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/lit/ - Literature

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15326599 No.15326599 [Reply] [Original]

sheep portrait edition

>> No.15326664

Where can I get really cheap t-shirts with normal pictures of animals on them? I don't mean drawings or hipster shit, I mean cheap normal t shirts with just pictures of real animals. I want to wear shirts with ducks and things like that (I already got one with deer on it).

I would appreciate any help with ideas. Everywhere I look it's just $20+ custom t shirts.

>> No.15326677
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I should clarify that I don't mind drawings as long as they're nice/realistic drawings, like Audubon's birds. I only don't want goofy hipster or cartoonish drawings.

>> No.15326817

I wake up and want to vomit. Dreams are filled with cynical fantasies: mothers starving their children in lonely homes, men of barbaric temperaments chasing the young and innocent on emptied roads, seas of the deformed staring at me. Reality switches its tides enough for my moods to have whiplash --- laughing to crying to expressionless stares to laughing once more to infinity. No contentment.

>> No.15326824
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i mourn the colors we cannot see. perception, o source of beauty, so pleasant, so flawed

>> No.15326888

based art thou, nightmare bipolar poster.
have you ever thought of the downswings and lowest pits as the payment for experiencing manic states, more electric and upbeat than any normie can live through, a kind of a self-fueled god mode? or are you one of those that hate the mania too?

>> No.15326889

For the vast majority of normal people the “purpose” in life is simply to be happy: to enjoy close friendships, good food and drink, fun activities, a loving partner, etc. Trying to find “purpose” or “meaning” is entirely a cope in response to lacking one the above.

>> No.15326922

>Where can I get really cheap t-shirts with normal pictures of animals on them?
unironically check aliexpress. just select a good pic and choose one of those 6-10$ custom printed tshirts, they're actually great in quality (these ""designer""" 30$ shirts are made there too lol), just check the review pics first.
i recommend splurging an extra buck or two on better shipping so that it arrives in under a month. if the free option is Saver shipping (3-4 weeks) or Standard Shipping/ePacket (2-3) weeks, go for it.
seems like long for a country used to Amazon, but patience is a needed skill anyway.
t. russkie, i think Wish is the burger equivalent with same prices and sellers

>> No.15327088

Giving up false hope feels like splitting the atom. I can finally see the good fight and get off my cross.

>> No.15327147

>was ridiculed and ostracized for years for liking anime and weebshit
>now the entire planet watches anime and walks around in fucking merch hoodies
>was ridiculed and ostracized for using a computer a lot when i was young
>now the entire planet lays around indoors on their laptop or smartphone
>they never apologized for what they did
desu if i had a button that could kill everyone on the planet i might just press it. normalfags don't deserve to eat food and breathe oxygen.

>> No.15327183

Mania is one of the most alleviating affects one could ever have, at least for me. There are certain feelings of disquietude to be had if one is willing to let some thoughts lead to their respective conclusions, but, overall, there is only energetic peace. my soul ready to jump outward towards the world and veering off from the edges of my eyelids

>> No.15327531
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renaissance looking pic, dont you think?

>> No.15327640

Why do Welsh fuck these things? Surely a cow or a mare, while more capable of imprinting their hoofs in your brain with a good kick, are easier to clean and prepare for the boning. Not having to cut big dung stalactites from their rear sounds by itself like a big plus.

>> No.15327700

Go take your revenge then, anon.

>> No.15327725

I love cardinals. we have several cardinal couples hanging out in our back yard this spring. it's a joy to watch them, and hear their songs

>> No.15327731

based pic

>> No.15327748

these digits confirm, you may take your vengeance anon >>15327147

>> No.15327758
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*approaches you*

>> No.15327766

this post could've been made by the local priest fetishist as well as the ornitology anon

>> No.15327787

i had all of these but still felt empty inside.

>> No.15327834

cпacибo мyжик

This looks like exactly what I wanted, after failing to find something LIKE this for ages

>> No.15327851

They're beautiful, I've been trying to learn their calls and talk to them.

>> No.15327865
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бeз б бpaтaн
wherever hipster business fails, some chinese nonames excell. i, for one, am autistically addicted to stupid 1$ patches. i dont even use 90% of them just hoard

>> No.15327954

I'am either finding a virgin wife or not getting one at all.

>> No.15328037

>Go to shit hole nation.
>Pay for child bride.
Problem solved.

>> No.15328262

that's a legitimate requirement.
but only if you are a virgin too. don't expect a modest lady from a respectable family to settle for a piece of used meat.

>> No.15329026
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Books for this feel?

>> No.15329107

Also he better not have ever watched porn. Why would she want a man whose ability to pair bond has been ruined forever?

>> No.15329132

Wondering if I should live in France or Russia. Can't decide. I'm independently wealthy so no need for a job.

>> No.15329190

i wish sincerely i could say Russia, but i'm too honest. you can come to moscow for a visit though, i'll show you around.

>> No.15329202

Maybe this is my newly formed inner weeb speaking, but I would read the fuck out of a novelized version of the SMT/Persona series (but only up to 3)

I'm not as hopeless as I think I am

>> No.15329207

I was thinking a smaller city. Something under 1 million population. I don't really like big cities. Or maybe the countryside and start a homestead.

>> No.15329213

I'm dreading having to look for work in a post-lockdown era and have every single employer at interview ask me: "so what did you do during lockdown?"

I literally have spent most of my time reading, writing and farting into my bed. How do I spin this into something positive and employable?

>> No.15329252
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Every time I think I'm making peace with my life, a new wave of resentment washes over me. I'd walk away from all of it for 50k and a small spread in the middle of nowhere. Not because I hate my family, but because I hate my past and current self.

>> No.15329263

What's wrong with Russia anon?

Post collection

>> No.15329403
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Getting really into internet gossip and drama lately, it's nice.

>> No.15329431

Does the nature refuse to speak with me because i do not enjoy women( as they're forces of nature)?

>> No.15329585

>reread novel manuscript
>very, very much enjoyed it while i was reading
>finish, a little while later
>full of doubt and self hatred
i could do better. my next one will be better. it will be a gemstone.

>> No.15330757
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I forgot today was mothers day, until I realized my mother was crying in her room. I felt terrible about this so I went out on a bicycle ride and collected some wildflowers for her. I rode past a rest stop area on the trail where there were two cars parked. I kept riding and I came upon a mug sitting upright in the path. There was nobody around, and the mug looked really nice and ornate, like a handmade clay mug. The bottom had some etchings about it being artisanal. It had just a little tea left in it. I reasoned that somebody for some reason further up the path had left it there. I reasoned that it might make a nice gift to my mother, but I simultaneously struggled with the notion that I might be stealing the mug. I moved it off the path a few feet into the grass and then got back on my bike and continued riding. I reasoned that if the people who left it there wanted it they would take it. I eventually passed a woman and man coming back the opposite way with two dogs. I figured they might be the owners of the cup. I stopped for awhile once i had gotten past them, and gathered some flowers from a ditch. I waited for awhile then rode back the way I came. I arrived back at the spot I left the mug, and found it still there. The cars were all gone at the rest stop, so I figured the people who owned it must have left. I stuffed it in my pack, took it home, cleaned it, and gave it to my mother with flowers, a handwritten card, and some candy she likes. She was surprised and happy.
I'm not sure if my action was morally justifiable. Did I steal the mug? Am I a bad person?

>> No.15330987


Daily reminders to /lit/:

-that there is no god, and even if there were and he were anything as he is described in any existing tradition, he would be unworthy of worship, so the morally correct course of action is to deny god at all events, even and especially in the case that hell is real because fuck playing by some asshole's rules. And no, your precious theologians do not satisfactorily refute this point.

-that neoliberalism is good and that it is only an infantile American "see, I've read some left-wing political theory! I'm sophisticated!" tendency among /lit/ posters which causes people to think otherwise. Oh no, muh corporations are being all corporation-y and businesses coordinate with government. How malevolent. And no, your precious marxists do not satisfactorily refute this point.

>> No.15331034


I can't think of anything more life fucking than having a fucking child. Spent the afternoon with my in-laws kids who are gonna grow up to be sub=par people at best. 18 years at a minimum to thanklessly raise someone you might end up having no respect at all for is my idea of hell.

>> No.15331042


Hahaha, Holy shit, wanna know how i know you are less than 22 years old and haven't done shit with your life?

>> No.15331058


"The Tuss" is an interesting side project by electronic music artist Richard D James. However, it is also slightly overrated because it only yielded a few tracks and the physical releases are somewhat scarce.

>> No.15331061


I'll have you know I'm 36. Go on giggling, you'll still be wrong about god and wrong about politics.

>> No.15331075

Did you clean it before you gave it back?

As far as your thought of theft its more a morality issue than a legal one. You aren't a bona fide purchaser, but also it was an abandoned cup on the side of the road. If they were to charge you with theft they would not be able to prove intent as you didn't know there was an owner to the cup.

>> No.15331128
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Tugging at my penis, its hard to consider it a foreign sexual object.
The absurdity of the penis strikes me at once, skin wrapped in blood.

The handshake is uniformly seen as normal yet the penis is the bastion of psychoanalysis and politics, even.

A fleeting though, driven by me or an evil spirit.
Figments of incestuous, absurd imagination. Figments of perverted acts of pansexuality.

Are people good at hiding this supremely obscene experience, or is the worst others can think of truly that which could be shown on national television?

I recoil at my illness before moving on. I'm the eternal wanderer passing by thoughts now of Sodom and Gomorrah, then of the garden of Eden.

Is it not language, the supreme conveyor of evil? Instinct quelled, it's deserving of death yet the animal kingdom has the lion mating with his own mother.

I recall my late grandfather watching nature documentaries with me as this obscenity was revealed.

Is the animal or the human the true savage? What goes through the lioness as her son, in heat, seeks the utilisation of her fecundity?

The world is ugly.

>> No.15331138

I hate DnD. Or maybe it's just this group, not sure because it's my first time playing. We're doing it online now because of the rona which is a whole 'nother level of suck. I somehow ended up becoming friends with a group of the nerdiest neckbeards you can imagine. They watch video game speedruns for fun and spend most of their waking hours on reddit. There's one member of this group that has some hard core ADD or ADHD (I don't remember the difference and which he has) and he never takes his meds so he's always very hyper and over the top. He's my favorite because the other three get really frustrated by his antics and I think it's hilarious. I actually have a lot of fun when we get distracted and go on tangents because it's soo bonkers and silly, and the exasperation and frustration of the other three sends me into fits of giggles. But when they start getting really upset and we have to focus and keep "playing" it sucks. The story is so lame and I don't care about it at all. I'm not engaged with the campaign or my character or anyone else's character besides the hyperactive turbo nerd (who's nearing 30 btw) who's character is hilarious. I really just want to hang out with these doofuses and not have to pretend to be into the hole roleplay thing. there's just something soul crushing about trying to play make-pretend when you're rapidly approaching 30....

>> No.15331151

So, I’ve been reading or referring back to Mark Fisher, his lost future thing about how it’s so difficult for artists to create variations of something new—it’s been done, art has been so experimented with, especially writing, there’s only so much to experiment with and it’s been done, the heavy experimenting especially came around in post-modern literature.

So, while we cannot create something “new” particularly, we can cater to the new audience, the audiences of the younger generations (under 25 years of age—children of the 90's and millennials), the "younger" readers we have now. So we’re not inventing anything "new" any more, no matter how much experimenting, but we have to rather build something new for a new audience.

And these generations—they're full of unique boredom, post-post-modern boredom, and these attention spans are so short—they are accustomed to receiving information in little bursts from social media. The Internet has revolutionized writing, and has completely reinvented the mind of the reader. I don’t meet a lot of people of this age who really actually read books for pleasure, but they all read social media. It’s scrolling new content to new content and they’re all little bursts.

We have a generation of people here who really read nothing but non-fiction narratives in short bursts. We are living in an era of non-fiction readers.

And I am doing my best to keep these trends in mind as I’m writing for this new reader, the reader of [my] generation and probably generations to come.

>> No.15331166

Please don't tell me you think birds as small as cardinals can communicate with humans in any meaningful capacity

>> No.15331167

>Did you clean it before you gave it back?
Did you mean before I gave it to my mother? Yes, I did.

I know I didn't really commit a crime I could be prosecuted for, I'm just looking at it to see if I committed an action of loathsome quality. Am I a reprehensible man for my actions of obscuring the location of the mug so that I could feel less guilty about taking it?

>> No.15331173

why give a fuck about writing for these people?

>> No.15331182

im listening to this song on repeat writing the ending to this story in my head. song perfectly gets into the mindset of my main character so its going well and getting me in the right headspace

>> No.15331185

nah man, the mug wasn't wanted and your mother needed the nice gesture it sounds like. always look after the family first and foremost.

>> No.15331203

Because I hope for my work to reach others, essentially, and so should everyone else. Why wouldn't you want your work to reach the younger generations—the people who are going to outlive the boomers and gen Y? The people who are ultimately going to be responsible for the success of your work?
Younger generations aren't reading these days. We have got to propel their interest to keep reading alive and well, anon.

>> No.15331274
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>I was really happy when...
>Something that my friends like about me is...
>I'm proud of...
>My family was happy when I...
>Something that makes me unique is...

I really haven't lived my life

>> No.15331291
File: 259 KB, 661x910, 1607A219-B9A8-4333-8119-E020E0EB44E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mother’s Day was really fun.

Both my sister and I are home for quarantine with mom and dad for the time being. We all got up and made a giant breakfast: pancakes, eggs, bacon, fresh fruit, lox and bages, sautéed veggies, everything. It was really nice outside today, and my mom wanted to get the patio space and yard all ready for the summer, so we cleaned out everything from the shitty New England winter now that it’s warm enough here in eastern MA. We were gonna go for a walk down at some local conservation land with the dog but never got around to it, because we were having fun just finding small projects to finish together. They were like little missions, broken things and dirty things that needed righting, and added to the comfort of the space when righted. I split wood for the bonfire, fixed the leg of a broken patio table with some epoxy and a vice, and I re-fastened my mom’s favorite wind chime to the apple tree out back. Last year it kept coming off because of the wind so I did it right this time. I even re-fitted the drain and un-clogged the debris from the rain barrel she uses for her garden. The funniest part of fixing the rain barrel is that you have to screw the nozzle back on from the inside, but I’m much to big to crawl in and do it myself, so we were laughing because my mom is 4’11 and so small that she did it without a problem. It made me happy to see her happy, because we’d never gotten around to fixing that last year. I climbed up into the rafters of the garage, this old barn that used to store carriages for the town back before cars existed; and is now part of our family property. We had all our patio furniture up there so my sister and I worked together to bring it down so we could set everything up. I cut my finger on the glass but it was t a big deal, and we made a joke of it. It just felt nice working together to make that outdoor space all nice again, to lessen the claustrophobia even if we can’t have guests over or really go anywhere because of the pandemic. The dog was just happy to be out there with us, and as a fragile thirteen year old creature with bad hips, I’m happy that she was there too. It’s so nice out here in this green area of town by the lake. We have space to breathe in a time when breathing is difficult. Dad and I grilled steak and vegetables and we all sat down for a big dinner on our freshly cleaned patio, now with Christmas lights strung up around the rim again. Everyone was so full afterwards that we all went to bed when the dishes were done. I think my favorite thing was my mom thanking me for making the day so nice, and for helping her with all that stuff. Now I’m here in bed, and I’m glad that outdoor space she loves so much is all nice again for the warm weather.

I love my mom, and I feel so lucky to have her. I hope your moms are all doing well too. Happy Mother’s Day /lit/.

>> No.15331319

My relationship with my mother is rocky. I never really knew my father. My brother has extreme anger issues, I haven't seen him in a few years.
its very depressing to read about these nice families where things aren't grim ad deflated of love

>> No.15331338
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Has anyone ever imagined the end of the world as a death-spiral into collective and self-reinforcing depression? I suppose I'm kind of plagiarizing Nietzsche's last-man here, but, his description of the last man is a bit antiquated here.

One of the most obvious manifestations of depression is low fertility. Depression is characterized by sexual dysfunction for one, and has a self-reinforcing effect of "I'm sad so I have low libido, so I have no sex, and having no sex makes me even sadder." Further, depression and the suffering it entails often leads to the choice to not have children in the form of "I suffer in life, why would I want to bring someone new into the world for the same?" Globally, this has a kind of runaway effect. People feel depressed, they have less children, the world becomes an older, sadder, duller, less vital place, where the working population has to do more and more to support an old and retired. That, or the old can simply no longer retire, and thus life takes on the character of a condemnation to eternal work. Many elderly will likely simply choose to take their own lives in such a world. All of these processes self-reinforce, all of them make life sadder and sadder.

I know that betting the entire world on one point of failure (fertility and depression) is asinine, but, it seems like there are so many factors that are only increasing our loneliness, decreasing romance, increasing sexlessness, increasing atomization.

This graph was the germ for this thought. Every method that people meet sexual partners is rapidly nosediving, not even flattening to some asymptote, just careening straight down to zero. If the interpretation to this graph is true, almost 75% of people meet their sex partners online.

But isn't online dating just a fucking wasteland? No one likes it. Average people get almost no interaction which is insanely depressing. Attractive women get fucking flooded with horrendous messages, and all quickly come to hate pretty much every man that even dares say "hi." Every conversation on there is so fucking boring, there is never, ever a spark. Most people, including myself from time to time, just do it to receive a bit of attention and validation.

Isn't our world quickly turning into a sexual wasteland? 1st world fertility rates are already in the 1.4s, which is already lower than replacement. What happens when it starts to crash even harder? What outside force will counteract this?

>> No.15331378

There's a relatively obscure anime / manga that sort of describes what you're saying. I forget what its called but the basic plot is that yeah, people just gave up on propagating the human race, and there's just handful of people in a given region who are mostly old timers living out their final years. The mc is an android girl.

>> No.15331498
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I realized why BAM is so popular and what's in our future from talking to my Greek friend while on shrooms. We were talking about languages and he was saying he liked Mexican Spanish more than Iberian Spanish because of the energy and how it mixes native words into it. It made me realize how Greek is a very 'concrete' language (something he verified) and how there aren't alot of things such as prepositions, etc.

The Greek language is something that arose out of the ruins of the Bronze Age collapse, when the intricate trade system collapsed and the board was 'reshuffled', so to speak.

This Bronze Age thinking, or the emphasis on the concrete and real, is what will eventually free us from the Globohomo. We live in a time of mass illusion, where everything is inflated and distorted (I felt this on an almost metaphysical level while surfing the internet while on the trip). Everything is rife with uncertainty and doubt. See the stock market and the unemployment rate.

Bronze Age thinking is an antidote to the Globohomo because it is all about what is real, and concrete. The Late Bronze Age, with it's intricate systems and relative peace, probably had a lot of similarities to today. When the top heavy system of records fell apart, what was left was the real.

The Greeks emerged as something concrete from the chaos. They were truly an Apollonian force out of a Dionysian era. So too will this new age emerge as something real. We will see which ideas will be tested and what will emerge.

>> No.15331519
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As for me, I'm going to Mexico. Mexico, especially the North, is unclaimed space. There are good aspects and bad aspects to Mexicans that needs to be explored. Mexico has an extremely powerful shadow and there are many more horrible things to come out of there. But where there is shadow there is also light. I want to find the redeemable aspects of my Mother's people and turn it into claimed space, even if it kills me.

>> No.15331576

Of its any consolation, our family was broken for a long time too. Health problems, malpractice, abuse and finger pointing for all of it, we went through that. For a longtime I did not speak to my parents, or my older sister. What changed is that we all wanted something better so badly, and we worked for it. Like I said, I am lucky to have my mother. Things were not always the sunshine and rain barrels that I posted. I hope you’re able to get there too anon. I hear you.

>> No.15331625

Need tog et out, but I need to pay for school, I need to get out but I need to stay, what else can I sacrifice? I've given so much and don't feel entitled to anything, but I'd like to think I can make a decision that won't end in misery for others. Am I allowed to be selfish? Friends and lovers say yes, but I cannot shake the regrets.

>> No.15331680

I just met my half sister and father for the first time in December and I get the sense that they already don't like me. Feels bad Bros

Couldn't connect with them at all. I have so many questions but I can just spam their phones with them now can I?

How can I be so unlikable

>> No.15331696

It's called Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou. Wonderful read.

>> No.15331700

Existence precedes essence.
I am grateful that the breeze shuffles my hair and the sun warms my skin.

I might have a porn-addiction but I also get to be alive. That's great, man.
Take some shrooms.

>> No.15331704

I gotta keep forcing myself to read to fall into it, then after it takes no effort

>> No.15331906

based, but you'll have to be very rich to live there in comfort
i love my country, my culture and my language, even some people, but i despise the ones that run and ruin it
> collection
cant access it right now, maybe some day

>> No.15332750

O, tell me horse poster - why do sheep and horses share the same face?

>> No.15333161
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Work, work, work, work, work.

The more I loathe it, the more it becomeS, the more I pain.

So here I sit, complaining on a Mongolian basket-weaving site, with my canine by my side, actively continuing that circular growth of work which consumes me.

>> No.15333346
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both have rectangular pupils and fluffy foreheads, if you spend enough time with them you'll known WHY exactly sheep stayed that size and shape..
> want to ask horse anon more? sure, but be wary, for one of us always lies and other tells the truth

>> No.15333373

ever since I got out of rehab my depression got a lot worse
at times I feel so scared that I'm afraid I might lose my mind
I'm always very grateful in these rare moments where reading gives me some comfort and consolation
mostly I just want to drink

>> No.15333422
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I dream every night, always have for my whole life but as I get older I find my dreams getting less and less fantastical, more boring and stressful. I've recently been waking up unable to remember them at all, only remembering feelings of fear or with ghost memories of sobbing. As soon as I wake up, I lie in bed and feel like I'm coming down from a panic, relief setting in that the dreams that used to be an escape for me were only dreams and that now I'm awake. The depression I thought I beat a few years ago is back with a vengeance, and the hours and hours laying in bed before I fall asleep are filled with thoughts of opportunities I've missed, regret that I'm where I am, how I've disappointed my dad and didn't turn out like he hoped I would. Intrusive thoughts like beating the shit out of somebody or jumping in front of a bus. I moved out and in with my girlfriend probably 50% just to get away from my hometown and my ex. I miss my friends that moved abroad and my little sisters, I miss college. I can fake positivity and most people think I'm a pretty laid back happy guy, but I miss feeling genuinely positive and optimistic. I'm 28 and have nothing to show for it other than a degree and a retail job that pays barely enough to live on. I actually miss outside pressure forcing me in a direction, like in school as opposed to aimlessly spinning like some fucked compass and not knowing where my life is going. Just offloading guys, feel like pure shit all the time and I'm honestly struggling to motivate myself to eat or do anything.

On a lighter note, the Welsh people being sheep fuckers stems from sheep being the main cattle in Wales and a poor population stealing sheep to live. For a long time, sheep rustling was punishable by death, so if men were caught in the fields at night they would say instead that they were fucking the sheep because they wouldn't be hanged for that.

>> No.15334595
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Anyone have suggestions for what computer to get for college? My price range is like ~$200 at most. I was thinking of just getting a refurbished chromebook, is that enough to get through college?

>> No.15334765

Today for the whole day I have felt like I am dead. I know this feeling all too well but it's still crippling.

>> No.15334988

>post for years about longing for close friends who will live with me and go through life together
>only realize now I’ve been describing a family this whole time
feels bad being a retard. now how do I get a wife??

>> No.15335011

Generally, if you’re not doing Hardware-intensive STEM or visual arts, that should be enough to get you through. As long as it’s relatively fast, should do you fine.

>> No.15335135

>visual arts
shoot. I'm thinking of majoring in creative writing and illustration. Am I gonna need something more powerful?

>> No.15335149

>I'm thinking of majoring in creative writing and illustration
If you’re paying any money for this degree, don’t.

>> No.15335163

I love the world. I love it so deeply and passionately and inwardly. But my love for the world is always mediated by a particular one, the one I project my love of the world unto, the one of my dreams and fantasies. This love for the one is known, in common parlance, as one-itis. It may so be, but my discovery of it being merely derivative of my love for the world might have in store an opening of my path. Who knows.

>> No.15335203

Please refrain from admonishing my educational pursuits

>> No.15335276

No. You’re probably some 18 year old retard that doesn’t understand how shit life can be. It would be wrong not to admonish you.

>> No.15335288

What do you suggest? I get some awful boring cs degree and work IT until i want to kill myself?

>> No.15335464

Get a degree in CS or Engineering of some kind and write in your free time, because you'll end up doing a desk job for some shit IT company or flip burgers anyway.
t. humanities liberal arts grad

>> No.15335583

This. Just get a job that pays well enough to fund your hobbies and lets you take decent time off, then live your life outside of work. CS, engineering and IT are honestly the way.

>> No.15335606

Moscow is bearable because the elite put a lot of money into it to keep the Muscovites happy, but any smaller city (aside of St Petersburg) will be third world tier.

>> No.15336369
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say something nice about him
he chews the lead rope all the time

>> No.15336497

I am ready to become celibate for religious reasons until I meet the woman I will eventually marry. The problem is, I realize that the girl I've been with for the last 5 years is not her, and I feel very little romantically for her anymore. Removing sex from the equation leaves me with a very close friend, which is fine, but there is no easy or fun way to have this conversation.

>> No.15336523

i'm glad you understood it, brother. i hope "religious reasons" would soothe her enough to accept it without misery.

>> No.15336861

In Plato's Symposium, there's the part from Aristophanes, where he talks about how men were gender-less and had 4 legs and 4 hands until the Gods cut them in half in order to let them reproduce and be of more use. That's why the one half is now searching for the other half. Oh yeah, that's love my baby.

The guy pulls stuff out of his ass and saves himself towards the end. It's first like "what the hell are you talking about" and grows to "well, kinda cute."

If I was a girl, I'll give him some pussy based on that story alone.

>> No.15337008
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I was sick for a very long time. As a child I lay on bedrest fighting for my life for many years. Now that I'm grown and healthy and live with the knowledge fo that experience I find myself in deep reflection of it now that the world is in this terrible pandemic quarantine. I remember the stillness, the quiet, and that dreadful feeling of ending my life in the bedroom that I grew up in. Now it feels as if that experience, the essence of that has been unleashed upon the entire world. So now they know, now everyone knows what it's like, and in a terrible way I feel a little more peaceful.

As selfish as I may be, I no longer feel as alone with it.

>> No.15337542

At this point i might as well take off everything im wearing and run across the street. The feeling wouldnt be that different. Im just thinking about ways i could completely erase any trace of myself online and start somewhere else. But its not possible, all my distractions are through the internet so theres no escape. What if this goes on for years i know the kind of deranged minds that are on here. I wouldnt wish this on anyone, but somehow its real. i dont even know what to do, i can never feel safe again

>> No.15337653

I wanna be in norway again. Had such high hopes for the year to come, going to uni, but i shouldve realised from the start i was mentally too unwell to attend any classes succesfuly. This is the last thing i expected to happen. If this would be the end of it i could accept it and focus on other stuff, but nothing has fundamentally changed about the situation so i dont know anymore, im just scared

>> No.15337825

Am i exaggerating, i cant tell. Theyre just small things i keep noticing but its enough to mess up my thoughts and subconscious. And its not just one person, that makes it impossible to trust anyone. I just wanna be able to be myself again, feeling like im actually on my own cause my mind needs that privacy. I havent felt like ive had that in months and its really getting to me. Hope my camera arrives soon so i have a reason to go out on my own

>> No.15337933

This whole year is one big blur to me. Going to school for the last time feels ages ago, and the rest has just been taken up by this, whatever 'this' means at this point. I remember feeling like shit one night sitting on the train back home, typing a message i thought would just vanish into nothing, and now im here. Wtf

>> No.15337973

So there's a small outbreak of corona at the white house and everyone is in quarantine and required to wear face masks. What's the matter trump? I thought you were all about reopening America and saving the fucking economy? Not so fucking die hard now that it's at your front door, are you?

>> No.15338097

people in position of power are cowards when their own well being is in danger

I should be thinking about this one more often, every time a politician talks

>> No.15338229

It's alright, he's already been vaccinated for it.

>> No.15338340

Last night I watched a lecture about Locke while being half asleep. I didn't think about it all day, but now the thought popped up in my head, how an officer in the army can send a solider to his death, but he's not allowed to touch his material goods.

I wonder how many thoughts I have where I don't know the source and sell them as mine. Maybe Goethe is right when he said that he doesn't know anymore who wrote what in his work, he or Schiller. It's a mixed bag.

Shouldn't it be more liberating knowing that my thoughts aren't really mine. I mean, not in a way where I'd run from responsibility, but just to chill the fuck out when I'm sharing them, without taking things too personal.

>> No.15338668

Reading Longfellow's poem "Milton"

I pace the sounding sea-beach and behold
How the voluminous billows roll and run,
Upheaving and subsiding, while the sun
Shines through their sheeted emerald far unrolled,
And the ninth wave, slow gathering fold by fold
All its loose-flowing garments into one,
Plunges upon the shore, and floods the dun
Pale reach of sands, and changes them to gold.
So in majestic cadence rise and fall
The mighty undulations of thy song,
O sightless bard, England's Mæonides!
And ever and anon, high over all
Uplifted, a ninth wave superb and strong,
Floods all the soul with its melodious seas.

>> No.15339478

I'm actually going to fucking do it. Tonight. I can't stand this bullshit anymore.

>> No.15339935
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Could you drop everything right now and simply walk away?

>> No.15340250

I'm annoyed by how scarce my options feel for gathering a readership for my stories. Most sites for uploading are saturated with genre fiction or YA grime and I don't want to compromise my own ambitions to have a wider appeal. Another issue is I want to write with understatement while keeping things poignant, and that alone has such a high potential to be painfully boring. I don't feel overly ambitious but I do think I've cut a strange niche for myself and the only way out would be the literary equivalent of sawing off limbs. But you have to start somewhere, right?

>> No.15340408
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How the hell do you cast aside your pride and worries and reach out to someone? A certain someone who you've talked to for a couple years now and hardly know, mind you. Why even bother? They're on my mind, and it's all escapism from my dull life. Just fuck my shit up. I'm going to read a book.

>> No.15340444

I started publishing a web novel because I thought it would motivate me to write more but I’m jus really stressed instead. It takes me quite a lot of time to plan, write, and edit a chapter and then when I finally get it published I have to immediately start on the next. I try to do things properly instead of just writing one draft and saying fuck it, but it’s so slow. I get a 3000ish word chapter out every two weeks, which feels slow as fuck when some people publish long chapters every day. How do I write faster lads??

>> No.15340468

I should add, the worst part is I don’t think the chapters I end up with are even any good. It’s difficult because everything that’s published becomes immutable, you just have to work with it.

Maybe for my next novel I’ll write out the first part in whole before starting to serialize it.

>> No.15341432

stream it

>> No.15341472

How does Whitehead define society?

>> No.15341737

Not him but are you saying neoliberalism is good simply because it is inevitable and the natural state of affairs? Or that its consequences are also "good? Or simply that it is morally permissIble?

>> No.15341799

god there's no fucking escape from you people even on a literature board, I can't go an hour online without hearing about Trump no wonder all his faggot supporters say "rent free" - they're right

>> No.15341839

Personal improvement and introspection? What kind of jobs are you looking at, I'd assume most academically oriented ones would see reading as a good thing?

>> No.15341845

Unrelated, how is your mum? How are you? Quarantine is difficult on families and I hope you are both well

>> No.15341855

Not all children are thankless, just Amerifags. I get it though, sometimes I worry about it too (but visions of muh comfy homestead gets me through)

>> No.15341859

That's really shitty dude, I'm sorry you have to play with them. Honestly it's quite a nourishing experience if you play with people who aren't like that, but it's hard to find

>> No.15341892

My boyfriend introduced me to lit and I really enjoy some of the threads here (like this one! I hope all of you have a good day!) but there seems to be seething threads so often, idk it kinda sucks, I just wanted to talk about books with people

>> No.15342622

So ive got this friend whos doing pretty well for himself. He drives around in an expensive car and came to pick me up to drive around town one day. He started telling me about his work, hes a manager at a spa and wellness center, one of the most well known ones in the country. At a certain point it got to his issues surrounding self esteem and having to deal with people insulting him and his company. From the way he spoke i could tell hes someone who really cares about people so i obviously felt bad for him. By the end of this conversation, after he parked the car i just wanted to reach over and give him a hug cause it really seemed like he needed one, tell him itll be alright and he deserves to be where he is. Instead i just got out and went home. I shouldnt have done that, such a sweet guy

>> No.15342916
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Does it feel like summer for you yet?

>> No.15343074

What's the point? Life is never going to live up to fantasy. How can I enjoy what's out there when none of it comes close to what's inside my mind?

>> No.15343505

There is no point. There is no logical reason to not kill yourself.

>> No.15343508

>The more time Alkan spent time looking in the fathomless pit of his inner being, the more repulsed and ashamed felt, as he saw in full view a mere puppet blinded by passions and instincts. Vanished all illusion of freedom and grandeur, replaced by the pain of being devoured by a never-ending sea of flames, an eternal return of pleasure and pain that was leading to a state of decay. A lustful temple of rotten flesh and decadent desires.

>> No.15343678

How is epistemology not the most important branch of philosophy? In order to know things from the other branches of philosophy shouldn't we first know what it means to know?

>> No.15343826
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The prevailing ideologies are overripe with lies.

>> No.15343890

But it's a fairly widespread opinion among philosophers that epistemology is important. The problem with taking such foundationalist views such that epistemology is the prior condition for the rest of any philosophy is there that the premise assumes the conclusion. How can you begin to know what knowing is without first knowing what it is to know? The problem is lessened by adopting a multipolar, anti-foundationalist stance. The more terms you allow into the definition the fewer assumptions you place on any one term. In other words, every area of metaphysics must be taken as a first-order definitional category for the whole of it to make sense. For instance you could just as easily accord first-order importance to the philosophy of mind, because knowing is a mental predicate.

>> No.15344010

Well said, anon.

>> No.15344013

I arrived at a different conclusion. Putting in the minimal required effort to survive combined with escapism seems to be the answer to me.

>> No.15344024

Cringe but redpilled.

>> No.15344065
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you are using language as if it is suffice as rigorous undertaking like some shitty hot take hurr durr muh literature best media ever kino is shitt for low iq mongoloid lmao

shtu up shut upp shut tthe fkuc shut the fuck up you retard dumbfuck you dont know what youre talking about have some nuance fuck

>> No.15344193

It sounds like you're saying because you can never solve epistemology you must create circular reasoning.

>> No.15344544

Am I just a pseud or is philosophy massively overrated and retarded? It's literally just a bunch of technicalities and language games where people construct huge frameworks to justify what are basically just their opinions built on intuition.

>> No.15344816

All these philosophers saying how their philosophy gives happiness or meaning to life annoys me. First you must justify why we need happiness or why life should be given meaning to. I'm skeptical that happiness or meaning in life is necessary to live as plenty have lived without it. There's no such thing as implicit value in happiness or meaning for living. It's not a matter of need then. So you're philosophy is uneccessary, and it can be discarded.

>> No.15345069


>> No.15345087

you've swallowed the final pill. thats exactly what it is.
in ancient times, before books, vidya and 4channel, it was a pretty splid hobby for a man, just to fuck around and work out the brain. in fact, it was almost ironical, like proto-shitposts.
the 17-18th century shit is just a masturbatory useless subject for ugly betas to feel superior.

>> No.15345092

I'm pretty sure I suffer from irony poisoning but I'm not certain.

>> No.15345107

I'm reading Plato right now and I'm laughing my ass off at least half of the time.

>> No.15345146

>Well, do you think this proposition is true?
>Then you must also agree with this one.

>Can you answer me this question?
>It is to you I came to seek wisdom. I do not know the answer.

>> No.15345155


>> No.15345505

>Am I just a pseud

>> No.15345510

Aristotle is more important in today's age.

>> No.15345609

You are a pseud. There are many, many philosophers who avoid intuition/opinion to the point of absurdity. Also, in critiquing the relationship between certain language and intuition, you have yourself made an implicit philosophical claim. Have fun chief, the ride never ends.

>> No.15345692

Why doesn't Wittgenstein, Russel, etc. say all thinking is nonsense, because isn't thinking not the sense we experience itself but an attempt to explain the sense?

>> No.15346096
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get the cheapest used dell with i5/i7 or new asus/lenovo with i5 gen 8/10, as long as you can get full hd screen and decent cpu with windows you can live for few years, chromebook is trash and you should feel bad even thinking about buying it

>> No.15346181

Cry moar little sissy boy

>> No.15346213

Alexander Herzen, for someone who has read Hegel excessively, is surprisingly a clear writer.

>> No.15346341
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>> No.15346638

Can someone tell me which book of Jack London is his autobiographical one about gold prospecting? The one that inspired Kerouac.

I've read Martin Eden, and I'm about to read The People of the Abyss, but I think there's another one I'm missing, or do I think about biography that is written by another author (after his death).

>> No.15346770

I might be searching for The Road. Premise seems interesting.

>> No.15346863 [DELETED] 

I lay here on my sheetless mattress waiting for the hours to budge. I have to pray in fifteen minutes and then start a video call. I’d prefer to just relax after my prayer, I don’t want to see these people though I have nothing against them, they are pretty nice. But when my days move so sluggishly I can’t help feeling so removed from everyone. I don’t want to do the slightest thing. I could be a ladybug squashed underneath a kitten’s paw and would enjoy my fate more than one where I have to be productive.

>> No.15346902 [DELETED] 

I would rather be a ladybug squashed underneath a kitten’s paw than go another minute adhering to obligations.

>> No.15346981

I lay here on my sheetless mattress waiting for the hours to budge. I have to pray in
fifteen minutes and then start a video call. I’d prefer to just relax after my prayer, I don’t want to
see these people though I have nothing against them, they are pretty nice. But when my days
move sluggishly I can’t help feeling so removed from everybody. I don’t want to do the slightest
thing. I would rather be a ladybug squashed underneath a kitten’s paw than go another minute
adhering to obligations

>> No.15347066
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I am starting to think that I might be either trans or AGP.

>> No.15347070

How gay would it be to ask the local LGBT bookstore if they needed any help?

>> No.15347507

Delete this

>> No.15347608

They force you to have gay sex as part of the interview process so probably

>> No.15348203

Finally, I'll get some action.

>> No.15348216

Quarantine is makes lots of people realize what it's like when we lose our Being-For-Others as Sartre puts it. It's beautiful and frightening at the same time. Beautiful because we are more free than ever. Frightening because we see that our freedom is nothing. We see that we want to be imposed by others. We experience our nothingness, not completely, but more than at other times. Some people are used to it, the NEETs and hikkis out there, but how many of them are happy? Me as a one year NEET is not affected by it too much however it's weird. It makes you see that 'contributing to society' is not a joke. And you see that you are disposable.

>> No.15348327

Who is the real you though, the intellectual 'I' which thinks you are trans, or the carnal 'I' which is trans?

>> No.15348546

Is this just a primal feeling, or is there a reason that you can articulate?

>> No.15348740
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>Is this just a primal feeling
I think this would be the best term for it, yes.
>carnal 'I' which is trans
It mostly comes when I am aroused, so probably this.

>> No.15349356
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>tfw no MILF gf like this that waits for me to eat my nuggies

>> No.15349618

Why does this board in particular attract such awful people? I can at least imagine having a pleasant meeting IRL with people from other boards, but not here. 90% of this board is full of the most repugnant people. I guess that tosses the theory that literature makes you a better person.

>> No.15349646

Sounds like you don't like honesty. People in other boards usually larp to avoid rejection.

>> No.15349665

It's exactly this, this inflated self-regard and total lack of humility. You're not honest, you just assume a superior attitude

>> No.15349668

I hate, maybe it's jut resent, my wife but I'm too proud to divorce.

>> No.15349686

I think people here are just better at being complete assholes using writing because of higher verbal IQ. Most of the other boards just call each other retarded faggots

>> No.15349844

I fucking hate cars and cities/towns designed around cars FUCK CARS FUCK THE AUTO INDUSTRY

>> No.15349924

beg mummy and daddy to get you a mac book like every single other college baby

>> No.15349969
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NEETing it up because of the quarantine, decided to create a "class schedule" for self-study. My old approach is getting interested in subject, maniacally studying for a couple days, burning out, then forgetting it all... Long-term results seem to come more from consistency, even if it's only for an hour a day... with a routine and all. Oh and lingua latina is an amazing book. Becoming an autist languagefag seems perfect for a midwit like myself.

Me too. I envy clean nippon streets, comfy and small. Car-centric urban planning has led to a desert of parking-lots and big-box stores as far as the eye can see. Nauseating. I remember reading a blog post some time ago basically shitting on car-centric urban planning... Anyone know of it?

>> No.15350392

Same, it's been really bad recently

>> No.15350633

based and hobopilled

>> No.15350698
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I can tell you that things over here aren't that bad. The south has the whole ancient Aztec spirit impregnated in the people, from the food to their attitude in certain aspects. We are sort of like the cowboy drunken bastards of the country. I guess the Americans who know more about this are either from Arizona or Texas.
t. Northern Mex

>> No.15350714

Just masturbated with my eyes open staring at the ceiling, thinking of this ugly as sin girl with a tight bod who once forced herself on me and stuck her tongue halfway down my throat.

>> No.15350745

As much as I hate this city, LA being a more car-reliant city than any in the US, with extremely low use of public transit relative to the East Coast, is probably what's made the spread of the virus here far less severe than expected. People were thinking we'd have it as bad as NYC eventually. I hope remote work lasts as long as possible because commuting in the traffic here is absolute hell.

>> No.15350764

Do you live in the West? I don't see any significant stigma against men who are divorced. Living your life with a woman you hate is like dying a slow death. You're trading a happier life away for some distorted idea related to your ego that doesn't really exist irl as far as I can tell.

>> No.15351032

I'm not crying I just hate American politics and want to fall head-first onto an ice pick everytime people talk about it. Yes I'm seething/triggered whatever you faggots want to call it.

>> No.15351045

Been making more efforts over the past year to get my first gf. Things are going well so far with the girl I’m talking to now. Wish me luck bros

>> No.15351273

Unironically yes, except pursue and make use of your interest in literature and art outside of work. Being financially stable will allow you to at least live a more fulfilling life while affording you the time and comfort to engage in other hobbies. Otherwise you will become disillusioned with academia and then struggle to find an actual job, and then realize the posters on this thread were right. I wish I realized sooner.
(t. another liberal arts grad)

>> No.15351285

this anorexic bitch died in ~2017, didnt she

>> No.15351311

I wrote like 5 paragraphs here about how fucked in the head I am and how despite my best intentions I only destroy and poison people with my neurotic tendencies but then I realized there was no point. I am alone tonight after systematically pushing every single person out of my life in a calculated unconscious manner. I had a sudden realization that I don't think I'll ever be content, and I will always sabotage myself. Even typing this feels so melodramatic and obnoxious. Nobody cares and I only have myself to blame for that.

>> No.15351312

I wish i'd be a different person.

>> No.15351365

did she change a lot after you guys got married?

>> No.15351373

I hate being single, I need to learn how to be alone

>> No.15351389

I'm just going to ask this here. Are there any good websites where you can just share writing and shit? I know about the mainstream ones like wattpad and inkitt but I have no idea if they're any good of if there's better ones out there. I'm not trying to get my shitty writing published or anything; I just think the practice would be better if I was posting this shit online consistently.

>> No.15351518

I'm back here for the first time in almost two years, maybe more. Coming back feels something like slinking into that old neighborhood bar you hounded back in your wilder days, just to drop in and see who's still lingering around in that past life, maybe revel in a few stories again and what-happened-to-thems. Whatever familiar, mostly forgotten face you might find is now older and softer, gray and shriveled. And also with you.

In some ways, nothing is different: the same sticky (remember when that first came up? I do, to no one in particular, the wistful old timer recalls), the same tired dozen books in rotation, the same generals, and so on. Same as it ever was, though, in this deep sameness, perhaps no one here is anyone I've ever known. Sameness carried through like a tribe's oral history, generation by generation preserve a tradition without the directness of knowing it. Perhaps not a single one I've ever met before. The history is fuckall to them or me, but the dull, sturdy charm and utility of the /lit/ ethos and culture lives on. /lit/ is the Argo, and I was its plank once, like you are now. Planks wear out, rot, weigh down, waterlog, barnacle up, unhinge, float away, sink/drift/crumble. Pardon the indulgence.

We mainly come back to remember why we left. No anger, or sadness, or anything emotionally deep at all really. We came here out of boredom, and for the same reason we left. I'd like to close my tab.

>> No.15351731

/lit/ is a gay orgy where one by one the faggots leave and are replaced by equally gay faggots until the orgy is made up of completely different group of fags than who were there at the beginning

>> No.15351916

Humility is tough to learn, and harder to implement as part of your being You are not alone in your current state, a lot of people have or will be coming to this realization, particularly at the moment.

>> No.15352003

Do you have to read all of Plato before jumping into Aristotle? I'm trying to understand Aristotle before MacIntyre.

>> No.15352127 [DELETED] 

I'd go for Lee as essential before McIntyre

>> No.15352131

>I'd go for Lee as essential before McIntyre
forgot link

>> No.15352850

I’m relatively fortunate so I really shouldn’t complain but I just honestly hate my career field so much. I wish I could just start over.

>> No.15352854

Feelin' fine.

>> No.15352993

Two weeks without dairy products have done more for my adult acne than all the dermatologist visits and skin medications combined. At this rate in a couple weeks I’ll have pristine skin, well other than the scarring. Wish someone had mentioned that acne could be caused by food sensitivities, I don’t, five years ago? I’ve been on a complicated skin care routine and doing shit like changing my pillow case every other day, and it didn’t do shit compared to just not drinking milk or eating cheese.

Are doctors, dare I say, a meme?

>> No.15353090

>Are doctors, dare I say, a meme?
Yes, definitely. I have skin problems and every time I see a doctor they tell me the most basic advice like “use lotion” and then tell me to come back in 3 months because it’s crucial to my health.

Have you noticed other benefits than just clearing up your acne?

>> No.15353379

vitamin c worked for me

>> No.15353636

I've cleaned it out time and time again, and yet still they come. I know where they sleep but there are so many of them. If I don't do something soon it'll be too late surely....

>> No.15354102

Hope you are not talking 'bout jews, are you?

>> No.15354252
File: 123 KB, 640x960, Jellyfish7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regular people still don't watch anime. If I saw somebody with anime merch I would view it in the same category as cat ears. A person to stay away from.

>> No.15354279

You sound like a pretentious faggot I'll watch anime if I want too you nigger

>> No.15354382

I hate college and I hate engineering. I hope selling my soul for money will be worth it in the end.

>> No.15354436
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rode in the field 3 times today, now i'll eat a chicken leg with a fried egg and vegs while reading Once and future king, it's comfy, i'm likely falling down the sci-fi+fantasy pothole.
feels gud

>> No.15354730

is twitter a worthwhile medium? im inclined to think not.

>> No.15354737

No anon, something much worse. They leave themselves all over, and traps are built in seconds after I tear them down. They are coming and they will find me.

>> No.15355162

I'm watching a fan edit of Naruto. It's actually a decent show without the filler.

>> No.15355394

Life is a war. A war that ends when you meet death. It is you against life and you're fighting for happiness. If you die happy and content then you have won. If you die miserable and hollow then you have lost. Life attacks you in many ways. It is a constant struggle. A battle may be a school exam that you have to pass or perhaps, a sickness you have to beat. But, it can also be that your mother has died or you and your wife had a divorce. If you get through them then you have won the battle but, there always more to come until the day you day. When you feel triumphant, happy and you think this life is worth fighting for. Be prepared for there is more.

>> No.15355856
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>We ought to dance with rapture that we should be alive and in the flesh, and part of the living, incarnate cosmos.
--dh lawrence

>> No.15355947


All things mentioned are conditional. Believing that a partner, food and 'friends' make you happy is naive.

Juggling all those relationships and playing into the mind-games of others is exhausting.

>> No.15355984

lmao. imagine being a lactoselet. i eat my bodyweight in dairy and have perfectly clear skin. you are genetically inferior to me.
based and /n/pilled. cager holocaust soon.

>> No.15356012

I'm sure you guys have normie family members, so this is my question, How is your relationship with them?

>> No.15356018

America and Americans suck

>> No.15356209

I'm supposed to write a thesis and I haven't the faintest idea what I'm doing half the time. I quote some fuckers here and there but then I have to extrapolate things from what I quoted but the quote itself already explains it pretty well so it ends up as useless repetition. Then I have to somehow tie it to the other shit I quoted. What the fuck do they want me to do?

>> No.15357179

Here I am sitting alone as usual, typing in goblin posture, listening to birds and marinating in a bluish light. I was craving sugar cookies earlier so now I have to make them. I feel lazy but I definitely want to gorge myself with butter. In all honesty it’s the clean up that’s so damn excruciating, I’m sure most people would agree but I don’t see anyone solving the issue. My dandruff is becoming a fact of life, it avalanches from my forehead and clutters my glasses to the point of true insanity. It’s my own fault I could’ve been bought some conditioner but I spend money on used poetry books rather than hygiene. That sounds pretentious but it’s really just an unattractive truth, you know my mom says just to use the body wash? Girl, what!

>> No.15357304

>Are doctors, dare I say, a meme?

They certainly are for skin difficulties. Dermatology is just an area we really don't know a lot about, because every single person's skin seems to react slightly differently to different things. Most dermatology is guess work, and then most GPs arent' dermatologists, so you end up with a lot of bunk advice.

I'm glad you figured out the dairy thing though, it really does make a difference. I cut out all dairy and sugar (as much as I realistically could, sugar is in everything) and my skin began to clear up. Haven't had dairy in maybe 3 or 4 years, and I don't miss it. I have sugary things now and then as a treat and my skin seems to be able to handle it now. The one thing that still fucks me over though is sodium - chips and other junk foods will usually cause an outbreak, so I avoid those too now.

The funny thing is that my struggles with acne have led me to live a far far healthier lifestyle than I would have pursued otherwise. I hate my acne so fucking much that it is genuinely enough motivation to maintain a disciplined healthy lifestyle. To me, if eating one burger means getting pimples, I will happily avoid the burger. It's a sort of vanity, I suppose, but a good one. My skin has been great for almost 2 years now, and I only tend to get break outs during stressful periods these days (which is normal for a lot of people) and even these are less severe than they used to be.

Godspeed on your journey, anon.

>> No.15357369

How do I get past my crippling fear of committing words to the page? The moment I write an idea down in its fleshed-out, first draft form, the mental impression it creates permanently colours any future edits and my opinion on that idea. And because my first drafts are invariably mediocre, my ability to evaluate any subsequent changes I try to make is eclipsed by that first initial impression. So I end up paralysed and unable to write out of fear of not being able to do my ideas justice. Plot, characterisation, thematics, I'm confident about them all, but when it comes to actually crafting them into prose and dialogue I find myself incapable of moving forwards or end up writing one sentence then deleting and re-wording it over and over again until words and syntax no longer hold any meaning I've been staring at them for so long. Having executive dysfunction as a part of dyspraxia probably doesn't help. What do I do?

>> No.15357823

I’ve been meditating on the spirit of our times and how to use it. Until I knew just how it worked my writing was so antiquated. I think many writers struggle with discovering their contemporary self, especially if they prefer the classics. The most reasonable approach ought to include a synthesis of knowledge from the past with present situations. Otherwise you end up sounding out of touch instead of witty as I’m sure most of us like to seem with all our knowledge of the ancient days. The unfortunate reality for many nascent poets is that they will have to read the poets of their time. Yes I know that everything recent is garbage and will never top Romanticism or what have you but it’s necessary to write anything of value. No one wants to read what they can get from centuries ago but better, if you don’t accept this you will never grow your art.

>> No.15358217

The anime-tranny pipeline is real. Dilate bitch

>> No.15358876

You act. That's the only solution. What other form could you imagine an answer taking? Even asking your question served solely as a means of avoiding action. Don't muddy things. Either you do or you don't, and if you don't, that's a choice that you yourself made, and none of us on an anonymous imageboard can change that. So then stop choosing inaction. Go and write.

>> No.15359019
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i would like to be selfish for a little while but i need to be there for others instead. sometimes you have to neglect yourself to save someone else.

>> No.15359049

I wish the thrift stores would reopen so I can purge my shelves of unneeded books and buy more to replace them

>> No.15359071

Ok, I think this yeast infection is getting a little out of control

>> No.15359130

I realize all these years, despite getting countless (you)s I've just been taking to myself, or to a wall. It's all so pointless isn't it? 4chan, Twitter, Reddit... All these "communities". At the end of the day the majority of us are just talking to ourselves.

>> No.15359157

Have you ever heard of that AI therapist they made decades ago, which responded to users by simply parroting back their statements in the form of a question? Adam Curtis always refers to it in his documentaries. They found that people felt better after using the AI therapist, and enjoyed speaking to the AI, even when fully aware it was not a real human being they were talking to. I think 4Chan works in the same way, at least for me - it doesn't really matter if I get a response or not, what matters is the act of talking.

P.S. this is the real benefit to the Catholic sacrament of confession and is the same reason why it is crucial that the priest be hidden from sight.

>> No.15359230

Am I on the verge of having a heart attack or is it just anxiety? Alcoholic here

>> No.15359304

Sometimes I wish I could be eccentric but I think I'm too much of a normie. My friend one time told me it's okay to have eccentricities when I told him that in public I try my hardest to act like a human being.

>> No.15359389

If you stopped trying to act human and just acted you would be eccentric. This alienates some but attracts others

>> No.15359552

dont light yourself on fire to keep someone else warm

>> No.15360024

Im going to shave my head and pube beard to truly indulge myself into ugliness.

>> No.15360364

He won't be warm for a long time then anyways. I agree, help yourself first to help someone else.

>> No.15360438

yes there is no point reading Aristotle unless you have read Plato and before you read Plato its best to be familiar with ancient greece culture, history and mythology including the illiad and odyssey

>> No.15360463

One should read them chronologically. However, the real difficulty is finding and understanding the differences, because Aristotle constitutes a shift away from Plato, even where one would not suspect it, for example his stance on Literature.

>> No.15360962


>> No.15362413

Sex gifs

>> No.15362515

i've been ruined. i'm so lazy now. i cant go back to working. ahhhhhh i just want to laze around and sleep all day and read a ton of books
seriously, i want to go clothes shopping.

>> No.15363376

>was supposed to fill out unemployment claim every week
>found out i can fill them retroactively
>havent done it in like 3 weeks
>went to just now
>they closed my claim
>have to wait for it to be reopened
fuck. it takes 10 minutes and i couldnt be assed and now i'm fucked. shit. is anyone else like this? i do this kind of shit all the time. i'm just not good at existing.

>> No.15363718

Currently watching the new pope. Only one episode left and I don't really know what to make of it except that it makes me kinda depressed. John Malkovich's character is somewhat interesting I must say and iirc this music played when he mentionned Nietzsche's quote about christians making the world ugly and evil by their resolution to find it ugly and evil https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f56c-mBE2WU
Not sure, though it definetely played during his confession, and me connecting it to that quote, the confession scene made quite an impression.
Also had a pretty morbid dream last night that I don't really want to talk about but it only contributed to my feeling down.

>> No.15363825
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what's a good length for a book of one's own poetry?

>> No.15365074

It entirely depends on the types of poems in the book.

>> No.15365202

What are some hobbies you guys like to do? I’ve recently lost the passion for some of my deepest lifelong interests and it’s left a bit of a void.

>> No.15365218

This semester I'm going to fuck up really bad. I just did this exam about a a week ago and the teacher just sent me an email wanting the operations I did to solve the problems, when in reality, I just guessed it.

>> No.15365227

I avoid responding to long threads, because I know I will not get any replies.

>> No.15365233

How does it compare to the young pope?

>> No.15365235

Would you answer my question please >>15365202
I’m curious

>> No.15365246

uhmm, hello.. READING ovioslii

>> No.15365252

No hobbies here.

>> No.15365256

okay, ofc >>15365246, I also play the recorder(flute thingy)

>> No.15365270

Realize that you are mediocre. Only through pain you can become better.

>> No.15365284


>> No.15365290

You can always have kids and start the cycle over.

>> No.15365357

I mean, what's really the point of writing on /lit/. Or reading it for that matter. The good content is extremely sparse. I have a backlog in the thousands. You write an effort post, no replies and thread dies. You write an effort thread, few joke replies, the thread dies. Maybe a few in a hundred threads are worth reading.

All this is obvious, yet I am still here after nine years. Why can't I leave this place? Why doesn't the real world have anything that can compete.

>> No.15365365

Me too brother. At least we will have some shekels to compensate.

>> No.15365409

Besides reading philosophy, video games. Playing since able, probably spent more hours than in sleeping. I'd spend the school years' summer vacation playing for 16 hours+/day, my thoughts and dreams were about video games when eating, in bathroom, sleeping; I don't play as much anymore, though, still gotten dozens of games 1000+ hours on Steam after graduation.

>> No.15365461

I mean dozen not dozens.

>> No.15365491

I'd say the young pope was better. I jumped straight into TNP having watched TYP once when it aired so it's been a while but I still remember the surprise of it having a compelling array of characters, an interesting premise and heartfelt moment that really hit home sometimes. TNP feels very much like a straight continuation but without as much surprises, plus it's somewhat darker and more cynical, I'd say, in what it explores. The convent subplot, for example, felt very weird in how it handles sexual issues, plus it's pretty bombastic how this season has half its openings tied to this subplot ie nuns partying to a song called "the good time girl" like they're in a strip-tease club or something.
I guess I'm not interested enough in Vatican affairs to find the whole thing ludicrous desu

>> No.15365521

thx, I guess I'll watch it, I'm a sucker for Sorrentino in general.

>> No.15365578

Would you like some?

>> No.15365590


>> No.15365591

I used to spend a ton of my time gaming when I was younger but I gradually stopped as I got older. I almost wish I continued just so I could have a hobby that I’ve stuck with since childhood.

>> No.15365625

Just leave, dude. Make the decision and just do it if that’s what you want. It doesn’t matter that much anyway. Yeah, this place can be a time suck but then the problem isn’t really this place exactly is it?

>> No.15365640

I'm addicted. One of the reasons I read philosophy is to find some justification for the 100,000+ hours I've spent playing games. If there was a way to see a leaderboard showing much everyone on Earth spent playing video games, I'd probably be top 10 or somewhere up there.

>> No.15365659

It's not that it sucks time, but that the time sucks. You are right though.

>> No.15365690

why not? from what ive seen in my use over the last year or so its nothing but attention grabbing. staying ahead of the (cringe) curve. everyone grifting their ebooks and podcasts.

>> No.15365723

A completely worthless platform.

>> No.15365821

I mean would you like to have some hobbies?

>> No.15366119

Sometimes I wonder if we should institute the Roman patriarchal stuff. Not because I hate women or anything but because I like order and decisiveness. An actual head of the family would be absolute.

>> No.15366178
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I hope you know that every boy in school wants to fuck your bratty little mouth, forcing your head down with their hands on your reigns. I know I wanted to, and I did. It's no wonder, with how you look and act like, everybody wants to see you squirm underneath them, toes curled and tensed up, head flushed and chest fluttering up and down. How many other men have seen you like this, naked and almost afraid, only to be later seen arm in arm in some expensive boutique? How many of those were out of desire for some pretty dress or some shoes and how many were realized because they genuinely exited you? Know that, even after all of those men, you still drive me wild. Even you just sitting in class, legs kicking back and forth softly underneath your chair, mind not on the lecture, takes an enormous amount of willpower from me to not mount you in the middle of class, thrusting between your thighs for hours on end.

>> No.15366208

But you have to consider where you’re walking off to. Even if it’s to drift for a while.
Well, the year at least is short for that kind of thing really.

>> No.15366254

Yes. I think about that a lot.

>> No.15366379

feel this tonight bro.

take time to relax and think

>> No.15366407

sucks being a sex addict.

I'm really playing with fire,

I'm thinking about some sort of 12 step method to try and deal with this, it's consumed my life.

>> No.15366485

did you watch gay porn for the first time? lmao

>> No.15366751


i've done a lot, lot, lot more than porn
I don't even watch porn

>> No.15366915

There is nothing wrong with Towers of Silence or Sky Burials. I'm getting really sick of people freaking out and going "ew, yucky!" whenever they come up. Animals are going to eat you eventually, why is it so much better and more civilized to be pumped full of toxic chemicals and shoved in a box? I'm going to put it in my will that I want vultures to eat me after I die.

>> No.15367079


>> No.15367366

do you miss your parents yet?

>> No.15367410
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>writing group paper
>editor fucks my shit up
>my grades are tanking because of work that's not even mine

>> No.15367435

I personally want a ship burial or a funeral barrow as described in Beowulf

>> No.15367683

There's this subliminal hum that cycles with a constant reminder that it's time. I'm not sure what it's time for. I wouldn't say I'm not curious enough to find out, but my head hurts, I worked all day, its Mother's Day. Usually, my routine after work is nap until 10pm, wake up, go to bar, find woman, sex, fall asleep.

This time, as I'm about to lay down and pass out, the subliminal hum buzzes from my pocket. The light from my phone veils a thick layer of film over my eyes, since the lights in my house are off and the blinds cover the lamp light outside. I swipe up for the control panel, swipe down on the sun icon, click the lock button on the side, and click it again to read the message.

I'm gay.

>> No.15368000

I guess, but nothing interests me enough to make a hobby out of it.

>> No.15368148

What is the essence of cowardice? What does it stem from?
I know I've been a coward from a really young age. Is it a thing of genetics? Or upbringing?
And do you think there's anything a coward can do to get more courage?

>> No.15368230

I feel cowardice is learned, from shirking responsibilities and not facing consequence.
Being scared is what makes us brave, but being calculating and systematically avoiding those fears time and time again makes a coward. I know for I too have been cowardly, and still can be in certain avenues.

>> No.15368262

This is not really lit related but when my balls itch and especially when I scratch them (pinch&twist) I can hear a kind of low-pitch ringing/wrapping sounds in me ears. Does anyone else have that?

>> No.15368306

I agree avoiding fear is the ultimate way to be more of a coward. As I said though, I remember being a pussy from a very early age. Looking back to elementary school, I can tell some of us kids were more prone to it, like me.
Now I feel like It's almost impossible to get from under this pile of fear avoidance I put over myself.

>> No.15368320

I don't think I understood.
Anyway, this reads well. If you write a book in this style, I'd like to read it.

>> No.15368348

I like dis sheep.

>> No.15368393

Coward is afraid of himself at first.

>> No.15368464

Avoiding your fears is natural, but planning your life around avoiding those few things will harm you eventually

>> No.15368577

Call me stupid, but I can't see the connexion between philosophical materialism, i.e. matter is the fundamental substance in nature, and materialism as a lifestyle, i.e. hoarding cash, gold and assets are the only things that matter

>> No.15368767

"Are you possessing any drugs," said cop.
"Why yes, how can you tell, " replied person of colour, who goes by the name Tyrone Watemelongo.
"Because you're fucking nigger, my friend," said cop.
"Wait a second, nobody called me friend since elementary school," cheerfully replied person of colour. Cop pulled out a pistol and pointed at Tyron.
"Say cheese to camera, you bastard," said cop and pulled the trigger.

>> No.15368797

So you don’t have any interest at all in like video games, the outdoors, maybe a sport, or anything like that at all?

>> No.15368882

Could you elaborate, please?
Do you think that every single coward out there has a trait they want to repress? Or am I making stuff up?

>> No.15368889

What about 'short term' cowardice?
I mean, panicking about stupid shit every now and then instead of staying chill / only getting more alert.

>> No.15369247

>Every now and then
That is to act coward-like, not to be a coward. There is no shame in straying from the path of your idealised self. It it mistakes that we learn from best.

>> No.15369265

Hell is most likely real and we're all going to burn forever....Not millions of trillions of billions of years, FOREVER.

>> No.15369279

Oh, please, closet-Catholics, never change <3

>> No.15369303

See that's the thing, I didn't belive catholics because of this exact reason, but come to think about it after hours of searching about christianity on the internet, it turns out the catholic church was created by Jesus. So unless you don't belive in the catholics then you're either an atheist or a heretic, because it is a true fact Jesus walked this earth and was crucified, I wish things were different but they're not.

>> No.15369347

And the Catholics had a good run. But you have to admit they seriously dropped the ball several times.
Yes, Jesus started it. He also let Judas follow him. A holy start does not always finish with a good end.

>> No.15369373

Good luck! What's she like?

>> No.15369596
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That's nice, do D.Va findom next.

>> No.15369640


>> No.15369729
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I remembered a something around a year ago - I was back home (Eastern Europe) and left our car in this garage with my dad - on the way back we took a Taxi and the guy had the looked identical (pic rel) to Travis Bickle - everything from the mohawk, to the clothes to the glasses, it was 100% intentional but I only realised a while after - I regret not saying anything or joking around, I hope he's doing well.

>> No.15369836

>nooooo, you have to pump your corpse full of poison that bugs are deterred from eating your corpse for a few years while you spend the meantime polluting the ground

>> No.15369985

Facebook is terrible. I got a Facebook profile to keep up with my normal friends and some other stuff without putting anything of myself out there. Using it with a VPN and everything. It's completely and totally pointless. The ratio of actual posts from human beings I know to those same human beings just reposting something they saw reposted is 1% to 99%. It's nothing but content aggregation instead of content creation. Nothing but "memes" or screenshots of Twitter, Tumblr, etc. There's nothing interesting and sincere. It's just people posting and then commenting one or two words or an emoticon. What the fuck

>> No.15370583

I think I don't actually hate most people women annoy me sometimes but I think I'm just sexually frustrated

>> No.15370714

This is a temple cum throne room.

>> No.15370726

that's why i deleted my facebook 6 years ago
>have retarded boomer relatives
>they saw that my facebook was deleted
>they literally thought this meant that i had died and called my mother in a state of hysteria

>> No.15370996

Art is life. Life is art. Every expression one can make, every aspect of one's own life is art. It is a skill, it requires technique, it has a style, a form, and it has focus. The body is a sculpture, it's owner is the sculptor - the artist. In everyone there is an artist, there is technique, and there is expression. Yet in every person there is also a critic, a patron, and an audience craving stimulation; craving attention. How can one be at once audience, critic, and artist? Create something provocative which oneself may appreciate, level an assessment in a novel and interesting way, or behold another's expression whilst appreciating its nuance and flaw.