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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 84 KB, 640x640, 71712144_136004021071368_6036885949588776853_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15331205 No.15331205 [Reply] [Original]

So does the "nation of poets" actually have interesting stuff for me to read?

>> No.15331414

ooga booga
where are all the white women at?
muh dick wants for free


>> No.15331490

There's some great poetry about Ilhan Omar's feet

>> No.15331542

"Cagaha Ilhan waa cagaha xornimo
Miyaa wax oo laga maarmo?
Kii anon ka xorreeyo
Niggerka mugdiga ku dhalaalo"

>> No.15331547



t. actually interact with Somalis on a daily basis and the idea that they could have looked like that instead makes me hate Islam even more. It's a very shout-y language.

>> No.15331552


>> No.15331612

To what extent is Somali influenced by Arabic (especially Yemeni Arabic)?

>> No.15331644
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Unironically if they adapted christianity first instead of Islam they would have maybe perfected poetry.

>> No.15331735

There are a lot of Arabic loanwords but said loanwords often have a Somali equivalent. Words with Arabic or Persian origins are often not used in poetry. I don't think the Yemeni dialect specifically has had any major influence on the language but there are quite a few Yemenis in Somalia whose ancestors migrated to the region sometime in 18th century who still speak their variety of the dialect I believe.

>> No.15331847

Somalis are not capable of doing anything productive.

>> No.15331867
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They're good poets tho

>> No.15331931
File: 208 KB, 1075x1572, sultan_olol_dinle_of_somalia_in_italy_during_the_festivities_of_adolf_hitlers_visit_to_rome_1938_a_member_of_a_extinct_somali_empire_the_sultan_made_an_alliance_with_fascist_italy_in_the_1920s_in_exch_17206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Racists ITT don't understand that Somalians and Ethiopians are /ournegros/.

>> No.15331952

Kinda like how all the actual female somalis look more like ninja hippos

>> No.15332061

dat drip

>> No.15332420

If you, oh ‘Aynabo, my fleet and fiery Steed,
Do not grow battle-worn, and slow of foot, and weak;
And if your shining flanks and finely arching neck
Do not grow gaunt and thin as the branch on the toothbrush thorn; (1)
And if your frenzied hooves do not flail through the dead,
The bodies piled as high as ever grew the grass;
And if a man among us can draw the name of peace
Forth from the deepest well where I have flung it down;
And if the strong-limbed spearmen of all the Bahawadleh (2)
Do not now fight in fury and fight unto the death;
And if our enemy’s food is not scant meat alone,
With milk gone from the land, and their camels seized as loot; (3)
And if my dead son, Ali, is not greater in their eyes
Than his craven murderers thought when they stabbed away his life;
And if the sky in future does not its colour change,
Filled with the dust of death, reflecting the flare of the fray;
And if all that I swear does not, as I swear it, come to pass -
Then the warrior son of my father has become a witless fool

>> No.15332431

Yet sometimes there wells up a sap so sweet
That it seems like honey in your mouth.
Side by side the sweet and bitter run
Just as they do, my friends, in me,
As I switch from sweet to bitter
And back to sweet again.
My two hands, right and left, are twins.
One twin gives food to strangers and to guests,
It sustains the weak and guides them.
But the other is a slashing, cutting knife –
As sharp to the taste as myrrh,
As bitter as the aloe.
Do not suppose I am the kind of man
Who walks along one path, and that path only.
I go one way, and seem a reasonable man,
I provoke no one, I have the best of natures –
I go another, and I’m obstinate and bold,
Striking out at others without cause.
Sometimes I seem a learned man of God
Who retreats in ascetic zeal to a seclude sanctuary –
I turn again and I’m a crazy libertine,
Sneakily snatching whatever I can get.
I am counted as one of the elders of the clan,
Esteemed for my wisdom, tact and skill in argument,
But within me there dwells a mere townee, too –
A no-good layabout he is, at that.
I’m a man whose gullet will allow no passage
For food that believers are forbidden to eat,
And yet I’m a pernicious, hardened thief –
The property of even the Prophet himself
Would not be safe from me.
I have my place among the holy saints,
I am one of the foremost of their leaders,
But at times I hold high rank in Satan’s retinue,
And then my lords and masters are the demons.

It’s no good trying to weigh me up –
I can’t be balanced on a pair of scales.
From this day to that my very colour changes –
Nay, I’m a man whose aspect alters
As morning turns to evening
And back once more to morning.
Muslims and infidels – I know their minds
And understand them through and through.
“He’s ours!” the angels of Hell proclaim of me
“No, ours!” the angels of Heaven protest.
I have, then, all these striking qualities
Which no one can ignore –
But who can really know my mind?
Only a grey-head who has lived for many days
And learned to measure what men are worth.
And now, my friends, each man of you –

If either of the paths I follow

Takes your fancy and delights your heart,

Or even if you cannot bear to lose

The entertainment I provide,
Then come to me along the path –
You’re free to make a choice!

>> No.15332439
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I doubt these people are capable of abstract thought.

>> No.15332442

I long for you, as one
Whose ship in summer winds
Is blown adrift and lost,
Longs for land, and finds -
Again the compass tells -
A grey and empty sea.

>> No.15332443

-Anonymous Somali

>> No.15332446

So perfect are her teeth, one might mistake
Their whiteness for the palest inner bark
Cut from a place of Allah’s kindly Grace
Where new rains fell and the ‘galol’ tree flourished, (7)
And fashioned into a vessel, bound around
With pearls, pink-glowing, garnered from Zeilah’s Crimson sea.

>> No.15332451

that’s a pretty shitty parody.

>> No.15332455

I listen to gabays on YouTube even though I don't understand Somali, they sound pretty cool

>> No.15332757

what do they look like

>> No.15332790

oh beautiful bulbous,
protruding like porpoise
physiognomy midget yet courteous
they all look the same
its really quite strange
I wonder if inside their huge heads are big brains

>> No.15332919

Sauce me up bro

>> No.15332928

Somali Milkers

>> No.15332931

t. got mogged by Somali pirate bvlls

>> No.15332942


>> No.15332967

Quoth the nignog, nebermoar

>> No.15332975
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>non literary thread made just to make fun of somalis

>> No.15332980

wtf never expected other somanons around these parts. to be honest, i didnt know other somalis could read

>> No.15332983
File: 10 KB, 160x240, somali.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in Minneapolis which is infested with Somalis. In a way, they're great because they bring every other ethnic group in the area together. White people hate them, hispanics hate them, American blacks hate them, and Asians hate them.

In terms of appearance, they're hideous. Most are tall. Their facial features are revolting. Most wear Somali clothes everywhere instead of normal outfits. Look at this foul specimen in the picture. He isn't an outlier, it's how Somalis actually look.

In addition to their wretched appearance, their stench is overpowering. They contribute nothing to the community. The average Somali is feeble minded and seems to have an IQ that borders on retarded.

In conclusion, they're the worst ethnic group I've dealt with in my entire life.

>> No.15332986

and btw, im saving this post for life

>> No.15333002

i thought wearing your own clothes showed integrity

>> No.15333008

In a bongland city also infested with these fuckers, can confirm all of this.

>> No.15333016

what did God mean by them? christcucks explain this,

>> No.15333032

Their clothes are not aesthetically pleasing. Immigrants from most countries do just fine without wearing their country's native dress everywhere. You don't see Indians wearing saris regularly.

>> No.15333044

translation for the racist fags itt
>the feet of ilhan are the feet of freedom
>could you ever have lived without 'em?
>the one who frees anon from them
>is a fucking glownigger

>> No.15333047

there was an afro country ambassador who showed up to the UN naked just covering his penis with a cap

>> No.15333067

In Sw*den here. (Dw not a swede) Literally even arabs hate em.

>> No.15333073

are you saying the poetry posted in this thread is not actually somali poetry?

>> No.15333087

>Somalis are savages
>Therefore Islam is bad

>> No.15333104

>Muslims are by and large savages
>Therefore Islam is bad


>> No.15333108

Everyone who seethes about Islam on /lit/ is just angry about the fact that the religion is strong whereas Christcuckery is weak.

>> No.15333116

christcucks and mudslimes explain why god made niggers like this? aren't we all equal in his eyes?

>> No.15333141

Honest question - what they do that makes everyone hate them?

>> No.15333211

what do you mean "even" arabs? Arabs are the most racist group that exists. If you want to hear unironic /pol/ level racism you just have to gain the trust of an arab. They have a superiority complex because they believe they are the only ones who figured out metaphysics. You know why they rape? Because a non muslim swede is barely human to them.

>> No.15333230

A thread like this in old /lit/ would have had legit replies with anons talking about poetry, metric and afro movements. But instead is just /pol/tards spewing low IQ posts. It makes me so sad the actual state of /lit/, such a great board single handlely ruined by /pol/

>> No.15333233

>You know why they rape?
you're thinking about afghanis, arabs have one of the lowest rape rates in the world

>> No.15333243
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>A thread like this in old /lit/ would have had legit replies

>> No.15333247

I like multiculturalism and think there's value in diversity, but Somalis have the worst culture on earth.

>> No.15333276

Africans have a rich history of great literature movements and specially specially poetry; going from great afro surrealism to decolonization poetry dealing with identity to beautiful costumbrismo.
But you wouldn't know that, the only thing you know is memeable /pol/ talking points, not a single drop of culture. I dont care about the racism, I just wish you will leave us alone to discuss literature in peace as we used to

>> No.15333286

Not at all, and is not possible to range cultures from best to worst

>> No.15333357

>You don't see Indians wearing saris regularly
Yes you do, have you ever lived anywhere with a high Indian population?

>> No.15333392

You're a stupid nigger and your opinion is just plain wrong, i won't shame you for beeing stupid and uneducated but i recommend you tie a nose and hang yourself.

>> No.15333435

Sure dude, just go back to /pol/
Like is just takes one read into the different studies on history and its paradigms to come to the conclusion that judging cultures by inferior or superior is an amerimutt dumb meme. But yeah you dont read you dont think, you just shitpost and kill the board

>> No.15333472

You're pathetic, i pity you

>> No.15333519

lolno, arabs top the list in several scandi countries. Finland's top 3 is various arab nations.

>> No.15333806

seething softbrain