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15302745 No.15302745[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15302747
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>> No.15302755

I think that if you're 19 have fun larping for a few years

>> No.15302756
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>> No.15302763
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>> No.15302772
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>> No.15302783

I'm 20 and turning 21 soon, am I too old to LARP about this?

>> No.15302812

22 soon 23, is that okay anon ?

>> No.15302828

this is very well put together OP, congrats

I have some new books to read now. How did you go about making this?

>> No.15302861

he didn't make it, it was some trust fund "indoaryan" tranny larping baby from frogtwitter

>> No.15302864

source, link, name ? pls anon

>> No.15302944

What is this "natural class"? Could you elaborate more on it? Books that describe it?

>> No.15302955

so it's BS then? i dont trust trannies

>> No.15302961

How can someone miss so hard what materialism and postmodernism mean. What a waste of time.

>> No.15302976

The ragecomic template should've outed it right from the first image

>> No.15303026

u really believe a tranny would write this? rebirth within racial boundaries?

>> No.15303032
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>How can someone miss so hard what materialism and postmodernism mean. What a waste of time.

>> No.15303034

was this created by guenonfag?

>> No.15303037

Putting neoplatonism and hermeticism next to memes is a disgrace
I hope you reincarnate as a fish

>> No.15303064

I used to be interested in that stuff Anon but if you actually take a stronger look at it without just wanting it to be true a lot of it starts to fall apart. If you're worried about paradigm discrimination in science then just read Kuhn. Most theories that offer grand, subversive narratives against the world are just razzle dazzle bullshit. It's a special feeling to feel like you know the truth that the rest of the world is hidden from, but that's really all this conspiracy shit has going for it
I'm not even saying that esp and astral projection and all that can't be real, but there are too many irrational factors in place that keep this shit going and to me makes it look like it does largely reduce to bullshit. Some things aren't fringe because the Jews made it so through elaborate global puppeteering, but because they're not true

>> No.15303069

I don't remember which one was, either bpd_god or vedic_cybergod on twitter dot com.

Regarding the content/format itself, it's decent I guess but everything written there could be considered but a mere entry point.
Anyways, thread ligthly.

>> No.15303093


>> No.15303099



> 9. Therefore I am called Hermes Trismegistus, having the three parts of the philosophy of the whole world.
>The mineral, vegetal & animal kingdoms are the "natural" part of creation. With humanity, the "cultural" is introduced, implying choice & free will, cogitation & creativity (novelty, originality, ingenuity, intuitiveness). The author of the Tabula claims gigantic proportions for himself. Hermes is therefore the archetype of Hermetism. The use of the word "philosophy" is justified, for the teachings of the Tabula are clearly Alexandrian & neo-Platonic (Pythagorean).
> http://www.sofiatopia.org/equiaeon/emerald.htm

> Before the first, steady interactions between Greek & Egyptian culture emerged (ca. 670 BCE), the "Hermetic" particularities of Late New Kingdom henotheist theology were inscribed on the Shabaka Stone and elucidated in its Memphite theology. This XXVth Dynasty (ca. 716 - 702 BCE) stone copy of an important Ramesside papyrus scroll, contained thoughts which look remarkably like those developed in the contexts of the Platonic, Philonic and Christian "logos". (...) On the one hand, according to Stricker (1949), the Corpus Hermeticum is a codification of the Egyptian religion. Ptolemy I Soter (304 - 282 BCE) and his son Ptolemy II Philadelphus (282 - 246 BCE) promised to publish the secret literature of the three groups of citizens of Egypt : native Egyptians, Greeks and Jews. For him, Hermetism is the Greek version of a redaction of Egyptian literature. Its form is Greek, but its contents is Egyptian (the Septuagint being the equivalent Jewish redaction). On the other hand, father Festugière (1945) claims the CH contains extremely little Egyptian elements, except for the context, the ideas expressed being those of popular Greek thought, a mixture of Platonism, Aristotelism and Stoicism ... Both positions are avoided. Most agree the CH contains no Christian elements (the opposite is true - cf. the influence of Philonic thought in particular and Alexandrian philosophy in general on the apostle Paul - Quispel, 1992).
> http://www.sofiatopia.org/maat/ten_keys.htm

>> No.15303116

no one had ever used that term, let alone on here, until gf (pbuh) brought it into use

>> No.15303118

> just read Kuhn. Most theories that offer grand, subversive narratives against the world are just razzle dazzle bullshit.

Why do you say that and after oppose me with the normal scientist's vision?

>> No.15303127

i doubt those are the author

>> No.15303129

Ennead II.9
Read it and go choke on a cock

>> No.15303138

>Ennead II.9

what is ur point? u dumbfuck

>> No.15303148

Read it

>> No.15303155

>i dont know what im talkin about

oh okay

>> No.15303173

So you validate the content? What would you advise next?

>> No.15303273

Yeah, thought so as well because both of those twitter personalities are in the whole indoaryan/survivethejive kind of larp and this infographic kinda give the L to the hindu.

I guess it's good enough to give a really broad perspective, honestly I'd just read the Hermetica I & II and then the world is your oyster.

>> No.15303290

how do you respond to that https://pastebin.com/raw/HxcXCSW9

>> No.15303325

It's just a meme. I know the guy who made it, and he actually doesn't believe in all that.

>> No.15303329

really anon?

>> No.15303368

>esoteric fascism
Enjoy being a useful idiot for intelligence agencies.

>> No.15303374
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>> No.15303390

Evola and David Myatt both had ties to Gladio.

>> No.15303406
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Honestly I mostly agree, as much as the so called "victims" of the GATE program like to larp about having superior cognitive abilities or something akin to ESP, it's mostly blabbery.
If that would be the case, I'd imagine them submerged in some neon genesis evangelion-like kind of fluid whilst being used as a quantum computer or as a gate (heh) to the astral plane, or whatever. Instead of larping on twitter dot com, or those /pol/ threads that arise every now and then.

Also, to >>15303173 probably after you're with Hermeticism, maybe you'll end up in pic related.

True, read Secret societies and subversive movements

>> No.15303420

u dont believe in magick but u believe in hermeticism and tarot anon?

>> No.15303429

Also, before anyone comes with a brainlet take, MOTT is not, I repeat, is not a book about divination.

>> No.15303457

Lmao, should've known.

Hermeticism has some interesting ideas that are intertwined with Christianity, however, the latter (and the author does mention this) does not need Hermeticism.
Regarding the tarot, it's mostly about the archetypes and deriving a bit of inspiration rather than telling the future.

>> No.15303466

oh, I see.
the idea that tarot is a symbol of the mystical path...

>> No.15303479

>Secret societies and subversive movements
How does this connect to intelligence agencies? The summary of the book doesn't seem to allude to this

>> No.15303502


>> No.15303534

pretty much this

>> No.15303536

i'm not that guy, schizo

>> No.15303553

Anon, IIRC the book didn't write about such agencies for it was published in 1924, sure there were templates of things what would end up becoming the CIA or its predecessor but it's mostly concerned on middle age stuff and the so called enlightenment.

If you want something more "modern", perhaps Jüri Lina - Architects of Deception could suit you.

>> No.15303579


Agreed with the other comics but this is where it takes a left turn.

You're conflating civilizational achievement with spiritual achievement, which is just another form of materialism. The appeal to racial hierarchies is a massive cope for this. You're attempting to externalize the blame for the spiritual desert of the modern world. Our fallenness is totally internal to the European mindset, and has it's root in precisely the dualism you display when you distinguish between minds that commit certain errors, and minds that do not.

Yes, racial memory exists. No, it doesn't contain what you think it contains. Race is just a cup that is filled with whatever you want to fill it with. In your case, that's a sense of entitlement.

6/10 - would not initiate into deeper mysteries.

>> No.15303596

ok jorjani

>> No.15303600

Though she was a fan of the british freemasonry, so take everything on that subject with a pinch of salt.

>> No.15303647

Now that I think about it maybe she did so just to avoid getting JFK'd

>> No.15303661

>Jüri Lina - Architects of Deception
thanks anon, do you have any thoughts on Manly P. Hall?

>> No.15303704

This is what DXM and Seven Lions does to the brain

>> No.15303710

Eh, personally I stay away from anything related to freemasonry, not my cup of tea. I do commend his work in writing the secret teachings of all ages, but there are books about the history of occultism without such bias.

>> No.15303739

>I stay away from anything related to freemasonry, not my cup of tea
How come

>> No.15303834


>> No.15303910


>> No.15304043

told ya, it was peak tranny core.
iirc this person has been caught posting on /fit/ as well

he posted here https://desuarchive.org/fit/thread/55155852/#55158675

more about him, lorewise: https://desuarchive.org/fit/thread/54818594/#54822804

>> No.15304142

A simple search for 'hylic' on warosu proves you wrong.

>> No.15304183

What are some non-cringe esoteric texts?
I already know about Eliade, Jung, Chardin and the /lit/ autism core like Ebola and Guenon

>> No.15304226

Eric Neumann

>> No.15304662

All I said is that a lot of theories persuade people by dazzling them rather than through logical force, I don't think that's a controversial claim in anyone's eyes.
I didn't say that these theories in particular must be that, but it's certainly a risk and surely you can agree that this does occur in the world of conspiracy theory and esotericism (as it does elsewhere, of course).

>> No.15304723

Well each of those will make plenty of reference to other people in that domain of thinking.
Jung cites Schopenhauer of all things in his synchronicity writings, apparently Schopie believed in meaningful coincidences and some stuff of that nature.

>> No.15304781
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SCOUT asked and vedic_cybergod says it was someone else he knows here