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File: 34 KB, 460x287, albertcamusfootbal_2313131c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15320990 No.15320990 [Reply] [Original]

>one must imagine sisyphus happy

Did this motherfucker really think this will blow our fucking minds? How does this solve Nihilism in any way?

>> No.15320998
File: 475 KB, 755x368, absurd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15321027

Effectively, "Be a good goyim and don't question anything."

>> No.15321039
File: 37 KB, 526x526, viper tha universe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related unironically helped me way more with coming to terms with the absurd than reading Camus. Fuck that French blowhard.

>> No.15321046

What would be the other option for life? It's either live or kill yourself.

>> No.15321050

Camus is a pseud change my mind

>> No.15321053
File: 55 KB, 351x354, 1587419615156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw the Universe is infinite with wonderful places but you are stuck in this shithole planet and species
feels bad

>> No.15321060

The stranger was good nighttime reading as it put me to sleep.

>> No.15321063

Hi op. Camus actually wrote several books on this! He didn't just write one quote. Hope this helps! xoxo

>> No.15321174

Fucking hack. Imagine a successful writer/athlete who fucked his choice of prime pussy telling you to roll your boulder happily.

>> No.15321354

You'd say that anywhere you go in the universe with that mindset. You're always stuck in "this shithole planet and species"

>> No.15321391

You might have also been a lower alien race in an intergalactic hypergulag where your alien scrotum is treated with ET-chemicals to induce turbo aids and ether-psychosis. So be grateful

>> No.15321413

It's his personal philosophy. He isn't advocating everyone adopt this viewpoint, he is suggesting that this is one, and his, response to nihilism.

Joy of life -- you should try sunbathing, anon

>> No.15321466

Don't try so hard to see yourself as intellectually superior OP. Nothing you do or think can change the nihilistic implications of existence. Only thing you can do is find a rebelious will against it and celebrate in the abyss. If happiness seems this unwanted to you I'd suggest fixing your resentiment against normies and began to value sincere and simple human emotions.

>> No.15321499

It doesn't. But its practical

>> No.15322050


>> No.15322064

leddit response, nice