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15295461 No.15295461 [Reply] [Original]

Is this actually any good or is it just another meme book from Twitter?

>> No.15295539

You can read the first 5 chapters for free. See for yourself.

>> No.15295589

>cartoonish cover art
>big bold bubble writing
>twitter book
>authors name is delicious tacos

>> No.15295611

Considering the book is meant to be humorous and the cover is actually pretty fucking funny I think he did an alright job

>> No.15295649

I'm biased b/c I found him through the manosphere around 2015, and I've read everything he's written. So I bought it as a completionist. Honestly if you're just starting with him you should buy The Pussy, or his new one, which are collections of his works

>> No.15295928

I liked it, it's better than BAP or Mike Ma's book.

He's funny with great pacing. It's like a long story told by a comedian.

>> No.15295956

i did like it, it is a bit of a meme book but not bad. reminds me of houellebecq at its vulgarest, without quite as much of the dejected spirit

>> No.15296046

boring buzzwords about boring contemporary office jobs presented in a cold terse prose that makes every dick in a 10 mile radius flaccid and makes me want to take a shit.

>> No.15296053

begone zoomers

>> No.15296211
File: 76 KB, 644x800, soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15296737

this was written by a zoomer you dolt.

>> No.15296838

yes it's entertaining in some places.

many aspects of the plot are self-indulgent wish fulfullment

the changing time perspective is pretentious and not well executed, he bit off more than he could chew. Same with the lack of punctuation and quote marks, just make things easy for the reader and drop the e e cummings schtick

>> No.15296873

Also, I find it hard to empathize with his persona: hard, "red-p*lled" macho exterior; soft, chewy simp interior--- like a taco, admittedly. Pick one, goddamnit!

>> No.15296900

Isn't this guy like 40something?