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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 928 KB, 2576x1528, 2011-02- edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1532966 No.1532966 [Reply] [Original]

This paper is from the 9th grade class I'm a T.A. for. I am seriously worried for the youth of today.

>> No.1532969

So you are still in high school?

>> No.1532970

I am seriously worried for the OP of this thread.

>> No.1532971

I'm a senior, yes.

>> No.1532972

The corrections are just as egregious.

I'd circle both "boring word"s and write "tedious, imprecise phrasing" and hand it back.

>> No.1532976

I think you need to look deep into a mirror.

>> No.1532977

It also doesn't correct "AN I would", "approval ON my book", lack of capital on the b...

>> No.1532986

Do you actually think it's ethically sound to scan this and put it up on 4chan, even though you block out the important information?

Because I don't.

>> No.1532987


This. You can get in a lot of shit for this OP. I would delete this thread. All it takes is one shit-stirring anon to get the EXIF data and then fuck you with it.

>> No.1532991

asl op

>> No.1532994
File: 110 KB, 500x688, laughingelfman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks story and plot are two different things!

>> No.1532995

well at least the kid has taste. I liked the Haunted Mask too.

>> No.1532999

I don't think so. Even if the person found out about me posting this, they would probably not care or at most be slightly offended. Even if they did want to do something, they probably wouldn't know how to anyway.

>> No.1533006

The institution for which you are a T.A. would be deeply interested in this thread, chum.

>> No.1533018

BRB getting EXIF data.

>> No.1533028

are you a fucking retard anon?

go try using a dictionary or glossary of basic literary terms before you talk dumb nigger i suck my dads dick

>> No.1533031

hey idiot


google is hard, faggot

>> No.1533036

Holy, shit they allow kids to read elementary level novels in high school?

Actually, it's more surprising that you still have to do book report projects.

>> No.1533038

>posting a student's work
>posting a student's work to make fun of them

Honestly, if I knew who you were I would report both you and your teacher

>> No.1533044

One questions, is the kid black?

>> No.1533045

>Holy, shit they allow kids
>Holy, shit they
>Holy, shit

>retard detected

>> No.1533049

I would hope they wouldn't be. He's fully covered the student's privacy.

And honestly, it's somewhat banal. There's really no reason to be interested in this over any of the other wood shavings of educational failures circulating around the Internet. This isn't even humorous or particularly egregious (relatively speaking) or anything else that makes these stand out. I just feel sorry for the kid that he's gotten to the 9th grade and he's still reading Goosebumps and talking about them at this level.

>> No.1533053

>3 February 2011
Not American. Surprising.

>> No.1533060

>implying anon

Yeah there's really no difference besides the words used in those two "definitions"

>> No.1533066

OP - my little brother and all his chucklefuck friends are roughly the same age as your student. I agree, youth these days are all retarded. They can't spell and they aren't interested in books.

I mad? No, just disappointed.

>> No.1533069

>No, just arrogant.

>> No.1533078

Yes, he's very arrogant. Why should they care about important things when they can continue vicodin and apathy.

>> No.1533088

OP Here. Just to say one thing, the kid is a girl.

>> No.1533099

You should be ashamed of your gross lack of ethics.

>> No.1533100

i am goin to find her and fuck her

>> No.1533106

>boring word
>approved the paper

This teacher should be shot. She's not helping the problem.

>> No.1533108

English teacher here. I assigned my students a short story project a few days ago. One kid wrote a two page story about nothing. The story starts with a kid breaking his arm (which has nothing to do with the plot), and then it describes for about a page and a quarter (which is like 75% of the story) that the kid's parents aren't home. And then, out of fucking nowhere, he finds a corpse in the garden, "starts flipping out," and his mom gets arrested. And then, the epic masterpiece is concluded with a "THE END."

We're also working on vocabulary, which I am forced to do by the state of Colarado. This involves me sitting around and painfully watching kids misuse words like "alleged" and "conspiracy."

The kicker? This is Honors Freshman English. FUCKING HONORS.

>> No.1533112

It wasn't the teacher, it was the TA (a.k.a. OP).

>> No.1533118

Adjective: Having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.
Yes, because saying that someone not excelling at something you deem to be important makes them worthless is arrogant.
Also, nice false dichotomy.

>> No.1533122

Arrogance is healthy.
And if you don't feel arrogant around people like that, there's something terribly wrong with your self-esteem.

>> No.1533142

stag doesn't know difference between story and plot

typical pleb

>> No.1533144

OP here again. Reading these papers makes me reluctant to want to be an English teacher.

>> No.1533148

This isn't the least bit surprising to me. 14 year old children always have been and always will be this stupid. Besides, unlike OP, he didn't even end any of his sentences with a preposition.

TL;DR you're a useless, arrogant tit.

>> No.1533152



O rly? Is it hard teaching in Danver?

>> No.1533154

OP Here (Again)

I didn't grade the paper. The teacher did. Just thought I'd clear that up. I don't think I've ever graded a paper in that class. I just do filing.

>> No.1533160


>> No.1533169

Writing an absurdist horror story indicates your student is aware of prominent trends in 20th Cent lit which is definitely honors-tier knowledge, y u mad bro?

>> No.1533171

Haha, sorry.

>> No.1533191

>9th grade courses with TAs

The fuck?

>> No.1533196

Like I said, I just do filing.

>> No.1533204

I teach highschool history (11th and 12th grade). I've learned to stop getting so upset a long time ago. It just isn't worth the headache with these kids. You gotta focus on the good ones and do your best with the morons, but be realistic at the same time.

>> No.1533209


Oh, okay. Then you aren't a TA.

1. You're an unethical piece of shit for posting this online. I hope someone realizes that you've done this and that you get fired, because that would be Good.

2. Your teacher doesn't understand how to mark. The sheer number and aggressive nature of the comments mean that:
(1) the student probably won't even read them.
(2) if the student does read them, she will be either too sad or angry to actually academically improve.

For future reference, a teacher should just underline the first few misspelled words and, if there are more, put a note at the end that conveys the message "Edit, you fool".

Also, "boring word"? Jesus fuck. Fucking useless teacher. You mark the most important mistakes, and this one is beyond trivial, and incredibly stupid to point out when the student struggles with, and should focus on, basic issues.

And I don't think "interesting" and "good" are boring words, anyways.

>> No.1533219

Where do you think you are, exactly?

>> No.1533224

I agree with almost all of this.

inb4 samefag. Heaven forbid two anons could agree, faggots.

>> No.1533225

someone morally and intellectually superior to you?

>> No.1533231


>> No.1533233

He asked where, not who.

>> No.1533234
File: 38 KB, 300x300, 1294326109895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw he thinks moral superiority exists and then claims to be an intellectual

>> No.1533236


Where in Colorado do you teach?

>> No.1533242

Smallish town near Canon City.

>> No.1533260


That's your problem them. It isn't that the kids your teaching are retarded, it's because you have a very small sample size.

>> No.1533267

I would know it if a difference existed but it doesn't

>> No.1533276

It's not that small. About 600 kids in the school.

>> No.1533280

That's pretty small, seriously.

My graduating class 10 years ago was 800 people.

>> No.1533281

a plot is the written part of the work

a story extends to unwritten parts

ie: book starts off introducing a 30 year old man who now lives in new york, this is part of plot, the story is what is unwritten but implicit (ie: his 30 years of his life, the new york scene, etc)

why don't you first learn basic literary terms fucking pleb

>> No.1533282
File: 6 KB, 153x207, 1285244210806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America. This is why the rest of the world hates you. Making fun of intellectually disabled kids is fucking pathetic. Your entire country is fucking pathetic. You fail at everything except blowing up sandniggers (and even this is a debatable point).

The sooner China takes over the world the better. I wonder what your 2nd rate shit-tier fuckbubble of a poorly educated shithole country will do when it has no real power. Sell fruit to Mexicans?

>> No.1533286

>claims making fun of intellectual depravity is pathetic
>then uses 'sandniggers' and 'selling fruit to Mexicans' along with making a crass generalization of Americans when the criticism can only be specifically attributed to institution
>retard detected

>> No.1533289

>implying nations have power and that trans-global corporations don't make all of the decisions

>> No.1533290




>> No.1533293

>implying a country's power in the world has anything to do with how well they take care of their citizens
>retard detected

>> No.1533295


>implying your not a dimwit first year undergrad who just read about globalization.

>thinks 'no logo' is a good book

>thinks he knows shit about politics.

>> No.1533310


lol I didn't imply that at all. The implification was that in almost every applicable indice, America still rates extremely low. I was also making the comment that America's decline is amusing, and I welcome it.

I'm sorry that you are clearly mad though.

>> No.1533316

I like the part where my green text actually claimed that you were implying the things you were implying since you said it explicitly, while your green texts are full of ad hom's and nonsensical desperate defenses

let me know when you're not retarded

>> No.1533318

That's not part of the story, that's some made-up stuff.

>> No.1533319

ITT: Education

Its pretty bad in America, but I'm sure other places have similar issues.
Am I the only one who feels like there's no such thing as a "good education", only better or worse.
Even then, it depends entirely on how lucky you are.

>> No.1533321

>implying a nation's decline in those categories have anything to do with the nation's power

if you still say you're not implying it then your video was purposeless to the conversation you replied to

>> No.1533323

kk pleb

>> No.1533326


I'm an American

private school + ivy league college

I'm doing fine

ITT idiots think public education is the only education

>> No.1533329


>I'm fine
>the nation's fine

>> No.1533330

>turns to insults because I won the argument

>> No.1533338


Protip: My use of the word 'power' is not Hobbsian.

A decline and a loss of overall rank is a perfect example of a 'loss of power'.

God damn politics monkeys who think they know about international power because they heard the name 'morgenthau' mentioned in a lecture once.

>> No.1533349

>denies answers while providing no other information despite reputable sources being linked in opposition to some tryhardfailhardtripfag on /lit/
>won argument

>> No.1533366

want to keep your assumptions in your pants? if you're not going to clarify until I point out your obscure rhetoric, you don't get to make assumptions about me just because I pointed out your vague and obscure claim to be inconsistent, which it was, until you clarified it right now

it's nice to get you all riled up so easy though and I can almost see how little you believe yourself to know since you resort to throwing ad hom's, groundless assumptions, and cliche 'herpderp undergrad herd dis in lektur so hiz sayin it'

>> No.1533380

I don't need to provide proof for facts. That's why they're facts.

>> No.1533382

>High school TA
Yeah okay.


Now, I'm just showing the stupidity of this girl. And don't be thinking of her as some some innocent little schoolgirl, she's a typical, big titted, blonde, dumb Southern Californian slut. The other day I saw her wearing a shirt saying "I'm such a Dork". When people mess up simple sentences such as "The book was written by R.L. Stine.", I feel the need to laugh at their stupidity. Maybe when she can learn to not be such an airhead, I won't make fun of her. I just thought /lit/ would have fun mocking idiots and we would all have a good laugh and a good facepalm. But I guess /lit/ is filled with more uptight assholes than I originally assumed.

>> No.1533392


>groundless assumptions
>I call it trolling

Try to separate the personal attacks from the arguments presented. I claimed that America is in decline you tried to call me on this. You failed. Now you shift emphasis away from the arguments at hand and you trying to talk about my insults instead. This is a pretty standard rhetorical ploy. I'm ok with this.

Also Protip: They are not technically ad homs. I didn't say you were wrong because you are a faggot (although this is probably the case). I said you are wrong because you made out that a decline in ranking is not a decline in power. Which is clearly wrong (unless of course you have a Hobbsian conception of power).

Why u mad though? lol

>> No.1533404

>believes facts do not become facts without argumentation and evidence
>HOPELESS retard detected
ignoring all posts coming out of this retard from now on

>> No.1533406


I do not care about whether you graded the paper, you fucking imbecile. Papers are supposed to be PRIVATE. You have violated that privacy by posting this paper online.

(1) You have failed to understand the above point.
(2) You are apparently a misogynist.
(3) And yet you have been put into a position of responsibility. Apparently, despite your significant flaws, you're the cream of the crop at your school.

Look upon these events, world, and despair.

>> No.1533409

>OP claims intellectual superiority
>then says "she's a typical, big titted, blonde, dumb Southern Californian slut."

Who is the airhead here?

>> No.1533424

Try to separate the personal attacks from the arguments presented. I claimed that America is in decline you tried to call me on this. You failed.
>I was in a conversation with someone and I was talking about a Hobbsian power in this conversation
>then you linked herpderp bill maher talking about why American arrogance has become folly due to decline in education/health/etc, which has nothing to do with what I was talking about
>then you completely change topics while adding insults

Now you shift emphasis away from the arguments at hand and you trying to talk about my insults instead. This is a pretty standard rhetorical ploy. I'm ok with this.
>you shift away from original arguments and added insults so that when I address your insults, you can claim I made the shift instead
>standard rhetorical ploy
>I'M fine with this

Also Protip: They are not technically ad homs. I didn't say you were wrong because you are a faggot (although this is probably the case). I said you are wrong because you made out that a decline in ranking is not a decline in power. Which is clearly wrong (unless of course you have a Hobbsian conception of power).
>you made assumptions about my influences and education to support your argument

Why u mad though? lol
>this is just overplayed and old, please try not to be a walking cliche

>> No.1533425

The fuck is a TA?

>> No.1533432

>mfw everyone is underage

Teaching Assistant. TAs grade papers and lead discussion sections. OP is not a TA.

>> No.1533434


It's OK OP we stopped expecting good things from California a loooooooong time ago.

>> No.1533444

The fuck? I haven't had a TA since I was in kindergarden.

>> No.1533449


I might be drunk by now but I still won't fall for that, no sir.

>> No.1533454


>gets owned on 4chan
>talks in greentext instead of stating exactly why I' wrong.

>suggest you go back to my initial post where I say that America is in decline.
>suggest you take the Maher link for what it is. i.e. a convenient summation of America's decline.

Also congrads for talking about ad hom in your post, and then calling me a walking cliche. Nice.

Just admit defeat. Actually don't admit defeat because I want to see how you will spin this one.

>> No.1533460

I'm serious. Fuck, my district must be poor.

>> No.1533473

I don't like when people say general things about people.
There are a lot of people. You're only going to meet a certain number of persons that will matter to you personally in a meaningful way, or at least you will spend a lot of time with them.

Isn't it a good thing that someone somewhere has such a lower bar set for themselves that even the average work for you is considered acceptable by someone you've never met?

Merry go-round.

>> No.1533486





>> No.1533502


What the fuck does truth have to do with ontology?

>> No.1533515

/lit/ - pathetic arguments

>> No.1533518
File: 14 KB, 309x475, 31PT38DH3CL (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lots! Off the top of my head,

(1) If you're a Fregean, the True is an object, just like numbers are objects.

(2) If you're a Russellian of a certain period, there are true facts and false facts. Russell later abandoned this position (that is, he rejected the idea that false facts exist. I am using 'fact' in a technical sense here. And I'm still drunk, so don't count on me for in depth elaboration).

>> No.1533546


That looks like metaontology to me. Impressed you know Frege though.

>> No.1533551

>Impressed you know Frege though.
>this is the poor academic standards of /lit/

>> No.1533565

oh no they dont value what we value they are so dumb

>> No.1533568

>in thread that questions whether American high school students can spell and make basic moral judgments
>correctly states that knowing who Frege was is not at all an achievement

:3. I would blow you, sirrah. Just saying.

>> No.1533572


OP's picture clearly shows that a high school student was not capable of spelling

there's no questioning here

>> No.1533576


You don't know the difference between groups and individuals.

I wouldn't blow you. Just saying.

>> No.1533593

I'll blow everyone ITT

>> No.1533598

you said

>in thread that questions whether American high school students can spell and make basic moral judgments

OP shows that a person cannot spell

the person is an American high school student

American high school students cannot spell, because there has been at least one proven unable to spell

your move

>> No.1533613

>American high school students cannot spell, because there has been at least one proven unable to spell

Let's see how this generalizes.

>Tigers do not have stripes, because I have thrown one tiger into a tub of purple dye, so there has been proven to be one tiger without stripes

If one member of a kind has property ~x, we haven't shown that it's true of the kind that, in general, its members have the property ~x.

You are assuming strict truth conditions. but language isn't like, a Begriffsschrift made in advance of use, man.

>> No.1533629

So I've been lurking on this thread and, I gotta say, I was mildly entertained. Keep it up, fools.

>> No.1533630

None of the kids in your class give a fuck because it's public school and you stop learning things in English class past 6th grade.

>> No.1533632


Protip: You cannot make a generalization from one case. Unless what you are after is a false analogical argument.

Why all the sophistry?

>> No.1533646

let's say some of B is X, and some of B is ~X

two statements are true, that B is X, and B is ~X

so I was half right, but not really half wrong since I knew this but I just didn't include it in my post (ie: I said Americans can't spell, but I didn't also say Americans can spell, both are true inclusively)

>> No.1533650
File: 22 KB, 300x224, carnivale_cms_big1-300x224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All men are three feet tall!

>> No.1533652

Some men are 3 feet tall
Some men are >3 feet tall

two things are true, that men are 3 feet tall, and > 3 feet tall

>> No.1533655


When you say "men are 3 feet tall," it reads like "all men are 3 feet tall." You should be saying, "there are men that are 3 feet tall."

Saying "x are y" denotes a generalization, which is what you were doing.

>> No.1533665

someone needs to learn formal logic

also this thread sucks

>> No.1533666

It is possible to disclose information without violating ethical standards. For example a large part of Freud's teaching materials in lectures and academic papers were constructed from anecdotes of actual patient interactions. If all private information was kept absolutely hidden form public inquest, Freud, as well as numerous other academics and medical practitioners would not have been able to engage in the discourse which spread and cultivated there ideas. There may be different ethical implications in dealing with a minor, but this is ultimately ethical by professional and legal standards that I've encountered, though I'm and expert in this stuff.

>> No.1533674

>and cultivated there ideas
>there ideas

>though I'm and expert in this stuff
>I'm and expert

kk brah

>> No.1533675


I know formal logic. Are you implying that I'm wrong without refuting my argument?