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File: 39 KB, 431x450, socrates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15318160 No.15318160 [Reply] [Original]

>By Zeus, Anon, I must beg for your wisdom on this most troubling matter. I have heard from reputable men that you are most wise, and I hope that you may solve this problem once and for all.
>What, precisely, does it mean to be "based"?

>> No.15318180

Sophist: "It is the opposite of cringe."
Socrates: "Then what is cringe?"
Sophist: "it is the opposite of based."
Socrates: "We're getting nowhere."

>> No.15318186

It is when acidity is low. In a sense it means to be grounded, 'based' in reality and fact. That is, metaphorical. Now you tell me oh wise Socrates, what is metaphor?

>> No.15318188


>> No.15318194

To be based is to say a truth that is politically incorrect. For example, when you say that "marrying a party girl who has slept with dozens of men is stupid", you are being based.

>> No.15318207

But, my good man, would you say something is true because it is politically incorrect? Or is it politically incorrect because it is true?

>> No.15318208


>> No.15318221

To be "based", you need to say something that is true but politically incorrect. Saying that "water is wet" is true, but not politically incorrect. So, it is not based. Saying something politically incorrect but untrue is not based either.

>> No.15318222
File: 5 KB, 202x250, 1588681173377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, my good based friend, Sockrayts. When you said that women were of an essence lesser than that of the male, you were being based. The opposite would be being cringed, which would be seen in advocating for the so-called 'equality' of the sexes.

>> No.15318228

Neither. It is a truth which happens to be politically incorrect, the uttering of which makes you based. To say, as an example,
>OP is a fag
May be politically incorrect in some circles, but not in the one in which it usually is uttered. Thus the basedness quality of such a statement, though indubitably true without fault, is low.

>> No.15318231

The sensation of sencerity and aesthetic value, especially, but not exclusively, if it is transgressive or particularly evocative.

>> No.15318250

That sincerity makes you based is testament to the cringeness of the times we live in.

>> No.15318255

Look! OP is trying to copy Socrates' leisured dialectic...but he isn't doing so well!

>> No.15318263

Are you therefore based and he cringe?

>> No.15318271

Sensation of sincerity anon, not necessarily sincerely as a perfect ideal.

>> No.15318284

Even cringe or incencerity can feel sincere contextually, and therefor being manifestly based.

>> No.15318292
File: 85 KB, 746x828, Cheerios_302ea0_5769247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's think about cringe. Looking at picture related, we have one of the biggest examples of cringe.
What makes it so cringeworthy?

>> No.15318310

I dont want to hear about some stupid woman. I wantr to hear about her getting sliced in half through the neck

>> No.15318319

Indeed. The paradox grips hardest.

Wouldn't the sensation of sincerity, if manifested with an insincere intention be cringe? But then I wonder what matters more. Is the cringe of insincere intentions greater than the based of the appearance of sincerity? As in, does an inherently cringe work become based if its consumers gain some value of sincerity out of it?

>> No.15318339

To be based is to espouse a profound sincerity, especially if it defies societal norms. This is often qualified with things like "bluepilled" or "redpilled" which determine the statement's value as it relates to the world as a whole. For example, an open fascist may be called "based and redpilled" by a /pol/ user while a Stalinist might be called "based yet bluepilled". Or somebody who is against masturbation for conservative reasons may acknowledge that a shameless pervert is "based" yet is also bluepilled, while a radical feminist who is against pornography because she considers it to be patriarchal violence against women is "cringe yet redpilled".

>> No.15318358

To be based is to be stronger. The most based person is also the strongest. To be redpilled is to understand the power of strength; to be "based and redpilled" is to be strong and aware of your strength.

>> No.15318369

> Wouldn't the sensation of sincerity, if manifested with an insincere intention be cringe?
Ah, but the thing is, to know that it’s intents are insincere is a piece of the work in itself in how it is observed. The point is, to know the inherent nature of something being (in)sencere is still a part of appearance. We cannot be certain of the thing in itself. This is not to say it is low sunbjectivity, but transcendental ideality.

>> No.15318370

Would you call a liberal twitter user who makes someone apologize for saying "there are only 2 genders" based?

>> No.15318385

>we can use the method of dihairesis. So I ask you to help me dearest, I will propose a category and you confirm it accordingly
>I will help to the best of my limited ability for I am not as wise as thee
>so be it, my dearest friend. Is being based a state that is imposed on it or a state that roots in the object itself?
>a state that is certainly the quality of the thing itself
>so it is unlike the marble that comes only to beauty through the sculptor and more like the sculpture itself?
>so tell me friend, is being based an active state or a passive quality?
>passive oh wisest socrates as it stays based in its quality years after it was established like the great statue of apollon that you hold so dearly oh beautiful soceates
>but isnt the satues basedness not just a reflection in a muddy pool of the true nature of the based?
>I do not understand oh wisest
>By the dog! We have reached a terrible predicament. If being based is a state that is to be activated, then the sculptor hitting the marble must have an idea of what is "based". Basedness lies in the sculptor so we can not possibly call the sculpture itself based as it is merely a mirros ephigy on what true basedness entails. If the root of basedness is in the sculptor than we must first establish what qualities made the sculptor produce the least tainted, closest to true basedness representation in the material world. You will agree to me that this ability comes in different qualities and that not everybody is able to create equal beauty?
>I agree
>you also agree that basedness is beauty?
>and that beauty has its roots in wisdom, which in turn is the conquest of truth
>of course
>so I have proven that the most based is the philosopher, as he is looking for the root of the based and cultivates a clearer understanding of it than anybody else. For basedness is wisdom
>By zeus! You have convinced me!

>> No.15318395

Contextually, more often then not.

>> No.15318407
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, thank you based god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Based means being yourself. Not being scared of what people think about you. Not being afraid to do what you wanna do. Being positive. When I was younger, based was a negative term that meant like dopehead, or basehead. People used to make fun of me. They was like, ‘You’re based.’ They’d use it as a negative. And what I did was turn that negative into a positive. I started embracing it like, ‘Yeah, I’m based.’ I made it mine. I embedded it in my head. Based is positive.”

>> No.15318418

>What makes it so cringeworthy?
1. The way he casually changes the tone from "Women are allowed to have as much sex as they want." to "Screw you, pesky [brand], I can't just [do impossible thing], but it doesn't change the fact that I enjoy your chocolatey crunchy goodness of a Sunday morning watching cartoons".
The liberals do this sort of thing very often, where they try to make a serious argument on a serious topic, only to end it with a "silly-billy" funny remark. It's like something a cartoon character would do. It feels unnatural and you, as a rational human, spotted the sudden shift. It's funny when a cartoon does it, because the cartoon character is already not natural enough for you to separate what's real from what's not real. Why they do this - I assume because of immaturity and insecurity.
2. The topic itself. He's LARPing as a genius philosopher even though he's talking about whores being whores and how that's suddenly "okay".
3. Soiboy look. It speaks for itself.

>> No.15318423

Anon, you don't know what based means if you think numales and feminists are based.

>> No.15318435

Acting like I would act under particular circumstances.

>> No.15318443

>It's like something a cartoon character would do.
I feel like this is a big point among Lefties: They're entirely performative. They're only ever capable of engaging with emotions by offshoring the work to the crowd. It's why the LITERALLY CAN'T EVEN, because you've caught them offguard and they're incapable of acting a certain way to a crowd to deal with how they feel. They can't even throw a temper tantrum, they're just stuck.

I'm almost certain this is where "emotional labor" comes from; people realizing this and wanting something out of helping literal manchildren deal with their badfeels.

>> No.15318450

Sorry didn’t read response well. Meant opposite of what I said.

>> No.15318496

Based is what it is, there is no logical explanation, charlatain

>> No.15318691

THRASYMACHUS: Listen, then; I proclaim that based is nothing else than the interest of the jannie. And now why do you not praise me? But of course you won't.

>> No.15318796

What would be an example of something politically incorrect but untrue?

>> No.15318887

"Gypsies run the media"

>> No.15318903

Perhaps I have not explained myself clearly and so I have led you astray.
First, we have the form of "politically incorrect", that which our leaders fear to utter lest they lose popular support. Or, indeed, what they only think will lose them popular support.
Then, of course, is the truth, which you yourself have discussed many times and so I will not dwell on it in this explanation.
Then, what is "based", partakes of these two, namely Political Incorrectness and the truth.

>> No.15319006

megalopsychia, greatness of soul >>15318222
based trips

>> No.15319303
File: 112 KB, 999x1351, socrates statue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now that we have discussed "cringe" and "based", can we discover what circumstances deserve Gigachad and what circumstances deserve Basedjak?

>> No.15319330
File: 2.85 MB, 1430x1076, Based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are completely perplexed, then, and you must clear up the question for us, of what you intend to signify when you use the word "based". Obviously you must be quite familiar with what you mean, whereas we, who formerly imagined we knew, are now at a loss.

>> No.15319353

>How characteristic of Socrates! Did I not foresee --have I not already told you, that whatever he was asked he would refuse to answer, and try irony or any other shuffle, in order that he might avoid answering?

>> No.15319823

"Niggers are colorblind"

>> No.15319853

Wrong, what you're describing is to be "redpilled".
This is moreso correct, although the political incorrectness of a statement doesn't actually matter to the statement being based. You can be based in your actions also, i.e doing things in a certain way which is good would be based. Working out can be referred to as being based, just as reading can.
This is the most best answer.

>> No.15319899

>most best answer
I'm a fucking retard, by the way.

>> No.15320018

"Upvote" or "Like".

>> No.15320330

fuck off neechee, you aren't yet born.

>> No.15320577

I wholeheartedly think that this thread and all anons enclosed are without a doubt based, I find myself smiling and filled with joy among you all

>> No.15320598

Checked Gigachad

>> No.15320606

I gather sticking too ones true thoughts despite outside influences, be it peers or a larger group as a whole, despite said opinion possibly going against peers/group narrative. Would this be considered based? Be it red or blue polled given context

>> No.15321232


>> No.15321285

Socrates: “If it were necessary either to be based or to be cringe, I should choose to be based rather than cringe.”

Callicles: “for cringe, Socrates, if pursued in 4chan moderation and at the proper janitor, is a non-salaried accomplishment, but too much moderation is the ruin of human life.”

>> No.15321490

Based on what?

>> No.15321497

The opposite of being debased.