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15299830 No.15299830 [Reply] [Original]

What does the woman represent?

>> No.15299869

A woman. The whole thing was just a Marxist analogy for living under capitalism

>> No.15299891

>everything is capitalism vs communism like its some gay WWE wrestling event
Fuck off. The woman represented everything that soothes us and keeps us sane in a society that entraps us, more or less.

>> No.15300483

Abe was a communist party member, he only broke fully after Hungary 56 (you American dipshit)

>> No.15300860

The battered groveling acquiescence with which we treat the oppressive capitalist system.She thinks the forces that keep them down there (the village) are so powerful that all she can do is hope for small things, a radio, another person to help her dig, etc. The narrator meanwhile recognizes that the village requires his labor, and so he attempts to halt the gears of capital and escape, but without the solidarity of other workers (in this case, the singular woman) he fails.

>> No.15300967

tfw giving head and the coochie sandy

>> No.15301025

Death of the author. The book is a classic because it's about much more than muh capital. It's about the habits and routines we are placed in by ourselves and by others, it's about captivity in the motions of one's daily life, acceptance, loss of higher purpose. I genuinely feel bad for you if you analyze everything through a Marxist lens. Just read the book with a clean slate and see what you get from it. It reminds me far more of Kafka than Karl fucking Marx. Retard.

>> No.15301277

>Death of the author.
You realize that this entails that a Marxist reading is just as valuable as your own vague thoughts about "kafkaesqueness" right? I pity such a small mind that can only engage with an artwork by noting its similarities to other artworks without taking them as artifacts of a certain social/historical context.

>> No.15301417

I genuinely feel sorry for you. I can't imagine being this obsessed with a largely dead ideology. My point is to think about works of art for their intrinsic qualities, not a historical statement. I compared to Kafka because the intrinsic qualities in Kafka remind of this book. You have such a narrow view of life that you think everything must revolve around your LARP. You're dogmatic, and can't fathom experiencing art without the stone of Marxism around your ankle.

>> No.15302383

There are three separate posters calling you a moron. Maybe it's you

>> No.15302541

a pretty bauble that capitalists use to lure you into slavery.
>just want to run around catching bugs and playing under the sun
>instead get lured, captured, and enslaved to endless labor at a useless task
>you shovel out the sand in order to keep yourself shadowed in the pit, sustaining your own prison
>will spend your entire life caged in the sand pit

let the pits collapse, let the houses be smothered. free yourselves of your bondage. dismantle capitalism.
communism is even more retarded than capitalism. remember when stalin had russian gulag prisoners work themselves to literal death building canals to nowhere, roads to nowhere? great infrastructure projects that ended up being total unuseable garbage and were abandoned shortly after completion? they're both shite.

>> No.15302632

Wow a whole three people read every book looking for connections to Marx wow I'm sure btfo by three different trannies
