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/lit/ - Literature

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15306976 No.15306976 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15306983

I didn't start with the greeks

>> No.15306995

Make me

>> No.15307154

I can't read

>> No.15307162

I want to read plenty of shit but can't decide. Maybe Kierkegaard was right about personal truth and the leap of faith.

>> No.15307172


>> No.15307175

I think Pynchon fucking sucks.

>> No.15307180

Most of my literature opinions aren’t my own and just parroted from Wikipedia or here. I haven’t even read entry-level stuff like 1984 and BNW. I haven’t finished the Bible. I took an American literature class hoping it would force me to read but got an
A only reading maybe 25 pages of the 1000 page anthology.

>> No.15307306

I bump threads I have no intention of reading

>> No.15307311

I have been increasing the number of anime episodes I daily watch and reducing my reading time. I hope that when the summer comes I'll get better.

>> No.15307349

Why though? One day you'll be 40 and you'll realise you just spent your life miserably LARPing other people's hobby, and that A won't be of any comfort.

>> No.15307365

I prefer fiction to non-fiction. I also hate self-help books

>> No.15307414
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I think Kant's epistemology and metaphysics is the best in all of philosophy but I think his ethics is the worst

>> No.15307448


>> No.15307455


>> No.15307462

I broke no fap today and have lost all motivation to get my assignment done on time

>> No.15307464
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I'm too dumb to fully grasp the best of philosophy and ethics and I'm too stubborn to read anything else (fiction, YA etc), instead I'll probably just keep hitting my head against the wall until I grow old and die as confused as I was when I started.

>> No.15307467

I think most books are worthless and got nothing on real life experience

>> No.15307498

you could try peter singer inb4 >peter singer he writes really clearly and doesn't use too formal language. he writes a lot about ethics, in fact i believe he has a book titled just that. you can ignore the animal liberation stuff if that doesn't interest you, but that is also very good.

keep at it anon! it's very enriching to think about and explore these things. don't feel pressured to get them straight away, it usually takes years to absorb tougher philosophical texts.

>> No.15307588

I got my swear word t shirt on.

>> No.15307652

Whoa....so brave

>> No.15308035


I agree, I just read the Expanding Circle, as long as you don't hate him for being an animal rights faggot you can walk away with some thoughts

>> No.15308046
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I don't know who to read after Dosto/Tolstoy/Gogol and my god I love them so much. Maybe Sarte/Borges/Maupassant? I love the bleak stories that are filled with so many wonderfully characterized characters.
i'm reading Being and Nothingness right now and sometimes can only make it through a few pages a day, I'm ~140 in and fuck I barely know what he's saying.

>> No.15308108

i actually really like his animal rights stuff.

i'm very hesitant to subscribe to anthropocentrism.

>> No.15308281

That's not Kant.

>> No.15308315
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I've only read 9 books this year, all non-fiction philosophy 300+ pages but it doesn't feel like anything.

>> No.15308345

Lockdown is making me want to kill boomers.
Today empty streets are hung with flags in celebration of of their parents' generation.
A generation that gave their lives in the name of protecting the freedom and prosperity of future generations.
All the while they sacrifice the future freedom and prosperity of the younger generations to save their selfish hides.

>> No.15309100

I'm done with most of my Spanish degree and I feel I have learnt nothing but facts worth nothing. I would never regret studying literature, but I feel the program in my degree fell very short

Also, sucked NYC chinatown girldick last night and fear I might have contracted covid19

>> No.15309220

Anniversaries for shit 99% of people alive did not witness/participate in are fucking retarded.

>> No.15309494

I think I'm going to Hell

>> No.15309518
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I romanticize being a weirdo because it makes me feel special.

>> No.15309653

I am retarded and I am attempted to free write and its becoming apparent that I am more retarded than I first thought, this realization is most quaint, most quaint indeed, I feel it reverberating around my being like a earthquake, a cliche, most quaint, most quaint, where are those who knew me before all this, before the endless sludge I have found myself in, before this, back when I was young and full of vigor, beautiful boy, a pedo's wet dream, by god, I am lost, I don't know what I'm doing, I'd like to go downstairs but what is there, I'd like to go up but there is no up, I am up, there's no up beyond where I'm at, so all there is to stay, except go out, but I won't go out, not out, out is death, out is the place where I will die, out is poison, out is where the jeers come, out is where the pain comes, but pain is good, no pain is not good, pain is bad, pain reeks of death, it is harbinger of death, it is the killer of life, more than death, pain kills life first before death has even got a look-in and I am meant to suck it in and make a friend of pain because pain is all there is but that's not true there is no pain here, only out, only in the dark spaces of out, only where the eyes congregate, eyes are pain, they look at you, pain, they don't look at you, pain, begone with eyes, I hate the eyes, I wish I could see their eyes when I look at them instead of their backs as they walk away, I only feel their eyes when I'm trying not to look, I'm trying not to look and still they make them known, still they encroach, fuck, fuck fuck, I wanna fuck, let me suck, Goddamn, I want to bury myself inside you, I want to cleave my being off and wrap it inside you and keep you on the fucking mantlepiece and point and say, look closely I am here, look closely. Let me creak inside you, let me crack and break and die and it will be alright, if I am inside you because if I am inside, I am not out, and there is only pain in out, no pain in in. Let me bash my brains out, no don't, no don't please stop me, please help me, please don't let me. Please say something kind, no don't, it's not true. This is shit, this is shit. I'm sorry, I don't know where this is going. It's not going anywhere, it went, now it's here like a freight train at journey's end, it's hibernating now, let it sleep. Go to bed and die.

>> No.15309909

I just forced myself to read the last 200 pages of "The idiot" having been reading this book for probably 2 months just to be finished with it. This was my 3rd Desto novel and i still don't understand why i'am supposed to like him.

>> No.15309922

I believe that the Second World War never happened and that the Axis powers and their leaders are all fictions made up by the Allies and the Soviets as an excuse to invade Europe

>> No.15309932

I can read and understand but I can't implement it, it seems. Whatever I read I try to apply it but I can't last more than a few days.

>> No.15309937

I have imaginary friends who i base on people here, depending on how i interpret their personalities to be by there post.

>> No.15309952

I love female writers. I love reading Willa Cather, Flannery O’Connor, Eudora Welty, etc. and of course Woolf. I wish this board would give them an honest chance before dismissing them.

>> No.15309986

I think you should try to read Camus/Maupassant is a good choice/Balzac could remind you these mothafuckin good russians you said / i never tried to read sartre but i always could not stand his something, something must has to deal with what he iscan't stand his ?

>> No.15310043
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Thanks man, I love Camus. I got into the Russians because of how much Camus was into them. And yeah, Sartre's style can be annoying. Imo his plays are better than his books.

>> No.15310057

o okay, i'll try to read one someday. maybe

>> No.15310064
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I've spent around 500 dollars commissioning erotica on Fiverr that centers around a self insert getting jerked off by NFL cheerleaders or dominated by various women from /v/ and /co/ properties that I find attractive.

>> No.15310151

I'll close my eyes on my confession, and will fight against these thought, which made me realize that fiction, was all but ... ? ouch still out i cannot touch

>> No.15310169
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i keep falling in love with both likable and vile fictional priests fuck my life

>> No.15310466
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I have to jack off every time I kill a woman in a videogame I fucking hate women so goddamn much I wish I could kill every femoid I meet with my barehands, i'm so sick of this shit

>> No.15310470
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it is going to happen

>> No.15310478
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Ok incel keep seething lmao, that's why a woman will never touch you

>> No.15310495
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>> No.15310508

Reading is the biggest cope. I only read to cope. If I didn't need to cope I probably wouldn't read as much as I do.

>> No.15310510

I just deleted 1506 words worth of buildup to and the very scene where two irrelevant characters from my shitty novel engage in the old in-out in-out.

>> No.15310549

>engage in the old in-out in-out.
Based and clockworkpilled

>> No.15310575
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I believe Jordan Peterson is the most profound author in modernity.

>> No.15310860
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>> No.15311037

Im such a brainlet
I started my dive into philosophy
I struggle to comprehend Plato’s dialogues. Gorgias specifically.

>> No.15311444

I don't love much.

>> No.15311635


I'm a literature PhD student. I'm so full of shit most of the time, and I heavily switch between thinking I have original thoughts and simply parroting shit that people smarter than me have said.