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File: 770 KB, 1200x1671, Le Grand-Jean-Jacques.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15308762 No.15308762 [Reply] [Original]

Lost his virginity to an older woman he liked to call mum

Incapable of not being a rude weirdo in social situations

Had 5 children, gave them all away soon after birth

Responded to critics who accused him of hating children by saying "What? just the other day I found a random little boy in the forest and we just started playing together, for ages, and it was awesome"

Ruined every alliance he ever had (with the exception of the woman whose 5 kids he spurned)


>> No.15308775

There are none. Rousseau was the most based author to ever exist.

>> No.15308782

i dont see how any of that is autism.
it's just fucking rad.

>> No.15308784


>> No.15308795

I don’t think you understand what autism is

>> No.15308823

This is all Based

and Kant is

>> No.15308915

>Lost his virginity to an older woman he liked to call mum
not even gonna read the rest, this guy's based

>> No.15308968

No doubt about it. But I don't have another word. Cyclothymia?

>> No.15308982

Also unironically called himself the "most sociable and loving of humans"

>> No.15308992

Well don't leave me in suspense, anon

>> No.15309038

How about just douche? He was charismatic enough to (autistis are not charismatic) get noble ladies sleep with him then brag about it to their husbands. I think douche is the perfect word

>> No.15309053

To imagine that the nigga who started the Romantic movement in Europe was a heartless COOMer

>> No.15309056

the sole fact that he made Voltaire seethe makes him based in my book

>> No.15309082

He specifically target married women lul. The guy was a psycho

>> No.15309099

what's psycho about women's lib?
next you're gonna tell me not to eat the rich.

>> No.15309117

I always assume people who like Rousseau are fucking retard

>> No.15309123

He is like a male version of women who go around sleeping with married man more than just because of sex. Because they want to ruin their marriage. It was like that with this douche “philosopher” and nobels.

>> No.15309124

Absolutely Based

>> No.15309166

quite based

>> No.15309169

and if he was on his way to some woman he jacked off in the woods so he wouldnt feel the urge to fuck her

>> No.15309201
File: 10 KB, 230x219, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>write an entire treatise on the education and raising of children
>sire 5 children and send them all off for other people to raise
Why was he such a hypocrite? How could you take a man seriously who don't even follow his own philosophy?

>> No.15309232

Was it really bragging or was it just a total lack of self awareness and zero understanding of social boundaries?

>> No.15309300

Didn't he nearly get jizzed on by an arab? And then he felt bad for not being capable of having gay sex with him.

>> No.15309306

Yes nobleman chased him for sleeping with their wife because he told them he slept with their wife. Stop excusing his douche behaviour by le autism xD

>I’m sorry. I targeted so many married women but I had no idea they were not married every single time. Also I don’t know that I’m not supposed to sleep with married women. Oops

>> No.15309310


I'm still impressed he got a literal mummy gf

>> No.15309311

lmao, source?

>> No.15309367
File: 13 KB, 200x310, 310698624.0.m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leo Damrosch' fine biography, see pic related

>> No.15309376

Just look at op's pic. Smug motherfucker knew it and reveled in it.

>> No.15309632

wtf i thought rousseau was retarded before but OP makes him sound based maybe i should try reading what he wrote

>> No.15309869
File: 128 KB, 1200x1416, Jean_Jacques_Rousseau_832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He also liked to dress in tradition Armenian clothing and composed music that was actually considered to be good and inspired Beethoven

>> No.15309889
File: 179 KB, 808x465, doll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Descartes had a sex doll which he named after his daughter. What's more autistic than that?

>> No.15309905

>We are not told whether she put up a struggle
Cheeky cunt

>> No.15309919
File: 223 KB, 492x325, 148784714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw creepy frog passenger carries a large trunk everywhere
>tfw your curiosity is burning inside of you
>tfw you sneak into his room while he sleeps, take his trunk, open it
>tfw you discover a cumcovered wooden doll

>> No.15309928

imagine the fucking horror, imagine the smell.

>> No.15309999
File: 132 KB, 928x419, Robot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kant was basically a robot.

>> No.15310024

nothing is suggestive of anything sexual you retards. grow up.

>> No.15310578

Nice quads, but yeah, Kant was autistic in a good way. He always stayed in Konigsberg despite being famous.

>> No.15310634

>Responded to critics who accused him of hating children by saying "What? just the other day I found a random little boy in the forest and we just started playing together, for ages, and it was awesome"


>> No.15311122

in the Confessions

>> No.15311665


also what book is that from? A Kant biography?