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15326127 No.15326127 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15326151

Up next: Nine Eleven round two?!

>> No.15326158

"For sale:
My dick. Never used."

>> No.15326192

I don't get it
Did he get the wrong size of shoes? I thought babies used one size fits all shoes

>> No.15326205

he's saying the bitch fucked up and miscarried

>> No.15326585

wow that makes sense

>> No.15326648

For sale: Gay Ass, $0

>> No.15326666
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"For sale: my virginity. Used"
- someone other than OP -

>> No.15326691

They read Émile and decided to let their baby live as nature intended - how nice : )

>> No.15326734
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>> No.15327635

Free: baby toys, disinfected.

>> No.15327656

For Sale:
A sturdy nigger. Good temperament.
Rarely whipped.

>> No.15327943

for sale: baby food, never eaten

>> No.15328079

For sale: Blow up doll, lightly used.

>> No.15328247

My interpretation is that they bought baby shoes then realized babies don't even walk, it's a global scam like the makeup industry. The only way they can recuperiate their loss is to take part in the scam that is in the laissez-faire market. It's a critique of capitalism.

>> No.15328256


>> No.15328286

based academic

>> No.15328298

No he's saying the shoes are on sale, retard

>> No.15328301

Perhaps his baby was born with abnormally large feet and he had bought the shoes prior to conception and simply guessed the baby’s foot size like an idiot

>> No.15328419

Hemingway is good. He didn't actually write this story but he does have a talent for whittling things down until a very short description or narrative will show an artfulness that is not easy to replicate.

From In Our Time:
>They shot the six cabinet ministers at half-past six in the morning against the wall of a hospital. There were pools of water in the courtyard. There were wet dead leaves on the paving of the courtyard. It rained hard. All the shutters of the hospital were nailed shut. One of the ministers was sick with typhoid. Two soldiers carried him downstairs and out into the rain. They tried to hold him up against the wall but he sat down in a puddle of water. The other five stood very quietly against the wall. Finally the officer told the soldiers it was no good trying to make him stand up. When they fired the first volley he was sitting down in the water with his head on his knees.

>> No.15328537

This is good. I don't really like all the imitators of Hemingway who came up to try to fill his shoes, but damn, when he gets his style just right, it's very satisfying to fell the power between the lines of such simple words. For Whom the Bell Tolls is god-tier.

>> No.15328559

He’s saying that the baby turned about to be a pathetic hippie who went barefoot everywhere

>> No.15328593

For sale:
Tiger cage. Never broken.

>> No.15328600

>filtered by a 6 words story by Hemingway

>> No.15328647

FOR sale not ON sale you fucking retarded doublenigger

>> No.15328703

Fucking KEK

>> No.15328732


>> No.15328840


>> No.15328939

This reads like something an autist would write and I don't mean it in a derogatory way. It literally reads like a sperg dabbling with fiction writing wtf

>> No.15328991

The baby died. Isn't that sad?

>> No.15329003

that depends. was it white?

>> No.15329734

Why do you say that? Because of the lack of emotion? The abundance of declarative sentences?

>> No.15329748

This is probably what Hemingway meant by this.
Consider getting tested for schizophrenia.

>> No.15329772

"For sale:
The (klikkaklakkaklaskaklopatzklatschabattacreppycrottygraddaghsemmihsammihnouithappluddyappladdypkonpkot!)"
J. Joyce

>> No.15329803


>> No.15329815

This one.

I would like to see where this one goes.

>> No.15329842


>> No.15329858


For sale:
Tiger in need of cage. Never broke out.

(this is the prelude to the seminary epic by Nael)

>> No.15329958
File: 4 KB, 160x314, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For sale: small condoms. Never used.

>> No.15329973

For sale: Gravity's Rainbow; excellent condition

>> No.15330041

“For sale:
Your mother. Heavily used.”
C. Thundercock

>> No.15330059

I don't get it

>> No.15330425

This is a redpill I didn’t know I needed.

>> No.15330444

For sale

>> No.15330457
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Brevity is also the soul of wit

>> No.15330699

>anti-capitalist malingering takes greater priority in your mind than the well-being of newborns
This is your brain on Marx, people

>> No.15331103

Hemingway started off as a newspaper writer which got him in the habit of keeping his language as efficient as possible to save valuable typing space, and just sort of rolled with it when the transitioned to prose.

>> No.15331172
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>> No.15331453

Not sad at all in modern times since people throw parties for abortions now

>> No.15331668

You need the bongos to play the game

>> No.15331682

absolutely based

>> No.15331792

incredibly based my god

>> No.15331822


>> No.15332972

Who the fuck is going to buy used condoms?

>> No.15334149


>> No.15334181

"For Sale,
One heart. Not working / For parts only."
T. Sadman1489

>> No.15334209

For Sneed
Feed, never Seeded

-Formerly Chuck

>> No.15334231

Sperm Banks.

>> No.15334276

Now Playing:

Stupid fools, Unlike me

>> No.15334353

How much do you pay and does the condom have to be used during sex with a woman?

>> No.15334379

is this loss?

>> No.15334400

The birth of a trannychad..

>> No.15335532

"For sale:
One bunny. Overfed."
—Tommy "Buck Teeth"

>> No.15336628

Oof. Something about this post is just... oof
Do you have autism?

>> No.15337442

Less can be more. I really like how he doesn't have to tell you how to feel.
Writers should always leave something to the imagination