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15312359 No.15312359 [Reply] [Original]

Is this meant to be ironic in some way? Mocking virgin men? I can't imagine they would let a book with so many blackpills be published

>> No.15312366


>> No.15312404

We're not as easily offended as Americans. I once visited your horrid country and had a horrid time. I thought to complement a lovely woman in a restaurant. She made the most horrid scene. All at once Americans were upon me, shrieking at me. What a bloat, angry people. The chef (a horrid burly man with faded roses tattooed up his hairy forearms) demanded I leave. All for paying a girl a complement. All the same, I ate for free. Not that American cuisine has ever been worth paying for. Tell me, do you eat beef and butter? Your people has only discovered three ingredients (Beef, bacon, butter, and potatoes) and hasn't a hint of what to do with them.

>> No.15312407

This is what Americans think the French are like

>> No.15312420

what was the compliment?

>> No.15312427

>mocking virgin men
oh absolutely. the most outspoken hatred comes from a place closest to the heart, as michel has always possessed the soul of an incel. However, the fact that he sporadically smashes puss gives him a detached insight into resentment

>> No.15312470

This is really what we think of you desu

>> No.15312516

She was sitting with some teenage athlete, no doubt fresh off the "football" team. She caught me glancing at her bare legs. I approached her and told her, "Oh, to be your shoe. Failing that, may I sit with you?"

>> No.15312528

cringe, how old are you, Pierre? is this what they do in France? I thought you had simply called pretty or something. You got what you deserved

>> No.15312547

Ah yes, the American way. It's "cringe" to directly approach a woman. You would rather Venmo her on Tinder or subscribe to her OnlyFans. How dare a man simply approach a woman and state his intentions?
The funny aspect of your country is that no one tried to fight me. Americans will shout and seethe. In France, if you truly offend a man, he doesn't raise his voice, only his fists. Virility is so foreign to your country that women shriek when they see it. Enjoy your butter.

>> No.15312589

Nothing wrong with approaching a woman in real life but come on, Pierre. Your line was gay and ourdated and you came up like a creep out of nowhere. I can only picture a teenager from the 50s going crazy for your flaccid-dick attempts.

>> No.15312601

I did not come out of nowhere. We made sensuous eye contact.

>> No.15312603

I don't think you can see a women's face over her hiyab in France.

>> No.15312624

And then you blew it. You should've said something sensual, Pierre, not something corny. "To be your shoe!" Come the fuck on.

>> No.15313329

>We made sensuous eye contact.

>> No.15313355

What I have gathered from this thread is I should pretend to be French for easy (You)s

>> No.15314613

And then you blew it. You were meant to defeat her guards in single combat in order to prove your fitness and worthiness to mate with her.

>> No.15314908

Based french autist

>> No.15314931

holy fucking based...

>> No.15314937

Americucks getting dabbed on as usual

>> No.15314967

Holy based, you're actually a real life Bruno.

>> No.15314985

I do sincerly wish to be a pretty girl's shoe.

>> No.15315311

is this his best work?