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15322067 No.15322067 [Reply] [Original]

Books, comics, or mangas to understand women?

>> No.15322069

Urotsukidoji is all you need.

>> No.15322083
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Why would you want to understand women? Do they even understand you? don't waste your time on them.

>> No.15322105
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Can't understand what doesn't think

>> No.15322112
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I know I am spoonfeeding someone who apparently has nothing to add to the already crowded with midwits /lit/ 2020 and OP's question together with your commomplace "no gf" pic makes me feel like you percieve woman as cum-sockets essentially due a lack of sexual experience. But here we go:

Kawabata's works in general, specially Thousand cranes, house of sleeping beauties and snow country.

They are short books, and I am almost sure you can read at least one of them.Refrain from posting again, let alone open a thread.

>> No.15322175

I would suggest talking to them. classmates, coworkers, whatever you can get. be cool, don't be judgemental, and wait until they start opening up to you.

Look, ever watched a nature documentary? did the photographer just run up to a deer, grab it by the throat and start demanding answers? No. they sat and watched. they let things just happen. they let the deer show them how it lives its life, without any judgement or interference.

that is how you have to be with people. Your head is full of all kinds of judgments, even without actually knowing enough about what you are judging. You have to just accept people as they are, learn from them, before you can really understand someone.

The moment you say "women are like this", you have lost. Until you have learned that from interacting with a wide variety of women, on a very personal level, then you are just telling yourself fairy tales.

>> No.15322188

why not books, comics, and manga written by women for women? I mean, that is the stuff they are essential sharing among themselves. unless you can turn into an ant and sneak into the girl's bathroom, you will have a hard time seeing women as they really are. maybe start with their fantasies?

>> No.15322213
File: 10 KB, 200x318, 200px-Darwin_-_Descent_of_Man_(1871).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Descent of Man and Selection according to Sex by Charles Darwin

>> No.15322609
File: 84 KB, 490x757, rational_male.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15322630

Stop worrying man, women are not meant to be understood :3

That man in the picture doesn't 'understand' women more than Goku, he's just getting it right now. Be happy for him, be happy for Goku etc etc

No need to worry about 'understanding' an entire gender, that doesn't even make sense.

>> No.15322675


>> No.15323398

What the fuck is this thread. OP, the reason women won't fuck you is because you ask for manga recs on 4chan.

>> No.15323405

>understand women
forgetting understanding
just unleash your raw gorilla instinct

>> No.15323408

stop bumping this garbage you retard

>> No.15323409

In strongest legend kurosawa, ALL women that kurosawa (a character developing his social skills) despararely want all turn out to be really shallow

>> No.15323667

books by women

>> No.15324001

Fantastic manga, I wish the author would branch out from gambling manga more often.

>> No.15324090
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>> No.15324141

Doing this as made me more misogynistic. Vast majority are extremely stupid and vain