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15331743 No.15331743 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the best mate, and why is it Flask?

>> No.15331770
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>> No.15331978

wtf Flask is literally the biggest pea brain in the crew

At least Stubb has interesting monologues

>> No.15332254

Flask being a moron is precisely why he's so entertaining. He's an enjoyable retard.

>> No.15332635

Chapter 56: Of the Less Erroneous Pictures of Whales, and the True Pictures of Whaling Scenes

Ishmael then tries to find some acceptable depictions of whales. To his mind, the only pictures that come close are two large French engravings that show the sperm and right whales in action. He wonders why the French have been best able to capture whales and whaling in art, because France is not a whaling nation.

what does it mean

>> No.15332738

For me? It's Stubb

>> No.15332825

Did your copy have a summary of the chapters or something

>> No.15332826

what happened to the general threads?

>> No.15334105

Is this the new /mdg/ thread?

>> No.15334180


>> No.15334204

yes, please, what happened?

>> No.15334526


>> No.15334556

>the scene where they’re chasing the whale and Stubb lights his pipe just before the whale surfaces, then finishes smoking it just as the killing blow is delivered.

>> No.15334600
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Is...is this OK?

>> No.15334760

I haven't read a book in years and for whatever reason I started back up with this one. I'm about halfway through and to be honest with you I get pretty lost often.

I suspect I don't really understand what the fuck I'm meant to be reading.

Do you have any thoughts you could share with me?

>> No.15334788

Flask is good comic relief

>> No.15335016

i feel similarly and i read regularly.

>> No.15335122


It's not the sort of book you can skim. You have to soak it in.

>> No.15335173

einstein did it; pick your vice

>> No.15335191

he could come get this pipe

>> No.15335246

Why Ahab is a tree?

>> No.15335285

What do you mean you don't understand what you're reading? Every chapter has a theme or some narrative development that's made obvious by the title of the chapter.

>> No.15335306

The Whiteness of the Whale is beautiful. I love the comparison of the ghostlyness we see in whiteness to the way a New England horse reacts to smelling a buffalo from Oregon.

>> No.15335576

lol it's Starbuck, realest one around.

Starbuck knows the voyage is doomed and spends the entire book trying to convince Ahab to go home, he even contemplates murdering Ahab so they can go home but his sense of justice and order is so huge that he refuses to follow through. Instead he does his job the best he can until the very end of the book.

Starbuck is ride or die.

>> No.15335723

I wonder if there are people online who could answer all the questions raised by Moby Dick in these threads or if it really is going over everyones head.

>> No.15336045

Universities have been seriously analyzing Moby-Dick for at least 100 years now, I'm sure a lot of our questions have answers. We're just not aware of them.

>> No.15336260

I guess I don't understand why it seems to go from "hey here's a description of all the people I work with" to "here's an entire chapter dedicated to why masthead sitters are great". Are there allegories mixed in, or like is this actually part of the overall book?

>> No.15336266

i dont enjoy most of this book if i'm being honest

>> No.15336375

>I don't understand why it seems to go from "hey here's a description of all the people I work with" to "here's an entire chapter dedicated to why masthead sitters are great".

It's all down to Ishmael. These are the sorts of things that interest him.

>> No.15336483

>supposedly the board's top rated book
>month long read and discuss threads died after a week
>random /fit/ e celeb drama draws in more people
the absolute state of this board

>> No.15336546

what the fuck are you talking about?
also every read along fails here

>> No.15336563

wasn't like that few years ago.

>> No.15336566

blame the election tourists

>> No.15336622

I remember reading War and Peace here with some anons. At that time, the board seemed less populated with these faggots that only post about prostitutes, celebrities and anime. maybe it was the election? don't know.

>> No.15336644

For what it's worth there's still discussion in the Moby Dick readalong discord. less shitposting.

>> No.15336650
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who says it's a failure? is there supposed to be an eternal thread buzzing with meme activity? i wouldve made the general but this thread is already here.

>> No.15336662

but why a discord? That's another thing that i don't understand. The thread is sufficient for a good discussion.

>> No.15336676

dang ol whales are big man tell you what

>> No.15336706

French have been best able to capture God and God in art, because France is not a religious nation.

>> No.15336708

It's because they want to convince you to be a tranny, anon

>> No.15336748

metaphor for cock--it gets lonely on the boat

>> No.15336756

How could a man write such a genius?

>> No.15336764

my boy pip smacking the hell out of that tambourine

>> No.15336815

It's been said again and again: the only time /lit/ likes to discuss a book is when it's to insult it. That's how it's been for about two years or so. The only reason the first thread it bump limit is because there was a guy who came in and started talking shit.

>> No.15336884
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do what you want cuz a pirate is free

>> No.15337969

Case in point

>> No.15337986

When you can understand the world the actions of the characters within make greater sense. In order to truly "live" on the ship you have to understand their thoughts and motivations.

>> No.15338002

Stubb's a legend.

>> No.15338016

Listen to this lecture series in parallel with your reading

>> No.15339545

hi fellas i have a question
does this books have any surrealism or "dreamy" vibes? or is it pretty straightforward?

>> No.15339583

The party chaoter was pretty surreal

>> No.15339630

How obnoxious is it? Is it worth even asking for a link?

>> No.15339636

Do non Americans like Moby Dick?

>> No.15339681

thanks anon, i think i'm finally going to read this

>> No.15339784

canadians too

>> No.15339832


I found the movie on youtube so we don't have to read the book anymore.

>> No.15340101

>no gay sex

>> No.15341047

slow down a bit. moby dick has the reputation as being the kind of thing you read in high school, but it's actually quite dense.

>> No.15342400

Guys it's just a book about a guy trying to shank a whale.
Why is /lit/ so obsessed with it?
Is it because everybody fantasises about bathing in sperm?

>> No.15342446

yes. I'm Australian and I love it