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File: 8 KB, 225x225, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15314033 No.15314033 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15314052
File: 9 KB, 223x226, dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>professor for 20 years
>still an adjunct
KEK what a faggot!

>> No.15314054

Reminder that his son's transitioning crushed his spirit.

>> No.15314070

I remember when you guys used to love this guy....

>> No.15314072

Why is he getting so worked up about a few comments of advice? Can't he just ignore them?
Imagine studying philosophy for like 40 years and getting disturbed by such minor things.

>> No.15314121

Back when there was something about him to love. He's a bitter old man who cant handle social media.

>> No.15314139
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>for 20 years


>> No.15314147

He's really bitter now. He must be upset about his tranny son slicing his testes off.

>> No.15314157

The tranny son and 20 FUCKING YEARS

>> No.15314159

Still do, the social media boomerism from a Gen X is just an amusing, memeable foible

>> No.15314170

unironically his son is a tranny. he mentions listening to 'lizzo' and shit now. he became a pseudo-leftist overnight after that lol. similar to fantano and the fader situation

>> No.15314180

He's a self-professed "catholic" who defends trannies and half-defends abortions somewhat (this is more iffy). Hmmmm

>> No.15314195

Don't forget he was divorced

>> No.15314206

or his claiming himself as an 'eclectic'. like dude, hes the president of a national stoic society as well as an anselm scholar. why not just say 'stoic with a catholic god and metaphysics'. no, he's a n "eclectic' and you're an idiot for not knowing. dude turned into a queer overnight lol

>> No.15314212

Remember to call him Mr. Sadler in the comments section

>> No.15314222

This, or Greg. He is so petty that he deletes any comment that doesn't say "Dr." or """"Professor""""

>> No.15314227

There's nothing wrong with taking bits of different philosophers and putting them together but it reaches a point where he may as well just say he doesn't agree with Catholicism anymore.

>> No.15314235

oh boy another sadler thread!

>> No.15314265

is this true

>> No.15314356

stop this can't be real...

>> No.15314361
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kek. How much Kantian ethics did it take for him to become such an uptight prick?

>> No.15314380

Too much Kant makes you an uptight cunt.

>> No.15314391

Oh it's real. I wonder what his coworkers at the "catholic" school think of it.

>> No.15314602
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He has to exercise his authority somewhere because he obviously can't at home.

>> No.15314643



>> No.15314751

bruh. where are all the hate comments? did he delete them??

>> No.15314810


>> No.15314943
File: 14 KB, 342x316, 1561526455417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish it wasn't true

>> No.15315206

Jesus fucking christ, was really enjoying his videos. Lot a lot of respect for him just then watching that bullshit.

>> No.15315216

Yep. He also prowls most of his recent videos to delete comments. I left a few with different accounts just saying things like "Thanks very much Mr. Sadler, great video" and he would always delete them within hours.

>> No.15315315

>"Thanks very much Mr. Sadler, great video" and he would always delete them within hours.
Why would he delete that?

>> No.15315333

he didn't say, DR. Sadler.

>> No.15315370

Holy shit, how can one be so petty?

>> No.15315373

In fairness, I understand him getting annoyed because people say stupid and mean shit in the comments all the time but he is overreacting to everything nowadays.

>> No.15315396

His "Catholicism" is probably what I hate most about him. He's the poison within the Church behind every "inclusive" policy.

>> No.15315442

i wish i could go back to the days when i discovered his series on the preface to the phenomenology of spirit :(

>> No.15315445

That's not very stoic

>> No.15315751

>I invite advice-givers to reflect upon their own motives in giving unsolicited advice, and point out reasons why giving me advice probably is not particularly helpful.
I wonder if I can fit this on a t-shirt.

>> No.15315754

>I invite advice-givers to reflect upon their own motives in giving unsolicited advice
That sounds like unsolicited advice

>> No.15315773

Majority of people here are trend jumping idiots.

>> No.15315793

>angering the minotaur
i wouldn't do that anon

>> No.15315802

Here is some unsolitied advice- call yourself an ugly loser. Do it. Say I am handsome and YOU are NOT DO IT!!!!

>> No.15315805

some people can't adapt to social media, he should either quit or post videos with comments disabled, it can't end well otherwise

>> No.15316228

>give advice on how to not be a disgusting fatass
>"you don't know me"

>> No.15316269

The worst part is the advice isn't coming out of nowhere but on videos where he himself is talking about his weight and going to the gym. He's on a public forum making it a topic of conversation and then getting pissy when people talk about it.

>> No.15316301

>I remember when you guys used to love this guy....
Likely why he is pissed off. Got popular here, and then anons began commenting on his vids. If you had to interact with the insufferable shitspergs that dwell on this board, you'd probably go nuts too.

>> No.15316324

shut up sadler

>> No.15316333

It's true. Most of you are terrible.

>> No.15316392

Nigger, I have a life. I am not some disembodied consumer floating around the internet. I like shit, then I don’t. Why the fuck I have to answer to you or this fat old shit with a faggot kid. Have some balls

>> No.15316455


>> No.15316472

Yeuch. Reeks of passive-aggresiveness.

>> No.15316516

His son probably asked for advice at some time in his life, and he failed to provide it.

>> No.15316521

>tuff is not being comitted to worshipping a specific eceleb
no, srsly, have some fucking balls

>> No.15316530

Who are you quoting?

>> No.15316623
File: 44 KB, 861x422, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people calling him "Mr" in the chat are doing it wrong. Have some subtlety.

>> No.15317060

post pictures of his tranny son already

>> No.15317287

>Tranny son

what the FUCK?

>> No.15317300
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>Reminder that his son's transitioning crushed his spirit.

>> No.15317316

Tell me you are joking...

This is a cliche, but... "this is not very Stoic".
The Stoic reaction would be to see if the advice is correct or not. If it is shitty advice, you ignore it. If it is good advice, you learn from it

>> No.15317327

He's a divorced "Catholic" who not only tolerates his tranny son, but actively supports it. How can a man who studies the classics end up like this?

>> No.15317336

is she cute?

>> No.15317357

liberalism is a virus of the mind

>> No.15317358

My impression is that many in the Stoic community see Stoicism as an interesting intellectual past-time, not as a way of life.
That said, I frankly don't know what a Stoic would do in this situation. If Epictetus had a son and he happened to be Elagabulus, I don't know what he would do.

>> No.15317401

I have no idea why he hasn't disabled the comments yet. This video is just fuel for more vitriol. Maybe he thinks people will have a change of heart?

>> No.15317415


>> No.15317418

Seneca was pretty hardcore about hating gays and there's a few times where he actually talks about guys dressing up like women. I think stoics would be in line with the Catholic Church and follow natural law.

>> No.15317424

he probably likes the professor-student dynamic, but dealing with human beings in real life is not the same as dealing with the internet and it's not going to work

hopefully he gets away from it before he ends up in some research facility in Russia like Peterson

>> No.15317456

The Catholic Church is packed to the gills with homosexuals at the highest level. Vatican City is more gay than Provincetown.

>> No.15317463

Yeah but not in public.

>> No.15317464

Why can't you guys just leave him alone. He is hurting no one and just makes youtube videos that I'm sure have helped everyone at one point when they were just starting out.

You are treating him like he is a twitch steamer, just let him go about his day and forget about it if it bothers you.

>> No.15317467

Is the consensus on Peterson that the reactions to the debate with Zizek sent him spiraling down? I know he was already struggling with benzo addiction but he seemed to fall off the radar right after the debate.

>> No.15317474

That's not true but even if it was, so what? That doesn't change anything. Gay sex is still not permitted and it never will be.

>> No.15317481

no, his wife got sick and he was always a fragile kind of guy, he rode the wave decently while he had an energy boost from all the fame and glory but he ran out of it pretty quick

>> No.15317498

when internet sharks small fresh blood they are going to bite, and he is giving fresh blood scent with the whole getting annoyed and responding to comments in an angry way. not saying it's a good thing but with those vibes he should get away from the internet or use uni-directional media, like disable the comments

>> No.15317510


>> No.15317516

yes, she

>> No.15317531


>> No.15317534

>claims to be a Catholic
>has a tranny son
>gave a course on the writings of literat devil incarnate H*gel

>> No.15317560

he probably didn't need to make this video but I sympathize with him, you guys are retarded and piss me off too

>> No.15317650

penis has no gender

>> No.15317678

How would Aristotle define a human male?

>> No.15317690

People will ask him dumb as shit questions and then sit there with a blank expression on their face when he tells them off. It's like wtf

>> No.15317726

featherless bipeds

>> No.15317989

just don't answer, you can't educate the whole internet and you can't treat the internet like it's a human being you can convince of stuff without going crazy at some point

>> No.15318021

Such is life in the anglo world, pitiful creatures.

>> No.15318420

I don't have the screen cap but it's true. It's on his Twitter. Something about getting used to using the right pronouns.

>> No.15318973

fucking kek

>> No.15319040

the fate of a sto*c philosopher

>> No.15319079

my sides

>> No.15319154


>> No.15319204

So what is the point of philosophy if it turns you into this anyway?

>> No.15319243
File: 38 KB, 622x362, 1581728597208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you are so cucked that your ex-wife takes custody of your child who blatantly commits child abuse by forcing him to transition, and instead of fighting in court for the child's custody because your ex is clearly a psycho crazy bitch, you give in and teach yourself the pronouns while passive aggressively lashing out at your fans on twitter and youtube.

>> No.15319289

>teehehe got'im
This is sad.

I don't follow the guy but he's right. The shark analogy is apt.
Zoomer retards are exaggerating about his big ego and his supposed self importance because they're actually retarded and/or like to meme. Like annoying little kids.
Shame their self awareness seems to be behind 5 layers of irony and lack any impulse control.

>> No.15319313

>lacks control
>grog sandler allows his son to become a tranny because the bacchic cult of female school administrators and therapists ensnared his wife with their menstrual egregore

"S-Sure.. Just make my son a tranny... I can't do anything to control this..."
- Grug Sneeder

>> No.15319318

unironically yikes

>> No.15319380

who is this boomer and why should i care?

>> No.15319409

If you're not a faggot from /pol/ dead thirsty for e-drama that will make your own life seem less shitty then there's really no need

>> No.15319418

So is this the real you? A shitposting clown (hehe based, boomers funny, he's a cuck and it's funny because cucks are funny)?
A dumbass who employs complex phrasing and images purely for aesthetic effect but mistakes fatherhood and authority with impulse control on such a fundamental level?
Is it so hard to ignore e-celeb "drama" and find other sources of entertainment (more like distractions) when you're an American zoomer culturally raised by the Internet, some postmodern hacks and the cult of celebrity worship?
The internet was a mistake.

>> No.15319425

Go away, Sadler.

>> No.15319452

Mr Sadler, may I recommend making your intro shorter? Also why do you call yourself "Professor" Sadler in it?

>> No.15319713

Mr. Sadler, calm down

>> No.15319769

i really don't know the stigma behind "e-drama". I mean there exists a side of worship in it, or demonisation. But, why is it that there exists borders in our society to maintain what aught to be discussed? Even elsewhere, /pol/ for example, discussion of "e-drama" like this is shunned upon. Mr. Sadler very much is /lit/ related and deserves to be discussed.

>> No.15319924

holy shit lmao

>> No.15319940

haha...love it

>> No.15319965

new pls lv

>> No.15320157

His videos are good.

>> No.15320209

Who knew zizek would stay on top.

>> No.15320228


>> No.15320230


>> No.15320240

Lol. Shut up, bitch.

>> No.15320526

He's primarily a Stoic. Modern stoics have two camps, the hardcore capitalists that think stoicism is about making a lot of money, wearing suits, eating meat and teaching others to do the same, and the leftwing stoics that use it to let everyone know that they've transcended petty nationalism, pride and selfishness.

>> No.15320800

None of that has anything to do with stoicism so I don't know what you're talking about. Who are these modern "stoics?"

>> No.15321297
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>> No.15321345

Greg clearly has something very wrong with him. He's talked about being depressed and having anger management issues in the past, you get the feeling he hasn't exactly gotten over them. Either way it can't feel good to dedicate 20 years of your life to the study of truth and then passively allow your son to castrate himself.

>> No.15321397

Then why are you even here?

>> No.15321406

Every remotely established figure gets that. The only difference is that some people manage it better than others, which is shown to excess in this video

>> No.15321508


>> No.15321528


>> No.15321544

How does a person steeped in philosophy and Catholicism not understand that this tranny shit is a fucking occult attack on humanity itself

>> No.15321580

>Be Gregory Sadler
>Be adjunct professor for 20 years
>Get married, have a child, then get divorced
>Set up a patreon to get extra revenue
>Find out your son is now a tranny
>See a psychiatrist to try to deal with these issues but think he's a quack
>Do your best to cope, but end up taking your pent up anger out on your viewers anyway
Redemption arc when?

>> No.15323045


>> No.15323131

>Who are these modern "stoics?"
Not him, but Ryan Holiday is the most popular one that sometimes mixes both of what that anon is talking about. Got rich off his books and does consultancies for stoic philosophy. He's not even a philosopher or classicist. He got started being a PR guy for a frat bro writer and the guy who wrote 48 Laws of Power.

>> No.15323217

>similar to fantano and the fader situation
Explain please

>> No.15323516

he almost got cancelled because he had a meme video channel making fun of edgy leftists from 1999, got dropped out of a planned event or something, after that he just deleted that channel and went full leftie to avoid getting cancelled