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File: 62 KB, 570x712, spengler_360x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15294446 No.15294446 [Reply] [Original]

This explains everything.

>> No.15294466

The tiger.
The tiger.

>> No.15294478

>Yes. YES. This explains everything.
said the BOOKER for the tenth time as he finished reading another author, telling himself that now, NOW his system of thought was complete but only a week went by before he looked for more.

>> No.15294480

Really, Spengler is the only philosopher you need to read. Everything is explained by him. Full stop. Fuck Heinigger.

>> No.15294824
File: 207 KB, 670x784, Spergler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. YES. This explains everything.

>> No.15294850

Not s criticism

>> No.15294898

They're minerals

>> No.15294979

People known for attention to detail and an unusual perspective, surely couldn't discover an outsider work filled with details that match up to reality in unusual ways!

>> No.15295011


>> No.15295059

>Since I've already mentioned the Faustian high culture (a Spenglerian term) in regards to 2001, I might as well add that I haven't been able to find any source where Kubrick talks about Oswald Spengler, or any Spenglerian analyses of Kubrick, which is odd considering both these men can be seen as harbingers of a culture in rapid decay. Spengler's description of the Faustian man, a tragic figure that strives on despite knowing the final goal is out of reach, finds a voice through characters such as Joker, who knows that America has "been a'messin' where it shouldn't've been a'messin'" yet continues with enforcing its power in Vietnam, or the War Room politicians and generals, who keep taking Strangelove's hopeful speech seriously despite having already accepted the reality of impending nuclear annihilation. Barry Lyndon's life is an apt representation of the Spenglerian life cycle of high cultures - after a long period of creation and endeavour, urban leisure sucks the creative drive out of a culture, and as an result, it implodes on itself. Barry, then, isn't just an individual controlled by Fate, but an embodiment of human history, itself "on rails", going through the preset motions of growth and decline.