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File: 272 KB, 360x360, EW6_tvDWkAAMIwZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15316536 No.15316536 [Reply] [Original]

his physiognomy perfectly describes his writings.

>> No.15316551
File: 58 KB, 480x600, kantbot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did he do it, bros?

>> No.15316557


>> No.15316617

I'd take his virginity :3
t. femanon

>> No.15316627


In any case, Great Souls are honorary chads in my book.

>> No.15317091

Because courage is being scared to death, and saddling up anyways. It's not about staying clean. It's about fighting for cunny even when you know you're gonna fail.

>> No.15317102

HANSEN!!!!!! I'm callin you out!

>> No.15317108

He's handsome in a large man way.

>> No.15317166

kantbot is the terence trent d'arby of twitter nobodies. anything he writes and publishes can never live up to the "cyber-monk genius" larger-than-life persona he has erected for himself and he knows it

>> No.15317177

Very applicable to kantbot but i really do feel as though this sentiment can be applied to any cringe intellect in twitter: posturing which oversells the actual content (if any)

>> No.15317209

Absolutely, compare any twitter-intellectual's hyperbolic self branding and their umming and ahhing struggle to articulate themselves on any shitty podcast they agree to go on.

>> No.15317225

Except Zizek of course.

>> No.15317344

zizek has been around for 30 years dude

>> No.15317378

You're blind in a large way.

>> No.15317387
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He seems very approachable. Do you think strangers ask him philosophical questions when they see him in public?

>> No.15317390

has he ever had sex? he looks like a boy who has never had sex

>> No.15317394

hack of middling intellect
twitter has noticeably declined recently
at least he has had the good sense to grow out his beard.

>> No.15317428

Is this why I look so young, like Kantbot?

>> No.15317438

He isn't a Kantian and uses it as a pretense. It is against the categorical imperative to eat to excess. Kant weighed 120 pounds his entire life. It isn't that meager of a weight considering his small stature.

>> No.15317442

There's something desperate in his constant REEing about academia. I wonder what the story is there

>> No.15317447

is this miya?

>> No.15317453

itt: ulysse getting buttmad at chadbot because he's been banned from twitter and has no where else to post his venomous takes

>> No.15317459

>he doesn't know that fatboy is next

>> No.15317461

>Complete the System of Goiter Idealism

>> No.15317465
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this is miya

>> No.15317487
File: 1.72 MB, 1201x1202, kantbot__80436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have kept this avi

>> No.15317507

He's a grifter. He goes out of his way to attack other twitter intellectuals to accumulate clout. All his attacks are pseudo-intelligent, ironic vagueries. Then his following grows and more big people want him on their podcasts, and he gets more big people on his podcast. More exposure, more podcast revenue.

>> No.15317509

Waiting for the redemption arc where KB loses a lot of weight. KB, take the fasting pill

>> No.15317548

Fuck you. Miya is BPD queen

>> No.15317579

simping for a 30y/o dude

>> No.15317599

social media intellectual infighting grift is the onlyfans of internet males

>> No.15317608

At least he's not balding.

>> No.15317615

miya is a disturbed tranny

>> No.15317623
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>tfw this is considered culture now
Zoomers are doomed

>> No.15317629

I wouldn't be too sure

>> No.15318066

his talk with sam hyde was very chill
made sam hyde not look like a disgusting kike for few minutes

>> No.15318116

>Kant weighed 120 pounds his entire life
he's just like me

>> No.15318134

Kant was also like a 3' manlet

>> No.15318156

It would be erroneous to judge someone's intelligence solely by their oratory. I mean, it can certainly say something about it but not everything. Lots of autism-adjacent, maladjusted, extremely-online folks can't speak very well because of anxiety or other issues, but can be quite articulate in writing.

>> No.15318159

I'm a woman and I refuse to take any unattractive man seriously. It's why I don't respect philosophy because it's basically just a big club of unfuckable losers.

>> No.15318179

No wonder women are still dumb as shit lmfao

>> No.15318181

>I'm a woman and I refuse to take any unattractive man seriously
Yeah D'shawn the gangbanger is definitely the man who can lead civilization responsibly

>> No.15318225

You have to go back.

>> No.15318226

Yep. Social media celebrities are the new father figures. I wonder how many late teens and 20-somethings are molding their entire ideology out of a reading of someone like Bronze Age Pervert? I enjoyed his book, it was funny, but it is not a book of guidance. Or how about Nick Fuentes and his soft racism veiled in irony? He has an army of tens of thousands. Ideologues, all of them.

>> No.15318233

To be fair to him, I'm in academia and it is a hellscape.

>> No.15318254

I think the influence of these figures is somewhat overblown. The longer one hangs around the pits of the internet, the more popular these faggots can seem. Most of them will burn out fairly quickly, as most e-celebs are wont to do.

>> No.15318295

t. grifter

>> No.15318313

It goes beyond disliking academia (which is fair enough); there's a consistent and evident desire to show them that he doesn't need them - pure resentiment stuff. He rabidly tries to pick meme Twitter fights with random academics who just block him immediately (because if some literally who sperg called Kantbot starting randomly ranting about Goethe on the twitter page that you only keep as an obligation, why wouldn't you) and then hails the blocking as a victory over academia to all his sycophants. Just seems like a strange way to live you life.

>> No.15318340

Maybe overblown relative to all other influence. The Kardashian family has something like 1 billion people in the world who follow their social media ramblings. But that's another issue. Being on the right myself, I find it disconcerting to see budding right-wingers form on the basis of Fuentes' Holocaust denial irony and Trump worship, for example. They're going to be the ones who slip into the wignat crowd and show up to rallies in their Nazi gear making all right-wingers look like retards.

>> No.15318453

The trick Fuentes and his fellow grifters have locked onto is post irony. You can never be sure whether or not they actually believe what they're saying. It's more than likely they believe all of it but the plausible deniability gives them a potential slipperiness that could serve them well in the future. Trump is less an ideological icon to them but a performative one. He has opened up the gates for their particular form of praxis (for want of a better word): namely, be unapologetically abrasive and offensive but do it in such a retarded way that nobody can be certain where you're coming from, what you truly mean and what you're going to do next.
Also the current groyper "movement" was born out of the shitshow that Spencer and co made at Charlottesville. They're very consciously trying to avoid a repeat of that particular PR disaster

>> No.15318589

When did you retards start believing in physiognomy

>> No.15318599

post body, face and teeth.

>> No.15318649
File: 9 KB, 230x219, 6BDB0057-8A8A-4055-82AA-0ADEF4D9C707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Falling for bait this hard

>> No.15318981

I can easily apply physiognomy to pick an aristocratic and refined soul out of a lineup. Many know this. Those who know, know. If you don't know, well...

>> No.15319035

not like he lived under abhorrent and barbarian conditions in which we have to compete like wales to be the longest and most horrifically distended
i love Kant

what is civilization? It is Kant's height being irrelevant. What is barbarism? It is weightlifting, bulking, height comparisons, fistfights

>> No.15319128

as a baby, just like every normal human being

>> No.15319164


What is this, a headshot?

>> No.15319211

it's a dude that was on "to catch a predator" (but not kb)

>> No.15319325

It's weird. Groypers literally just steal 4chan posts and then market them as their own. None of them are actually funny, insightful or unique, but they get a large following cuz of cringy twitter/reddit zoomers who've never browsed 4chan for more than 5 minutes.

>> No.15319374
File: 317 KB, 1195x960, 1524739820990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15319432

It's a little more than that in my opinion. Fuentes is actually pretty knowledgeable about politics. Especially anti-white politics such as immigration reform and Israel-US relations. The first identification "groypers" have with him is their whiteness. If you convince a group of youths that their identity as whites is under threat, then that resonates with them. The second identification is that he is a practicing Catholic. Millennials and zoomers, being raised on regimented materialism and scientism, are in a crisis of nihilism. This is collapsing in on itself and he is saving they day by introducing them to Christianity (I see nothing wrong this this btw, I'm just observing it). He communicates it all in a very relatable way, through memes and streaming.

I see political direction, spirituality, and charisma. He's Hitler lite in a way. Not in a negative sense, but in the same way Hitler rose to power, he's doing on a much smaller scale.

>> No.15319445


this is part of why I have come to distrust/disregard any twitter political "fringe" "movements": it isn't a movement. I don't have any lofty ideals of every leader having principles or being nice people but twitter is really just maladjusted millenials and zoomers jockeying for edgy/ironic (read: stale or obfuscated) memes and "female" attention on a worse reddit. the greatest proof of horseshoe theory lies in the collective retardation of every political figure on twitter

>> No.15319477

hahah so this is inside the mind of a groyper when not engaged in irony posting and trying to form long sentences.
US white movements have zero chance because they're composed of ADHD hyperonline zoomers.

>> No.15319596

No, I have seen them plagiarize /tv/ posts. I'm not kidding here. These kids aren't that original. They shit on this site (which I'm indifferent towards), but then use it as a platform to advertise their shitty brand while also stealing memes from it. Evidently they also lurk in threads that mention them, take a screencap and post it on Twitter to show their sycophantic followers how they're too cool and edgy for even 4chan.

>> No.15319609


I knew a guy like Kantbot once, fat/ugly, intelligent with a sense of humour. Anyone like that is usually very easy to be around. A light at the end of the tunnel for incels maybe.

>> No.15319612

They truly believe it's a movement. I had my eye on this late 2019, when Fuentes was literally mobilizing his followers to attend Charlie Kirk (conservative pundit) tour talks and when he had open Q&A they would grill him on the Israel lobby and immigration reform. These talks were all over the country and these guys were on live streams of the Q&A trying to "groyp" Charlie Kirk. It wasn't a good look when they started asking meme questions ("Charlie google dancing Israelis) and some of them were exposed for being brainlets who only knew how to parrot the latest Fuentes stream.

>> No.15319625

I can never take anyone's advice who is overweight. They are automatically a hypocrite since no one wants to be fat. Your body literally cries out in pain to not be fat if you are.

>> No.15319634

I haven't seen that but I believe you. I guess my point was that it's not just stolen memes that gain the large following. It's the "father-figure" providing political and spiritual direction, who is relating to the kids through memes and video games.

>> No.15319639

So a Catholic guy named Fuentes is promoting white nationalism, as in to the exclusion of Latinos? Seems like a giant failure of marketing to me.

>> No.15319701

I don't think even Nick believes it's a "real" movement. But he's just acting as if it's that way because it's good content and improves his profile. He's blacklisted from every other avenue anyway.

>> No.15319808
File: 1.04 MB, 1202x834, Screen Shot 2020-05-09 at 5.51.46 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He calls it "American nationalism". It's a shaky foundation lol. If I recall correctly he took an Ancestry.com type test which showed North African lineage as well. Pretty funny

>> No.15319828

he's 5'7" max. not large just fat

>> No.15319845

Miya is not even a tranny, it's literally just a guy doing this for attention because he is a cringelord. Believe me if you want to or don't, but I have talked to him on discord and he's just an insufferable male.

>> No.15319870

He also makes fun of gays but probably fucked one.

>> No.15319981

Most "white racists" on the Internet are nonwhite-Americans lel, and largely Mexicans at that. You didn't know?

>> No.15320066

Some dude on /fit/ almost doxxed him. He claims he's a trustfund baby or something along those lines who fried his brain with drugs.

>> No.15320107

>I’m a woman.
Stopped reading there. Show mammaries.

>> No.15320124

Nice projection midwit.

>> No.15320126

It'd be erroneous to judge solely by writing ability too. Autists loathe to admit this, but charisma is actually an index of intelligence.

>> No.15320127
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Weird how almost none of these white nationalist guys are white

>> No.15320173

>Fuentes is actually pretty knowledgeable about politics.

>> No.15320196

Fuentes and the gang just massively embarrassed themselves by trying to raid TikTok and getting banned almost instantly. I do find it funny that so many dissident groups and "movements" have so embraced social media platforms as the sole means of propagating their movement, leaving them totally at the mercy of the corporations that run them. If someone like Kantbot gets banned from twitter and paetreon (which is not outside the realm of possibility), he's finished. He can't just go to another website, his followers don't care enough to follow him there. I'm aware Fuentes has moved to a separate streaming platform after he was banned from YouTube but I'm not sure how successful that move has been.

>> No.15320197

The real White Men all support left-wing causes in the US, "white nationalists" are almost all off-whites like Irish, Italians, Slavs, Jews, lightskin Mexicans, and so on. Your local DSA meeting on the other hand will likely be made up of pure Anglo/Teutonic stock.

>> No.15320212

Fuentes is king of the LARPers. He barely knows anything about his own religion

>> No.15320226

Not really, his insecurity is quite self evident.

>> No.15320229

I agree. It just bugs me when poeple will shit on Yarvin, for example, when he's obviously brilliant because he says umm a little too often

>> No.15320245


>> No.15320260

I shit on Moldbug because he's a fucking retard.

>> No.15320261

>gay white supremacist holocaust denier
That fag and his army of larping high-schoolers are the reason antitheism is making a comeback. He’s nothing but poison to any good thing he attaches his brand to.

>> No.15320266

Where can I torrent this movie?

>> No.15320272

Their physiognomy perfectly describes their writings

>> No.15320273

You don't want to.

>> No.15320277

Edgy Internet Hate :: Progressivism as New Atheism :: Evangelical Christianity

>> No.15320293

I think I do

>> No.15320347

I thought this guy was an ironic memer, no?

>> No.15320372

Why is that?
Is it some sort of inferiority complex?

>> No.15320422

Off-whites support white nationalism out of a desire for belonging or feel more threatened by non-whites' increasing population share because they are relatively lower class. Anglos/Germans/Swedes become leftist out of a sense of obligation towards inferiors - that they're dishonest about - while ostensibly preaching equality. Of course imposing equality from above is nonsense - the White Man's Burden is as heavy as ever. To be honest, I can sympathize with the latter group to some degree - it really is kind of crass and low-class to hate the weak. Despite the Right's rhetoric in America about seeing people as equals, not seeing skin color, meritocracy etc. we all know that it just means "employing or associating with fewer blacks", and despite leftist rhetoric about equality we all know that black life in the US would be hopeless without liberal patrimony. I'm not ragging on leftists for seeing most blacks as large children - they kind of are, and those in power also have obligations towards those beneath them. I just dislike the dishonesty surrounding the whole thing.

>> No.15320449

Your four part analogy syntax is all fugged up. Good luck on the GRE

>> No.15320464
File: 566 KB, 1357x2048, marroqui people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol u simple minded nitwit

>> No.15320467

Fuentes made his age group into an identity. How? By adopting /pol/ memes and Sam Hyde irony, both of which are millennial.

>> No.15321175

Moldbug is not brilliant lol. He's a fucking tech Jew authoritarian. I'll give him credit for popularizing NRx but he is completely irrelevant now. He overcomplicates everything with his compsci brain and he's a terrible writer

>> No.15321192

Never seen anybody sum things up as succinctly as Moldbug did on his blog. You just don't like irony.

>> No.15321205


>Never seen anybody sum things up as succinctly as Moldbug did on his blog.
You haven't seen a lot.

>> No.15321210

You're missing a very important group in your racial analysis. And Black America was a lot better off without the Democrats' "help".

>> No.15321217

I even like the guy but dear god

>> No.15321226

Who is this fat retard?

>> No.15321234

You need to read more. He has a few interesting ideas but he's a really bad writer.

>> No.15321246

When he's at his best he is very succinct. or at least enjoyable to read. You don't get that from a lot of other political writing.

>> No.15321262

How is he bad? Besides some annoying tendencies like linking to ancient websites and making you guess his implication and quoting a whole chapter from a 400 year old book. His actual writing is good.

>> No.15321296

>quoting a whole chapter from a 400 year old book.
that is pretty much the best part of his posts

>> No.15321661

He's a computer scientist by trade, right? It bleeds through his writing style. Take The Clear Pill for example, his most recent work. It's needlessly technical and wordy. There are passages that could be combined with others or reduced to a single sentence to make this essay more bearable for the suffering reader.

Taken from Clear Pill 1/5
>In a perfect state of neutrality, which none attain perfectly, you will be free of political energy and stress. You will not be of any use or any harm to any particular cause. You will feel neither political anger, nor political fear. You will neither cause trouble, nor get in trouble. This vacation from politics need not last the rest of your life. But it can.

I shouldn't have to explain how bad this is. He says nothing of importance and provokes no thought, yet I wasted 30 seconds reading through it, wondering why it was even included. The only feeling this invokes is spite because you can tell that he thinks he is writing something profound. It's atheistic masturbation. I bet he would write an amazing college textbook on a STEM subject.

>> No.15321688

He's affecting something with that tone but I've never understood what it is. I don't think it's to sound profound though, I think that's his idea of being conversational and light.

>> No.15321689

His appearance is somewhat Marx-like.

>> No.15321712

Absolutely fucking based and extremely true.

>> No.15321713

this is just how essayists of yore wrote. read Carlyle.

>> No.15321765

If it's meant to be conversational then... oof

>perfect ... perfectly
>political anger, nor political fear

And this is just one section I picked from the beginning. It left me wondering if he gets paid based on word count. I would fall asleep in a conversation with this person, because they just want to preach to you. If you've listened to him in podcasts, it's the same thing. He talks 90% of the time, and his voice is worse than his writing.

>> No.15321784

you did not just compare him to Carlyle lmfao

>> No.15322266

I'd say this is more applicable to logo daedalus

>> No.15322870

Does he write anime or pony fanfiction?

>> No.15324594

Shut up tranny

>> No.15324600

You probably look the same. Cope

>> No.15324623

They are the exact opposite of wignats. They care a lot about optics, the family, and are actually Christian. Literally the future of conservatism in this country.

>> No.15324853
File: 17 KB, 375x375, da4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an eye for this sort of thing. Kantbot isn't ugly. He actually looks very warm and approachable despite LARPing as some psyched-out, demi-schizo /lit/cel. If he lost half a planet's worth of blubber, he'll be cute.

>Anglos/Germans/Swedes become leftist out of a sense of obligation towards inferiors
Very audacious for the bottom of the global barrel to consider having inferiors. Is this why Zapotec corn-farmers are also predisposed to socialism?

>> No.15324883

You're ugly kantbot, face it.

>> No.15324892

Reminds me more of George RR Martin

>> No.15324930

Say what you want I call it as I see it.
He has the cheek placement, low chin and wider head silhouette that would make him adorable and boyish if he wasn't terribly obese.
Face it, among the /lit/ and frog-twitter sphere, most people are some kind of ugly, even the fit ones. Kantbot just looks like someone who countered his kinder facial structure with limitless excess adipose.

>> No.15325021

>>Very audacious for the bottom of the global barrel to consider having inferiors. Is this why Zapotec corn-farmers are also predisposed to socialism?
A lot of those Indios basically lived under something resembling state socialism before living under the encomienda system.

>> No.15325280

Never trust a man with thin lips and a round chin. Sunken eyes too. Yuck.

>> No.15325293

quit bringing gay twitter shit on here, post nazi books like a normal person

>> No.15325340

They do not care about family or Christianity. Don't lie, you idiot. The intense hatred these people have for women is anything but pro-family and to them Christianity is an aesthetic because it's sooo based and redpilled and they believe that it legitimizes their reactionary views. Amnats are the biggest phoneys there is.
stop using the term wignat

>> No.15325356

wignat detected

>> No.15325382

I'm just not an American and thus not blinded by the meaningless bravado of their gay patriotism.

>> No.15325411

TradCath is the biggest LARP known to man.

>> No.15325550

>is this miya?
no miya is actually a qt indian girl. what you didn't think all that kali shit was larp, did you ?

>> No.15325561


>> No.15325647

never thought about it that way but that is very accurate

>> No.15325684

The seething at this comment when it's completely true lmao. If you can't even master your own body why the fuck would I treat you as a master of anything else?

>> No.15326039

absolutely based
ultimately it all boils down to looks