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15302311 No.15302311 [Reply] [Original]

translation is bs

>> No.15302336

Stop posting your own retarded twitter faggotry here. Nobody cares.

>> No.15302366

Well that's mostly reasonable. This guy is still embarrassing for the post about weightlifting

>> No.15302367

>Una berenjena habladora

>> No.15302389
File: 27 KB, 1092x1037, 1586683357758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm never reading Mishima again

>> No.15302403

What did he say about weightlifting

>> No.15302411

What’s the point of writing anything in a fluid language then, if your work is going to be different decades from writing for reasons beyond your control?
It only makes sense then to write in a ‘static’ language, whether that language be English, Spanish, or German or some other (presumably European in origin) language.

>> No.15302426

Well then I guess like the interpretations chosen by translators.

>> No.15302433


It's kernel. Post that embarrassing fucking shit elsewhere. When you have the "kernal" of an idea, you're supposed to develop it through research and sustained consideration, not immediately shit it out onto Twitter for your three dozen followers.

If you want this gay little intellectual pose to be more than a brief phase in your twenties, get off Twitter now and start reading books. Train your addled fucking zoomer brain to want genuine recognition from select people, not "retweets" from enthusiasts of some internet subculture briefly fashionable with other zoomers in 2020.

>> No.15302468


>> No.15302475

This is so stupid it's unbelievable. One has to assume that our language is so backwards, primitive, and useless that it is not able to express something as simple as 'confessions of a mask' without major alteration. The German one is the same as the English anyway (obviously it's not going to be literally the same translation; anyone who understands the difference between dynamic and formal equivalence in translation would not be surprised by this), but there's something funny going on with the Spanish one.

If you want to understand foreign literature deeply then, of course, it is important to learn the language and become acquainted with the culture. But to say that it is 'impossible' to accurately translate is retarded.

>> No.15302502

this but for translating latin to english

>> No.15302545

he's trying to be ironic but he's actually saying the truth
the very least publishers should do is attribute the translation to the actual author (e.g. meredith weatherby) and acknowledge that the translation is only marginally related to the original work

>> No.15302789

The real title of Confessions of a Mask is Bekenntnisse einer Maske lmfao

people got trolled hard af in this one my god

>> No.15302811

based guppy dabs on /lit/ once again

>> No.15302833

>Sturmhaube sprechen
stopped reading right there

>> No.15304411


>> No.15304423

Isn't this that fuckin guy who said that poetry and squatting 3pl8 are mutually exclusive

>> No.15304456

>all these people falling for the most obvious troll I've ever seen in my life
Pathetic. Also fuck off Guppy, stop shilling yourself, I know where you live.

>> No.15304471

>una berenjena habladora
10/10, it's been a lot of time since a post authentically amused me

>> No.15304489

Shilling your twitter account on a Burmese bio-photography forum has to be one of the most pathetic and degrading things a man can do, its almost pitiable.
hide Guppy threads
ignore and sage guppy posts
do not reply to Guppy posters

>> No.15304514


>> No.15304541

>implying Spanish translators don't just change the name entirely
Fake news

>> No.15304716

He is just a weeb trying to make moonrunes sound superior

>> No.15304730

Hey Guppy, it's Phil. Hope you're having a nice day

>> No.15304736

I cant take him seriously after that

>> No.15304738

I study Japanese and that's bullshit.

>> No.15304757

To be fair though, the Japanese are rather fond of pretending to be unique and different from others. How much do you wanna bet that he met some pretentious asshole or read some pretentious 日本人論 bullshit and swallowed it wholesale?

>> No.15304802
File: 443 KB, 500x488, 122785435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese texts are "fluid." That means that, in contrast with most Western languages, not only the implications but the denominations of word change throughout time, which permits an infinite amount of interpretations of texts.
>in contrast with Western languages
>in contrast with languages

>> No.15304809

>all these newfags incapable of recognizing shitposting

>> No.15304818

shitposts don't mean anything if you recognize them

>> No.15304832

the fuck are you on about.

>> No.15304852

stupid ironic nerd shit like 'weightlifters cant read'

>> No.15304889

Is he shitposting? Maybe it's more obvious if you know this guy, but just isolated to these posts I have no idea

>> No.15304901

>Shit in, shit out
If you're not a combination of ideal reader and comparable talent/sympathetic mind, with compositional ability to match or near to, the result will be inexorably paraphrastic to the original, and a non-entity had it been written originally in the target language. That tweet string does not even broach what in the title from the Japanese is ambiguous apart from Spanish not being German not being English.

>> No.15304913

He says in his second tweet that the Spanish title of Confessions of a Mask is A Talkative Aubergine. Yeah, he's shitposting.

>> No.15305084

read Eliot Weinberger's "19 Ways of Looking at Wang Wei" for a good non-shitpost on this topic

>> No.15305180

Cultural elitists routinely mistake William Shaksper's plays that were essentially the equivalent of Adam Sandler for their time for something more erudite and sensible, routinely so, to the point of putting on a posh accent when performing them instead of the contemporary vernacular it would have been performed in for the masses. So it's a thing in Latinate languages too. And there's no such thing as a "static" language, a language that does not change is a dead language by definition.

>> No.15305212

This is really more of an indictment of sinoid languages than translations.

>> No.15305217

>underrating Adam Sandler this much

>> No.15305329

If it was a blog it would be fucking gay and trite and mocked but because its twitter it becomes a thread. Suck my dick faggot, SAGE.