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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 37 KB, 640x640, eliezer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15333655 No.15333655 [Reply] [Original]

>extreme intelligence
>zero pretension
>the highest intellectual honesty humanly achievable
>understands your counter-arguments better than you do, already refuted them
when did you realize the less wrongers are just too powerful? how do we cope? just plug our ears and call them bugmen?

>> No.15333851

Big Yud can't be refuted

>> No.15333861

Big Yud would eat this board for lunch in a debate.

>> No.15334024

their nerds just give them a wedgie lol

>> No.15334790

>no discernible talent as a writer
>no discernible talent as a researcher
>cheap sensationalism and intellectual dishonesty in discussing issues of AI
>no reconciliation of instincts and complex utility functions

>> No.15334816

c o m p u t r o n i u m i z e

>> No.15334827

Bro got beat up got a bandaid on that forehead lmao

>> No.15334830

seriously. I don't even feel the need to refute them in conversation because, regardless of whatever their original intention, in the current year they're just a wing of the tech press's pseud advertising mill.
a bunch of "science fans," picking up the work (free of charge) of the now-defunct popular mechanics magazine.

>> No.15334902

Biggest problem with Yud is that he has a very autistic view of what a human being is. He emphasizes humanism without realizing that most humans would find many of his values (e.g. letting his woman get fucked by other men) completely outlandish. He believes that rationality will simply make people adopt his values.

>> No.15334917
File: 39 KB, 731x543, EliezerYudkowskybibleblog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*rewrites your holy book in your path*

>> No.15334950
File: 30 KB, 487x397, yudkowsky obesity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Occasional reminder.

>> No.15334969

Looks like the kind of guy who would build his whole narcissistic identity around being smart. Used to be mensa dorks, now I guess it's silicon valley AI evangelists. Must be nice to just embrace zealotry for a few startups.
Dude looks like shit, if he's so smart why doesn't he rationalize his way into a fucking haircut and making some normal friends, why can't that good brain help him shed a few pounds. Looks like he stinks.

>> No.15335007

What a fucking dork lmao

>> No.15335015

Source on Yud being a cuck? Honestly wouldn't surprise me

>> No.15335057

Is this serious?

>> No.15335072

In fairness, I am not sure you could translate Hebrew poetry in such a way to keep both the meaning and make it sound beautiful.

There have been attempts at a poetic translation:


Also the psalms are commonly given a poetic treatment, though dont know much about that in the english language.

>> No.15335087


Lmao absolutely BTFO

>> No.15335352

The freemason, masoteric text known as king james bible did a poor attempt on this.

>> No.15335369

accelerationism rules.

>> No.15335370

>tfw to intelligent to just eat less

>> No.15335396

Anyone have a counter argument?

>> No.15335513

For what exactly?

>> No.15335624

Imagine writing like this unironically.

>> No.15335768

Is this guy our new Guenon who was the new Stirner? Thank fucking god, getting tired of these Guenon threads.

>> No.15335775

Yudposting comes in waves

>> No.15335789

I just want DFWposting back, desu senpai.

>> No.15335908

He writes it like a fucking fantasy novel, not like a fucking ancient text supposedly given from god. To many literary flourishes that ooze trying to sound aesthetic rather than being descriptive. Evn from an atheist anthropologist lense, its incredibly cringe. It doesnt sound like the book is addressing a bunch of desert dwellers in ancient times. or from a diest perspective, it doesnt impart nearly the magnitude or totality.

>> No.15335911

Is this the jew that /fit/ was roasting a week or two ago?

>> No.15335924

I miss it too man.
4channel really sucks, and there are no other meaningful /lit/ boards.
Wish we'd built the infrastructure to meet up irl back in the day. It would never have worked at the time but maybe now we'd be able to start book clubs or something.

>> No.15336065

No, we're a Talebian board

>> No.15336073

No, we're Epicurians now

>> No.15336237

Oh no we're cringe

>> No.15336304

artificial intelligence/immortality salesmen tend to be the worst of humanity. lots of metaphysical statements hidden behind fake rationality

>> No.15336326

>The freemason, masoteric text known as king james bible did a poor attempt on this.
Do you even have evidence it was created by Masons, or is it just random schizotalk?

>> No.15336339

Seriously, how would you know what kind of expression the original hebrew had on these people, for all you know people are literally translating a texts which is basically poetic and figurative?

>> No.15336350

I can see why its out of print desu:

From the KJV:

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

From A Poet's Bible:

The Lord is my shepherd
and keeps me from wanting
what I can't have

lush green grass is set
around me and crystal water
to graze by

there I revive with my soul
find the way that love makes
for his name and though I pass

through cities of pain, through death's living shadow
I'm not afraid to touch
to know what I am

your shepherd's staff is always there
to keep me calm
in my body

you set a table before me
in the presence of my enemies
you give me grace to speak

to quiet them
to be full with humanness
to be warm in my soul's lightness

to feel contact every day
in my hand and in my belly
love coming down to me

in the air of your name, Lord
in your house
in my life.