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15301996 No.15301996 [Reply] [Original]

what are some /comfy/ novels with lots of frens? I like talking animals and the countryside.

>> No.15302010

Animal Farm
Watership Down

>> No.15302011

I don't have anything with talking animals, but the following by Steinbeck are peak comfy:

Travels with Charley (he goes on a roadtrip in a campervan with his dog)
Cannery Row (bunch of friends hang out)
Sweet Thursday (same bunch of friends hang out even more)

>> No.15302542

Read Wind in the Willows lad

>> No.15302562

i bet you are pretty boy, op.

>> No.15302631

the hobbit

>> No.15303328

Villa Incognito
The One and Future King

>> No.15303364

I am a Cat

>> No.15303377

I'm rereading this right now, very comf

>> No.15303494

Wind in the Willows

>> No.15303507

The Road by Cormac McCarthy is comfy, a man and his son go on an adventure together :)

>> No.15303525
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Chronicles of Narnia!
Percy Jackson books too, LoTR

>> No.15303641

The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood

>> No.15303659
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I like your picture

>> No.15303668
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You too anon

>> No.15303699
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>> No.15304176

How has no-one said Redwall??

>> No.15304259
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Alice’s adventures in wonderland and through the looking glass

>> No.15304368
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thanks anons itt for reminding me wind in the willows exists
did some school play interpretation of it as a kid and didn't strike me as anything at the time, but i think it sounds cosy and could evoke some nostalgia
going to order it next time i get moneys :D

>> No.15304386


Where the Red Fern Grows
Secret Of NIMH
Charlotte's Web
Kipling stories
Does Of Mice and Men count?

>> No.15304402
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Do it anon, it's great

>> No.15304466

'The secret garden' has what you are looking for.

>> No.15305528
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Comfy bump

>> No.15305541

The Little Prince

>> No.15306031

Not fiction, but maybe look up All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot.

>> No.15306055

Wizardrous has a talking cat, but not until way later on.

>> No.15306078


>> No.15306106

The Horse and His Boy
The Wind in the Willows
Farmer Giles of Ham

>> No.15306107

Hank the Cowdog

>> No.15306708

Freddy the pig is a pretty decent children’s series if that’s what you’re into

>> No.15306747

Obviously The Jungle Books.

>> No.15306760

Berlijn alexanderplantz with franz kafka

>> No.15306763

I'm not into children series. I am into asian girls pulling down their panties and getting bleached- HARD.

>> No.15307228


All Creatures Great And Small

Plus about 5 sequels. The animals do not talk but plenty of countryside, pure comfiness, and British veterinarian telling stories of animals and farmers.

>> No.15307257
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the first half of Stoner

>> No.15307290

Not many friends but The ocean at the end of the lane was very comfy.

>> No.15307623

Reveries of a Solitary Walker
The Good Soldier Svejk
Titus Groan

>> No.15307643

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Tess of D'Urbervilles

>> No.15307947

This is what I came here to post. Though they're made for young adults, they're just as enjoyable, if not more so, as an adult. Comfy as can be.

Anytime I see Where the Red Fern Grows, I immediately begin to mist at the eyes a little bit. Great book, but jesus I'll never forget the first time reading it.

Kipling stories are top-tier as well, re-reading the Jungle Book now and the Just So Stories is always a comfy read.

>> No.15308462

Also, the first half of Augustus, sort of