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15312796 No.15312796 [Reply] [Original]

Is it even possible to read a serious philosophical work and understand it all on the first read?

>> No.15312805
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>> No.15312808

ill pour boiling coffee into your eyes

>> No.15312816

Neck yourself discord tranny.

>> No.15312826

For me? Absolutely. For someone like you? Doubtful.

>> No.15312829

me > you though

>> No.15312832

>tranny post
this shit should be an autoban

>> No.15312836

>me smarter than scholars
>you dumb

Ngl, that's a pretty based outlook to have on life.

>> No.15312885

Any other lit no cum quotes?

>> No.15312910
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St. Jerome (peace and blessings be upon him) has some good ones.

>> No.15312921

not if you're a cumbrain.

>> No.15313202

pseudscientific drivel. Your body makes more semen whether or not you expend it. Stay /fit/ and /lit/. Stay away from drugs. Frequent ejaculation literally means nothing.

That Isaac Newton, Milton, Da Vinci, and Michaelangelo did not have sexual relations with women does not at all mean that they didn't ejaculate. They were probably closet homosexuals anyway, given the consequences of being found out.

inb4 coomer.

>> No.15313231

All of these women wish they were as attractive as butterfly, who literally masturbates to me with her legs over her head :3

>> No.15313262
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>> No.15313270

it is reabsorbed if retained and helps with brain. i am weaker after release.

>> No.15313301
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link me to one, even one, peer-reviewed scientific article, not an opinion piece from a celibate at some christian degree mill, that backs up this claim.

>> No.15313332

Peer-reviewed science is for faggots

>> No.15313350

this, peer review is literally(literally) just men in a circle sucking each other's dicks. Has nothing to do with science

>> No.15313362


>> No.15313446

>Frequent ejaculation literally means nothing.
Fucking retard.

>> No.15313450

Prove otherwise

>> No.15313504

Anyone remember that time that guy linked like 100 studies and BTFO'd coomers so bad that [user has left chat]?

>> No.15313514

Why don't you link

>> No.15313521

I can't find it hence the question mark.

>> No.15313526

I'm just supposed to believe your claims without any evidence?
Really changing my mind

>> No.15313534

I thought it was a rhetorical question. Like "Anyone remember how we already won this debate and don't have to prove anything?"

>> No.15313545

No, there was post on /lit/ a few months back with it and I saw it reposted again in the past month. I just can't find it on warosu.

>> No.15313593

if your house is on fire, do you need a peer reviewed paper before you decide whether it's a good idea to put it out?

>> No.15313597
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>> No.15313761

Probably not. But my house isn't on fire. And you're pulling claims out of your ass with no argument or source. :)

>> No.15314579

What is this female trying to achieve?
What is that expression trying to convey?

>> No.15314591


>> No.15314595

ego death

>> No.15314607
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Demonic possession. Unironically.

>> No.15314650

I think one's house being on fire is a lot more urgent than "oh no, i had sex too many times with my wife. now i'm permanently stupid and weak according to some weirdo celibate on the internet"

>> No.15314682

its a tranny

>> No.15314685

how can you know it's urgent if you haven't done a study to ascertain how quickly the fire is spreading?

>> No.15314689

Hahaha holy shit

>> No.15314711

>haha you can’t do a scientific study of everything so why bother doing it for anything lmao
Do you jerk off a lot? Is that how you ended up this retarded?

>> No.15314726

>inb4 coomer.

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.15314743

Unless you're extraordinarily intelligent, not a chance. Even Plato, whose works are relatively accessible, requires multiple reads before acquiring a full understanding.

Don't tell me otherwise. We've been studying Plato for 2500 years.

>> No.15314745

idk, conduct a study

>> No.15314771

It's clearly a girl though?

>> No.15314785
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no son, a tranny

>> No.15315010

You're bullshitting, all that crap was shit on when posted to /sci/ and nofap is rightly seen as a joke there. Go and "burn out" your dopamine receptors.

>> No.15315017

nofap is a meme, but I do legit think that too much pleasure can blunt your drive. I'm way lazier after jacking off or spending hours browsing youtube

>> No.15315034


>> No.15315040

It is spelled Autobahn.

>> No.15315045

replied to the wrong post, fuck my life

>> No.15315089

coomers btfo

>> No.15315105

It's just a flat girl, no?

>> No.15315106

You discord raiders are getting lazy these days

>> No.15315123

>Your body makes more semen whether or not you expend it.
Right and I am sure your body creates a rich and complex goo like semen, from thin air.

>> No.15315422

Yeah, Aristotle

>> No.15316244

>you cant jerk off in prison/exile

>> No.15316272

If you don't usually read difficult books or are new to the topic of the book it would be unwise to just read a whole book through without preparation or secondary literature. Most likely, you will not be motivated to finish a book if you don't understand it. To answer the question, there exists no total understanding of any work, and if it did, it would not be useful to acquire. Second, a 'first read' will involve re-reading a lot of passages. If you want to read a primary work like the Science of Logic without a lot of preparation, you are usually better off trying to understand a small subsection of the book first.

>> No.15316491

No. Look up it's Twitter profile.

>> No.15316506

Link? Asking for a friend...

>> No.15316524

>mom look I posted it again

>> No.15316546


>> No.15316611

FUCK, even better!

>> No.15316710

I only had to read Finnegan's wake once

>> No.15316731

Yes... it depends on the writer though. Nietzsche for example is very straight forward. He occasionally references things from the culture at the time but any decent translation explains the references. His message is clear IF you know what he’s talking about, if you have thought about similar things before. If you try to rationalize in your mind what he means you are sure to get a bad interpretation