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File: 501 KB, 602x605, talmud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15306296 No.15306296 [Reply] [Original]

What's with Jews and commentaries? Did they not realize how ridiculous it looks, or how much of an exegetic-bureaucratic nightmare it is to make commentaries on commentaries of commentaries ad nauseam?

>> No.15306314

It's at least better than just having barely literate retards conclude whatever from passages they lack the history, philosophic and teologic understanding to analyze like o sadly happens with Protestants.

>> No.15306317

Lol. Look at this goy trying to understand the Word of G-d with his animalistic nefesh....

>> No.15306324

What's wrong with that?

>> No.15306366

I'm not arguing that kikes are not the masters of hermeneutics (they are), but how is a jew who is not 100% immersed into this tradition like a rabbi supposed to make sense of this? How do laypeople keep track of all this? Do they just ask a rabbi to explain it all?

>> No.15306375
File: 55 KB, 1200x625, EMfeyttXYAAKQzT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your g*ntile brain can't comprehend it. No surprises there

>> No.15306386


>> No.15306439

They aren't there to be the end all truth of the matter, they're there to be a reference for truly considering the meaning of your faith. So if you had a religious quandary, you have a place to look for commentary and arguments by people who have already considered the same issues as you. Your rabbi would probably have some idea of what commentary and interpretations exist, though probably not 100% thorough.

You're also supposed to take it as a way to live life, not just accepting things at face value, but arguing them and passing on your accumulated wisdom to others.

>> No.15306451

This honestly looks kinda based if not for the fact that all of the commentary is post-Christ and thus completely dubious.

Is there a similar thing for the Holy Bible?

>> No.15306465

I guess the closest equivalent in Christianity is the Summa Theologica, then. More of a reference work for particular cases than a straightforward theological inquiry.

>> No.15306482

My buddy is a Buddhist monk, you should see what the Pali Canon looks like!

>> No.15306493

I didn't realize Shlomo was a real Jewish name

>> No.15306494

I know that it's ridiculously huge, but does it have Inception-level commentary circlejerking, too?

>> No.15306513

Someone please post the screencap of the /pol/tard who got amazed that the Israeli money is called Shekel.

>> No.15306517

More like the entire Catholic canon. Orthodoxy works in a similar way. Reinventing the wheel and interpreting the Bible at will is a Protestant thing.

>> No.15306536

>the commentary is post-Christ and thus completely dubious
How so?

>> No.15306601

Yeah, though often you find that the commentarial cultures of all Buddhist texts are differentiated from one another, forming sectarian differences. It's often high circumference circle jerking

>> No.15306617

They realised that judeisum gas falling apart afther Jesus so they put some garbage together to keep it on life support.

>> No.15306621

Wait... you guys don't actually believe in a god, right?

>> No.15306639

>Jesus existed and worked miracles
>the miracles in the Second Temple ceased at the end of Jesus' ministry

What did the Talmud mean by this?

>> No.15306647

According to the rabbis he's busy trying not to drown in boiling hot excrement in the afterlife.


>> No.15306654

They lost the guidance of the Holy Spirit in interpreting scripture by commiting deicide and rejecting Christ.

>> No.15306660 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 243x208, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Coomers will be punished with boiling hot semen.

Lads im FUCKED

>> No.15306669


>boiling excrement
>boiling semen

jesus christ why are the heebs like this

>> No.15306677

Arabs, too. Semitics are subhuman.

>> No.15306699

Hey goy, shut the fuck up.

>> No.15306702

Gas thyself, kike.

>> No.15306742

This page is unironically a good example of Pharisaic reasoning. You should read it but tl;dr
>It's just a coincidence

>> No.15306748
File: 168 KB, 1280x720, Pharisees-1280x720[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, here's the link: https://outreachjudaism.org/yomkippur/

>> No.15306754

Genetic low empathy
Psychopaths just enjoy the thought of things like someone drowning and burning alive in shit

>> No.15307416
File: 29 KB, 461x600, 9c2b98ee040f1a0fc85dada25575d460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to stop being a gentile?

>> No.15307493

Your perception of jewesses are distorted by the cute, modest clothing their parents force them to wear instead of the trashy, slutty stuff you're used to. Don't be fooled by the illusions of the kike.

>> No.15307499

They simply have class. No one is forcing shit.

>> No.15307665
File: 92 KB, 850x594, 1587439117966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

begome orthodox.
jews are the new gentiles.

>> No.15307712

Circumcision, specifically on the eighth day, the start of the first puberty. Naturally, their hormones are affected, and they grow twisted even in looks.

>> No.15308352

Makes it harder for the goyim to look into and see what is being said about them.

>> No.15308394

>Scattered to the four winds
>Assimilation everywhere all the time
>800 AD
Judah and Levi 12 tribes do not make, and if they want their highly in-group selected far right Judean theocracy, let them (in their own land and in their own land only).

>sadly happens with Protestants
Entirely your Scofield Bible commentary's Golem.

>> No.15308408

Well, this seems to be an effective and lasting method of teaching and keeping the knowledge. Probably a bit better then letting students to study Avengers movies.

> falling for the looks on a special occasion costume play

>> No.15308431
File: 5 KB, 202x250, 1588681173377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>letting students to study Avengers movies
Why yes, I am a rabbi in Marvel studies, how could you tell?

>> No.15308434
File: 30 KB, 480x640, Soyjack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>become orthodox

>> No.15308435

Agreed, commentaries are autistic. I'm glad Aristotelianism was nothing like this Jewish crap!

>> No.15308598


>> No.15308726

How can the goyim know the full extent of what's in the Talmud? Only Orthodox Jews can say with any authority what's in it. If they wanted to edit or omit something, it would be impossible to prove.

>> No.15308773

Why do goys love to talk about things they don't understand? Is it from trinitarian doctrine that their brains all fried from the coping? Or is it athiest blood thirst from lack of morals?

>> No.15309189

That’s the point. Debating is a religious/cultural practice for Jews, and in most “sects” you’re allowed to disagree and interpret in different ways. Stop thinking about Judaism as Christianity without christ and pork.
Jews, even the religious ones, have an entirely different understanding divinity, G-d and religion, and of worship, than Christians. You retards are just too self obsessed to see it.

>> No.15309508

They seem to work on the principle of "We're the supreme beings. Everything we do is Godlike and we must ruthlessly crush everyone else in every way".

They then have the difficult task of taking texts they stole from more creative peoples and slowly making them fit this world view.

In short it is psychopathic.

>> No.15309515

Nice projection. When do we get to discuss Toaff's book on Ashkenazi blood rituals?

>> No.15309537

This is true. In the 1500s the Catholic church finally found out what was in the Talmud. They were horrified. Since then the worst teachings have been made oral and no Talmud compiled after 1520 has been complete.

>> No.15309558

They have no morality. Orthodoxy in Judaism is a misnomer. They practise Orthopraxy. "Follow the guidelines but think whatever you like." No group morality can stem from this. It's merely a strategy for winning.

>> No.15309602

If they grow up in this environment it's no wonder they become lawyers. It takes a special kind of soulless to argue about semantics

>> No.15309637

>christians projecting

>> No.15310303

Judaism as a whole is cringe.

>> No.15310338

They aren't. That's the point of Rabbis. That's the entire point of Jewish society: learned judges telling the rabble how to act. That's the entirety of Semitic society and religion: Do what the nerds tell you, or you die. That's it.

>> No.15310371

But why?

>> No.15310409

I mean even Homer had this, to the degree it may have become an issue to transcribe it.

>> No.15310420

Jews are the masterrace desu. Unfortunately for them i'm jealous so I will destroy them.

>> No.15310434

There is no why. Do what you're told, ignorance is no excuse. This isn't specific to Judaism, it's a Pan-Semitic thing. The Gods (which Judaism just singles down to one) are above you, hierarchy is a chain of who gets to torture whom, and if you don't do what your superiors tell you then the Gods will torture everyone and destroy everything.

>> No.15310501

Christianity is a religion of self sacrifice. Islam is a religion of conquest. Judaism is a religion of mastery over other races.

And only one group projects all the evil it has done whilst simultaneously playing the eternal victim...

>> No.15311368

They disrespect God's name in order...not to disrespect it.

>> No.15311377
