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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 438 KB, 425x611, 1448753949069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15313574 No.15313574 [Reply] [Original]


Lets write a book while we're all unemployed. A classic, something that makes people cry and sob.

>> No.15313649

Ok. How do we do this practically?

>> No.15313651

help me out you retards

>> No.15313653

How do you mean? We write this in the doc. If you're looking for some sort of structure, we could plan out in the thread where we could take this writing. My suggestion would be to break it into chapters or segments to work in.

>> No.15313662

I added my essay about moviebob

>> No.15313681

thsi is sick

>> No.15313684

thanks, I think it has some funny parts

>> No.15313696

I think It should be a spin off of "Journals of the Plague Year" by Daniel Defoe and "Confessions of an English Opium Eater" by Thomas De Quincey, excepts its about being in your bedroom 24/7 trying to resist cooming

Texts for reference:


>> No.15313712

What if a meanie erases some?

>> No.15313722

version history

>> No.15313763

That happened on previous projects. I'll try to save each segment as it goes along seperately

>> No.15313793

The narrative is going off the rails, we need to focus

>> No.15313803

write in a main character

>> No.15313809

you need to give us direction.

>> No.15313817

Someone write a character like the murdstones or Aunty Rosa and then cuck her

>> No.15313872

some guy browntown

>> No.15313887

Moviebob is the main character

>> No.15313894

one of these days we will write something coherent

>> No.15313932

>fox's hole
Foxhole surely?

>> No.15313949
File: 406 KB, 907x1360, 1587342196014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this, if you want an actual coherent short story added to it, without worry of it getting fucked with, they can be sent to me at daddaddaddaddaddaddaddad2@gmail.com and posted in a secondary doc, here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CiZm4CCAb4c82AtIHsfflecl7pNPpXxOdUtr5ntx4zY/edit?usp=sharing

>> No.15313960

you haven't established what the "coherent story" is going to be about

>> No.15313976

It shall be called "My Diary Desu"

>> No.15314000

my precious work was deleted

>> No.15314003

There's no undo?

>> No.15314008

there's a version history with everything still

>> No.15314014

Remedies, testimonials and self help stories.
Not not including the essays

>> No.15314017

should be back

>> No.15314034

non-chapter 1, are you even trying?

>> No.15314063

how to stop people from deleting it

>> No.15314064

We need some sort of way to keep people from deleting all the work. Maybe some sort of semi-screening process to make sure people arent just gonna spam or delete shit.
I'd love to work on another great work like lit has previously, but I'm not sure we will be able to without the sheer /reddit/ thats present now.

>> No.15314075

A burgerpunk story in which an abjectly retarded retail worker tries to find meaning in a culturally dead wasteland

>> No.15314087

Too late, this is about an abusive Australian vampire who works in a Koala breeding facility/nightclub

>> No.15314092

Without total anarchy it would get boring and less people would care

>> No.15314101

thank you!

>> No.15314105

I wanted to split it up into several docs so previous ones can be preserved, after it hits a certain wordcount. noclue what that threshold should be though

>> No.15314148
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>> No.15314155


>> No.15314158

pasted some schizo rants I've found over the years

>> No.15314166
File: 37 KB, 628x276, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Preserved for future generations

>> No.15314189


>> No.15314193

who was writing the story about the girl in the bedroom

shit was getting good

>> No.15314197
File: 82 KB, 400x994, 1588659451337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is amazing.

>> No.15314199

Mods please sticky for camaraderie. I am having the most fun I've had on /lit/ in a long time

>> No.15314214

real friendly hours
thus far, no one has deleted anything of mine so I'm happy

>> No.15314232

>Oh, how good it felt to be included in something for once. Allah was all smiles; it was clear she was obsessed with me, and I made up my mind that night to go and reveal Myself to her.

>> No.15314236
File: 91 KB, 890x600, 1527282994677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the name of this Book?

>> No.15314240

Stop adding words to the beginning

>> No.15314249
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>> No.15314261

Ideally people would just do a page break between where other people have put stuff.

>> No.15314276

>Chapter 30: how the dodo died
just finished reading this.

what the fuck

>> No.15314317

I wanna start making a book cover

>> No.15314382

has anyone read the whole moviebob essay yet?

>> No.15314406
File: 21 KB, 624x138, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still trying to wrap my head around our hero's fetishes

>> No.15314420

some call him the australian james bond

>> No.15314423

OP should lock the document from editing so we can read through what we have so far and suggest edits

>> No.15314437


>> No.15314440


>> No.15314447

I'll do that at 30,000 words. I've been saving versions of the document, if you'd like to read through what was written so far

>> No.15314464

Who in the fuck is peni parker?

>> No.15314501

i think it counts pornography with no modifier

>> No.15314521

>ctrl+F nigger
>2 results
what the FUCK guys

>> No.15314527

max 20 uses we're on a quota

>> No.15314531

we already tried to write a work of burger punk, it got to like 50k words and it was abandoned

>> No.15314545

Can someone else write Hucklefuck Chapter 3? I'm getting worn out. I've already made a title, it should be clear what happens next in the plot.

>> No.15314560

the first 10 chapters, maybe along with the adventures of Hucklefuck, are being adapted into /lit/ canon. All the appendices need to be reviewed.

>> No.15314565

I wrote the first three chapters of Hucklefuck. If you want, I would love to work on it with some others in a seperate document.

>> No.15314573

somebody has divided chapter 4 into chapters 4-7 please do not do this!!!!
I was very neatly summing up the sequence in such a way that it was a comprehensible whole and now you're mucking it up

>> No.15314578

if you want you can use this doc https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CiZm4CCAb4c82AtIHsfflecl7pNPpXxOdUtr5ntx4zY/edit?usp=sharing

>> No.15314583

>zero results
much better

>> No.15314594


>> No.15314599
File: 58 KB, 860x415, Screenshot from 2020-05-09 01-47-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15314614
File: 109 KB, 856x368, Screenshot from 2020-05-09 01-51-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15314634

Keep the Damaged header, its funny

>> No.15314640

Don't know how to use Docs, someone include my essay

They made love, they were rebellious and despite nearing their fifties they were young at heart. Lambasted by public critics as a decadent pair subservient to pleasure, the Joyce family would soon shake the world with a litany of naughty penmanship. Their sex was filthy and carnivorous but they were sweet to each other. Beckett would call their flirtations pretty-pretty and teaming with childish innocence. But this would convince those outside of Academia. Beaten near a synagogue by a band of roaming Jewish bards, James was tempted to script a masterwork of agonizing quackery. Their love life would be in shambles due to his staunch commitment to an awful book on limericks and puns.

However all was not lost. They would live voraciously through their letters, filled with disdainful expletives and improper segments, often devolving into the absurd. Letter 47th in particular is an oddity among oddities. In this letter Joyce describes the musculature of a black male stallion, often peppering his speech with the word "horsecock". Most of these letters would were burned by their unnamed Arabic son who they shipped off to Sudan in secret in order to topple the Insurgency that had taken hold of the country.

>> No.15314646

I want to kiss Peni Parker on the mouth

>> No.15314703

can we all take a moment to credit the late sean f kay with having written this entire document>>15313649

>> No.15314715

one of those is me and i'm not him

>> No.15314727

Is this getting published like that other one did?

>> No.15314729

newfags cant late sean f kay post

>> No.15314731

I like the moviebob essay

>> No.15314733

if its long enough

>> No.15314737


>> No.15314825

ayy Im op Im headed to bed, could someone periodically save the text? thanks cheers love

>> No.15314830

Sleep tight

>> No.15314837

Sorry, but the only way this can work out is if it's a book about the pandemic.

There has been a 4chan book already, but if we make a 4chan book about corona the media might pay attention, and we will arrive at collective fame, having created one of the important literary documents of our age.

Please reply to this post to show your agreement.

>> No.15314859

You're free to include your own work in the anthology we are creating.

>> No.15314860

Whoever helped me write the first chapter, that was fucking fun

>> No.15314873

OP what's the word count

>> No.15314887
File: 487 KB, 500x775, Coronameron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to steal coverfags thunder, thought this would be a fun idea.

>> No.15314890

bottom missing

>> No.15314896

OP went to bed but google says 27k

>> No.15314914
File: 482 KB, 500x775, The Coronameron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15314945

How did you guys make the covers?

>> No.15314954
File: 60 KB, 800x800, 1588830013809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two anons having a fucking ERP in the middle of the doc

>> No.15314960


>> No.15314961 [DELETED] 


>> No.15314981

someone ought to move the two parts of The Pale Pink Mound of Venus together, they're currently separated by Utter Hell.

>> No.15315086

I just finished "Chapter XXX: A Portrait of the Artists’ as a Stupid Bitch"
anyone got any suggestions of something else to add? I'm happy to keep writing for a while, or if anyone has any other part of the doc they would like help with I'm keen to keep working.

>> No.15315093

Titlated could use some work, as long as something is done with it, even if you pivot
not a lot of potential tho

>> No.15315096

Someone needs to edit that monster of story in those first four chapters down into something readable; at least format it.

Also, is the Coronameron the /lit/ bible now?

>> No.15315104

Yes and I miss Kiwi so much.

>> No.15315109

Why is the font so small in the first few pages? Can I make it bigger so its readable?

>> No.15315112

I suspect that by "that monster story" you are referring to the moviebob essay. If so, no it should not be shortened stfu retard

>> No.15315120

no, opticians got it tough right now and we all got to do what we can

>> No.15315145

utter hell too, could use some work, if someone wants to add onto the end of that I'm sure the author wouldn't mind.

>> No.15315152

Yeah I wrote that back when the doc was still a fucking mess. Feel free too add on or delete it.

>> No.15315155

hell is a really vague theme so I'm sure at least a couple people will make fitting contributions

>> No.15315217
File: 488 KB, 500x775, The Canon, Revised.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suggested cover once we revise and expand some of the core stories and poems

>> No.15315229

How has noone written something about how much of a fuckin bitch Butterfly is?

>> No.15315239

I hope, after a week, this doc is cleaned up for publication online somewhere. I'm glad to have had a part. I don't know why people don't do this more. This format would work on probably any board, much more the literature board.

>> No.15315248

I'd be happy to give it a clean up and all that once people have stopped adding to it. I do feel like we still have lots to add before it gets to that point. I think a major problem is lack of coordernation, but as time goes on it should get better.

>> No.15315254

Are you OP? I'd be happy to clean as well. I think we should keep this open until the coronavirus is over.

>> No.15315257

not OP, but i've been here for quite a while and have contributed lots so far. I feel quite invested in making sure this goes somewhere.

>> No.15315266

Yeah, I'm pretty invested too. Going to use this trip just in case anything. Which parts have you written? You can tell by my name what I've written.

>> No.15315280


Is this still up for additions? I'm a britbong and I've been asleep, missed most of the action.
I really do marvel at the creative energy that Lit can sometimes demonstrate, even if it is centred entirely around shitposting.

>> No.15315281

I wrote The Adventures of Hucklefuck Bitch and A Portrait of the Artists’ as a Stupid Bitch, most of How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love My Appendicitis, and Hell.
Also wrote the bit about dodos now quoted by William Hitler Shakespeare, which got extended into the entire story about dodos.

>> No.15315283

yeah its still updont worry big man

>> No.15315305

Shit, man, you made most of this document. Good moves, man.

>> No.15315308


Cheers. I'm adding a section about people turning into phytoplankton and, if I have time, a short digression on the adventures of one of the said phytoplankton's housecats.

>> No.15315314

Hopefully other people come in and add just as much as me. I want to see what everyone can create.

>> No.15315357

whoever sneeded my lovely passage on Michael pence I hope you're proud of yourself

>> No.15315421

50ks pretty much a book in itself. May as well publish that

>> No.15315452

So are we done?

>> No.15315454

no, keep writing.

>> No.15315455


I've been cackling so hard to Hucklefuck, thanks anon. An instant classic I think

>> No.15315458

Thanks man I appreciate it. I'm gonna try finish Chapter 3, I gave someone else permission to write it but it appears they gave up.

>> No.15315465


No I'm a britbong late to the party, have mercy

>> No.15315470

Try not to laugh edition

>> No.15315471

what you think about closing this doc at 100 pages, and started a new one, so this one is preserved? Maybe just start a new doc when this thread dies or something

>> No.15315474

I have stuff to work on on this doc still.

>> No.15315478

starting a new doc might risk killing the initiative, better to wait till this thread dies

>> No.15315480

thought it would reinvigorate it, having a blank slate to work with

>> No.15315489

I'm on a phone and the doc won't load, so will someone add my work please?

Lettres pour un papillon

Flopping, flaccid cocks. Butterfly thought of flopping flaccid cocks. Short and hideous and deformed, the sort that belong to bodies with fat round guts and receding hairlines. A floppy flaccid cock with wrinkles to match her greasy wrinkled forehead.

What would she do if she had one at her disposal? Perhaps wipe her face with the sweaty shaft, or whirl it around like a helicopter's blades. She imagined that a man might tuck his sausage behind his balls and piss on his ass. She wondered if someplace, at some time in history, a man ever pissed up a vagina. That would be cool.

Surely even a disfigured dick was better to own than an ugly cavern. She despised her own cracked yeasty hole, which required much maintenance but couldn't be spun around like a nunchuck. She remarked to herself that the penis is so powerful that God ordered the Israelites to mutilate it in surrender.

Without the thought ever arising into her mind she knew that she loved cocks, the more cruelly misshapen the better for her spiteful and jealous fetish. She dreamed of Larry King's tube steak and Harvey Weinstein's skin flute. Alas, no man, not even the half-animal negro or the obese sexhound trucker would have anything to do with her floppy tits and insufferable nature.

Fortunately, she had her dog to make do.

>> No.15315498

Will do

>> No.15315531


You're welcome

>> No.15315559


Do I have to make an anonymous Google account to access this without getting doxxed? Forgive me for my newfaggery

>> No.15315568

your account will show up if that bothers you,but if youre not signed in you can still add anonymously iirc.

>> No.15315572

Nah just open in incognito and it works

>> No.15315594

Thanks to whoever formatted everything; feels a lot cleaner now.
Bad idea. We should actually keep this doc until this wave of coronavirus is lifted entirely. Also it's still ongoing.
That cleanliness would offset the angle it's at right now.

>> No.15315645

Whoever incoherently rambled about dumb gen x shit and drunk french guys, no one reformat or edit that shit. It needs to stay exactly as it is.

>> No.15315659

2020 and people are still fucking baneposting

>> No.15315689



>> No.15315720

Finally finished the Hucklefuck Bitch saga. The final chapter is some of my finest work, a real tear jerker. Hope you guys like it.

>> No.15315753
File: 50 KB, 850x831, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op help pls

>> No.15315755

some fuck deleted it all, pls restore

>> No.15315774

How do you create subsection for the appendix?

>> No.15315816

Title = top-level
Heading (1,2,3, etc) for nesting beneath that

>> No.15315821

referring to the dropdown that says "normal text" by default

>> No.15315824

Its beautiful

>> No.15315941

Alright guys I've been working on this for like 5 hours, maybe more, but I gotta get some sleep, but this has been fun. Don't fuck shit up while I'm gone.

>> No.15315949

While it is a pain for someone to reformat it, and a slapdash job would carelessly fuck up individual sections' special formatting (incl. special fonts), if one came to publish this, do you think (mostly) 11 pt Arial on an A4/letter-sized page makes a good book?

>> No.15315960

It's all deleted as soon as OP posted that last comment

>> No.15315975

someone restore pls

>> No.15315977

But yes, at some point we will go through and format it all properly.
Anyone can restore it by clicking on the recent changes section and restoring the appropriate version. Also, I'm not OP, just a dedicated contributor.

>> No.15315987

I am the person spamming OP IS A NIGGER

>> No.15315995

I meant that's what it's in now and it's not optimal indeed.

>> No.15316000

you're doing gods work

t. (69)

>> No.15316067

someone deleted it all, I hope there were backups made

>> No.15316068

that /a/ fag writing “in defense of Funny Valentine” is based

>> No.15316069


>> No.15316098

this is all my fault for teaching these techno-illiterates what ctrl+a does
these people didn't even know how to page break

>> No.15316108


>> No.15316117

my contributions:

current title block
>by /lit/
>An interactive coloring book for the mentally challenged

The Seven Enwerds

Prospective Titles for Future Additions/Editions

All the page breaks

promoted some headers to titles to curate the outline

adjusted a few words throughout for humor

good night and godspeed

>> No.15316137

Fanged Coromena?

>> No.15316140

my contributions:
> the Nigger

>> No.15316155

pretty great, add it to Prospective Titles if it doesn't get traction

>> No.15316290

What do you think of Faggote

>> No.15316307


Late Britbong reporting back in finally - just copy-pasted my 'Becoming Phytoplankton' into the doc - I hope I haven't fucked the spacing up. It kind of trails off because I've been doing work and couldn't fully commit

>> No.15316314

Thoughts on Hypersphere? Any favourite characters?

I remember those threads quite vividly - can't believe it's nearly five years or so ago.

>> No.15316318

am i schizophrenic or have i seen this post before

>> No.15316329

It's a pretty common form of syntax and recall.

Thoughts on X? Any favourite Y?

And then from writing that, you sort of express the not too odd realization that something very distant suddenly feels quite close.

>> No.15316350

It was very specifically about "characters" from Hyperspace, which I found an unusual idea. But now I'm thinking that maybe it was just deja vu. You always forget how intense deja vu is until you experience it again.

>> No.15316488

Characters are the most relatable thing we have in fiction - my favourite character was Bottleman. He had an interesting life.

>> No.15316544

Anyone know where the racism test on the first page is from?

>> No.15316547

t. 100%er

>> No.15316616

It's so badly worded.

Why are you racist if you're apathetic that someone else thinks that an Asian person can be good at maths? Is it every Asian person, or just an Asian person that's actually good at maths? Why is it racist if you ask an Asian co-worker if they know that other Asian guy whose great at maths? Are they in the same office or school? It's not an offensive question if so, and just a stupid one otherwise.

It feels like the kind of test people would just virtue signal on and play it safe when really interactions like these are incredibly common.

>> No.15316633


I snorted loudly at 'gaybreak' especially

>> No.15316648


I think Utter Hell could be properly coupled with the Dodo story by having Dodos as the messengers of heaven and their opposite 'Dontdonts' as the servants of hell.

>> No.15316724

Still working on my essay :)

>> No.15317051

Did some faggot delete all the shit at the beginning? Including the title and the bob chipman essay?

>> No.15317109

Yeah, the beginning in seems to have been cut out at some point in the past hour.
Will put it back.

>> No.15317277

What was once gone has now been restored from the anals of history

>> No.15317341

Thanks bitch

>> No.15317747


>Fanged Coromena?
These are great alt titles, need to shoe horn accelerationist grimoire subsections for them

>> No.15317829
File: 58 KB, 422x492, boccacio-e1436294219760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still think Coronameron is the best title. Both are collections of stories/shitposts, set during a plague/virus outbreak, told by young aristocrats/anons.
Perfectly paralleled.

>> No.15317863

I agree, Coronanomicon sounds good, but it doesn't fit the current contents.

>> No.15317877

should try and get /ic/ to come and do a cover
any lit guys do graphics?

>> No.15317885

What is this 'Hypersphere' and 'Londonfrog' that someone mentioned in the later chapters?

>> No.15317896

hypsphere was the last finished lit book, londonfrog means you gotta lurk more dork

>> No.15317936
File: 488 KB, 580x443, Screen-Shot-2020-04-01-at-11.19.36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loved the phytoplankton section.

>> No.15317947

Jesus christ, 700 pages of shitposting, goddamn.

If we want this Coronanomicon to stick out, we should at least try to make it readable

>> No.15317950

it's surprisingly coherent

>> No.15317959

there's been, what, 5 lit books so far? All of them are hundreds of pages of shitposts. The editors did a great job with breaking up the stories in Hypersphere, so it has a surprising amount of coherency. Helps that theres lots of reoccurring characters

Unless you want to count things like Last Binge Ever and Schizo Rambles as lit products

>> No.15317962

Might be a bit early if the title isn't even set in stone yet, that's the minimum to get started on it. As for the rest of the work I would like the cover to stand on its own like most of the content does until now, fits the spirit.

>> No.15317974

Hypersphere, the two issues of Londonfrog, the conspiracy-thingy and the quarterly? Or are there community works I missed?

>> No.15317979

What happened to that one document people were working on last year? I don't remember the title, but the story had something to do with a man sitting in front of a computer and drinking Pepsi.

>> No.15317983

I do quite like a NYRB Classics style cover as in op (if that would fly)

>> No.15317994

forgot about the lit quarterly. There's like 4 or 5 docs worth of old book projects floating out there like >>15317979 is talking about. Turtles all the Way Down was the longest but that got erased. I only have maybe 3 of those old ones saved

>> No.15318020


Thanks friend!

>> No.15318028


Wasn't the last book L'anomie? Or do we not speak of that?...

>> No.15318029

Are you planning on adding to it? There were parts that seemed unfinished, and I couldn't tell if that was intentional or not.

>> No.15318036

that reading of “the tiger” made me cry

>> No.15318041

We're aware a large of the doc has been comic sans'd?

>> No.15318043

If you wouldn't mind sharing them, I would be interested

>> No.15318059

Yeah, but I changed mine back to times new roman

>> No.15318298


I'm adding accounts from the wives of London now, and a conclusion to Pepys' transformation. The whole thing is kind of a fever dream desu, but its based off an allegory for people becoming mindless spectators during crisis that I just thought up on the spot.

>> No.15318428

Did it get locked? Why is nobody writing anymore?

>> No.15318452

people still writing, we have 900 pages left to go until lock

>> No.15318472

finished my contribution. what happend to all the page numbers?

>> No.15318487
File: 697 KB, 500x775, Made it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should write the great Deano novel.

>> No.15318560

which ones are you guys’ favorites?

>> No.15318572

I love peni parker

>> No.15318593

that wee/a/boo writing the essay, moviebob vs the working class

>> No.15318795

the 'pale pink mounds of venus' and 'Dreaming' are actually good. I wish somebody hadn't deleted all the middle part though

>> No.15318851

make note of anything significant that gets deleted and it can be restored later

>> No.15318902

I would love to see the koala-stuff restored

>> No.15318952

added my linguistic digression from a previous project that went nowhere.

>> No.15318991

700 pages to go, boys

>> No.15318996

I like it anon. reads pretty well for no punctuation

>> No.15319024

kek who wrote the poem about paperbackdreams? somebody linked to one of her videos

>> No.15319104


Okay, which joker just copy-pasted the entirety of Moby Dick into the document?

>> No.15319121

Herman Melville obviously

>> No.15319132

I will leave Moby Dick unfinished as it is more thematically consistent with both the book, and the Coronameron itself.

>> No.15319157

well, only 400 pages to go bois

>> No.15319188

It won't let me make changes anymore

>> No.15319195

my computer is grinding to a halt, it's too much. I think i'm done boys.

>> No.15319217

Posting Moby Dick killed it

>> No.15319226


this, its just 'not responding'. Need to delete the Dick ASAP

>> No.15319250
File: 2.93 MB, 360x314, 1554139670663.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Restore the book, bro. I want to post my BBC-LN Sissification chapter.

>> No.15319268

that dodo bit is pure genius btw

>> No.15319269


>> No.15319311

thank god someone deleted moby dick

>> No.15319316

Regrettably, Moby Dick had to be removed.

>> No.15319327

If you can find the missing sections in full and indicate where they should be placed in the current document, they can be replaced. As it stands I'm not really sure which bits you guys are talking about, or in which of the many backups of the document I should be looking to get the most up-to-date version.

>> No.15319339

I think it is rather necessary that the Latin Vulgate interlinear be copy and pasted at the beginning of this novel

>> No.15319350

Added a bit more to The Tiger, Notes and Interpretation if anyone wants to finish it

>> No.15319430

I am of the opinion the entirety of Moby Dick should be put back in as footnotes to existing Chapters to honor our favourite postmodernist, late DFW.

>> No.15319441

It's really time to drop the DFW/"postmodern"/footnotes crap, don't you think?

>> No.15319443

It's not that it's a bad idea to do that, who cares in the end, it's that there are technological limitations to what we can achieve here and still be able to contribute, and the inclusion of large sections of Moby Dick in any way shape or form isn't feasible for this project.

>> No.15319454

This book contains a frankly questionable amount of interracial cuckoldry, is there something going on with you guys that you need to talk about?

>> No.15319459

Dreaming is mine, some flaming autist with no sense of style has revised it though, I'm trying to restore his more questionable decisions

>> No.15319464

I am joking, I wasn't able to work on the doc either while it was still there and although it sounds fun, it wouldn't be of much interest to most people anyway. The general idea of having a story split up as footnotes over the currently existing text sounds like a fun one though if someone wants to do it.

>> No.15319469

Page 2 is almost entirely footnote.
Also the doc is still up and being worked on.

>> No.15319479

>happy with the way my section was written last night
>someone completely changed the rhythm and language to the point that I no longer want to claim it

>> No.15319502

Anons should add their own stuff instead of messing with others work

>> No.15319517

You can go back and rework it if somebody fucked it up, I've had to do that to my contributions quite a bit.

>> No.15319654

how many footnotes are there?

>> No.15319661

'What the fuck, Stephen King'

>> No.15319663
File: 375 KB, 820x872, 790-7907683_sticker-de-krankin-sur-other-wojak-rage-rekt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of my projects have had words changed. To the degree it shows whoever changed them is blatantly ignorant of things as simple as alliteration.

>> No.15319664

waaaaaaaaaaaaaat were writing our own book? dude lemme get reddt in on this hol' up

>> No.15319678


>> No.15319694

people here are going to be very hesitant to log in to a Google doc. I believe the owner can see everyone who joins.

>> No.15319715

you are smooth brain

>> No.15319738

wrote a reddit post on r/writing but haven't posted it might consider doing so if you people don't start impression me???????

>> No.15319792
File: 1003 KB, 1106x1270, 1588866957850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whole thing is a chromosome overload desu

>> No.15319840

My phone can no longer handle the size of the doc, and thus my contributions must come to an end

>> No.15319852

I am sorry quadruple autism anon.
Maybe post in the thread and we can add it for you

>> No.15319861

enjoy your doxxing and drama

>> No.15319873

Nah I'm good. If this thing is still around when I get home next week, I can go from there

>> No.15319874

>he doesnt have throwaway gmail accs

>> No.15319931

So, Dodos going extinct because of some old ladys using the last surviving specimens as floatation aids during the great fire of London is now canon according to my 'Becoming Phytoplankton' section.

>> No.15319985

what the fuck are you even talking about dude

>> No.15320091

the newfags are here again and they deleted everything again

>> No.15320098


Someone just deleted the entire thing and replaced it with 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Semen'....

>> No.15320105

this is the only one I could find

>> No.15320149

who tf is writing harry potter fanfic

>> No.15320159

>Bonbibonkers chapters
>No sex
Cringe. Don't force my hand.

>> No.15320188

Do it

>> No.15320250

This was actually good about 12 hours ago, now its devolved into absolute shit. Who let /tv/ in?

>> No.15320275

Can someone please restore my part about self sucking in Introduction Part 6?

>> No.15320287

that really vute date got cut too

>> No.15320294

just wait until they go away

>> No.15320309

I'm committed to ruining this because one of my poems was intentionally removed. Not lost by some global deletion and a rollback, removed as someone else's shitty editorial choice.
Suck shit and die.

>> No.15320311

you should've copied your shit, faggot.

>> No.15320314

Whoever is re-loading the Title and other sections in real-time as the hordes of Hylics and newfags attempt to defile our sacred text is truly a saint.

>> No.15320324


>> No.15320327

I have it copied, but you niggeratti will just delete it
So, fuck your gay shit to death
Simple as

>> No.15320328

You could have just gone to the version history, found your work, and then copied it and pasted it back in.

>> No.15320333


>He didn't write the piece proper on a separate document in the event of deletion

It's really your own fault anon. A true devotee of the Coronameron would re-write it again from memory

>> No.15320334

you should've downloaded a backup doofus.
In any case if you start from scratch it'll come out better than it did the first time

>> No.15320343


See >>15320327

>> No.15320346

most of the crummy stuff people have written (especially mine) hasn't been deleted, somebody was just autistic, paste it and it'll stick around this time (assuming you don't go and say "oooh don't delete this this time u guys ooooooooooo")

>> No.15320348

Now you have to sign in to use this shit. >>15320343 You're so fucking retarded.

>> No.15320349

then you're being a faggot unnecessarily. just wait a while, then put it back, somewhere it the middle where no one will find it.
have you seen the document? there isn't quality control, or editors so just chill the fuck out

>> No.15320350
File: 52 KB, 649x648, toilet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15320355

Alright guys, i submit, this doesn't have to be a harry potter fan fiction

>> No.15320361
File: 42 KB, 645x729, asslet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15320365

thank fuck

>> No.15320366
File: 279 KB, 720x960, Fagit_I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The document is well over 50,000 words at this point, and so as previously stated it is being closed.
A new document is now available for continuation; https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nMb6jRDBX4T7aeLNiYzcbbk3k-dZqDjl3hJDaw82Zs0/edit?usp=sharing
They will be combined eventually.

>> No.15320368

Has this shit been locked, OP? What the fuck.

>> No.15320373
File: 6 KB, 211x239, sphinctlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15320378

why can't I edit
I assume OP has it locked until the tv niggers go away

>> No.15320381


Good call

>> No.15320397
File: 96 KB, 800x566, 1579212626193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link doesn't wurk
wasn't done editing some retard said that traps are trannies and I was gonna make a footnote correcting them wtf

>> No.15320405
File: 159 KB, 1194x928, turrlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15320406

Link should be working, have 9 people in writing right now.

>> No.15320412

wwe can edit later

>> No.15320433

I can't tho
how do I edit

>> No.15320456

who tf is just writing oob

>> No.15320462

Editing mode in the top right of the document.

>> No.15320463

Are anons going to read and comment on every individual part?

>> No.15320482


Pedos already out in full force on the document. I'm out, fuck it. It was good while it lasted

>> No.15320492

Submit your child love stories today and be immortalized as an anonymous contributor to this anthology

>> No.15320539


>> No.15320547

enormous kek, leave the man alone

>> No.15320555

I am a developer of web applications. I think this is a great idea that could be better supported by a bespoke application, something tailored to this exact exercise.

What features would you like to see that might be an improvement over a Google Doc?

>> No.15320559

yeah the oobs are the most wholesome thing in Pt. 2 so far

>> No.15320563

A way to prevent certain pages from being edited, so that completed works can remain in the doc without being tampered. An easier way to restore content is also key

>> No.15320571

I have a copy that we can continue to work on

>> No.15320574

Limits on how much you can just paste in, so that any large and obnoxious bodies of text have to be typed in by hand and you can't just paste in the entirety of Moby Dick

>> No.15320591

a way to lock certain user to a page, so each anon can have their own page, and can't grief or have others grief

>> No.15320603

being able to caption images

>> No.15320626

I would specify that as a way to lock in work that is considered finished, but maybe still allow for it to be formatted when it comes to font f.e.
A way to back up small parts of the document so it is easy to restore single stories.

>> No.15320636

Anti-griefing is the key feature I want as well, but with a way to balance that perhaps with suggestions that the "owner" can later approve, so that there is still an element of collaboration.

Great stuff guys keep it coming. I'll set up a tripcode in the next thread to make this a bit easier to track.

>> No.15320645

Meant to also tag these in the second part, fat-fingered it. Great stuff, keep it coming.

>> No.15320653

also image formatting is very tough and disruptive so if there was an easier way to manage that it'd be great

>> No.15320663

more oobs

- manlikebigp - oob guy

>> No.15320664

Goodnight fags, looking forward to seeing the absolute state of part 2 in the morning.

>> No.15320760


>> No.15320781

chronicles of gop is gay

>> No.15320898

Both documents devolved into shit. If this is the /lit/ bible now, I'm making my own fucking translation at this point

>> No.15320908

blame sneed

>> No.15320928

how so? the new one seems to be fine to me, less active, but there isn't really any griefing or chaos

>> No.15321005

It definitely is lacking atm, I do like ODE TO A DEFUNCT POETRY TEACHER WHO IS PROBABLY DECEASED though.

>> No.15321025


>> No.15321043


hopefully this will get more people in

>> No.15321056

I have not contributed anything other than a suggestion for the dedicated tool, but go ahead and cry samefagging like the boy who cried wolf

>> No.15321113

this book is meant to be read backwards

>> No.15321154


Hey, that's my piece! Glad you like it. Not great compared to my phytoplankton chapter, but I'm planning on following that one up tomorrow morning.

>> No.15321158

thank you
thank you