Businessmen don’t force people inside with an iron fist