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15312995 No.15312995 [Reply] [Original]

my prof from writing classes recommended me Pinker's The Sense of Style. I know, Pinker is not based on /lit/ but what about his books about writing style ? your thoughts

>> No.15313026

I only read his earlier books, but I enjoyed his prose style in those. Weird how he suddenly turned into a rightwinger, but whatever.

>> No.15313029

Since when was Pinker a rightwinger?

>> No.15313061

Since the last 10 years maybe? I stopped keeping up with him after like his third or fourth book. Somehow he morphed into a neolib shill for capitalism along the way.

>> No.15313085
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i do not fuckin' care is he libtard, I want to know is his books about writing style is worth anything

>> No.15313098

are his books for creative writers or academics?

>> No.15313141

i get The Sense of Style as a recommendation on university

>> No.15313185

kill yourself

>> No.15313253

a good style guide applies to all writing
it talks about the basic mechanics of effective writing

I haven't read that one, but Strunk & White's "Elements of Style" is a classic, and Spencer's "Philosophy of Style" is worth a read

>> No.15313299

those are not translated to my language unfortunately

>> No.15313863

I think your teacher doesn't like your writing.

>> No.15314704

I read it a couple years ago. I dont remember too much about it, but it seemed like good, solid advice to me.

couple things I remember:

Objects to the idea of never using passive voice. (good if you want to emphasize the object of the sentence, for instance)

Says that a lot of rules you see in style guides (only use fewer or definite quanties and less for indefinite) are made up pedantry you dont need to bother with.