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15322498 No.15322498 [Reply] [Original]

What explains the rise of new age nature mysticism, pantheism, and also to an extent neopaganism? I find it puzzling to consider nature a personified, singular, and eminent being. Nature is nothing more than the collective of individual beings that consume each other to continue existence. There is nothing mystical about it. Attempting to find spirituality or metaphysical realities in the material/natural world is a dead end. It’s almost like focusing on the meaning of the type of paint used in a painting rather than the whole piece in itself

>> No.15322504

>What explains the rise of new age nature mysticism, pantheism, and also to an extent neopaganism? I
loss of Christianity

And you're assuming the world is just material.

>> No.15322515
File: 684 KB, 610x892, Francisco-de-Goya-1799.-Capricho-nº-43-El-sueño-de-la-razón-produce-monstruos-serie-Los-Caprichos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atheism has failed. Reason is dead, now is the time of monsters.

>> No.15322517

it’s way more complicated than that I would wager.
>And you're assuming the world is just material.
dude, did you read my post or just misinterpret it heavily?

>> No.15322545

Just because you're satisfied with cold materialism doesn't mean everyone else is. Some people want the world to be more than what it is.

>> No.15322558

I like to think there are two ways of viewing this. One is the based way, the Ted way, in that man's intimacy with nature gives him power and control over his own destiny. This is highly based.
The less and worse variant of nature mysticism belong to faggots like Hayao Miyazaki who just see nature as some way to larp about spirituality or project angst against humans. This type of obsession could easily be swapped with any other religion, really. It doesn't change our modes of thought in the way Ted's does.

>> No.15322615

That’s literally not what I’m saying at all, retard. I’m saying it is rather foolish to conflate spirituality with the natural world, when the natural world is nothing more than a limited observation of our consciousness.

>> No.15322636

cuz animism is cool
entering in a forest that has a spirit is cool

>> No.15322641
File: 28 KB, 640x449, Jacques Derrida says Viola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metaphysics of presence