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15324881 No.15324881 [Reply] [Original]

I don't believe in anything. From religion to philosophy, these are all just other people's ideas to me. However, they still manage to provide a great deal of enjoyment to me. I play around with them, subvert them, mesh them together. Whatever suits my fancy, whatever seems stimulating at the moment. But I am not particularity invested in any of it.

You can't challenge my worldview, because I don't have one. Why would I pick just one at random? Why would it be any more "right" than the others? I want to continue drifting in this boundless sea of ideas. I don't want to drop an anchor, that would be death. Life would become so boring.

>> No.15324891

>when a 14 year old discovers postmodernism

>> No.15324896

for a time I thought I might have something, even believed in God for the better part of a year but I always felt a little silly about it and eventually realized that I was just pretending

>> No.15324899

You need to be 18 to post on this board

>> No.15324916
File: 68 KB, 512x386, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a discordian?

>> No.15324924

We need more Ulrich-posting

>> No.15324927
File: 190 KB, 1600x1200, 1588889560407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Accidentally became a postmodernist

>> No.15324928

How grown up! You've decided to play your roles like good NPCs. But no, postmodernism is just another idea to me, one I consider alongside all the others. One day I'm a materialist, the other I find myself in the world of spiritual entities. Wait, that's a lie - I never believe in any of it. It's just a fanciful idea, like reading a fiction novel and daydreaming about the characters.

>> No.15324953
File: 36 KB, 601x508, wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How grown up! You've decided to play your roles like good NPCs. But no, postmodernism is just another idea to me, one I consider alongside all the others. One day I'm a materialist, the other I find myself in the world of spiritual entities. Wait, that's a lie - I never believe in any of it. It's just a fanciful idea, like reading a fiction novel and daydreaming about the characters.

>> No.15324961

>I'm not a postmodernist, I just think and act like one!
wow you're so smart buddy, keep it up

>> No.15324980

Brainlet here, so a postmoderist is just someone who has meta-beliefs?

>> No.15324991

I don't believe that postmodernism is the right approach. Neither do I believe that it is the wrong one. There are times when I think like a nihilist, there are times where I act like a Christian. There are times when I do none of the above. Hell, maybe there are times when I believe in something.

But never for long.

>> No.15324992

Did someone fuck these blocks of cheese?

>> No.15325000

What kind of weird-shaped penis the fucker had to make those holes?

>> No.15325003
File: 26 KB, 367x500, 79CCD1DA-63E9-47B2-B0D1-F15CC14530EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15325007

Is this a LARP or a journal entry?

>> No.15325011
File: 33 KB, 680x544, 1536085601987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very based, keep making christcucks and modernists seeth friendo.

>> No.15325022


>> No.15325026

It sounds more edgy than it is. I just don't have a guiding ideology, and drift aimlessly. I use philosophy to amuse myself, not to solve my life.

>> No.15325034

>I use philosphy to amuse myself, not to solve my life

that's philosophy as well.

>> No.15325036

the last line ruins it, believing in intelligence is just like the rest

>> No.15325079

To be honest, I've equally used it to search for answers. Or just to learn about it. But I never decided to just adopt X and stop. As I've said, it's like reading a fiction book to me. I can't stop, I always need more. Different, more exotic, more familiar, anything.

I can't give an answer to what I believe in.

>> No.15325081

Ok. Pretty much same, but this is a philosophical stance. Anyways what does it mean that thes are “just other people’s ideas” wouldn’t “just other ideas” be more accurate? And if they are logical why don’t you believe in them or at least sympathize with them. Anyways, your “meta-philosophy” is not a new one. People are calling you a postmodernist, but it’s not an uncommon worldview.

>> No.15325104

A postmodernist thinks there is no such thing as objective truth, reality is subjective and you can change the nature of reality simply by choosing to alter your interpretation of it. For example, I believe god exists because this morning I feel like being a christian and christians have faith god exists.

>> No.15325163

I see, thanks for the explanation

>> No.15325170

postmodernism is just crypto-pyrrhonism

>> No.15325171

It's not my worldview, it's just an idea that I had to describe my current state. Tomorrow, I'll lose interest in it and move onto something else.

If he's a Christian, he can't be another thing at the back of his head. Similarly,
postmodernism doesn't ring about my head as I live my life. I don't think that I'm right at this moment, that this is the final answer. Maybe, somewhere out there, is the objective truth? I'll find out tomorrow. And then I'll probably leave it for something else.

>> No.15325178
File: 71 KB, 400x400, tee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of this statement?

>> No.15325213

I can respect that. However the topic itself is somewhat hard to talk about. There can be various different “truths” that I can apreciate without throwing my two cents in

>> No.15325214

>If he's a Christian, he can't be another thing at the back of his head.
Says who? You? Who are you?

>> No.15325232

It's annoying.

>> No.15325239

Why do you think so?

>> No.15325607

It does not belong to the set of valid statements on which I can do logic.

>> No.15325646

>set of valid statements on which I can do logic

do said statements shift constantly as well for you?

>> No.15325651

I can pick whichever ones I like, yes.

>> No.15325659
File: 111 KB, 350x600, 1580934306874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then make your own philosophy. you are so dumb

>> No.15325673

Why would I settle on one set of ideas? Why did you settle on whatever it is that you believe in?

>> No.15325869


>> No.15326063

what happened to that cheese

>> No.15326450


>> No.15326482
File: 979 KB, 1125x1503, 04769543-A50E-45E4-A4E2-5220D4EAD4B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are just a by product of a capitalist era

>> No.15326562

>I don't believe in anything.
>You can't challenge my worldview
> I don't want to drop an anchor, that would be death.

You clearly value life more then death.

This constitutes a part of a worldview, therefor your claim that you have no worldview is wrong.

>> No.15326577

Imagine quoting Zizek

>> No.15326612

Cynicism is just one attitude of many that I exhibit.

Perhaps you are right, I am not particularly attached to believing in nothing. It's just that no ideology sticks with me. They are more like fanciful daydreams to me, real for a moment or two, but ultimately changed like a pair of clothes. Is life worthwhile? Well, I have never been particularly suicidal, but then again I have been self-destructive.