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15296158 No.15296158 [Reply] [Original]

Which philosopher had the best prose?

>> No.15296163

Probably Augustine or Montaigne.

>> No.15296171

If anyone disagrees, they have no taste.

>> No.15296201
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>> No.15296229


>> No.15296251

Who is this semen demon

>> No.15296282
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Schopy, not even close.

>> No.15296318


>> No.15296999


>> No.15297029
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The Big Schopp my guy

>> No.15297035

lucretius ;)

>> No.15297036



>> No.15297441

Honestly what philosophers have bad prose? I'm not exactly well read, but i haven't read a philosopher who i thought had bad prose.

>> No.15297472

Hegel, or so the meme says.

>> No.15297646

Oh no we've lost another one

>> No.15297658



>> No.15297664

Not really a philosopher but have you read Chateaubriand? My god I cum with every sentence

>> No.15297665


>> No.15297668

ze germans (minus N and S)

>> No.15297679


>> No.15297705
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That would Jacques "Jackie" Derrida aka "L'homme orange"

>> No.15297707
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Based Schopiebros

>> No.15297739
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>> No.15297763


>> No.15297847

Hume, Berkeley

>> No.15297867

Kant is clear as water. Then you have fucking Hegel, who is a mess.

>> No.15297872

Marx and his students are generally fucking awful to read. It reads like some sort of technical manual, with an ever expanding lexicon of jagged sounding invented words. I think "lumpenprole" is a great one though, and Im glad marx retroactively refuted niggers

>> No.15298053


>> No.15298062

kant is responsible for the worst terminological mistake ever made in philosophy.
he calls "vernunft" what was perviously called "verstand", that is "understanding" (eg in locke's "essay on etc") or "entendiment" , that is more or less consciousness, intellect, ecc and calls "verstand" what was previously called "vernunft", that is "reason" or "raison" (eg in descartes's "discourse etc"), that is rationality, logic, etc.
so, after kant "vernunft" means "reason" and "verstand" means "understanding". even today "reason" means one thing (rationality) generally speaking, and another thing (consciousness) in kant's jargon.
that was a tragic mistake, which contribuited giving birth to the monstruosities of the german idealism.

>> No.15298074

the french

>> No.15298108

You sound retarded, Kant precisely defines the terms he uses, so any "misunderstanding" is the fault of the reader.
Vernunft = the faculty to go from generality to particularity, from particulary to generality and the faculty of understanding particularities and generalities as a fluid spectrum
Verstand = the faculty of synthesis (unity)

>> No.15298124
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Swerve, peasants.

>> No.15298180

> Vernunft = the faculty to go from generality to particularity, from particulary to generality and the faculty of understanding particularities and generalities as a fluid spectrum
Verstand = the faculty of synthesis (unity)
lmao these are not definitions and by no means kant's definition. the best clarification about the difference between the two in kant's jargon is from the metaphysics of morals:
>Now man really finds in himself a faculty by which he distinguishes himself from everything else, even from himself as affected by objects, and that is reason. This being pure spontaneity is even elevated above the understanding. For although the latter is a spontaneity and does not, like sense, merely contain intuitions that arise when we are affected by things (and are therefore passive), yet it cannot produce from its activity any other conceptions than those which merely serve to bring the intuitions of sense under rules and, thereby, to unite them in one consciousness, and without this use of the sensibility it could not think at all; whereas, on the contrary, reason shows so pure a spontaneity in the case of what I call ideas [ideal conceptions] that it thereby far transcends everything that the sensibility can give it, and exhibits its most important function in distinguishing the world of sense from that of understanding, and thereby prescribing the limits of the understanding itself.

now this is opposite to the common use of the words verstand and vernunft, and this is why locke's "essay on human understanding" (understanding, that is intellect, which includes reason) was translated as "eine abhandlung über den menschlichen VERSTAND" which in kantian language would be "an essay on human rationality"

>> No.15298437

>nobody mentioned kierkegaard yet

>> No.15298451

this and schopie

>> No.15298499

Nietzsche had the best prose, but his philosophical insights are worthless so it wasn't of much use to him.

>> No.15298581

All the people on here shitting on Hegel have never read him. Phenomenology of Spirit is strangely poetic.
Also, Bataille. He has some of the most beautiful prose in both his essays and short stories.

>> No.15298599

Plato, Seneca, Montaigne, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche

>> No.15298729

Expand on this

>> No.15298874


>> No.15298880


>> No.15298893

Schoppy or Søren

>> No.15299490

I love a half-baked opinion

>> No.15299575

sweeties that's not how rigorously structured semantic accounts even look like

>> No.15300357
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>> No.15300370

William James

>> No.15301178

About his ideas being worthless? More emphasis on rhetoric over argument, lack of clear elaboration of his main notions (eg. the overman), contradictory thinking, barely qualifies as philosophy due to lack of systematization.

>> No.15301219

>t. lastman

>> No.15301250
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>> No.15301321

>le last man
Nietzschetards cannot into arguing

>> No.15301904

you already posted him

>> No.15302143

leibniz should be considered a classic of the french prose. he is synthetic, clear, exemplificatory, original, sometimes even icastic.
too bad his philosophy is highly phantastic, still, he writes so well that the introductions often overcomplicate the text instead of simplifying it.