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1533359 No.1533359 [Reply] [Original]

My little brother's 11th grade English class finished reading this book a week ago, and he lent it to me because he thought I would like it.

I absolutely loved it. Opinions on Looking for Alaska?

>> No.1533372

I had fallen in love with Alaska by the time she died. It broke my heart when it happened :[

>> No.1533383

This should be required reading for young adults.

>> No.1533388
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Found it.

>> No.1533393


>> No.1533395


>> No.1533400
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>> No.1533414
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>> No.1533415
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I tried reading the author's other novel Will Grayson, Will Grayson. The first chapter consists of the fat gay guy from Mean Girls and the main character's friends attempting to go to a Neutral Milk Hotel concert. Pic related, it was me after reading that.

>> No.1533426

Give Looking for Alaska a shot. I couldn't put it down, and it is definitely not my usual reading material.

>> No.1533433
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>> No.1533440

no you didn't, I found it.

along with russia.

>> No.1533443
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no you didn't..I did, along with Russia

>> No.1533468
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>> No.1533474

It's a nice book and all, but I think your brother might be in a special school if he read it for English class in Grade 11.

>> No.1533484

It does have some rather mature sections that wouldn't really be suitable for middle school kids.


>> No.1533505

So why not Grade 9? But even then I'd say it's more for a regular-level course and not an advanced/honors-level one.
All I'm saying is that by the time you're 16 or 17, this isn't really a book that requires teaching. Or, rather, it isn't one that should.

>> No.1533519


Me too. When I got to the "1 day before" part
it began to click for me when they were drinking and I thought "Oh shit, nonononononono" but sure enough, she went driving anyways.


I felt the same way - hated Will Grayson, Will Grayson. Loved John Green's other books, though.

Read An Abundance of Katherines and Paper Towns, OP. They're just about as good, though Alaska's probably my favorite.

>> No.1533523

High school here starts in the 10th grade.

Hey, I'm not the teacher. I just liked the book, and wanted the opinions of others.

>> No.1533529

Where are you from?

>> No.1533531

When Pudge was telling The Eagle to wait for Alaska to start the meeting, I was almost in tears

>> No.1533533

Calgary, Canada.

>> No.1534959

bump for LFA

>> No.1534998

Have you read The Chocolate War, by Cormier?

It's young adult, but similar themes.

>> No.1535002

I have not. What's it about?

>> No.1535012

I'm 20. Will I still be able to enjoy this book?

>> No.1535020

Op here. I'm almost 20, and I really did enjoy reading it.

>> No.1535050
File: 15 KB, 392x371, You have no idea how fucking long it took me to find this jesus christ I didn't fucking have it and I thought I did why the fuck didn't I have this image cunt balls etc fuck you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. Okay. I had originally decided NOT to read this book, but you're all creaming your pants over it, I will. See, I have an indie kid for a friend and she's really into books like this. I will purchase it for myself and then send it to her so she can read it.

Fucking spoilers, damn it. 4chan always spoils everything for me. Pic related; my face

>> No.1535055

John Green makes good youtube videos.
I've never read anything he's written though and probably never will, mostly because of my aversion to catcher and the rye knockoffs.

Honestly, every book I've ever read that people say 18 year old losers like me can relate too, I cannot relate to. At all.

>> No.1535066

You don't need to relate to it. Just enjoy it.

>> No.1535071

It was ok... kinda got sick of the kids whining though. Waagh my life sucks, she doesn't love me, waagh fucking waagh.

>> No.1535077

It's utter shit and written by a fucking camwhore.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.1535087

You are now aware that the author has a group following him on youtube that call themselves "nerd fighters" or some shit that are basically your average "omg Im such a nerd for the epic win xD" type of person.

God fucking damnit I hate all of you.

>> No.1535098


I looked into that further, and they aren't as you say they are. Their intent is to reduce "world suck", through charities and cool foundations. It's not the "lol im so nerdy :P" you think it is.

But a good book is a good book, regardless of his followers on a website.

>> No.1535103

>I looked into that further, and they aren't as you say they are. Their intent is to reduce "world suck", through charities and cool foundations. It's not the "lol im so nerdy :P" you think it is.

You clearly didn't look close enough.

Cliché ripoff by a camwhore is a cliché ripoff by a camwhore, regardless of posted opinions on an image board.

>> No.1535104


>implying this has anything to do with how good this book is

fuck off faggot

on topic, this was one of my favorite books i read last year. shits amazing

>> No.1535105

>on topic, this was one of my favorite books i read last year. shits amazing

I take it you're some angsty 14 year old then.

Twilight might be just up your alley, then. Just saying.

>> No.1535107

The nerdfighters thing IS the "Lol, I'm so nerdy!" thing.
Who really gives a shit, though? John and Hank Green seem like cool guys, all things considered.

>> No.1535110


i take it you're some mad 22 year old who has no friends and therefore hates reading stories regarding human interaction

kill yourself faggot, no one will miss you

>> No.1535184


lol, this

>> No.1535194

I read this book as a suggestion from my girlfriend, and I was expecting the typical shitty teen drama, and that's what I got. But I thoroughly enjoyed it. The characters were memorable, and the story had many scenes that really stand out to me. Don't read this if you're expecting a fantastic piece of literature, but it's still worth the four hours of reading.

>> No.1535219

I kind of enjoyed it, though I'm a bit sick of.. is there a nickname for that kind of stock character? The beautiful yet remote and mysterious teenage girl who everyone falls in love with, is usually promiscuous and has mental issues, drinks/smokes/takes drugs, fucks up her friends and plays mind games before eventually meeting a sticky end? Seems I've read a lot of stuff with Alaskas in.

>> No.1535220

"I'm such a loser and she's a special snowflake."

There, now you don't have to read this piece of shit.