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/lit/ - Literature

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15311637 No.15311637 [Reply] [Original]

>Twilight books
>Vampire Diaries
>4 John Green books
>Graceling series

This is a lost cause right?

>> No.15311655

So your whore girlfriend doesn't have good taste, oh the humanity!

>> No.15311673

Don't autistically try to force your interest down her throat. You don't need to talk about /lit/ stuff with your girl, the only thing that matters is if the head and puss are good, she's loyal, not crazy, not stupid, wants to get married and have kids, is fun to hang out with, and pushes you to be a better man. Books don't matter at all with that stuff, that's what bros are for.
At least she's got Hunger anyway so she's sort of patrician among the other YA stuff

>> No.15311680
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>> No.15311691

It is a well known fact that females are of a lesser essence, why are you surprised? As long as she bears your children she's okay. Don't expect to much out of her.

>> No.15311695

Hahahaha I thought it was the knut hamsun novel hahahahaha

>> No.15311704

but anon, she is dating you. you should've inferred she lacks good taste and aesthetic judgement.

>> No.15311706

dont listen to these bottomfeeders, OP. if you settle for a retarded wife you are going to regret it every single day of your life

>> No.15311707

Girlfriend shows me ass
>brap smells and hair
>weird mole

This is a lost cause, right?

>> No.15311713

Yeah and anytime you try to push a non YA book on her she will get catty and accuse you of pretending to like and understand the book to come off as intelligent. There's literally no comeback for this even if you analyzed the book right in front of her. It's sort of like arguing with pseuds on /lit/.

>> No.15311723

At least she reads you gay faggot, I swear, with your cringey frog posting attitude she'll end up cucking you anyways

>> No.15311740
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always remember

>> No.15311760

What’s wrong with John Green? He is actually a kino writer.

>> No.15311771

good thing i dont love anything anymore hahaha

>> No.15311776

Twilight books are actually trad. This is not a bad sign.

>> No.15311789

I agree a retarded wife will ruin your life but I'm arguing that an interest in YA doesn't necessarily indicate a retarded wife. She might not be interested in reading at all, yet still be smart.

>> No.15312024

all women are retarded, what's your point incel?

>> No.15312096

this issue is entirely solved with the advent of the daughter-wife

>> No.15312114

>Don't autistically try to force your interest down her throat.
I did that with my wife and it worked.

>> No.15312126
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How old is your girlfriend? Most adults tend to grow out of those books.

>> No.15312362

She had to show you her bookshelf in order for you to figure out what her lit tastes were? That should be one of the first things you talk about, especially since you obviously care about it as a topic.
>ohhh nooo help me 4chan my girlfriend has key differences from me that cause her to fall from grace in my eyes
You asked for it by getting into a relationship without properly vetting them.

>> No.15312381

I think it's more interesting that my gf has different tastes than me. I like having a venn diagram of things we like in every genre. Needing a gf that likes everything you like means you are insecure and need constant validation, and are also judgmental and close minded.

>> No.15312382

I can’t even get Harry Potter bitches to look my way stop complaining

>> No.15312385

Based. Op's gf is a reflection of his normie self.

>> No.15312389

Telling OP this is like trying to convince Black Liberals that slavery was a choice and black peoples aren’t special, don’t you see OP is severely narcissistic/vain

>> No.15312656

holy shit i read that in high school. it's pretty bad

>> No.15312694

yeah, I read it too for one of my middle school classes. idk why, it was terrible, just a worse version of the Leftovers with kids

>> No.15312702

Is your shelf any better?

>> No.15312934

>Most adults tend to grow out of those books.
You wish

>> No.15312954


>> No.15313041

You must be American.

>> No.15313057
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>cousin who just started college excitedly telling me about reading Jared Diamond in his intro anthropology course
he wants to major in history and geography now. because of Jared Diamond. let that sink in

>> No.15313068
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You're such a fucking nu-male rat.
kys you fucking cuck, be grateful if your GF bares your children, that's all that matters in the end

>> No.15313110

If your wife reads this stuff then your child will too. Imagine your child grows up reading this stuff. I would abort my child if I knew that it was going to happen

>> No.15313136

If you aren't inept, you should be able to mold her taste accordingly. This happens all the time in relationships, anon. A lot of the time when you meet women who have at least like entry-level taste, it's because an ex-BF of theirs helped get them there.

>> No.15313239


>> No.15313265

>he wants to major in history and geography now. because of Jared Diamond. let that sink in
if only you knew how bad things really were

>> No.15313282

John Green is good
So is the Plague

Haven't heard of the others except for Twilight, which, like, whatever, we were all teenage girls once

>> No.15314213
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>expecting women to have taste

>> No.15314238

>At least she's got Hunger anyway so she's sort of patrician
I know you're talking about the Swedish novel, and it's really nothing exceptional. It's not patrician, let alone patrician enough to offset everything else.

>> No.15314286

Plague is a YA book by Malcom Rose. I think he means that one not the Camus book.


>> No.15314295

He's not talking about cock you closet homo

>> No.15314342

If my gf had the same tastes as me I would kill myself knowing I'm on the same level as a f*male.

>> No.15314366

The kind of woman you idealize who meets up to your intellectual standards is what we call a "career woman" and I assure you a dumb sheepish woman is far preferable.

>> No.15314377

See the amount of hate this reply is getting?
Now tell me: don't you think the disapproval of anons should tell you something? this place is the scum of the earth. If you get resent and rage replies about something, that something is probably good and you should listen.

Or get on board the loathsome and odious train and see how well that will go

>> No.15314392

Weren't they created from Adam and thus of the same essence?

>> No.15314400
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Timeline is cool OP. It's better to have a simple-minded gf than one who busies herself with ideologies, existentialism, etc. etc. those tend to be unstable.

>> No.15314460


So you have a girl who reads (active imagination, increased cognitive function, values emotional experiences inherent in even the most retarded ya novels) and she isn't gonna role her eyes at you for not having an copy of Trainspotting or The Stranger, as if those are the pinnacles of lit... and this is an issue...

You fucking losers don't deserve normal girls.

>> No.15314630

Kek nice

>> No.15314761

accept it, bro. some people aren't inclined to reading literature. if you love her, you would accept her for who she is and would probably try to nurture her into literature. considering you're on 4channel, it doesn't really seem like you have much of a choice in girls.

>> No.15315541


>> No.15315551


>> No.15315924

Sell her to methhead niggers.