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15315504 No.15315504 [Reply] [Original]

how do right "libertarians" cope with the fact that this bad boy and his homie Stirner refuted their entire ideology to shreds? I often see libertarians complaining about intellectual property and tariffs but what institution of "an"cap society would stop a landed proprietor from imposing a toll (basically equivalent to a tariff) on whomever wishes to transport commodities over the "border" of his property, what would stop the inventor from hiring a defence corporation to forcefully keep others from utilizing his invention thereby restoring good ol' intellectual property rights? the only possible answer is that there isn't any such institution which further begs the question - how is an "an"cap society different from what we have now except for the slightly different distribution of power? the mental gymnastics some of them engage in to reconcile economic efficiency with private property are truly hilarious, it's like some of them even realise that at times efficiency requires us to infringe upon sacred property rights but still neglect that obvious contradiction at heart of their retarded ideology

>> No.15315512

why do continentals deride argument but are obsessed with refuting things?

>> No.15315516

>why do continentals deride argument but are obsessed with refuting things?
lmao sounds like you've never read a continental philosopher in your life

>> No.15315526

I move in communities full of guys in his 20s or 30s studying economics who would build an altar on the free market.

>taxes are literal theft
>ummm why would you just gift money to poor people?
>anyone would be a socialist if he didn't have to pay the taxes rich people do. what do you mean panama papers?

Absolute bugmen.

>> No.15315549

The annoying thing is a l0t of these people are fairly intelligent, honestly in many cases more intelligent than me (lots of high IQ STEM types and other kinds of autists love this an-cap shit) yet they still hold onto something I grew out of in my very early 20s

>> No.15315575

post books that will heal the right "libertarian" from his illness
>Marx - Capital
>Stirner - The Ego and its Own
>Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil, On Genealogy of Morality, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
>Althusser - Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses
>Foucault - Discipline and Punish, Birth of Biopolitics, The Order of Things
>Walras - Elements of Pure Economics

>> No.15315600

Nietzsche was a paleolibertarian.

>> No.15315799

Many intelligent people are unable to see the world for what it is.

>> No.15316003

Libertarians don't even have to answer these questions because they (unlike ancaps) already have a set of laws addressing these cases in advance.
Ancaps say that the free market will solve these problems (and platitude of other unimaginable at present) as long as the society sticks to the NAP principle. "Intellectual property" enforcement breaks the NAP, owners of roads are competitive and it is in their interest to maximize transfer through their property - and you must make sure that you have an access to your property before you buy it, etc.
Stirner and Nietzsche should have familiarized themselves with the theory before they attempt to "refute" it.

>> No.15316022

>"Intellectual property" enforcement breaks the NAP
even if it does who's going to stop the bearer of the intellectual property title from hiring death squads to enforce his claim?

>> No.15316078

>Marx - Capital
Why don't you recommend the Communist Manifesto? Criticizing is easy. But when Marx had to propose an alternative, it was trash.

>> No.15316093

The vast majority of participants in the system must support this rule (and only this rule), otherwise it will not work.
If people generally see breaking the NAp as illegitimate they should be able to punish it's violators without problems - not even a strong government can last long without an aura of legitimacy.
If the

>> No.15316095

Nobody is a real ancap. It's just a purity stance to advance the actual goal (less government, lower taxes)

>> No.15316100

Not to mention the criticism is all irrelevant nowadays, and the parts that are relevant are all economically wrong.

>> No.15316207

But how do they prevent wealth from concentrating?

>> No.15316232

>The vast majority of participants in the system must support this rule (and only this rule), otherwise it will not work.
literally the same argument to justify socialism.

>> No.15316259

They are autistic which makes them good at a particular thing but they aren't intelligent. Intelligent people are all leftists, without exception. I'm tired of pretending "maybe the other side has a point" when it's obviously untrue. They are all retards. Some leftists are dumb too, sure, but all smart people are leftist. If they aren't, then they aren't smart.

>> No.15316264

Post body

>> No.15316285

And every other system?
Our demands are lower, we don't expect altruism and sacrifice.

>> No.15316321

Leftists have working intelligence but are absolutely devoid of any morals whatsoever.
Classic (currently called "right wing") economists combined exceptionally high IQ (economics had started to develop way later than advanced mathematics like calculus mind you - this should tell you something about the level of complexity involved) with strong moral instincts. Leftists have outright crooks trying to jew people to fall into their schemes.

>> No.15316331

the exact opposite of true.

>> No.15316359

I've yet to see a leftist sharing *his own* wealth with those in need. They always try to rally the people behind grabbing *others'* money - while they will be in charge of "redistributing" it.

>> No.15316418

do you live in the us by any chance?

>> No.15316588

>le union of egoists is sooooo leftypol u guys
>we should exalt it in our minds to smash the patriarchy
Why are leftoids literally and unironically incapable of comprehending Stirner?

>> No.15316626

what is your interpretation of Stirner? I'm not even a leftist, I'm a post-left anarchist

>> No.15316637

jus bee yourself

>> No.15316969

Libertarianism refutes itself, its an absurd thinking that we are good in nature and that everything will sort itself when we abolish the state

>> No.15317028

Mutualism takes shits on all other economic philosophy

>> No.15317041

literally slightly reddish "anarcho"capitalism, works good as a purgatory for recovering "an"caps but ultimately mutualists get the bullet too

>> No.15317780

This thread is quite funny since NEETcha retroactively refuted the entirety of leftist thought.

>> No.15317811
File: 21 KB, 220x391, 220px-Benjamin_R._Tucker,_Boston,_c._1887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's nice because I'm not a leftist, escape the false dichotomy of left and right and swallow the post-left anarchism pill

>> No.15317849
File: 71 KB, 970x970, VceKEOx1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Intelligent people are all leftists, without exception.

>> No.15317850

post-left just becomes its own gay little offshoot

>> No.15317969

Doesn't matter in the end. Nietzsche also refuted every kind of anarchism.