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15302420 No.15302420 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone have preformed there poetry at a cafe or an event?
If so what was it like.
What did people think about it?

>People have preformed mine but i've never done it myself.

>> No.15302537

im a musician so it's not quite the same thing, but it's so fucking cool to perform your own words in your own voice and get recognition for it. good luck!!!!

>> No.15302705 [DELETED] 
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99% of people will sound dumb and insecure and awkward because no one cannot read or speak properly these days and – contrary to what 'actual' 'poets' might tell you (don't believe their lies) – the threshold for what is considered poetry has been reduced to line breaks. a select few of them throw being tryhard (voices, acting) into the mix, upping the cringe factor significantly. everyone's work is almost uniformly crap

nobody really wants to be there listening to anyone else, they just want to read their own shit and get guaranteed applause (case in point >>15302537). anyone who isn't reading has either been dragged there by a someone who does or is an (obvious) outsider doing reconnaissance work

beware that any 'living' 'breathing' 'scene' (big city, 18–35 y.o.) will also be insanely cliquey, with people vying for the attention of 'bigger' names and publishing houses (this is of course not limited to poetry). in these circles, everyone around is naturally a 'prison abolitionist we're-on-occupied-native-land do a heckin chonky luxury space communism' kinda person but the hierarchies are as callous and rigid as those of any ancien régime

everyone is usually really polite though, and if you're really into live poetry it's probably worth wading through hours of garbage for the little flashes of brilliance. especially if there's wine. good luck!!!!

>> No.15302862

Again if you want to participate, post it on the date. I will add your name as part of the Poemurals writing contest.

>> No.15302919
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99% of people will sound dumb and insecure and awkward because no one can read or speak properly these days and – contrary to what 'actual' 'poets' might tell you (don't believe their lies) – the threshold for what is considered poetry has been reduced to line breaks. a select few of them throw being tryhard (voices, acting) into the mix, upping the cringe factor significantly. everyone's work is almost uniformly crap, which is why they're performing it live. at a cafe


nobody really wants to be there listening to anyone else, they just want to read their own shit and get guaranteed applause (case in point >>15302537). anyone who isn't reading or shilling chapbooks has either been dragged there by a someone who does or is an (obvious) outsider doing reconnaissance work


beware that any 'living' 'breathing' 'scene' (big city, 18–35 y.o.) will also be insanely cliquey, with people vying for the attention of 'bigger' names and publishing houses (this is of course not limited to poetry). in these circles, everyone around is naturally a 'prison abolitionist we're-on-occupied-native-land do a heckin chonky luxury space communism' kinda person but the hierarchies are as callous and rigid as those of any ancien régime


everyone is usually really polite though. try it at least once or twice, and if you're really into live poetry it's probably worth wading through hours of garbage for the little flashes of brilliance. especially if there's wine. good luck!!!!