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File: 29 KB, 490x338, 73-Alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1532562 No.1532562 [Reply] [Original]

Books about crushing, horrible, complete and absolute loneliness.

I want to read some. Suggestions?

>> No.1532571

loneliness isnt crushing

>> No.1532570

Atlas Shrugged

>> No.1532575

3/10, made me respond.

>> No.1532574



>> No.1532584

The Heart is a Lonely Hunter

>> No.1532588


Then why do you want a bff so bad?

>> No.1532595


The Stranger
Journey to the End of Night

>> No.1532596

>have many friends
>are talking about breaking up with a fucking whore slut and feeling major regrets and butthurt because they were indirect etc and confuse this with loneliness
ok guys please just go to >>>/adv/
girl problems isnt loneliness.

>> No.1532597


I'll second this, despite the haters.

>> No.1532602


The Stranger isn't about crushing loneliness... at all...

>> No.1532603


What the hell are you talking about

>> No.1532605

because its more like a hole you can easily distract yourself from until maybe you're tired or have to sleep or something. certainly not 'crushing' like these fucking idiots think. in addition to that they might have even gone into a relationship without friends in the first place so it was doomed to be shitty and fail and now they complain like the fucking mouth breather hivemind that they are.

>> No.1532608
File: 74 KB, 387x505, 1278955216155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The Stranger

Herp derp. Meursault had friends. Sure he bitched and whined about the cosmic indifference of the universe, but it hardly a book about crushing and absolute loneliness.

OP read Becker's 'The denial of death'.

>> No.1532614


In some senses it is. The second chapter, if I remember correctly, where he watches the street from his window, is able to pass a really strong feeling of loniliness (at least for me).

>> No.1532621


Just admit you were wrong... you know, it happens...

>> No.1532623

The STranger is about loneliness

you don't have to be "alone" to be lonely

>> No.1532628

loneliness as alienation,

the stranger is about universal alienation

doesn't get more lonely than that

>> No.1532629

The Stranger is a very uplifting book, imo

>> No.1532631

Real loneliness is existential, mirite?

>> No.1532632


I still have no idea what you're going on about.

>> No.1532633


It's about difference you dumbfuck.

>> No.1532636

i dont know but i dont really care, its not 'crushing' anyway.

>> No.1532637
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>> No.1532640

I was just trying to make a joke ;_;

>> No.1532643



The Stranger is an allegory of the 9/11

>> No.1532645


>OP read Becker's 'The denial of death'.

This looks pretty good.

>> No.1532648


This. The book was clearly written to criticise the human race.Meurseault is totally honest and rigourous in his thoughts, yet he's set appart. Loneliness is present in the book but it clearly is not what OP is looking about. The book is not about depression.

>> No.1532658

Fernando Pessoa, The Book of Disquiet

Thoughts of Bernardo Soares, who lives a life by himself in Lisbon. There is not a single dialogue in the book (as far as I can remember). It conveys a good feeling of prolonged loneliness and what happens with your mind circling around itself.

>> No.1532668
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>The book was clearly written to criticise the human race

>> No.1532672
File: 30 KB, 324x500, Infinite Jest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No really.

>> No.1532681


fuck off faggot

>> No.1532683


Classical Mechanics by Landau and Lifshitz.

The Russians were masters of tragedies!

>> No.1532738

Portrait of an Artist is up there

The Stranger is also a good one

but loneliness means different things for different people

I'm sure women have a stupid, childish idea of what loneliness implies, while men have a very refined existential notion of loneliness

>> No.1532740

: ]

>> No.1532748

>no Catcher in the Rye yet
Darn lousy bastards. Not phony enough for you?

>> No.1532749

notes from the underground

>> No.1532764


>> No.1532776


women get lonely if they go an hour without talking to someone

men get lonely when they realize that solipsism and subjectivity create an infinite amount of private-personal microcosms that inherently alienate not only people from each other, but also people from themselves.

A man's loneliness is cured by enlightenment; a woman's loneliness is cured by a new pair of shoes.

>> No.1532993

No longer human is your book OP.

>> No.1533016

The Road - Cormac McCarthy. Prepare to be depressed.

>> No.1533085

Twilight: New Moon

Bella misses Edward so much sometimes I just can't take it. I really thought that might be her in your picture, it seems like imagery Stephenie Meyer might use. She's sooo amazing!

>> No.1533429


>> No.1533435


>> No.1533495

No matter what OP was looking for, I'd bet the stranger would find its way into this thread.

notes from underground is probably closer to what OP is looking for

>> No.1533501


>> No.1533510

Not sure if The Bell Jar counts, but it's certainly desolate.

Nausea's a good suggestion as well.