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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 30 KB, 378x500, The_Giving_Tree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1531044 No.1531044 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that a cartoon book for children moves me more than your current run-of-the-mill flavor of the month best-seller bullshit?

>> No.1531047

because Franzen is perfect for phonies.

>> No.1531052

Catcher in the Rye is for phonies

>> No.1531057

.... Is what the phonies cry as Holden points out their hypocrisy.

>> No.1531061


Topic, bitches

>> No.1531064

Catcher in The Rye is not social commentary. It is the story of a very lost, very isolated young man. You may identify with him, but ultimately his view of the world is not accurate, its distorted by his breakdown.

>> No.1531065
File: 93 KB, 500x333, jojo-andy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Catcher in The Rye is not social commentary
>he only got the first layer!

>> No.1531069


My love, listen to me. No, i didn't. Its not a novel of meta-narrative, its a simplistic story. Read some real literature, then roll back over here and tell me something I'd need to hear

>> No.1531073

Catcher is among the greatest American novels ever written. If Salinger isn't 'real literature' then I don't know what it.

>> No.1531075

>greatest American novels
>American novels

>> No.1531076

Salinger is a whiny bitch and so are you.

>> No.1531077

>Salinger is a whiny bitch and so are you.
is what the phonies cry!


^ nope Salinger sounds more like a great guy than the bitter pretentious outcast you wish he was.

>> No.1531078

Where's that "The Objectivist tree" pic?

>> No.1531080
File: 147 KB, 1010x659, .libertarian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont have it but this makes me remember good times on /new/.

>> No.1531540

Sadly, Sallinger IS great American literature. It's the story of a self-involved poorly educated little wannabe who imitates his brother, and thinks its cool because his brother is in Hollywood, but then calls everyone else out for being phonies.

Its a pretty accurate reflection of the American identity - Hypocritical, egotistical, self-involved, and finding solace in mental illness when their view of the world simply does not come anywhere near to reality.

>> No.1531554

>and thinks its cool because his brother is in Hollywood
how about you stop embarrassing yourself in catcher threads now?

so easy to spot a phony on this board, just bring up holden and gauge their reaction xD

>> No.1531561


That was a coherent and compresensive counter-arguement.

>> No.1531566

I dunno if you agree with your pic or not, but it is one big fat load of strawman.

>> No.1531597

You realize that sort of self-victimization doesn't help people take you seriously, right? Especially when they're things easily perpetrated the other way around.

>> No.1531605


>> No.1531609

Every group tends to self-victimize themselves. It's just basic sociological theory at work.

On the other hand, no one victimizes themselves quite like conservatives. Maybe I'm just biased :/

>> No.1531624

I'm blown away by your sharp wit.

>> No.1531641

since you're obviously one of those two posters you're not so sharp yourself.

>> No.1531650

Conservatives don't victimize themselves nearly as much as liberals. You are seriously biased.

>> No.1531652

Then it appears that everything that can't be expressed in greentext or in a jpeg is just beyond your reach.

>> No.1531657

Quid Pro Quo.

>> No.1531661

Because we have forgotten how to write from the heart.

>> No.1531668

Because trashy bestsellers have never been good. Why would you ask such an obvious question

>> No.1531684

Eh... there's still some weird belief among people that academics are privileged in our discourse, that there really is a PC police, and that the common man gets marginalized for the big city slick talker. I am pretty sure none of these are true.