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15328383 No.15328383[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How can you socio-economic your way out of that? You dont need money to think.

>> No.15328403

Implying this isnt tip top new age stoicism


>> No.15328408

Stoicism is retarded though

>> No.15328409

No, as it could potentially be explained by cultural aspects, not biological ones.

>> No.15328412

I mean, they don't have great literature of any kind. That should tell you everything. Probably the shittiest continent for literature.

>> No.15328413

There has been precisely as many brilliant English philosophers as there has been Africans.

>> No.15328420

Thats stupid. There have been plenty of philosophers from countries with garbage anti-intellectual cultures.

>> No.15328424

it comfirms it rather than proving it.

>> No.15328429

St. Augustine

>> No.15328442

Assuming that your assumption of black cultures is true, there could be more specific characteristics that make black cultures and other anti-intellectual cultures differ. You're thinking too broadly.

>> No.15328462
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Camus and Augustine were both Black African Moors. Ypipo just been stealing our history and trying to say that Africans were actually white.

>> No.15328468


>> No.15328479

The list of cultures that have produced great philosophers is fairly short, and they all belong to one of three zones of cultural exchange (Europe, South Asia, East Asia).
You're essentially making claims based on a sample size of three.

>> No.15328483

it shows that you don't know any philosophy outside of intro philo 101 if you bothered to take that even

>> No.15328486
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All people come from Mama Africa so everything starting from Ancient Greeks is African history. Wypipo mad

>> No.15328490

Niggers have lower IQs than apes so yes they don't have the critical thinking skills to form complex thought. They think from passion and envy, "what can I get from whitey? Am I able to steal that TV and run away fast enough? I need to use my dick so I'll rape whitey etc."

>> No.15328496

the Middle East and India should really be different regions imo

>> No.15328510

Middle East isn’t black though. They are Arabs, Turks, and Persian that constituted the Islamic Golden Age. You have have delusion of grandeur and be a WE WAZ to consider them black

>> No.15328524

I was simply referring to the 'south asia' classification there. Culturally, linguistically, ethnically India and the Middle East should be separated, especially back when they were innovative in philosophy.

And it goes back long before the Muslims in that region, all the way to Sumer. Egypt is arguably yet another entirely distinct region, though they're close enough I guess to lump in.

>> No.15328543

Nurture determines intelligence far more than nature.

A black person can grow up in a tribe with no formal education in writing and reading. A black person can also have millionaire parents and get sent to the highest educational institutions in their country.

>> No.15328556

well what did you expect from a hybreed between humans and chimps?

>> No.15328560

I was flippant in saying "Europe". Zoroaster influenced the Mediterranean, Aristotle influenced the Arabs, etc.

>> No.15328719

There's a good paper on this called "Non-Cartesian Sums" by a black philosopher, explaining why blacks dislike philosophy. It's not because it's too intellectual, it's because it's characteristically world-denying and carries an aristocratic naivete that worldly people dislike. A lot of black activists studied philosophy, Martin Luther King studied Hegel. But for black people, whatever stimulation they get from philosophy feeds back into actual engagement with the present world, because educated black people generally see the present state of affairs as a problem that can't be left unattended. Philosophy is an activity that is more inviting to people who don't have pressing worldly matters to attend to. Obviously.

But that's just addressing why less black people enter philosophy than other academic fields. The real answer to your question is probably that your awareness of philosophers concerns philosophers from a long time ago, and regardless of how many black philosophers have happened more recently now that higher education is actually feasible and accessible for blacks, you're probably not going to be aware of them, because I'm suspecting you're not actually that aware of the field. Privately ask yourself if you can actually name 10 active philosophers off the top of your head. I know you can't.

>> No.15328754

>I mean, they don't have great literature of any kind.
Sure they do. I've read plenty of good shit from black authors, it was actually ages before I realized one of my favorite poets was actually black.

Of course you can - and will - arbitrarily deny the merit of any author on account of knowing that they're black, but if someone gave you anonymous writing samples your judgment wouldn't actually follow that pretense.

>> No.15328792

Nature determines intelligence. Twins that are separated from each other at birth always show similar intelligence levels and even personalities

>> No.15328805

Good stuff, every nation has it. But I was talking about GREAT stuff. Does that word mean anything anymore?

>> No.15328806

No, but the existence of white philosophers after Hegel proves white people are genetically stupid.

>> No.15328819

Philosophy is western culture. Other people realized metaphysics was pointless

>> No.15328844

If whites are stupid then that makes negroes lower than a rat's turd.

>> No.15328868

It's not that Black people are any dumber but rather that their thinking is emphasized and distributed differently. They have better motor skills which means more motor neurons than other people. They also are generally better with music and dancing. The African people basically evolved to emphasize social relationships to a greater degree than other people but that isn't anywhere on an IQ test. Things like that are the iq tests have been criticized for leaving out sone of the most important things that we need to be able to do well.

>> No.15328880

Can a nigger write a symphony?

>> No.15328885

This. People need to realize that being able to solve puzzles well isn't everything in life

>> No.15328896

Virtually all popular modern music has roots in African American music culture

>> No.15328908

>popular music
that's pleb shit, though.

>> No.15328909

And popular music is good? I'd like to remind you that most modern rappers and such have their music written by a certain tribe of chosen people and they use computers to sample

>> No.15328912

This is a little questionable. I get that you're saying it to a good cause but it sounds like you yourself don't really believe in equality with blacks. Animals have better motor skills than us. I don't think that's a healthy or accurate characterization of black people, not that they should be characterized at all. They're a genetically heterogenous population with like 30% white genetics on average, which is why make general judgments of any sort against blacks is fucking retarded. I don't mean that out of a general distaste for prejudice and all that, I mean blacks in particular lend themselves the least to generalization, and yet are the main target of generalization. It's insane to me

>> No.15328927

Filtered and schizo

>> No.15328949

Niggerlover and a fag

>> No.15328983

Does the lack of Northern European philosophers prove Northern European people are genetically stupid?
-mediterranean guy 2000 years ago

>> No.15328997

Seems pretty based to me

>> No.15329001

Nah, niggers are peak cringe.

>> No.15329004

So in 2000 years niggers will write something worthwhile? Geez, takes a while for that evolution to work on them

>> No.15329100

> 3 chord progressions repeated over and over(3 in the whole pop music corpus, not even in the same song) + same pentatonic scale over and over for solos (used because negroes are too dumb to play in the actual scale). not to talk about jazz.
> music

music is the mathematics of god , not your negro utterances.

>> No.15329105

on top of that, Sylvia Wynter and Achille Mbembe are both important at least in the critical theory school

>> No.15329221

>Nurture determines intelligence far more than nature.
This is unsubstantiated.

>> No.15329260

Blacks don't prioritize the same things whites do???

>> No.15329276
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Of course they don't.

>> No.15329279

you don't understand how proof works

>> No.15329291

>counterpoint wankery
>enjoyable music to listen to
Must suck hating almost every form of contemporary art media

>> No.15329296

Yeah, obviously. Just look at iq scores and that basically explains it

>> No.15329343

Ok I'll respond to you. This sounds like you follow the philosophy of not observing or speaking of differences between the various races. Realize that just keeping quiet about these things doesn't make us a better society or erase discrimination, because many people who actually harbor such prejudices will not talk about race because it's always a promatic conversation. Lastly the example you gave to rhetorically dispose of my argument was a bad example as humans in general, every race will have more motor neurons than animals. In fact the motor neuron thing is sort of a tradeoff. The more you have, the less strength you'll generally have. Again, you can deny it all you like but blacks have better motor skills than anybody else. That's why young black boys will use moves out on the football field a few grades younger than white kids when comparing. But as I said, it's a tradeoff with strength.

>> No.15329346

>Must suck hating almost every form of contemporary art media
It’s wonderful actually. Nigger music is brain pollution.


>> No.15329367

>highest educational institutions in their country.
educational institutions do not and are not there to make you intelligent

>> No.15329395
File: 62 KB, 630x514, 0*XG93K2wamUPtcVgL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean, they don't have great literature of any kind. That should tell you everything. Probably the shittiest continent for literature.
excuuuussseee meeeee?

>> No.15329399

>People need to realize that being able to solve puzzles well isn't everything in life
Yeah, being able to set up a worthwhile civilization is useful too. *Looks at Africa* Oops..

>> No.15329412


>> No.15329413

if you take the one drop rule seriously then there are some pretty good balck authors like pushkin, gabriel garcia marquez, machado de assis, lima barreto

>> No.15329483

There's a 2000 year difference between Homer and worthwhile Northern European thought.

>> No.15329501

The problem with this is that you are saying that "blacks" ie black people as a whole have better motor skills than other races when the biological variation in people from Africa is actually much greater than the other races because those other races branched out from that first genotype, and so you're kinda mischaracterizing the aptitude of an entire swath of people who are just as genetically different from each other as they are from other races, which I think is a bit ignorant even if there were a proportion of them that demonstrably had better coordination than let's say whites

>> No.15329508

What about Ghana? Didn't Mansa Musa singlehandedly inflate the entire gold market when he went on his pilgrimage across the world?

>> No.15329518

>They have better motor skills which means more motor neurons than other people
>They are generally better with music and dancing
There are a few good arguments in this thread, yours is probably the worst and most overused. You're telling me rap and the blues takes precedence to Classical pieces from Bach/Mozart/Liszt/Vivaldi...? That whatever popular dances blacks do (can't think of any off the top of my head) are more eloquent than ballroom dancing, the Waltz, belly dancing, Flamenco, and more? Also,
>The IQ tests have been criticized for leaving out some of the most important things that we need to be able to do well.
Music particularly has a very strong basis in pattern recognition, mathematics, and memory all of which are tested for in IQ tests. Dancing, while I agree not necessarily based much in IQ, has parts which branch from pattern recognition and again rote memorization. You're also leaving out things like art and literature, which again have strong roots in IQ. If you were to take all of the great artists, writers, musicians, etc., I've no doubt they would score very much so higher on IQ tests than the laymen.

>> No.15329528

No, but present institutions help focus and grow that intelligence. Do you think baby Newton, transported back to bumfuck nowhere Germany in the 6th century B.C would have still invented Calculus?

>> No.15329543

My bad.

>> No.15329605

statistically and genetically they have slower brain connections than white/asian people so pretty much. Dont @ me with your bullshit opinion go look it up

>> No.15329608

I'd argue that since belly dancing originated in Egypt, even if it's not strictly speaking black, you definitely couldn't call it "white" dancing because it doesn't stem from a white culture

>> No.15329630

What's your argument against the complexity of Jazz music, which still has a very strong black presence and has extremely harmonically, melodically, and rhythmically complex, with much of the same timbres and dynamic contrast as the common practice period? People like Mingus, Ellington, Davis, and Coltrane are hard to discount in their contributions to the musical canon and they are all black artists and composers.

>> No.15329642
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so many bitter white bois ITT spouting shit they read in the bell curve.

>> No.15329660

>some nigger who doesnt read
go rob someone to buy crack then complain about how the police wont leave you alone Jamal

>> No.15329671

I suppose this is true, but my other points still stand.
>What's your argument against the complexity of Jazz music
Are you a musician? Jazz is probably one of the worst examples you could give for musical purity. Of course it's contributed to music, although this contribution is primarily to the degradation of musical purity. When I say musical purity, by the way, I'm referring to your idea of extreme harmony, melody, and complexity in rythme. Even so, though, it's still massively out-shined by every single piece of good classical music there is, both is musical purity, emotional conveyance, and contribution to the field. Bach, for one, has been the essence of basically all music that came after him for centuries.

>> No.15329706

Depite only making up only 13% percent of the population of the united states of america blacks account for over 50% percent of all crime in the united states. The average african american iq is 89 which is lower then any other minority even with improved access to education. Africans did not invent the wheel before the Europeans came to Africa. If all blacks were removed from the city of Chicago the rate of violent crimes would drop by 90%

>> No.15329746

Niggers didn't invent improvisation, it's been around for centuries and classical music isn't meant to be played rigidly. Jazz is the lack of typical form and style, but it isn't new to music. Niggers just couldn't understand how to play their instruments correctly but they jammed on them anyway. Just stfu you dumb nigger apologizer

>> No.15329914
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>abloo abloo nigger dis nigger dat

You're mad I'm black, big mad
Anon's mad, he's mad, big sad
Haha, don't care, stay mad

>> No.15329924

I agree with your thoughts on Bach at least, and yes, I've studied at a conservatory, although I wouldn't call myself a musician currently. Still, I think the degradation of musical purity in the way you use it has more to do with the extreme proliferation of hip-hop and rap influences into the modern musical scene, which isn't directly directly tied to jazz. Jazz is still developing as a genre in and of itself, even though its not nearly as prominent as it was. The same can be said of classical music, unfortunately. I think it's important to note that Jazz as a genre is less than a century and a half old, and western classical music is 400+ years old, 600+ if you consider Renaissance music, so it should have more influence and refinement, all else being equal.

>> No.15329945
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>> No.15329951

While I agree that rap and hip-hop is more primarily the contributor of this, and Jazz in and of itself can be enjoyable, in the sense of "music for music's sake", or even music for conveying emotion, classical music is much more proficient regardless. Also, while Classical may be much older than Jazz, it was at it's high point around the elapsed time that Jazz is now, and is undoubtedly much more methodical/transcendental than Jazz.

>> No.15329961

Can you?

>> No.15329967

post your symphony you melanin deficient rat

>> No.15329969


But why

>> No.15329978

Statistically speaking, you probably stole these books. Do you use them for kindling? Or have niggers not invented fire yet?

>> No.15329991

That's rather reductionist, don't you think? Jazz has an extensive vocabulary and is extremely technically challenging to play, it's not just random notes banged out on a keyboard. Besides, if I'm a nigger apologizer than so is every other white person who's appreciated Jazz and white musician who's dedicated years of training to mastering the genre, not to mention rock, soul, funk, and all their derivatives.

>> No.15330008

Personally I don't hate Jazz and I like blues but it's not on par with the complexity of European music

>> No.15330012
File: 800 KB, 1024x614, 1588091985797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lemme just troll this other anon, anon.

youre god damn right I stole them, I paid less than 5 bucks for each of these books off eBay. Except The Elements of Euclid. That was a gift from my dad, you know, one of those things you probably dont have.

Which is sad because statistically speaking I shouldnt have one and you should.

>> No.15330026

I concede. Maybe there are based black men

>> No.15330038

>uses race to discredit someone >>15329642
>race gets used to discredit you
>>abloo abloo nigger dis nigger dat You're mad I'm black, big mad Anon's mad, he's mad, big sad Haha, don't care, stay mad

ok bro. by your logic your mad im white. So either youre wrong or your logics shit.

>> No.15330058

>Niggers just couldn't understand how to play their instruments correctly but they jammed on them anyway


>> No.15330072

>Niggers just couldn't understand how to play their instruments correctly but they jammed on them anyway
