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15322993 No.15322993 [Reply] [Original]

From a purely philosophical standpoint, how is "pedophilia"... bad?

>> No.15323052

>From a purely philosophical standpoint
What does this mean?

>> No.15323061

What does philosophy mean?

>> No.15323105

it hurts children

Most people find that wrong. The minority that don't, I think, are the ones more pressed to provide a case

>> No.15323685

>Why is murdering wrong

There are things humans have learned over a period of thousands of years not to do. Code of Hammurabi dated to about 1754 BC says you will be killed if you kill someone else. You can start your own community in some secluded area and make a test of allowing pedophilia and see how that goes.

>> No.15323700

It's not. It's a play of power, like all other things. That doesn't mean that it can't be "dangerous." I'm sure Foucault wouldn't have wanted pedophilia to be normalized on a governmental level (yes, yes, the petition, I know), for it could become a technique of governing, controlling people (young and old), and molding them into particular kinds of subjects.

>> No.15323703

From a purely philosophical standpoint why is it bad to bury French frog faggots up to their waists and stone them dead?

>> No.15323713

>You can start your own community in some secluded area and make a test of allowing pedophilia and see how that goes.
He literally can't though.

If you want to be a law-abiding pedo and still get laid your only option is to convert to Islam, move to one of those gulf shitholes where age of consent doesn't exist and marry a 9 year old. You can't have a first world pedo commune or you'll get arrested, unless you're a rich kike.

>> No.15323714

Show me ONE person who was a victim of pedophilia that isn't permanently fucked up in one way or another.

>> No.15323719

>it hurts children
sometimes pedophiles can alter societal perceptions that makes it seem acceptable. see: islam.

underage wives in islamic societies by itself seem to live in bliss. of course in praxis they are regularly physically mistreated and yearn for the freedom they glimpse at in the west.

>> No.15323725

It's only bad when you're raping children, loli is perfectly healthy

>> No.15323747

Honestly? Me. My housemaid raped me,

>> No.15323751

just become an orthodox jew bro and be sure to cosy up to them. they literally have pedo networks and protect their pedos worldwide by hiding them in israel or america.

>> No.15323762

Lmao french people are so annoying and dumb. They do philosophy for clout. Doing philosophy to look cool and fuck college girls. Lol.

>> No.15323831

most people even then see it as wrong, but at most, necessary for other forms of gain. Even if you marry a child bride a lot of places see it as wrong to actually consummate that marriage.

>> No.15323845

Children aren't autonomous agents and so cannot consent

>> No.15323881

Children can’t give informed consent and act responsibly. That is why we don’t let them drive cars or drink. Of course there are some children who are mentally precocious and therefore able to consent informedly, but these are in the minority and impossible to detect with some sort of standardised test, therefore it is better to just outlaw all pedophilia.
Pedophilia was practiced for thousands of years. It is likely that girls in the Bronze Age would be married off and impregnated when they reached the physical threshold for child-bearing.

>> No.15323888

One problem with pedophilia, meaning an exclusive attraction to prepubescent children, is that it's unsustainable and not conducive to promoting the social order.
Take, for instance, two men, both of whom have married a girl who is nine years old, but only one of whom is a pedophile.
The normal man will be able to maintain his relationship with his wife, though that relationship will change over time, because, in the absence of a serious accident, she will never permanently develop into something that will be completely incapable of satiating his physical needs and will, again assuming that she is physically healthy, be perfectly capable of bearing and raising children. There will be problems caused in part by the natural progression of male and female desire, but these problems will be surmountable, by willpower if by nothing else.
The pedophile will not be able to do such a thing, because his attraction is exclusively for prepubescents. His wife will eventually permanently develop into a being for which he can feel neither love nor attraction. His desires will be left completely unsated, and he will feel compelled to predate on either his own children or those of others. Regardless of what decision he makes at that point, he will end up on an endless treadmill, because no prepubescent will be able to satisfy him for more than a limited period of time.
The former situation is a positive good and carries little chance for serious harm to the social order. Even if the normal man finds strict monogamy impossible, prostitution exists as a limited and regulated outlet that consumes a small and finite number of women. The damage can be kept limited. The damage dealt by the latter situation, however, is limited only by the size of the pedophile population. Such men are little interested in householding, except as a convenient cover for their activities, and can and will gobble up, ruin, and destroy as many children as they are allowed to. And, as we all know, children who have been so despoiled have serious problems functioning normally later in life. They often become sexual deviants. The greater the population of sexual deviants, the greater the burden on society as a whole and the smaller the pool of healthy mates available for selection by men and women... and so on and so forth.
Essentially, pedophiles undermine the sexual order, and are downright parasitic in that they prey on children while having little interest in producing any of their own. Their desires are not only unnatural, but cannot be channeled in any positive direction. The best we can hope to do without killing them is confine them to viewing cartoon drawings on Norwegian underwater basketweaving forums like this.
On the other hand, there is no positive argument for accepting pedophiles other than "BUT IT DOESN'T AFFECT YOU," "LOVE IS LOVE," "IF THEY WANNA FUCK KIDS, WHO'S TO SAY THEY CAN'T?" and other forms of liberal sophistry. These are not worth replying to.

>> No.15323901

>the minority
Pedos are also in the minority, so it would be interesting to figure out how to allow these people to meet

>> No.15323938
File: 186 KB, 1280x561, 1573760028283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

humans have learnt that rulemakers are assholes

>> No.15323943

>>Children can’t give informed consent and act responsibly.
so? sex has nothing to with consent

>> No.15324018

You browse 4chan though

I rest my case

>> No.15324125

I agree but I don't think the majority of pedophiles are exclusively attracted to children, but I guess it depends on what you consider full on pedophilia.

>> No.15324140

Nice little dismissal of a complete contradiction to your point there in the parenthesis.
You idiots fail to realise that power comes from academia now and this evil cunt is the most cited person in the humanities.

>> No.15324158 [DELETED] 

> egalitarian morality
we are given right of choice and underage people can't choice whether something is good or not for them, because they haven't already developed the concepts of good and bad (for them).
> aristocratic morality
a man who takes advantage from harmless people is not a man, because he isn't proving his ability to conquer, and underage people are nor conquerable because they are harmless. also when you do to someone else something he/she isn't aware about, you are deceiving him/her, which is another prove for your weakness and worthlessness.

>> No.15324171

>thread on social justice in publishing gets deleted
>thread on pedos stays up
Interesting choice, jannies.

>> No.15324178

> egalitarian morality
we are given right to choice and underage people can't choose whether something is good or not for them, because they haven't already developed the concepts of good and bad, utility and damage.
> aristocratic morality
a man who takes advantage from harmless people is not a man, because he isn't proving his ability to conquer, and underage people are nor conquerable because they are harmless. also when you do to someone else something he/she isn't aware about, you are deceiving him/her, which is another proof for your weakness and worthlessness

>> No.15324185
File: 46 KB, 492x492, 1537300084713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a purely philosophical standpoind, how is murdering Foucault bad?

>> No.15324194

You don't think he was aware of that? That's why they killed him and made him a martyr - to neutralize him. The best place to hide something is out in the open. But Foucault - a right-wing libertarian - saw the dangers of present-day academic institutions. That's just his own danger too. They distort him. Sure, you can disagree with on the child sexuality thing (I'm not crazy about it either), although his argument about it is still kind of interesting, it's not just 'give power to us academics so we can fuck kids'. Although a chapter in 70s sexual liberation was quite intent on fucking kids (something they would now like to forget - at least, for now..., as you'll say).

>> No.15324200

How the fuck is Foucault right wing in any sense?

>> No.15324207

I have a question, was /lit/ ever so liberal to the point that a large percentile would actively defend pedophilia? If so, what did that percentile's number average to approximately?

>> No.15324219

bc he wanted to fuck kids

>> No.15324254

>sex has nothing to do with consent
So you're saying both parties don't need to want the sex for the sex to happen... I mean... you're not wrong... but how is that relevant to whether that's "good" for both parties? That does seem to be OP's question.

>> No.15324258

A large number would actively defend pedophilia today and this will be demonstrated in this thread.

>> No.15324270

You don't belong here, go back to plebbit

>> No.15324283

I've been on lit since the beginning but I would almost never open debate or philosophy threads nigger

>> No.15324285

I used to fantasize being touched by older women when I was a kid

>> No.15324322

Not him, but Foucault was moving towards neoliberalism by the end of his career.

>> No.15324439

lmao stfu slave moralist, pedophilia was the main drive in aristocratic societies, ancient greece was built on pederasty and you could marry a child almost everywhere untill early 1900

>> No.15324447

Ah good points. So it's all distasteful fetishization and pedos should in the end seek out willing age-players to realize the strangeness of their fetishes in reality

>> No.15324450

looks more to me that neoliberalism is ultra leftism and not right wing

>> No.15324454

t. bitcoin enthusiast

>> No.15324542

All of you consentfags ignore the obvious fact that children are constantly forced to do things against their will, not always for the benefit of the child. Their consent is not even asked, much less required to be "valid".

Also arguments based on psychological trauma do not take into account that such trauma may be caused precisely by other people's reaction to what happened to them. In societies where sexual relationships between adults and non-adults are normal, psychological consequences may be minimal or non-existent.

If you want to argue against pedophilia please refrain from using such easily countered arguments.

>> No.15324553


>> No.15324564

This, it is a matter of harm and not consent and people are not ready to talk about unharmful adult-child sex

>> No.15324574

>Most people find that wrong.
That's not a philosophical argument.

>> No.15324904

>it hurts children
>how is that bad????

>> No.15324926

woman typed this

>> No.15324936

Tell me about the beginning times and I'll tell you if you're a fucking poseur.

>> No.15324941

>That's not a philosophical argument.
Says who?

>> No.15324949

>such trauma may be caused precisely by other people's reaction to what happened to them
The amount of stories I've heard about supposedly abused children that had no idea they were being abused is staggering. So many 'victims' had to be told time and time again by dozens of people "No, I know you think that was okay, and you enjoyed it, and you're not maladjusted in any way, but you were abused and should feel terrible about it." only to then develop trauma symptoms afterwards.

Even if pedophilia is totally wrong, people are going out of their way to intentionally hurt 'victims' further to prevent their narrative from being upset.

>> No.15324956

>The amount of stories I've heard about supposedly abused children that had no idea they were being abused is staggering.
Why are you hearing so many of these stories?

>> No.15324973

I listen to this mental health podcast where people get interviewed and talk about their problems and personal history. So many people tell stories that are like "I used to sit on my dad's lap when I was a kid and I thought it was fine until my therapist told me that was rape and now I have PTSD."

>> No.15324975

Why are you here moralizing about kiddy fondling if you're already ok with hurting them?

>> No.15324981

This is a reason why I stopped self diagnosing myself, I used to be a hypochondriac and I was certain that I had mercury poisoning from my amalgam fillings to the point where I would act like a retard

>> No.15324994

>I listen to this mental health podcast
What's this one? Name plox?
>So many people tell stories that are like "I used to sit on my dad's lap when I was a kid and I thought it was fine until my therapist told me that was rape and now I have PTSD."
That's not the same as people who are raped as children, that sort of thing can happen with bad therapy. Some people are abused and become convinced it was fine because of defense mechanisms and brainwashing really.

>> No.15324995

am I really moralizing?

>> No.15325005

>So it's all distasteful fetishization and pedos should in the end seek out willing age-players to realize the strangeness of their fetishes in reality
If they could be satisfied with that, that would be ideal.
This is a possibility, but the left-wingers who adore him generally hate neo-liberalism.

>> No.15325013

Why is anything wrong?

>> No.15325030

Pedophelia doesn’t count if it’s between an older women and a young male. That’s just considered scoring.

>> No.15325148

>What's this one? Name plox?
Mental Illness Happy Hour
>That's not the same as people who are raped as children
I understand that, I'm not talking about actual rape. I'm talking about stuff that, if you chose to partake in as an adult, nobody could reasonably convince you that you were raped because of how ridiculous it would be. Forcing your dick in someone who tells you not to is wrong independent of any other factors. Theoretically sexual contact without the use of force isn't necessarily wrong just because of someone's age.
>Some people are abused and become convinced it was fine because of defense mechanisms and brainwashing really.
That's true as well, human minds are complicated as fuck and difficult to work with. I'm not saying that we should broad strokes permit or prohibit certain activities with minors, I'm just saying it's not nearly as simple as "I touched a dick when I was 7, now my brain's fucked".

>> No.15325192

>Forcing your dick in someone who tells you not to is wrong independent of any other factors.

>> No.15325369

The pedophile's disavowal can take form of a claim to the reciprocity of the sexual relationship, or to be more precise: the claim that the intercourse is a 'relationship.'

>> No.15325390

It's conservative to protect ones daughters from sex.
Even in modern times, I don't see any relation between right-winged and

>> No.15325408

OP here

I’m seeing all the replies and it’s all like
>it hurts the kids

Let me ask you.

What in the process of sex with an adult hurts the kid?

>> No.15325432

>Theoretically sexual contact without the use of force isn't necessarily wrong just because of someone's age.
There's an inherent power imbalance at most ages, and it's also like that bit in Nabokov's Lolita where Humbert very unconvincingly tries to convince us that Lo is a horny little whore for him and knows just what to do. I would say that most places have a good cut off for consent, which is like 15-18, and that there's still a grey area there and a little older for exploitative sex to occur more easily than at other times. I'm also not keen on further sexualisation of teens, they're already oversexualised enough. The amount of exposure you'd ever get to one to persue a sexual relationship is going to be next to non-existent.

>> No.15325528

Why is a power imbalance wrong? There are relationships with power imbalances all around us, such as the relationships between a teacher and a student or a boss and an employee.
Does the relationship need to be sexual for the power imbalance to be a problem? Why? If so, is a relationship between a handsome successful man and an ugly unemployed woman wrong?

>> No.15325565

>Does the relationship need to be sexual for the power imbalance to be a problem? Why? If so, is a relationship between a handsome successful man and an ugly unemployed woman wrong?
In what we're talking about, yes. Sex and that kind of romantic bonding holds a special place in the functioning of the human psyche and of our society and how we function within it, without normative cultural rules around sexual relations it can cause serious problems to the fabric of society itself. It definitely can be, yes, you should be in a relationship you can leave and that those kinds of relationships exist is another failing of society.

>> No.15325629


>> No.15325654

That's not what was said, it's that sex has a special place in how we function as social animals and that power imbalances in that realm are bad for how society and we function. Power relations outside of that exist, I didn't really comment on them there in a meaningful way.

>> No.15325696

How exactly is it bad for society? You say like it is self evident and natural, e.g. ancient greece was built on power relations in sexuality, their elite was literally raised and educated by pedophiles

>> No.15325705

>e.g. ancient greece was built on power relations in sexuality, their elite was literally raised and educated by pedophiles
Read Plato's letters.

>> No.15325721

It appears that in your view all human relationships are wrong, because there are always power-imbalances, however small.

Imagine two 19 year olds of similar genetic quality marry one another. At the start the female has more power, because she is a young woman. Years pass and her appearance worsens while the male's resources and status increase, making the power dynamic even out. Eventually, the man attains greater value and thus more power in the relationship.
At what point in this example was their relationship wrong?

>> No.15325735

>Plato is whole of greece culture
He literally praises fucking young boys in Phaedrus and condemns it in Laws, whats your point?

>> No.15325824

The letters are not the dialogues my man. Look up "Plato Epistles"

My point:
>e.g. ancient greece was built on power relations in sexuality, their elite was literally raised and educated by pedophiles
Not in Plato's time, certainly, there was so much revolution and political turbulence that the elites changed constantly. Plato even derides other states for their involvement of sexuality in political life saying that they cannot pin down a stable constitution because of it as well as other material excesses.

I don't say it's natural, certainly other human societies have mixed these things, but they haven't been our societies. People wanting to fuck children may be part of humanity, but it's incompatible with human society as we have it today.

>because there are always power-imbalances, however small.
Some are not meaningful, or are arguably non-existent. Really if you have choices to not have a sexual relationship with no negative consequences then there isn't one in that realm.

>> No.15325849

Define pedophilia. I swear people are always saying phedophilia when what they really mean is ephebophilia. Pedophilia is gross, but ephebophilia is natural. It signals that a woman's body is ready to be bred

>> No.15325880

>Not in Plato's time
how can you explain the praise of adult-child sex in Phaedrus and Symposium? My point stands still, just because Plato changed his own opinion on this topic it doesnt mean greece as a whole was also opposed to it. I just wanted to say that there is a stark difference between ancient greece and our times on the topic of adult-child sex and it is in no way natural, but cultural.
>People wanting to fuck children may be part of humanity, but it's incompatible with human society as we have it today.
That's just pure ideology, if you want to be a bootlicker its okay, you do you

>> No.15325886

Read some history. It was common to marry 10,11,12 year old girls.

>> No.15325896

when I say "our times" I meant post early 1900's, ofc it was common to marry children before

>> No.15325922

Nobody except for American normies think ephebophilia is pedophilia

>> No.15325923

>Children can’t give informed consent and act responsibly
Then why can they give confirmed consent for hormone therapy or gender realignment surgery?

>> No.15325950

It doesn't have to hurt them. I've seen plenty of girls who lost virginities at young age. If anything, it made them more confident.

>> No.15325956

You'd be surprised.

>> No.15326035

I don't think the imbalance is the issue. It's more so the abuse of power and exploitation of hierarchical position.

>> No.15326107
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Children have no legal or economic status and are dependant on adults. Pedophilia is, at best, exploitative.

>> No.15326180

>how can you explain the praise of adult-child sex in Phaedrus and Symposium?
Bad translation

>> No.15326256

Adults messing around with kids is no good, but I'm not gonna pretend that kids don't have sexual inclinations. When I was in kindergarten, I regularly snuck into a girls bed during nap time and under the blankets we kissed each other all over, not smooches but literally how adults do it. We were 5 or 6 years old. Someone tried to explain to me that all kids play doctor, but I don't think that's the same as literally being on top of each other and making out lol. Nobody believes me but I swear on my life

>> No.15326260

big peepee in tinny hole

>> No.15326267

Because they cannot provide informed consent you fucking idiot. It's the same as sexually exploiting a retard/vegetable.

>> No.15326487

Checked. Great post tho.

>> No.15326604

>these /lit/ fags arguing for pedophilia
its good to know that we still have some people who are capable of thinking for themselves

>> No.15326634

You are eating an unripe fruit. You might have taste for it, but you will never let it develop to its ripeness, and thus you pervert its original purpose, that of growing the seed that it is bearing.
Unrpie fruit will not bring you nutrition either, but burden your system with processing material that is not been given time to be beneficial to you. You are not nourishing yourself, you are not letting the seed grow and you are cutting short that which is yet to develop its full potential.
If philosophy is the love of knowledge, and knowledge is to know good from evil and follow the good, then the above is the very definition of evil, as you destroy future potential for sake of immediate pleasure that will be fleeting, will not be beneficial and will leave you with a void for more.

>> No.15327098

Yeah, but just because it happens doesn’t mean people like it. It’s usually wealthy people preying off the impoverished and downtrodden. It’s basically like, “If I marry my very younger daughter off, she’ll be fed well, and her dowry will feed myself and all her siblings.” It’s not done because people are super cool about it.

>> No.15327199

>Because they cannot provide informed consent you fucking idiot
Whats so sophisticated about sex?

>> No.15327244 [DELETED] 
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This torrent of anti-cunny posts is indisputable proof that 4chan is reddit 2.0

>> No.15327249

Fucking kill yourself unironically. You legitimately deserve to die.

>> No.15327260 [DELETED] 
File: 132 KB, 656x751, 1580142152604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cunnys are kino and theres nothing your seething r*dditor ass can ever do about it.

>> No.15327264

Tbf i laughed

>> No.15327319

>Pedophilia was practiced for thousands of years. It is likely that girls in the Bronze Age would be married off and impregnated when they reached the physical threshold for child-bearing.
Most girls start having their period around the age 12+ and the age of consent in most european countries is already set around 14 so the "broze age pedophilia" wasnt really pedophilia.

>> No.15327332
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ripping their ass apart probably, mental harm isn't easy tho so licking a dick may not be no more harmful than spanking depending on context... mental harm is a slippery slop to overregulating everything

the link between the two is it's someone elses right to determine, obviously the moral agent might under different context claim an 8 year old with an ak-47 isn't in fact "harmless" and war time rape is justified

>> No.15327333

>Whats so sophisticated about sex?
i dont know, ask rape victims.

>> No.15327338

Someone post the image showing average age of puberty in Sweden over the past century. It was unironically like 16 100 years ago. To me that solves the question, they're just hitting it too early now, for whatever reason.

>> No.15327347

>how can you explain the praise of adult-child sex in Phaedrus and Symposium?
One of the political factions were the paiderastes pretty much, that's a little bit of an oversimplification but they represent a particular way of life. Typically as well the age difference between eromenos and erastes wasn't that much, erastes could be in their early twenties and the typical age for eromenos was 15-17, some eromenos were at least as old as 30 so it's a little more like a May-December romance and something that isn't that unusual today. It isn't child love as you want it, child as it is understood today is a Victorian concept, it's only relatively recently that we've had language to talk about children and teenagers and so on in English.
>That's just pure ideology, if you want to be a bootlicker its okay, you do you
Uh huh/

Most marriages were much much older people at the time.

>> No.15327353

Stress and over eating. Hopefully it'll return to normal once the boomers die off.

>> No.15327362

We're talking about consensual sex here.

Why is a child's consent worth less than an adult's consent?

>> No.15327378

there is nothing wrong with being a pedophile
stay mad

>> No.15327379

Have fun in prison with that attitude.

>> No.15327401

Early puberty in our times is mostly due to better nutrition.

>> No.15327437

>Why is a child's consent worth less than an adult's consent?
If anything children not being able to consent is the opposite, the consent is worth more because it is harder to gain in the general sense.

>> No.15327577

Ah, the evil pedo faggots finally reared their ugly heads. Well, at least now I'm sure you degenerates are still here and lurking.

>> No.15327607

Because kids that havent hit puberty dont have a sexual drive to enjoy that kind of stuff. They arent aware of what they are getting into and 99% of the time they are getting into it a situation that someone wants to take advantage of it for that reason.
The arguements arent all about the consequeces they can have on the kid but rather that the people who engage with it know the kid doesnt have a clue of what they agreeing with, so its considered exploitation and taking advantage of the situation.

If you want to get into the whole gist of it you would need to read the law codes on that, since most of them give the whole psychological and sociological arguments on why kids dont have developed yet their full abilities to understand their sexuality and autonomy over their bodies and why they arent allowed to give consent till they reach a certain age.

>> No.15327655
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Only hebephilia is acceptable, paedophiles should be shot.
Biology is what matters here, praise Jesus.

>> No.15327672

Keep believing that. Small children are pure bundles of polymorphous perversity.

>> No.15327673

>Because kids that havent hit puberty dont have a sexual drive to enjoy that kind of stuff
This is scientifically wrong.

>> No.15327688

Your fellow inmates will show you polymorphous perversity if you continue down this path.

>> No.15327707

From a purely philosophical point of view, how is your mom being ravaged by a pack of niggers "bad"?

>> No.15327713

It produced me, an antinatalist.

>> No.15327715

It doesnt really matter if it has a positive or negative affect on them, learn to read the rest of the post.

>> No.15327720

Masturbation isn't sex, you moronic incel.

>> No.15327890

Having a desire to fuck kids isn't bad, as well as a desire to fuck a snake with tits and two dicks in maid uniform, and so on.

Child molesting is another thing. Most of molesters has never had any specific preference for children, and simply used the most easily accessible body for sex.

Moral panic is another thing. Sex sells, and imposing your standards under the guise of protecting children is a long standing tradition.

>> No.15327926
File: 23 KB, 739x415, images (21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best thing about being a pedo is that i can piss people off just by existing kek

>> No.15327931

> They arent aware of what they are getting into and 99% of the time they are getting into it a situation that someone wants to take advantage of it for that reason.
Walk into a shopping mall or a movie theater, and you're in the same situation. Can't see much of a protest against those RAPE CENTERS from the concerned public.

>> No.15327985

> read the law codes
That's the shittiest source of ethical reasoning. Put some lines there, and, whoosh, law-abiding citizens are happily cooperating in tracking Jews skipping free train trips to the countryside. Also, you can retroactively provide explanations for everything, this never was a problem in any country.

>> No.15328032

Great and well written post.

also checked.

>> No.15328033

you will be fed to the dogs, believe me

>> No.15328046

>and you're in the same situation
No you are not.
>Can't see much of a protest against those RAPE CENTERS from the concerned public.
Using moral relativism isnt going to help. You can argue all you want that people simply made the laws because of their preferences, but using that as an attack point to slip yours in isnt going to give you a significant point.
Again, i advise you to go read the sociology and psychology behind those laws. Even the most radical feminists that complain about the age of consent only want to lower it to 12 or 14, not abolish it. The exploitation argument also explains why in most countries where the age of consent is 12-14 the kids are allowed to engage with only people of age lower than 16 or 18 and not fully grown adults.

The moment you start applying these postmodern points into politics and real life you are going to end up justifiying a lot of stuff you would regret later. And im not saying this form some jordan memerson right wing moralist point of view.

Nice same fagging there. But no, right now you have plenty of laws that are properly justified with sociological and psychological studies to justify their premisses and the actions for it.
It wouldnt hurt you taking your time to read the ones of your country.

>> No.15328108

>From a purely philosophical standpoint, how is "pedophilia"... bad?
Probably isnt, but it doesnt stop people from collectively disliking adults who engage in sexual relations with kids and killing them for that matter.
Pedos will get the lynch either way

>> No.15328123

Based and checked

>> No.15328200

> sociological and psychological studies
Studies have shown that you if you push the tied suspect into a river, and the suspect doesn't drown, the suspect is guilty.

No sane person would reason based on what is fashionable in $CURRENT_YEAR. It would be fooling yourself instantly.

>> No.15328208

literally fucking demonic. no i wont explain what i mean. fuck you for remotely pondering this topic

>> No.15328216

Masturbation is a simulation of sex.

>> No.15328220

what the FUCK does this have to do with literature? fucking retard OP

>> No.15328251


>> No.15328254

I dont agree with sentiment of your post, but it cracked me up lmao

>> No.15328257

Yes studies that properly explain why kids in a certain age cant fully get a conception of what they are giving consent to, what defines consent without sliping into basing a view of maximal freedom on an inadequate conception of consent which is what you tend to do.
And finally equating these concrete defenitions with morality and ethics.

You can still make relativist arguments for all you can, but as i told you before, those arent going to be helping you either.

>> No.15328274

You are viewing it wrong. Rather than eating it you are raising it properly and not letting it flow with wind into whatever dangers it wishes to go to.

>> No.15328305

>cant fully get a conception of what they are giving consent to
but sex can be a way of initiating the child into sexuality, no? lets say hypothetically he/she is like 10 y/o, not totally dumb and somewhat sexually "curious", if the 1) lover doesnt inted on harming the child and 2) if the lover uses this situation as an initiation how could then it be THEORETICALLY bad?

>> No.15328311

Which is better, the simulation, or the simulacrum (sodomy) of sex?

>> No.15328319

Simple. Anyone who hurts my child or the children of my relatives is going to die.
Liberal, conservative, commie, libertarian, hegelian, christfag, retarded utitalitarian, good or jewish, doesn't matter.
Any other claim is merely prevaricating around the fact that the vast majority of humanity, me included, is perfectly willing to step out of our regular societal concerns to secretly execute any one of you fuckers who hurts our next generation or stands by those who do.

>> No.15328328

>, good or jewish,

>> No.15328331

dont worry, no one is touching your ugly rat

>> No.15328336

>ITT: People pretending they know what they are talking about
I want GirlsAPriori back online. Everything else is shit.

>> No.15328347

It's dysgenic and spoils the marriage value of young women. You can't give your daughter away after some perv has assaulted her. Children also cannot reproduce so reproductively you're at a dead end

>> No.15328358

>From a purely philosophical standpoint
Define the meaning of "philosophical standpoint" in this sentence and the purity thereof.

>> No.15328376

>give your daughter away
>some perv
cringe, imagine not keeping your daughter for yourself

>> No.15328455
File: 44 KB, 800x450, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a dumb argument. Why do we base consent off age instead of IQ? There are genius children that are more intelligent and aware than adults and there are adults with the IQ of children and thus act as such.

Not an argument.

>> No.15328470

>he believes adults are autonomous agents

>> No.15328472

So I'm not allowed to do something with someone who consents to having it done because theoretically one of us could have compelled the other into partaking? If I'm carrying a gun on me and ask you politely under no threat to help me lift a box, you could refuse, but the logic you're presenting implies that because I have the option of using more force than you to compel you to do what I say (even if I don't actually do it) then I should be punished.

>I'm also not keen on further sexualisation of teens, they're already oversexualised enough
Humans literally evolved to do all of their best reproducing in their teenage years. Saying teens get oversexualized is like saying people should stop laughing so much at comedies because muh degeneracy.

>> No.15328506

You see, you are fighting against something that is plain wrong, but, instead of saying that it is just plain wrong, you are referring to the most transitory explanations that use the currently fashionable and promoted construct of “consent”. (It is supposed that “grown ups” can “give consent”, while anyone can see that we're not living in the world of grown ups who act like that. That spherical cow is what you present to me as objective truth.) I suspect that you haven't actually thought about what's right and what's wrong, and are simply following a collective stream of stereotypes.

>> No.15328538

dont be hard on him, some people can only think in concepts that are spoonfed to them

>> No.15328540

If humans evolved to do that, why don't they all do that unconditionally?

I'm sick and tired of “evolutionary” explanations that make no sense from people who have zero understanding of evolutionary theory and its limits. Thanks to compulsory education, everyone can produce social darwinist bullshit about any topic.

>> No.15328580

>you are raising it properly
And thus lies the corruption that pedos bring - this willful obfuscation and explaining away of the fundamental wrong they commit under pretense of "raising" - human sexuality is not brought up or raised, it blooms from within as consequence of natural biological growth. Anything else is tantamount to perversion of a natural process for one's enjoyment, thus equal to destruction of child's sexuality that is yet uncreated.

>> No.15328589

I honestly dont know anon, im not really the one you should be making those questions of what is good or bad for sex initiation. I honestly doubt there are that many kids who are 10 year olds and already have enough knowledge and sex drive to know they want to engage into something like that.
But i already explained you on what those laws are about what really they are trying to protect.

Going with something simple as whats "right or wrong" is the same as simply following collective streams. These constructs of "consent" arent simply made out of trends, and treating them as such isnt going to get you anywhere.

>> No.15328610

Nah, it's raised and carefully cultivated.

>> No.15328611

>literally evolved to do all of their best reproducing in their teenage years
Yeah, which is why the menarche happened way later than nowadays and most women married and gave birth in their 20s if we look by church metrics from 15th century onward. Fuck off with your pseudo-science.

>> No.15328618

Right, it's not a philosophical question either.

>> No.15328624

Kill yourself pedo.

>> No.15328646

Is that how you justify it?

>> No.15328650

Why are there so many pedophiles on /lit/ now?

>> No.15328664

>human body undergoes extreme physical restructuring to facilitate reproduction
>hormone levels skyrocket to the highest they're ever going to be
>literally the greatest potential for health and vitality for the rest of their lives
good lord

>> No.15328673

What does that have to do with fucking kids?

>> No.15328686


I'm speaking from personal experience about myself.

>> No.15328687

>stop sexualizing teens
>Teens are meant to be sexual
>no they're not
>Yes they are, they're literally built for it in all these ways
>what does that have to do with fucking kids

are you even paying attention

>> No.15328693

You molested a child until adulthood?

>> No.15328701

Im not even on his side, but look at those last two greentexted points for a second m8...

>> No.15328702

Idk what the fuck you two are arguing about, but ehebophelia isn’t pedophelia

>> No.15328731

Me and another girl "molested" each other since from kindergarten up to high school.

>> No.15328736

>>literally the greatest potential for health and vitality for the rest of their lives
Statistically, childbirth is safest and with least amount of complications in females in their early 20s, once the skeletal and muscle systems are fully developed and after all hormonal changes subside enough to give a safe environment for a stable pregnancy. You would know if you read the literature instead of spouting this midwit common sense bullshit.

>> No.15329220

Some of what people are arguing about is conflating these things though, like at most you might call the Greek pederasts "ephebephiles", at their worst they were still of the "if there's grass on the pitch" mind.

>> No.15329428

Children are unable to give actual consent.

>> No.15329884

me too, it was the best. now all i have is Rin and that AiW bullshit.

>> No.15329944

I recognise your effort but you're truly retarded. The responses you're getting are a proof of it.
>the social order.
A "the social order" where pedophiles would be accepted as "normal" would be a totally different "the social order". Don't you think, my dear retard, that such "the social order" would develop mechanisms to guarantee a "the social order".
The second half is just downright retarded. I can't even.
>while having little interest in producing any of their own
Justify this
> Such men are little interested in householding, except as a convenient cover for their activities, and can and will gobble up, ruin, and destroy as many children as they are allowed to.
And this.
And mostly everything you wrote.
You're not giving arguments, you give your assumtions, that for some, as we can see from the responses you're getting, look like arguments.

>> No.15329970

Because generally speaking, a minor does not understand sex or is still learning about it.
In any case they can easily be tricked by older people into fucking them.
I know that the age of consent is arbitrary, but is necesary because people tends to have more knowledge about sexual matters as they grow.

>> No.15329987

>a minor does not understand sex or is still learning about it.
A minor understands sex better than you do now.
>In any case they can easily be tricked by older people into fucking them.
Isn't that what seduction is at all ages?
>I know that the age of consent is arbitrary, but is necesary because people tends to have more knowledge about sexual matters as they grow.
Again. You're a virgin.

>> No.15330022

This thread certainly contains a lot of philosophy.
The question, by the way, should be rephrased to "from a purely ethical standpoint" which is a branch of philosophy and not "philosophy".

>> No.15330042

>just by existing
Let's fix that then.

>> No.15330097

>A minor understands sex better than you do now.
Nice ad hominem, retard
>Isn't that what seduction is at all ages?
No, when you seduce someone both are aware of it. A minor likely would not comprehed what's happening.
>Again. You're a virgin.
Again. Nice ad hominem
Seek help and stop trying to justify your mental illness, pedofag

>> No.15330108

The real cold truth is that there isn’t. I find pedophilia disgusting, but this is an affective response. All morality is purely affective reactions elevated through fuzzy reasoning and sentimentality.

>> No.15330142
File: 400 KB, 453x446, Kant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>From a purely philosophical standpoint
From a Kantian perspective, how does sex with a child treat the child as an end rather than a means to your own sexual gratification? On the surface of it, it would seem to blatantly violate the Categorical Imperative.

>> No.15330150


>> No.15330216

based, pedos get the rope

>> No.15330316

I've realized this as well. Most opposition to such things is simply based in a visceral reaction. That said, I do think there is an argument to be made that pedophiles are taking advantage of children, and that children cannot understand the implications of making sexual decisions.

>> No.15330427


>> No.15330629

More about this petition?

>> No.15330893

Children are mentally incapable of exercising the kind of interpersonal directedness that constitutes love. To be fair, many adults fail to do this as well, but they are at least capable in theory.

Because children lack this capacity, engaging in sexual relations with a child is only ever to sate desire. Desire as a controlled means to the end of love is good, desire for the sake of pleasure is not.

It takes their innocence away from them, and denies them the joys of childhood.

As an adult with a personal relation with a child, you have social, familial, and other obligations to the child. A sexual relationship is a violation of those obligations.

>> No.15330977

Amazing post, although I would agree with the other anon as there can be pedophiles not attracted to children exclusively but the ones who do should be killed

>> No.15331188

i don't think 14 year old girls can be considered children, i remember many of them in my class actively looked for older guys to fuck.

>> No.15331204

You are an insane military type conservative who would tear people's guts out to make what's left better suited for social order.

>> No.15331237

If teenagers are unable to consent, then it also does not make sense that teenagers be charged with felonies like first degree murder because it can be argued that Mens Reas cannot take place in a minor child's head.

>> No.15331251

Everyone ITT is a stupid nigger.
>>15323052 figured out OP was asking a black gorilla monkey metaphysical nonsense question and he proved it by posting >>15323061

French intellectual support of the two convicts rests on two premises:
1) if children can be held accountable for crime, they can consent to sex
2) the pubescent girls consented, following the first premise
If we want to accept the moral maxim of holding children responsible, we must allow sexual relations for consistencies' sake. If we value children's innocence we must reevaluate our stance on juvenile detention.

Sexualisation of the youth is disproprortionately imbalanced since coitus with a 16 year old is different from such with a 6 year old.
Outside of this ethical/moral question there is no other dimension to it.

I could conjure up some magic speak about the essence of kiddies but whst it comes down to is democratic consistency and justice.

>lets deny his arguments using stupid truisms and vie for the legalisation of my perversions
If all wisemen told us children could be molested and for good reason you'd still have to get through my winchester to get the sweet underaged puss.
This is clout.

>> No.15331258

Based post.
The purpose of philosophy is lawmaking, not debate. The teleological nature of cunny is irrelevant.

>> No.15331259

acting on pedophilia causes immense trauma to others, hurting others is wrong

>> No.15331272

Inequal power relation. If they're equal, sure, but it's pretty unlikely they'll be on even terms on a psychological or physical level. Of course, this would go beyond just underage/adult relationships.

>> No.15331275
File: 8 KB, 228x221, erp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'd still have to get through my winchester

>> No.15331298

The law of the land will always prevail over philosophy.
Over yonder in the ivory tower the mages have decided in favour of giving everyone a prolapse, and as such the rabble armed with clubs and hatchets crashes through the gates.

Sometimes a good pogrom is a necessity for moral regulation.

>> No.15331331


So 14 and up are able to have criminal intent and are treated as adults in the US but are unable to consent? Surely this is a logical inconsistency or is the justice system implying that criminal intent is more basic that autonomous consent and therefore the ability of children to develop criminal intent happens earlier in life than the ability to give autonomous consent?

>> No.15331369

You just lost, mate.

>> No.15331388

Did your education finish with material from the 60s?

>> No.15331396

I think it comes down to two offenses.
1. Criminal law concerning the community whose law is transgressed rather than the plaintiffs inspiration to continue the trial.
1.1 If we consider sex with a child within a community that forbids it, consensual sex acts as a precedent for further indecent acts which could lead to the degeneration of the wronged community.
1.2 In event of a crime, a wrong has to be set straigjt damned it be if the defendant were a child. The community is wronged and demands blood.
2. The hedonistic calculus weighs more heavily in event of crime than in event of pedophillic sex. The long term detriment from the irresponsible decision of a child to copulate with an adult is enough to raise the age of consent whereas the result of a crime serves as reason for the opposite, where more people are hurt and as such the balance has to be levelled out.

That said, consistency is important and 14 isn't that impressionable an age.

>> No.15331476 [DELETED] 
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>oh yes im a pedo how could you tell

>> No.15331480

I can already imagine your fat Amerilard paws typing out this cringe

>> No.15331489
File: 2.12 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20200511_063838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15331630

It isn't inherently bad, but a romantic relationship with a minor in practice has a high chance of being exploitative due to the gap in intelligence/power, so it needs to be a rule against it. It pretty much came to rise with the popularity of liberal ethics, since in traditional societies child marriage is perfectly fine because the only thing they cared about is procreation, not the well being of minors.

>> No.15331687

> arent simply made out of trends
They are. You simply don't notice these trends.

A system of beliefs of a modern “secular” person is no less amusing than that of a so-called stupid middle age peasant. According to it, history is somehow guided in the “progressive” direction, and, therefore, modern times can only be perfect compared to everything that has been, and everything that is new (or called progressive) is good. Human's life is also a travel on the road to “success”. Everything has rational explanation, simple or complex. Everything that doesn't fit is an error, dead end, malfunction, and should be promptly excluded from mental processes (violence, suffering, death, all those “depressive” things). Real life errors should put in order, and some independent entity called state somehow guarantees that order by itself (now that's just a divine power of kings). Hardships are temporary, the way of life isn't questioned, and entertainment is a drug instead of a mirror.

Still, people rape kids. People rape grown ups. People have sex to get resources. People have sex to get resources, and everyone calls it “a relationship”. People cheat. People have sex and reenact porn scenes, for fuck's sake, and so on, and so on. But, supposedly, everything “consensual” is OK (spice it with some libertarian bullshit about “their own fault” if you like). A webcam girl under 18 is an exploited child and a crime against humanity, and if she's over 18, and is streaming to the very same people, she's a web entrepreneur who is bold about her sexuality. Sorry, I won't trust anyone who can think like that.

Another problem of morals founded on rational (utilitarian, one might say) explanations and law enforcement is that they get deactivated if no one finds out (see “Crime and Punishment”, “Three Billboards…”). What would you do to someone else on a visit to far away island? What if you are very rich, and can effectively hush everyone? Let's say we have human clones in the future, how would we treat them? “Making the world a better place” and “doing the right thing” only in certain cases is hypocrisy. Sure, you can't lay a finger on a noble's daughter, but serfs, prostitutes, black meat, yellow meat — there's no problem for a gentleman to use them. By defending status quo because it is status quo you are defending arbitrary justice.

>> No.15331765

>If I'm carrying a gun on me and ask you politely under no threat to help me lift a box, you could refuse, but the logic you're presenting implies that because I have the option of using more force than you to compel you to do what I say (even if I don't actually do it) then I should be punished.
First of all are you really asking that if you go around waving a gun in people's faces and asking them to do menial tasks, is that wrong? Try it and see. It's not an equivalency, but it's how retarded your sense of right and wrong is you could do with a dose of reality.

Children have little autonomy. There are reasons for this, but it ultimately comes down to less life experience and development. There's a power imbalance between them and their care-givers inherent to the care-giver role that is disrupted if an adult wishes to use them for sexual purposes, and is often taken advantage of by pedos in myriad ways. In cases of children lacking a care-giver in a meaningful sense, you're taking advantage of someone supremely vulnerable like what Jimmy Saville did with those orphans.

>> No.15331791

>Could you please move these boxes for me? No pressure but I do have a gun
>Is that a normal way to behave

>> No.15331815


>> No.15331925

Can confirm. Abused at daycare. Such daycare closed due to several more cases.

>> No.15332009

This. Plus, children can absolutely consent. They withhold or give consent for all kinds of things, constantly. You have to contrive a definition that explicitly boxes them out to claim otherwise. (Like the “under-developed brain” shit, which is another retarded concept since the brain never stops “developing” and certainly doesn’t plateau at some level of arbitrary Maturity where you can handle Serious Adult Things.)
A dog can’t consent. Any able-minded verbal human can.

People aren’t even ready to talk about non-harmful pedophilic *attraction*. The overwhelming response to any calls for therapy or “condition management” for inactive pedophiles is “nah, just kill them all”.

I don’t have any personal stake in this and it’s not a huge deal since pedophiles seem rare, it’s just an annoying reminder of how thoughtless and drone-like most people are.

>> No.15332030

Stfu faggot

>> No.15332049

>“under-developed brain” shit, which is another retarded concept
>Any able-minded
So there's some arbitrary line where a mind is able eh? You know there's some limit, you know it's a little grey in a lot of areas, you just want people to agree on the line being drawn on the far less moral side because you're a cunt.

>> No.15332091

The psychological function of sex doesn’t necessarily follow from the biological. It’s easily influenced by culture, and varies between individuals.

I could just as easily say as an Aztec or something that human sacrifice has a crucial role in the psyche, and the fabric of society would tear apart without it. And the part about the significance of its role would be true, but because of culture, not because of anything inherent to the human brain.

>> No.15332114

>The psychological function of sex doesn’t necessarily follow from the biological. It’s easily influenced by culture, and varies between individuals.
This is the point. We live in a post-industrial society, for society to function as it does there are certain rules about conduct within that society. In human history we may have been more flexible with violence and coercion, but we do away with these to live in a civilised society. Society today is the pinnacle of human achievement and appealing to the rules of other cultures and societies doesn't make sense, they have not achieved what we have.

>> No.15332162

You have managed to make me slightly irritated with that.

>> No.15332170

>it's so annoying when people point out that pedophilia existing in human history doesn't mean I should be able to fuck children today

>> No.15332214

getting your ass stretched is not a spook

>> No.15332742

>don't understand sex
What the fuck is there to understand? It's not rocket science. If incects and monkeys can do it, why can't minors? Are they dumber than incects and monkeys? Pure ideology, as they say.
>muh social connotations of sex
Have no basis in empirical material reality. 100% invented spooks.

>> No.15332752

>empirical material reality
>not spooks
You're haunted dude

>> No.15332759

That's a little more advanced stuff.

>> No.15332769

>sex has a special place in how we function as social animals
Not inherently, only because it was artificially placed there. Plus, there can be many different places in can occupy.

>> No.15332779

>Not inherently,
Yes inherently.

>> No.15332784

No. Your turn.

>> No.15332785

Minors are physiologically incapable of having sex, you dumb fuck.

Or do you also think that chewing gum is a kind of food? Anything that doesn't lead to procreation is not sex, by definition of 'sex'.

>> No.15332794

>Minors are physiologically incapable of having sex, you dumb fuck.
Guess all those minors who've been having sex for all human existance had not been informed.

>> No.15332818

kys, mra faggot.

>> No.15332821

Yes times infinity TO THE POWER OF infinity plus 1

>> No.15332845

Good post

>> No.15332886

You must be a very dim bulb. Let me repeat:

Anything that doesn't lead to procreation is not sex, by definition of 'sex'.

>> No.15332890

Hunny, read Foucailt

>> No.15332926

No times infinity TO THE POWER OF infinity plus 2

>> No.15332985

No, your post was the epitome of IT'S CURRENT YEAR!, and the part about living in a perfect civilized society was exceptionally dumb.

>> No.15332991

8 year olds can get pregnant anon.

>> No.15333012

If they can get pregnant they are not children.

>> No.15333020

Why, so the incessant verbiage and circular definitions get you confused about the basic meanings of basic words?

Sex, in the animal kingdom, is the act of intercourse between males and females for the purpose of procreation.

There is no other possible definition, unless you think humans aren't part of the animal kingdom.

>> No.15333022

Because modern industrial food is laced with hormones and xenoestrogens which speed up female puberty beyond the natural pace. I doubt that a 14 year old has all the muscles and bones ready to go through pregnancy properly, the most common complications encountered during childbirth is that the girl can't dilate enough or there is a developmental problem with the foetus itself.
Then there's the postpartum depression, most common in woemn that are either not ready for kids or not mature enough to take care of the child properly. All of which is very common in teen pregnancies. Compound it with the fact that a teen girl is neither ready to make her way in the world, nor the guy fucking her is usually ready to support her, and you end up with a teen single mom that has to be supported by the state.
Pedos argue for the "biological", yet the evidence against it is overwhelming.

>> No.15333037

The overwhelming majority cannot.
Also, see this post, which has been conspicuously ignored by the defenders of pedophila ITT >>15328736

>> No.15333078

Fake news. Also, this guy >>15333012
is right.

Since you're an incel, let me clue you in on how human physiology works: getting pregnant is hard, there's only a window of 2-3 days a month when it's possible, and the man and woman must be healthy. There's a reason why IVF is a huge, huge thing.

>> No.15333086

power dynamics

>> No.15333091

All morality is relative and pedophilia is wrong because I said so and I will support the imprisonment of pedophiles.

>> No.15333097

It's ignored because it's based on "I think"s and" I doubt"s. The part about support is also retarded as for a majority of human history men weren't treated like manchildren until they reached the age of 18 and actually had to find ways to support themselves and their families.

I don't care about your retarded personal beliefs but calling everything you cannot comprehend "fake news" is arguing in bad faith. If you don't have anything to contribute to the discussion then leave.

>> No.15333114

>It's ignored because it's based on "I think"s and" I doubt"s.
It's straight facts, no thinks or doubts idiot.

>> No.15333115

Have you atleast read the studies and the debates on consent?
Its obvious that laws setting these ages are sometimes only made to protect the general average and what not, but giving me this whole nietzchean type explaination and dismissal because you assume they are based on "rational and utilitarian" explanations and some linear view in history is outright playing dumb.

>> No.15333117

Lolwhat, the entire post talks about medical science on the best time for women to have children. There are no "I thinks" and "I doubts" in there.
Also, that other guys is right. Women generally don't get periods at eight.
Uhhh, BASED?

>> No.15333124

>your post was the epitome of IT'S CURRENT YEAR!
Oh hey boomer. That meme doesn't mean what you think it means.

>> No.15333126

No it's not. He's literally right. The notion of consent in sexual matters was not even implemented in law until the 20th century. It's a novum without any basis in objective reality. Whether or not we'd like to keep it is a separate question.

>> No.15333133

>majority of human history men weren't treated like manchildren
No, they were treated like servants of the patriarch of the family, with everyone working on the same farm/village and supporting one another, that's why it worked.
Don't forget that most marriages were arranged and planned by both families if they saw that the kids got on well enough and most families were structured into the wider village/clan, where both youngsters were looked after.
That still does not negate the medical argument, or the record on childbirth and the average marriage age.
This whole "they got married very young!" nonsense is just exaggeration of historical incidents that were usually noted due to their rarity and not norm, disregarding that these happened to alleviate problems like famine, war, or plague, where adults died off and left very young on their own.

>> No.15333137

Those aren't facts because I can name at least 5 people that I know that were pregnant at 14 and had no problems giving birth.

You can't expect me to take you seriously with that second part, can you?

>> No.15333149

WHOA, some people had no problems having birth at 14, THEREFORE SCIENCE IS WRONG? BAZINGA!

>> No.15333153

Philosophy- a means to cope with oneself and society.

>> No.15333154

>Muh anecdotes

>> No.15333162

>I can name at least 5 people that I know that were pregnant at 14 and had no problems giving birth.
This is a white board, niggers please keep walking.

>> No.15333163

>The notion of consent in sexual matters was not even implemented in law until the 20th century.
The earliest recorded sexual consent law is from 1275. It was a concept long before then too.

>> No.15333165

>Those aren't facts because I can name at least 5 people that I know that were pregnant at 14 and had no problems giving birth.
>Countering statistics with anecdotal evidence
You're not helping your case, mate.

Try something like this: the peak of healthy births may be in the early 20s, but concluding from that fact that women should not have sex until that age is equivalent to saying they should not have sex after the peak, either.

>> No.15333176

You responded in the same way.

Filtered for being cancer.

Whiter than you Hernandez Svensson.

This is what I meant to say, but I'm too busy shit shitposting and can't articulate my thoughts well.

>> No.15333180

This post is peak reddit.

>> No.15333196

>women should not have sex until that age is equivalent to saying they should not have sex after the peak, either.

Even then that argument is flawed, because women can give relatively healthy birth up until age of 35, with minimal differences in health of the baby on average, and even beyond until menopause if they had several children prior. Top it off with the fact that they are more likely to be able to look after them, be in a stable relationship and be mentally ready, it becomes apparent that for everyone involved, from the mother herself through the family and ending up on the society, having birth in early 20s onward is the only beneficial way of going about things.

Pedos will grasp at straws, but they are literally in the wrong and are unrestrained deviants ruining the society.

>> No.15333201

Don't tell lies. Sexual consent was then based on the consent of the patriarch, and by extension, the family, not the individual. Before that and even until now in some places, sexual consent was contained within the marriage contract, and relations outside of that contract were illegitimate.
Your anecdotes definitely trump medical science. We should definitely allow fifty year old men to prey on eight year olds.

>> No.15333213

>Don't tell lies. Sexual consent was then based on the consent of the patriarch, and by extension, the family, not the individual. Before that and even until now in some places, sexual consent was contained within the marriage contract, and relations outside of that contract were illegitimate.
Broadly true in the earlier times of consent laws that are from the 1st millennium and older. But after the first millennium we start to get codified laws that do not recognise consent if someone is under a certain age. In the case of the 1275 law in England it amounts to something like if they're 12 or under it doesn't matter if consent is given or not, it's rape.

>> No.15333231

Just so we're clear, I'm not defending pedos. I made this post >>15323888 yesterday. I'm just not in favor of pretending that present-day moral views are eternal or more correct than those held in the past.
>But after the first millennium we start to get codified laws that do not recognise consent if someone is under a certain age. In the case of the 1275 law in England it amounts to something like if they're 12 or under it doesn't matter if consent is given or not, it's rape.
By consent, do you mean the consent of the father? What was the reasoning given for promulgating such laws? Was it to prevent the sale of children?

>> No.15333232

>because women can give relatively healthy birth up until age of 35
As can any sexually mature female before 20.

>Top it off with the fact that they are more likely to be able to look after them, be in a stable relationship and be mentally ready
Different issue. This is not what I was discussing and it can be countered by other arguments for social benefits.

>> No.15333254

>before 20
> low birth weight, premature labor, anemia, and pre-eclampsia, all risk factors for teen preganacies
Get the fuck out

>> No.15333282

>19 yo = disaster
>20 yo = peak of healthy pregnancy
Why do I find this hard to believe?

>> No.15333310

Besides, teenage mothers are much more likely to be from poor, uneducated families, and not have a stable mate.
If we are trying to get to the truth of what are the healthiest ages for pregnancy, confounding factors need to be accounted for.

>> No.15333331

What exactly do low birth weight, premature labor, anema, and pre-eclampsia have to do with being uneducated?

>> No.15333337

>By consent, do you mean the consent of the father? What was the reasoning given for promulgating such laws? Was it to prevent the sale of children?
We're talking about a law made nearly 1000 years ago and a legal concept that has changed over that period since. The importance of the patriarch's consent has changed over that time, and not in a linear way. I can demonstrate that by pointing to the 1754 marriage act and Gretna Green. The 1754 act made it law that to become married, couple under 21 had to get the consent of their parents. When couples were no longer able to marry of purely their own volition they jumped over the Scottish border to get married instead. If you go back a century to Pepys' diary, the man was a rapist, sex pest, pedo... with the older women he records about them going to lengths to do him harm, and with the women above his station he dares to do nothing, and with the daughter of one of his housekeepers he and others treat her like a piece of meat, no patriarch whatsoever involved there. Not to say Pepys' isn't patriarchal in some ways but the dimensions are different, there isn't a solid idea of consent via patriarch all the way through 1000 years in a single country.

>> No.15333343

Because you're set up a retarded model because you want to be convinced to fuck children.

>> No.15333348

Because back in the day normal puberty started in women from age 15-17 with menarche and it takes about 2 to 3 ears for full blooming. Modern diets fucked it up and are giving female bodies to girls that are mentally not there, straining all the other bodily systems.
Your argument about "ready to give birth" means 20, if we look at historic data and not the last 20 years.

>> No.15333349

>When couples were no longer able to marry of purely their own volition they jumped over the Scottish border to get married instead
Do you have any numbers on this? Usually when people point to such phenomena, they neglect to list the numbers because such cases are few and far between.
> If you go back a century to Pepys' diary, the man was a rapist, sex pest, pedo... with the older women he records about them going to lengths to do him harm, and with the women above his station he dares to do nothing, and with the daughter of one of his housekeepers he and others treat her like a piece of meat, no patriarch whatsoever involved there. Not to say Pepys' isn't patriarchal in some ways but the dimensions are different, there isn't a solid idea of consent via patriarch all the way through 1000 years in a single country.
Why should I draw the radical conclusions you propose from a single man's diary?

>> No.15333352

Probably less likely to be aware of helpful and dangerous behaviours during pregnancy.

I'm not arguing either way, I'm not a moralfag. I'm just attacking what I perceive to be faulty arguments.

>> No.15333356

Do you honestly not know about Gretna Green?
>Why should I draw the radical conclusions you propose from a single man's diary?
Point to better sources, again do you not know about Pepys' diary?

>> No.15333361

>I'm not arguing either way, I'm not a moralfag. I'm just attacking what I perceive to be faulty arguments.
Something being merely bad at one point does not mean it's all milk and honey and roses immediately after.

>> No.15333386
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>So there's some arbitrary line where a mind is able eh?
The ability to consent begins with the ability to speak.

>> No.15333393

>Do you honestly not know about Gretna Green?
I had to look it up because I'm not British. More importantly, only statistics can properly solve our dispute. If Gretna Green was indeed such a destination, but the numbers were severely limited, e.g. fifty marriages per year out of a population of five or ten million, then you haven't proven much of anything at all.
>Point to better sources, again do you not know about Pepys' diary?
I'm not saying it's a bad source. I'm simply saying that it's only one source.
I'm curious. Did you refer to Pepys' diary because it's a source that you yourself are using in your work?

>> No.15333396

Yes. Let's assume that the healthy peak is 21. If it's a peak, that implies that before and after the birth is not as healthy. If you are willing to accept pregnancies at 35+ (14 years after the peak) as healthy, why are you not willing to do the same for pregnancies at 17? You may claim that some women are not fully matured by that age, and thus have a much greater risk. I agree, but those are a small minority of 17 year olds, and I explicitly stated "sexually mature female before 20", thus excluding all those in that minority.

>> No.15333410

Not is only that splitting hairs, it's purposefully imprecise, as maturity can be defined in different ways and one marker for you is that she can have sex and give birth, all other risk factors be damned, even if she is 14 or lower. Not only is that a slippery slope, its dishonest because you hide your meaning behind a very imprecise term, while pretending otherwise.
Begone pedo, we have had enough of your nonsense.

>> No.15333439

>Children can’t give informed consent
If they can speak, they objectively can.
>act responsibly
What does that mean?
>That is why we don’t let them drive cars or drink.
Are you serious? We don't let them drive because their legs can't reach the pedals and they're too short to see out the window, and we don't let them drink because alcohol can literally kill them.

>> No.15333450

is that guy a pedophile?

>> No.15333460

It seems like you're poorly educated around this area and want to be spoonfed, so I'll leave you with this https://www.nrscotland.gov.uk/statistics-and-data/statistics/statistics-by-theme/vital-events/marriages-and-civil-partnerships/marriages-at-gretna-1975-2000/report-on-marriages-at-gretna-part-1
>I'm curious. Did you refer to Pepys' diary because it's a source that you yourself are using in your work?
No. It's, again, an insanely famous source on day to day life at the time.

>> No.15333464
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>We don't let them drive because their legs can't reach the pedals

>> No.15333468

So you agree that teenage pregnancies are not necessarily risky?

>ts dishonest because you hide your meaning behind a very imprecise term, while pretending otherwise
My intent is irrelevant to the discussion.
>Begone pedo
Personal attack.
>we have had enough of your nonsense
Resorting to social pressure to silence opposition.

>> No.15333469

>Let's assume that the healthy peak is 21.

>> No.15333471

Can he actually drive, though?

>> No.15333477

>So you agree that teenage pregnancies are not necessarily risky?
All pregnancies are necessarily risky. Why strive to have them young when you don't have to and it increases risk and decreases health?

>> No.15333480
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Dinklage thread?

>> No.15333482
File: 66 KB, 634x423, dinklagedrivesagain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dinklage thread.

>> No.15333487

The main, obvious reason is that you have more breeding years, thus potentially more babies. That is genetically advantageous.
Other reasons dealing with female psychology are more related to marriage and not necessarily to pregnancy, though they are naturally related.

>> No.15333491

>The main, obvious reason is that you have more breeding years, thus potentially more babies. That is genetically advantageous.
Is it? Is that who is going to populate the gene pool do you honestly think?

>> No.15333497


>> No.15333512

>Rethorical defences
Not relevant to the argument. Risks are significant enough to warrant and psychology of the girl (who is in no way mature before age of 20, let alone 18) is by now out of sync with bodily development due to endocrinal disruptors in our diet and environment. She is not ready for the responsibilities of child-rearing nor is she ready for long-term commitments to either a child or a man, compounded by social problems caused by mass media and internet.
>"muh grooming"
Disgusting and predatory

There is no reason for a girl before age of 20 to get pregnant, and no amount of pleading will change it. Health risks, social risks, personal risks and mental risks point to waiting until such time as viable for her to do it safely, which by all acounts is from age 20 onwards.
Anything else is hedonism and egoism by the guy who "wants them young".

>> No.15333537

I don't know. Having plenty of kids was helpful in the past, maybe not so much these days. That's more of a political discussion and not my point anyway.

My point is that teenage pregnancies when the girl is phisically mature, especially when confounding factors are accounted for, are not more dangerous than most adult pregnancies.

Not my point, see above. I'm not saying sexual relationships with minors are ok. You are taking my argument and drawing your own (uncomfortable) conclusions, and then pinning them on me.

>> No.15333558

>There is no reason for a girl before age of 20 to get pregnant
There's no reason for a girl of any age to get pregnant.

>> No.15333562

>Having plenty of kids was helpful in the past, maybe not so much these days.
Definitely not so much these days.

>> No.15333567


>> No.15333583

This tells us nothing of the prehistory of the issue, only that it has recently become a very popular marriage spot.
>No. It's, again, an insanely famous source on day to day life at the time.
It is only one source. What do the other sources tell us?

>> No.15333615

>only that it has recently become a very popular marriage spot.
Read it again...

>> No.15333689

>My point is that teenage pregnancies when the girl is phisically mature

>I'm not saying sexual relationships with minors are ok

Then make up your mind - either we are talking about physically and mentally ready women, who by most accounts are not teens, or we are talking about sex with minors, you can't have it both ways.

>> No.15333827

I am not talking about mental maturity. Regarding physical maturity, women reach it at the end of puberty, which happens before 18 in most cases. If we consider 18 the age of maturity, it becomes clear that there are plenty of sexually mature minors.

>> No.15333908

>it becomes clear that there are plenty of sexually mature minors.
So you are a pedo then, thanks for clarifying.

>> No.15333918

>argumentum ad hominem

>> No.15333926

I only drew conclusions from your statement, prove me wrong if that's not the case.

>> No.15333933

>argumentum ad hominem

>> No.15333942

So you have nothing to say, congrats.

>> No.15333959
File: 243 KB, 1200x630, adhominem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So you have nothing to say, congrats.

>> No.15333963

We're not even the same person.

Anti-pedo cultist never disappoint. Pedo advocates may be delusional, but at least they know how to discuss something rationally. You cultists just sperg out with insults and anger as soon as you meet any oppposition.

>> No.15333998

>discuss something rationally
Ok, so refute the medical argument, social one, and psychological one. Also, justify the utility in giving a child to a teen when the child-rearing responsibilities rest with the woman for majority of post-birth time, as opposed to letting her learn and develop as a useful member of a society.
There is nothing rational about pedos or their desire, it doesn't hold up to scrutiny, it proves no benefits to the girl or the society and I am yet to see an advantage that a teen mother will have over an adult one if both face pregnancy.
It's been 300 replies and not a single valid point from the pedo crowd that would address any of the bove, apart from the vague "sexual maturity", that misses the mental component and rests on an what-if of individual cases, which cannot be a basis for a legal and moral position.

>> No.15334011
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>Ok, so refute the medical argument, social one, and psychological one.

>> No.15334015
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>> No.15334032

>justify the utility in giving a child to a teen
Justify utilitarianism.
>it proves no benefits to the girl

>> No.15334048

Wow, a canned response. How original. Read your own stuff buddy, you missed the mark on a few. Also, no refutation on the medical element.

so are you in favour of utilitarianism or not? Because teen moms cause more social misery than not.

>> No.15334049

Everybody I've ever known who has been molested becomes either a heroin addict, a schizophrenic, or both. Also pedophiles literally can't stay monogamous because their "partners" age out of the predator's preferences so they get dumped.

>> No.15334057

Not all pedophiles are exclusively attracted to kids.

>> No.15334062

I don't give a fuck about convincing you that pedophilia is not wrong. I was arguing that mature teen pregnancies are not necessarily any more dangerous than most adult pregnancies, and in response you sperg out at me will all sorts of unfounded assumptions and insults.

You fit the stereotype of the anti-pedo cultist. Someone who, when provided with solid counter arguments and facts, will respond with hostility and irrationality instead of discussing them with a cool head.

>> No.15334065

>you missed the mark on a few
>no refutation on the medical element
Sorry bud, we're at a point with technology where that's no longer a concern.
>so are you in favour of utilitarianism or not?
I don't have an opinion on it, but clearly you do. So why don't you justify that?
>Because teen moms cause more social misery than not.

>> No.15334067

None, he betrayed the legacy of people much better than him like Althusser

>> No.15334095

It applies directly to those who are though, and regardless if someone is a pedophile they're likely to cheat with someone who at least looks more young and nubile, sometimes they'll even starve or give their monogamous partners anorexia to keep them looking nubile. It's bad no matter how you slice it.

>> No.15334120

>anti-pedo cultist
Ad homiem much, buddy?

>mature teen pregnancies are not necessarily any more dangerous than most adult pregnancies
Except they are, as supported by literature on the subject and statistics on teen pregnancies in the US, UK , Canada, Australia and most Western Europe. Pregnancy complications are the leading cause of death for girls aged 15-19 both in the developed nations and in the third world.
Again, there is no good benefit to a girl that young having children, and by extension, indulging sexual desires of a man who will inevitably grow bored of her once she grows up.

>technology where that's no longer a concern.
Yeah, except puberty onset is out of whack with mental development and the strain of that is reasoned to be a leading cause for rise in female cancer rates later in life over the past 50 years. this also hasn't reduced teen pregancy risks and still remains a thing of concern for most teen pregnancies.
There's no technology that makes teen mothers any more desirable than not.
Single mothers, increased social expense, incomplete school education, teen pregnancies are more likely to be from poor and disadvantaged backgrounds, aforementioned medical issues, creation of further poverty and social issues.
Pedos don't display any nurturing behaviour towards their objects of desire either and the predatory attitude only compounds the problem. for those girls later on as the man "moves on" to find himself someone younger.

>> No.15334129

>better than anyone

>> No.15334132

>Yeah, except puberty onset is out of whack with mental development and the strain of that is reasoned to be a leading cause for rise in female cancer rates later in life over the past 50 years.
Are you suggesting that we ban puberty?
>teen pregnancies are more likely to be from poor and disadvantaged backgrounds
Ah, looks like you've found the root of the problem.
>Pedos don't display any nurturing behaviour towards their objects of desire either

>> No.15334138

>The notion of consent in sexual matters was not even implemented in law until the 20th century. It's a novum without any basis in objective reality.
You already had notions of consent dating as back when most humanity was still mostly hunters and gatherers. And it changed back and forth and was recoded many times. So he is wrong in assuming that today's notion of consent is based on some super universal rule of progression.
And you still havent read any of the studies about it that links it to "objective reality", so debating this further is utterly useless.

>> No.15334144

Are you retarded? Anorexics have nothing in common with kids. In fact kinds are kind of chubby due to baby fat.

>> No.15334145

>Are you suggesting that we ban puberty
If we ban xeno estrogens and hormonal pollutants in drinking water, that would be nice, yes.
Single teen moms? Ever heard of those?

>> No.15334157

Lack of nutrition delays and slows down puberty. That's why they might do it.

>> No.15334162

>Single teen moms? Ever heard of those?
Yes, but most had sex with a guy their age.

>> No.15334163

That's not how pedophilia works you fool.

>> No.15334172

And that makes it better how?
Again, how common are teen wives with steady husbands?

>> No.15334184

Could it be that they prefer a female with a malnourished but immature body to one with a well nourished mature one? That would fit a pedophile's tastes I think.

The lack of thread IDs in this board is not conducive to an agile open discussion. Why are there no IDs?

>> No.15334191

Use a trip if it bothers you.

>> No.15334198

Our discussion is about pedophilia, not teen sex.
But anyways, if we were to change the stigma surrounding teen sex, there's a good chance that they would actually get married.

>> No.15334199

Jeffery Epstein had Maria Farmer on starvation diet to keep her more fuckable in his eyes, and he was a major pedo

>> No.15334206

>The lack of thread IDs in this board is not conducive to an agile open discussion. Why are there no IDs?
Because 4chan, IDs are only used on shitposting boards because of problems with shitposting. Please fuck off if you are of that ilk

>> No.15334224

>IDs are only used on shitposting boards because of problems with shitposting
Actually, they were added as joke by moot.

>> No.15334232

>as joke
as a joke*

>> No.15334237

Teen marriages would fare even worse than regular marriages, an institution that's rapidly falling apart anyway

>> No.15334241

I didn't imply that the husband is of the same age as the girl, but the suggestion was to prove nurturing behavior from the man that tries to avoid a "pedo" label despite clearly being one.
The stigma is there and for a good reason, to blatantly disregard all the risks and dangers is to commit oneself to premeditated egoism. If you feel the need to have a teen bride, there is a high chance you will grow bored of her once she grows up, adding to the problem, since you perpetuate it.

>> No.15334272

Fair enough.
>If you feel the need to have a teen bride, there is a high chance you will grow bored of her once she grows up, adding to the problem, since you perpetuate it.
Okay, well why is marriage a necessity anyways? The anon I just replied to made a good point, most marriages fail anyways. Especially nowadays.

>> No.15334289

Replace word "marriage" with "relationship", the argument still stands. Pedos are not attracted to the person, they are attracted to youth, which they see as something to be had and enjoyed before moving on to a new one. There is no justification for this.

>> No.15334293

>Replace word "marriage" with "relationship", the argument still stands.
And what's the problem with that?

>> No.15334297

I've had issues with people mistaking my posts for someone else's. When you're having a long discussion with multiple participants the IDs are very useful.

>Please fuck off if you are of that ilk
no u

>> No.15334305

most "regular people" aren't attracted to the person either, just big tits or some shit

>> No.15334329

This. Most men are primarily attracted to young women. Suggesting that because they gradually lose interest in the woman the marriage is invalid would be absurd. All marriages would be invalid in that case.

>> No.15334345

Honestly that's true, we either need to change the slutty nature of men or come up with a sustainable alternative to marriage

>> No.15334355

>we need to change the slutty nature of men
Good luck.

>> No.15334367

With genetic engineering, everything's possible, we just need the will and the stomach to do it

>> No.15334385

Can a relationship only be good if it lasts "until death do us part"? You are also ignoring that most pedophiles are non-exclusive, so this might not even be an issue. Thirdly, isn't it more likely that the minor would leave the adult anyway, before getting "too old", due to crushing on someone his/her age?
Finally, an attraction to you and an attraction to an individual are not mutually exclusive. I very much doubt that most pedos are attracted to all kids. I'll also ask this question: if you had a girlfriend who suddenly went from 25 to 65 overnight, would you still be in love with her and feel sexually attracted?

>> No.15334387

>With genetic engineering, everything's possible, we just need the will and the stomach to do it
Very true. But that's a different conversation.

>> No.15334399

Given advanced genetic engineering, it seems like it would be more efficient for a society just to clone the humans it needs. They'd either be asexual, or made sterile so they can fuck as much as they like a la Brave New World.

In the last part, it should be "attraction to youth" and not "attraction to you".

>> No.15334425


>> No.15335215

oh my

>> No.15335257

Why this discussion devolved into "muh child birth" and "is it good for society????" you know condoms exist right?

>> No.15335373

>I've had issues with people mistaking my posts for someone else's.
It's part of the fun and the nature of discussion on anonymous boards, if you don't like it try somewhere like reddit.

>> No.15335395

>It's part of the fun