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/lit/ - Literature

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15318451 No.15318451 [Reply] [Original]

What books should one read to their kids?

>> No.15318465

kid's books

>> No.15318470

Create your own internal fantasy or realistic world and just create stories within it to read to your kids.

>> No.15318471

the guenonfag vs whiteheadfag rivalry has gone too far

>> No.15318474

book of disquiet

>> No.15318503

Wasn't Nabokov reading Keats and Tolstoy as a kid?

>> No.15318588

This. Read them Dostoeyevsky.

>> No.15318745

unironically Finnegan's Wake, they'd find it humorous.

>> No.15318749

alice in wonderland

>> No.15318812
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>> No.15318819

>Keats and Tolstoy
Based Nabokid

>> No.15318856

Hegel if they're meant to grow up and be intelligent

>> No.15319083


>> No.15319116

Indeed, it was just miscategorized, it should be next to The Cat in the Hat and Cracked Nursery Rhymes.

>> No.15319138

Mein kampf

Manifesto:2083: A European Declaration of Independence

Turner diaries

>> No.15319206

Conan stories, so they grow strong and not onions

>> No.15319214

Indeed, it was just miscategorized, it should be next to The Cat in the Hat and Cracked Nursery Rhymes.

Also that they should hear dark skin equals savage every third page.

>> No.15319236

now this is based

>> No.15320756

Better Never to Have Been

>> No.15320762

The Iliad

>> No.15320964

tristan and isolde

>> No.15321049

Kids can do their own reading. You don't have to baby them by reading to them. If they can speak, they can read. If they don't learn how to read by the time they're 3, take them back to the hospital and ask for your money back. They came out retarded.

But if they come out fine and are reading by at least age 3, start them off with simple books, such as Simulcra and Simulation, Being and Time, and Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.

From there, you can move them up to denser material. They may be hesitant at first, but they'll thank you later.

>> No.15321065

Start with the greeks

>> No.15321134

Narnia, the hobbit, lemony snicket

>> No.15321287

I see you were in the reading group too OP?

>> No.15321357

nah i just found this image while scrolling through twitter and thought it was funny

>> No.15321361

also were you in the group? do tell.

>> No.15321372

Yeah but I was super busy w/School so I couldn't keep up with the P&R readings. Really cool to hear John Cobb elucidate it all though.

>> No.15321565
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Depends on the ages and the child.

Aesop, Hoffmann, Dickens, Swift, Tolkien, Jansson, Le Guin, Borges, London, Twain, Verne, much else. Point is, don’t talk down or sugarcoat things for them, don’t read down or allow them to rot on sugarcoated things.

>> No.15321724
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Sex and Character

>> No.15321737

NOT the Greeks

>> No.15322091
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Too late, my wife's son loves the Greek myths. Then we moved on to Beowulf and he insisted we read it in the original. Neither of us understood a damn thing. We haven't read anything else yet though. I guess because he's been really into busy building this crazy tower near the beach. Also pic related.

>> No.15322100

You're not having kids shut up

>> No.15322173

>What books should one read to their kids?

>> No.15323343

I read a lot of historical fiction, you can find ability-appropriate stuff for any child. It improves imagination and empathy while also teaching them about the world (think Little House on the Prairie for 5/6 year olds, shorter Dickens novels for 10 year olds, etc). Other than that fantasy is good: CS Lewis, Tolkein etc

>> No.15323347

the genre nursery!

>> No.15323393
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Pic related was probably the best thread we ever ran on this topic.

>> No.15323489

Read them Siege.

>> No.15323497
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Start off with this. Lay the groundwork early for TRANSCENDENCE.

"Man is something that must be overcome!"
— Zarathustra

>> No.15323513
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Now move on to these. It's a complete series. Good pictures, good text, no minorities, no crap. Your children will learn about passion and struggle and suffering and death and redemption.

"Of all writings I love only that which is written with blood."
— Ibid.

>> No.15323519
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>> No.15323536 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 318x288, Where The Wild Things Are.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we're on to the real heart of the canon.

"I want hobgoblins around me, for I am courageous."
— Ibid.

>> No.15323549
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>> No.15323552
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Now we're getting to the real heart of the canon.

"I want hobgoblins around me, for I am courageous."
— Ibid.

>> No.15323575
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Life's not all struggle and seriousness. We want some frivolity too.

"...And to me, who loves life, it seems that butterflies and soap-bubbles, and whatever is like them among men, know most about happiness.
To see these light, foolish, dainty, affecting little souls flutter about — that moves Zarathustra to tears and to song."
— Ibid.

>> No.15323586
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By now, your children will have a rock-solid grasp on reality, so they can indulge in a little controlled mayhem.

"One must have chaos within oneself, to give birth to a dancing star."
— Ibid.

>> No.15323622

>>15323586 >>15323552

Holy shit. Put the brakes on the philosemitism. Children get too much Judaism as it is without their parents forcing it on them.

>> No.15323669
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Time to move on to the first great practical philosopher in literature. Pooh is a Bear of Very Little Brain and that's OK.

"To children I am still a scholar, and to thistles and red poppies, too. They are innocent, even in their wickedness.
But to the sheep I am no longer a scholar: thus my fate will have it — blessed be my fate!"
— Ibid.

>> No.15323694
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I'm a bit worried we left the Greeks too long. Anyway, let's make up for lost time.

"Man should be trained for war and woman for the recreation of the warrior: all else is folly."
— Ibid.

>> No.15323763
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It's time your children learned that their great-grandparents were better people than almost anyone alive today.

"He who is of the mob remembers back to his grandfather — with his grandfather, however, time stops.
Thus all that is past is handed over: for the mob could one day become master, and all time be drowned in shallow waters."
— Ibid.

>> No.15323767

None. Books are for pseuds and are a waste of time.

>> No.15323779

so this is what autism looks like

>> No.15323788


I'm answering OP's question honestly. No harm in making it entertaining.

>> No.15323816
File: 122 KB, 420x506, The Wind In The Willows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


“We shall creep out quietly into the butler's pantry—" cried the Mole.
"—with our pistols and swords and sticks—" shouted the Rat.
"—and rush in upon them," said Badger.
"—and whack 'em, and whack 'em, and whack 'em!" cried the Toad in ecstasy, running round and round the room, and jumping over the chairs.”

"You say it is the good cause that hallows even war? I tell you: it is the good war that hallows every cause."

>> No.15323934

I've actually tried reading philosophy, like Descartes, to children to see their reaction, they immediately beg me to stop. But I read science books and they ask me to elaborate on everything.

>> No.15324053
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Yes, let it roll. Aside from his excessive philosemitism, he is doing a decent job.

>> No.15324085

>they should hear dark skin equals savage every third page
why do you want to make them hate themselves

>> No.15324088 [DELETED] 

Like you'd know anything about children you barren dyke.

>> No.15324132
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Remember: Pippi is not just kindhearted, but she can also lift a horse into the air with one hand. Your children must understand how important this is.

"In truth, I have often laughed at the weaklings who think themselves good because their claws are blunt!"
— Ibid.

>> No.15324135

I loved that book as a kid.

>> No.15324150
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"THE IRON MAN CAME TO THE EDGE OF THE CLIFF." This should probably have come earlier in the list. And don't be tempted to substitute the film for the book.

"Are you ugly? Very well, my brothers! Take the sublime about you, the mantle of the ugly!"
— Ibid.

>> No.15324177

Winnie the Pooh

>> No.15324324
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This, and everything else he wrote. Mr. Fox knows what matters in life — namely, chickens, ducks, geese and cider.

"Bread? replied Zarathustra laughing. "It is precisely bread that hermits do not have. But man does not live by bread alone, but also by the flesh of good lambs, of which I have two."
— Ibid.

>> No.15324408

And don't just create it to have something to tell your children, take the opportunity to help create a context for your constructed languages. It will help.

>> No.15324636

Someone post the /sci/ thread on what kids should learn in school, notably the post where anon shows how kids should learn all of calculus before secondary school.

>> No.15324681
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Japanese cartoon books.

>> No.15324683

Based choice. My favorite to this day, and lays a perfect foundation to get into Redwall later

>> No.15324711
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Why yes, I do read Comic LO to my daugher for educational purposes. How did you know?

>> No.15325328
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I made no recommendation, merely described that work. Equally it is no fault of mine should the sperm bank send the Senegalese schizophrenic.


>> No.15325555

Deuteronomy, Leviticus, Exodus.

>> No.15325589

I graduated recently as a materials engineer and don't know even half that shit, the other half I try and forget. Is /sci/ full autism?

>> No.15325624

Illustrated children's edition when?

>> No.15325853

I don't think they are serous but it's hard to tell. I have a math minor, but I don't even know what all of the words mean, much less understand them mathematically.

>> No.15326221

>Anne Frank and her sister enjoy a book together while hiding from the SS, 1942 (colorized)