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15311458 No.15311458 [Reply] [Original]

What books should I buy with 15k

>> No.15311471

The Bible.

>> No.15311501
File: 9 KB, 267x139, 5.8.20 account summary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think $15,000 is a lot of money, you're probably too young to post here

>> No.15311511

Can I have some money, anon? I'll link my PayPal.

>> No.15311515

How long it take that- minus your parents inheritance? How much you make in one night kid?

>> No.15311516

op btfo desu

>> No.15311531

>brown hand
>15k is a lot of money

>> No.15311552

everybody get insecure

>> No.15311565

>15k isn’t a lot of money

>> No.15311568

15k is just my cash on hand lol, I have more plus properties kid

>> No.15311574

Me too bro

>> No.15311578

pay that property tax goy

>> No.15311584

based bros, me too and fuck girls as well

>> No.15311589
File: 45 KB, 640x427, mathphd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Math degrees earn 400k starting

>> No.15311591


You go all in Aurora Cannabis on monday after the R/S.

Thank me later.

>> No.15311601


>Negative credit

Do Americans really?

>> No.15311610

What’s your favorite book

>> No.15311614

can you buy me a kobo?

>> No.15311624

>I dont think 15k is a lot of money that's why I took a picture of it and posted it on /lit/

>> No.15311646

I do think it’s a lot of money. Are you fucking braindead

>> No.15311650
File: 53 KB, 1548x848, bank_statement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I've ever met someone who could actually brag, thb

>> No.15311660

What the??

>> No.15311670

>comic sans font

>> No.15311674

Wealthy people unironically love Comic Sans.

>> No.15311682

why don't you pay off /lit/'s student loans?

>> No.15311685

He has to ask his mom first

>> No.15311688

god i hate being poor

>> No.15311693

Then why the fuck are you posting pictures of your money you stupid faggot? Does anyone ever post a picture of a $20 bill and ask "what book should I get?" You self-evidently think you have an impressive enough sum of money to post a picture of. Why are brown people like this?

>> No.15311700

It won’t make you anymore interesting

>> No.15311721

U mad

>> No.15311757

Yeah no shit you figured it out, you must have a big brain! Why do you people always show off shit that's not impressive and then pretend you're not trying to show off, it's fucking cringe and it's why you get lumped in with niggers at the end of the day.

>> No.15311765

Bro y are you mad kek

>> No.15311766

Nice. What business are you in?

>> No.15311782


>> No.15311790

The entire Pali Canon translated by the Pali Text Society - $1.3k
The Thomas Taylor Collection - $1.2k
Talmud Bavli - Schottenstein English Full Size Edition - $2.5k

>> No.15311802

Why would i want money to be more interesting?

>> No.15311805
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>Bro y are you mad kek

>> No.15311826

I work in fashion, but right now I’m out of work and waiting for unemployment like most people

>> No.15311835

>Being lame living in a van
>Being lame living in a mansion

The correct answer is neither

>> No.15311842

Based Ravi

>> No.15312145

My net worth is right around $500k, with an annual income of ~$135k pre tax. Any advice for building worth, anon?

>> No.15312170

Is bit coin a book?

>> No.15312231

You are technically 1.50 an hour

>> No.15312236


How do you figure?

>> No.15312248

Your about 37$ a day and 1100+ a month

>> No.15312308

1000 bibles

>> No.15312413

the complete ruskin from cambridge press

>> No.15312437

You have 3m and you're applying for unemployment?

>> No.15312448

He’s also applying for foodstamps

>> No.15312468

Platonic Theology by Facino.

>> No.15312503

Yeah, because selling investments triggers long term-capital gains tax and then I would have to fill out more forms when filing taxes next year. Just doing unemployment is simpler

>> No.15312511


>> No.15312515

Can't believe my tax money goes to helping this rich asshole get welfare

>> No.15312521

It's not welfare, it's pay that would otherwise be earned if I hadn't been furloughed

>> No.15312522

Damn dude just live off your 70k, what can your monthly expenses be?

>> No.15312531

Whatever keeps your pride in tact

>> No.15312537

Most of that is already set aside for car auctions, I'm not using it for living expenses

>> No.15312543

do u also suck penis

>> No.15312787

What do you do and how did you come to make so much?

>> No.15313138

How can it be possible, one man need so much

>> No.15313150

Well you don’t have to be. Have you considered investing your money?

>> No.15313304

This assumes an infinite lifespan.

>> No.15313356
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What you suggested is the equivalent of saying "why don't you just give /lit/ money to literally light on fire and burn ha ha". If you are paying off or even considering paying off student debt you aren't in bad shape. You're just retarded. There are ways of reducing it to $15 a month in which the lifetime repayment over the rest of your life is going to be a fraction of the principle. If you throw money at student loans, you're retarded. In fact, I used to support Bernie because he had mentioned "muh loan forgiveness". Guess what the retard suggested? Let's spend actual money to pay them off. No. There is no need to pay them off. You either get them discharged in bankruptcy court (see Brunner precedent, it's possible to discharge under chapter 7 if you're in really bad shape), sam hyde your way into a minimum payment of $15 a month, or just don't pay and file for chapter 13 every time a garnishment is filed, or flee the country. If you're not a retard, you can strategically time this so you acquire all major assets needed from house to car to yatch. Sorry, you're just a retard. Never going to make it.

>> No.15313366


>> No.15313370

By the way, notice the short sentence and lack of punctuation and capitalization. Stylometry is physiognomy applied to paper. Not only can we tell that you're a brainlet by your retard question but also by virtue of your writing style.

>> No.15313372

Imagine being this lame

>> No.15313379
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>you need to pay your debt off, we owe it to society.

>> No.15313388

Imagine being this stupid.

>> No.15313501

Thank u for the example

>> No.15313513

Case in point.

>> No.15313530

Your a fagget

>> No.15313550

people would rather be slaves because people that do this type of shit to increase their wealth have told them it's immoral

>> No.15313553

Helps your credit score to have a debt to pay every month. They punish you for not spending money on credit every month, not a joke. It creates a cucked society with allegedly efficient levels of credit. There are some societies with horrible credit tracking (like India) and its impossible to get a loan and often they are acquired with kneecaps as collateral. China has a weak credit and banking system for individuals as well. Not sure about Europe, I'm sure its decent.

>> No.15313628

Your credit score doesn't matter once you've secured the properties and large purchases you wanted.

>> No.15313633

Rich dad poor dad

>> No.15313640

cringe dad based dad

>> No.15313655
File: 200 KB, 1200x1200, mao-tse-tung-9398142-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations, you've just earned a free ticket to the country side.

>> No.15313657

Those are some big words you used there! Impressive!

>> No.15313686

The comment I made was explaining the utility of debt. Unless you have insight into your circumstances and desires from now until you die, you should not be re-assured about your money or assets. Especially since income and savings aren't factors in most credit score calculations. Anyone who plans to continue making investments and buying various insurances understands this and wants a good rate. When 2008 came I had a lot of rich friends who had to sell multimillion dollar apartments overlooking the Hudson at huge discounts because their 710 wasn't cutting it and credit dried up for them. If you're some crazy cracker in the woods with your guns and a bunker good for you, but for normal investors/owners its good to maintain credit score.

I'm not a jew

>> No.15314760

Where do you get that from an annual income of $135k? Given normal working hours (2080/year), that's around $65/hour.

>> No.15314779

Fuck off to /biz/ you kikes

>> No.15314807

I am a basically a mid-exec-level beaurocrat, and work for a public sector utility managing finance. I have about 75 people who work under me.

Though my academic work was in political theory and most of my career was doing policy work. I hope to get back to that kind of work desu senpai, or even switch gears and go back into academia but I don't really want to chase tenure or deal with academic politics and I'm not too keen on the pay cut that would go with that.

>> No.15315033

a thread died for this

>> No.15315276

Is this real??

>> No.15315294

You should buy my diary desu.

>> No.15315300

No way it's real the president would never write something like that

>> No.15315318

To Honest Be.

>> No.15315377

They only pay people who get the jobs.
Weed stocks are cringe. The best weed companies aren't public.
Try to earn a comfortable 7% a year on indices or bonds or some shit. Medium risk medium return if you are <40.
It's literally 1 text box for total LT capital gains. You're a fraud.

>> No.15315402

The Critique of Pure Reason

>> No.15316041

i always knew elon musk was a retard. thanks for posting proof

>> No.15316120

Are you even the same guy as >>15311501

>> No.15316146

That's about what a pharmacist makes in my area.

>> No.15317440

Buy the complete works of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin.

>> No.15317460

you are like the main character from houllebeques serotonin. Do you have an asian gf?

>> No.15317476

Buy some ancient tome and read it while drinking soda or something dangerous :3

>> No.15317492

Actually true. Economics majors go right into the trashcan at big investment banks. Those people want that IQ. They literally recruit math majors directly from my university. Problem is I have slight dyscalculia (bad at keeping numbers in my short term memory and bad at arithmetics). Uni maths is not arithmetics, I know that but this basic mathematical intuition is rooted in that. I am only good enough to be a CS drone :(

>> No.15317525

A pretty sad state of affairs to be sure, but working in banking is kind of corrupt anyway.

>> No.15317547

Not OP but I actually did do this and bought them quite cheaply.

$50 on Ebay
>Marx and Engels
$300 at half price with the coupons they used to have
Bought it locally on craigslist for $100.

It is sad when I go and look at them. Every "Marxist" I ever met was a well to do and quite stupid and never read any of the works. The others were LARPers. As a result I've settled as a center right sort of person in every day life. There is no way to debate "marxists", and even if you could win them over it would take such an immense waste of time and regardless they are such that they are devoid of any revolutionary potential. A wasted effort. They blather on about muh reactionaries when encountering any of the working class. They substantiate their arguments by deferring to books they've never read and whenever they clearly lost an argument will always resort to slander and moral arguments. If you do take the Marxist leninist pill, do not interact with left leaning people of today and do not structure your arguments to appeal to them.

>> No.15317552

Very interesting. Are you a designer, an editor or...?

>> No.15317569

Unironically. People usually treat this as garbage that promises to make you rich, or dumbfucks believe that it will actually make them rich, but it's just basic financial advice you can't go through life without

>> No.15317574

this emoticon disgusts me so much

>> No.15317588

Don't spend 15K on books, retard. Buy a good e reader and invest the rest on a business or self improvement. Printed books are nothing but a fetish, and are just one step above of owning comic books and funkopops

>> No.15317665

that is true. A friend of mine was recruited by goldman and he declined because he said: "they make you work for 60 hours+/week and put immense pressure on you, everybody I know who went this route is on drugs to keep the pace". So I dont really feel bad about it

>> No.15317748


>> No.15317770

Bogdanoffs are online

>> No.15317786
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>> No.15318734

I did some tech consulting for some major banks (it was not impressive if you know how these things are structured), it isn't that hard to get in but no one knows what they're doing.

>> No.15318832

Textbooks so you can read like a patrician.

>> No.15318993

it's not a retarded question. /lit/izen artists need gibs from rich patrons like you

>> No.15319007

Buy the whole Western Canon in top-quality leatherbound editions.
Absolutely based.