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15315103 No.15315103 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15315107

read kjv

>> No.15315110

How? By sucking Demiurgic cock? Well then.

>> No.15315136

Gnostics serve Satan.

>> No.15315143
File: 114 KB, 746x773, every time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing bro, everyone who disagrees with your death cult is actually a servant of the bad cop of your death cult. We should all worship the good cop.

>> No.15315147

Should i be able to understand pic related? Im ESL

>> No.15315149


>> No.15315162
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>We should all worship the good cop.

>> No.15315178

Enjoy the prison. Funny thing is, nobody cares if you stay behind. The ones who get hysterical over people trying to leave and go as far as attempting genocide, well that's the self-proclaimed good guys.

>> No.15315196

>Enjoy the prison
We're not the ones in a prison sir

>> No.15315220

>Muh Demiurge bad

>> No.15315231

>t. demiruge
nice try, you wiggly faggot, go get power from your christcuck devotees, you'll need it, you cock headed nigger.

>> No.15315361

>God is supposed to be perfect in every way
>creates and maintains a world in which injustice, lies and immortality are still possible, and are in fact the rule rather than the exception

Nice god you got there, jew LARPers

>> No.15315371

>X bad because I don't like X and whoever likes X is bad because I said that

>> No.15315411


>> No.15315790

>When He saw the crowds, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest.

>> No.15315866


Epistemological "socialism" is literally Buddhism, i.e. bad Phenomenology. Is there a single way in which Catholics are not anti-Christian?

>> No.15315874

The logos is common, as Heraclitus said.

>> No.15315878

>hurr durr slave morality.

gnostics are just the new generation of Fedora tippers who read the title of The God Delusion and became enlightened.