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File: 169 KB, 800x1024, 800px-Caspar_David_Friedrich_-_Wanderer_above_the_sea_of_fog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15328034 No.15328034 [Reply] [Original]

I want to feel like him, any recommendations?

>> No.15328054

go outside

>> No.15328059

Why is this image always associated with books/literature/reading?

>> No.15328060

A topographical map.

>> No.15328069

Travel off the beaten path for a year

>> No.15328070

go jack off

>> No.15328074

It easy to put title graphics in the sky and have contrasting white font on the ground.

>> No.15328081

>there is a highly symbolic fascination for dangerous sports—particularly flying and mountaineering—so as to get as high as possible, the symbolism being to get away from reality, from the earth, from ordinary life.
from The Problem of the Puer Aeternus

>> No.15328084

I forgot to mention, books that make me feel like him

>> No.15328091

It's a paiting from the Romantic period. Arguably one of the most fertile ages in art history.

>> No.15328103

take a hike on this dick

>> No.15328950

The Cantos, by Ezra Pound. Specifically, Canto 1

>> No.15329016
File: 28 KB, 312x400, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you don't. He has no home. It's the worst feeling in the world and you end up anhero or you abandon all hope.
You just want a little taste of freedom but there's no freedom outside the other

>> No.15329029

ascended americoon

>> No.15329046

> He has no home
What the fuck. How do you reached that conclusion?

>> No.15329049

Byron's Manfred is the closest I can think of.

>> No.15329116

>These films were not simply “tensely romantic.” Fanck’s pop-Wagnerian vehicles
for Riefenstahl were no doubt thought of as apolitical when they were made but they
can also be seen in retrospect, as Siegfried Kracauer has argued, as an anthology of
proto-Nazi sentiments. The mountain climbing in Fanck’s pictures was a visually
irresistible metaphor of unlimited aspiration toward the high mystic goal, both
beautiful and terrifying, which was later to become concrete in Führerworship. The
character that Riefenstahl generally played was that of a wild girl who dares to scale
the peak that others, the “valley pigs,” shrink from. Her first role, in the silent The
Holy Mountain (1926), is that of a young dancer named Diotima being wooed by an
ardent climber who converts her to the healthy ecstasies of Alpinism. This character
underwent a progressive aggrandizement. In her first talkie, Avalanche (1930),
Riefenstahl is a mountain-possessed girl in love with a young meteorologist, who
saves him when he is stranded on his storm-wrecked observatory on the peak of
Mont Blanc.
>Riefenstahl herself directed six feature films. Her first, which was released in 1932,
was another mountain film—The Blue Light (Das Blaue Licht). Riefenstahl starred
in it as well, playing a role similar to the ones in Fanck’s films for which she had
been “so widely admired, not least by Adolf Hitler,” but allegorizing the dark themes
of longing, purity, and death that Fanck had treated rather scoutishly.
>The role Riefenstahl devised for herself is of “Junta,” a primitive creature who has a
unique relation to a destructive power. (Only Junta, a ragclad outcast girl of the
village, is able to reach the blue light safely.) She is brought to her death, not by the
impossibility of the goal symbolized by the mountain but by the materialist, prosaic
spirit of envious villagers and the blind rationalism of a well-meaning visitor from the
city. (Junta knows that the blue light is emitted by precious stones; being a creature
of pure spirit, she revels in the jewels’ beauty, indifferent to their material value. But
she falls in love with a vacationing painter and naively confides in him the secret. He
tells the villagers, who scale the mountain, remove the treasure, and sell it; when Junta
starts her ascent at the next full moon, the blue light is no longer there to guide her,
and she falls and dies.)

>> No.15329495


>> No.15329747

holy shit lois

>> No.15329752

Never go on 4chan, youtube, reddit, pornhub, television, comic books, video games, or the like. Then come back in 1 year.

>> No.15329779

Goethe: The Sorrows of Young Werther

>> No.15329832

Read some Robert Service poetry from his time in the Yukon.

>> No.15330250

This but plebs probably won't understand.

>> No.15330269
File: 1.00 MB, 1443x1871, Gerhard_von_Kügelgen_portrait_of_Friedrich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this guy walks up to you in the club and asks to climb a mountain together so he can paint your butt, what do you do?

>> No.15330275


Go hike. Also LSD.

>> No.15330355


>> No.15331475


>> No.15331493
File: 212 KB, 710x888, training for the new alpinism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]