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15289692 No.15289692 [Reply] [Original]

He was right about everything...

>> No.15289713

>He was right about everything...
Especially about cutting your own dick off. Follow your leader.

>> No.15289718

Is there anything more pathetic than Kaczynskifag threads?

>> No.15289758

Yeah. Leftists

>> No.15290109

guenon, evola, camus and eceleb threads

>> No.15290119

They are just teenagers, give them a break. I was a Kaczynskifag too when I was a teen.

>> No.15290281
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>I was a Kaczynskifag too when I was a teen.
And then I became an Ellul AND Kaczynskifag. It’s the natural evolution

>> No.15290293

The issue with Ted is that he neglects the race problem. Whites are the race of people who initiated the industrial cancer that has engulfed the world. Get rid of the white problem, and you get rid of the technology problem.

>> No.15290296

You've not read any of either.

>> No.15290302

This is my first time using my pc in over a week, I've just been using my phone for podcasts and texting/phone calls, I've noticed my anxiety is very down, though when I'm back at work it's 8hrs+ writing code, think I'll try and drastically limit my time spent on computers though, work is unavoidable but past that no computer unless it's weekend

>> No.15290303

Sad to think you wasted a post to say something false.

>> No.15290311

Ted has nothing against technology

>> No.15290316

"The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race." -- Ted K.

>> No.15290323

His description of self-propagating systems and subsystems at the beginning of Anti-Tech revolution is very interesting. I tried to make a thread about this the other day but it didn't take off. I had been trying to express something exactly like that for a long time but he says it as simply and precisely as you basically can.

I think his belief that a revolution is possible is unlikely though. Not impossible, but just given his own descriptions of the way natural selection dominates the competition of systems, it seems all but inevitable that one of the doomsday type scenarios eventually occurs. I also disagree however with just how serious he thinks that situation will be, it could threaten complex life itself, sure, it could also be as mild as civilizational collapse, and there isn't really any way to know at the outset, since the technologies/systems involved can't be predicted, something he states himself.

>> No.15290328

Yes, indeed. Ted is against the industrial system, and once it collapses, no one we will be able to rebuild it back, forever.
Technology precedes humans and Ted is against it

>> No.15290334

Trannies are a product of the modern technological system and its erosion of gender. Like Linkola points out men are suffering harder from these changes. It’s as if females are better adapted to this sort of soulless, materialistic environment. The propaganda mouthpieces too triumph women constantly and denigrate men. With gender having little to know meaning in the modern era due to notions of “equality” (the abolition of all differences not useful to the technological system), it is not surprising that gender is breaking down and becoming more malleable to people. Ellul said too that social plasticity is necessary to the development of technique. I am not surprised that tranny ideology is infecting some men, even Ted for a time allegedly, especially given the fact that he was very shy, withdrawn and didn’t fit in. He was ripe for this sort of thing

>> No.15290335

The only real solution is the eradication of the white race. Kill the problem at its source.

>> No.15290342

Whitey is the only hope for the human race and the world

>> No.15290351

>It’s as if females are better adapted to this sort of soulless, materialistic environment
Only in apperance, when they get old and childless or with cuck husbands or abusive husbands is over
Both sexes are fucked

>> No.15290352

The industrial revolution was wholly a white initiative. Killing all whites is the only way to fix the problem long term.

>> No.15290361

did a white guy fuck the girl you like lol

>> No.15290367

Bro get over it not all girls like white guys

>> No.15290368

Just presenting facts. It's impossible to address the industry problem without addressing the WQ.

>> No.15290378

glowie propaganda

>> No.15290381

>implying Ted is wrong because he's an incel
Not an argument.

>> No.15290388

you mean anglos, and by the way, anglos and jews (coincidentally) share the same stereotypical traits and archetypes, truly the two worst races to grace the earth

>> No.15290391

Ted is lusted upon by thousands of beautiful women

>> No.15290399

That's because he's a serial murderer who reduced the white population.

>> No.15290430

how are ellul and kaczinsky even in the same league?

>> No.15290438

lol, I have read all the classics and reknowned philosopher and TK is right about everything. But unlike you, reading has always been a part of my life, I did not pick up philosophy or literature in college as some form of posturing, most likely to palliate their lack of success with women - let's be honest for a minute. Guess it's better to be born in a rich and educated family rather than in some low iq vulgar prole household. I'm glad to have retained a sense of self and a capacity for analysis - rather than being turned into senseless cattle defined by the branding of petit bourgeois individualist values.

Ted Kaczynski is right about everything - his genius is to be found in his concise and mathematical clarity - he produced a synthesis of Marx, Freud and Nietzsche yet did so from his own intellect, so no academic poseur can trace back his works to any of the aforementioned authors - therefore making his entire works completely worthless from the perspective of intellectual economy. And it is precisely this worthlessness, this inability for the anti-tech movement to be commodified which makes it radical - the most radical movement in the perpetual movement of history - not because of some lousy idealism - but because the anti-tech revolution is retroactively assembled from revolutionary critique done right. The revolution is anti-tech insofar as the only revolution that can exist is anti-technological in essence. TK is the most genius authors of the last centuries.

>> No.15290454

They're not, Kaczynski does not need academia to reproduce. Whereas academics are neutered and need to procreate artificially through institutions, the radicality of anti-tech thought spreads as the tendency for profit to fall reaches its conclusion.

>> No.15290458

He didn't get anything right. Its all ressentiment

>> No.15290463

Please. All of TK's shit is plagiarized off other leftist writers.

>> No.15290473

Where´s your electronic bracelet, you self-glorified sodomite?

>> No.15290482
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>this inability for the anti-tech movement to be commodified which makes it radical

>> No.15290522

Is this Netflix show the reason why so many retards shit up threads on Kaczynski, or why so many newfags with shallow understandings who haven’t even read ISAIF crop up constantly?

>> No.15290622

? I have never seen this documentary, nor have I read or consumed anything related to TK except the works he was written. That some alienated bourgeois consumes a show that has nothing to do with TK is irrelevant to the anti-tech movement, in fact it is the system's attempt at récupération, but they can only spectacularize what is not relevant to anti-tech thought per se, but only the *individual* behind it. Radical thought is out of reach of the system, fundamentally.

LOL You still visit every TK threads? What is wrong with you? If you don't like TK why are you clicking on every TK thread, every day of your life? lmao!

>> No.15290653

Where is it, faggot?

>> No.15290997

What do you think about the implications of his work? That we're all being programmed by Oligarchs.

>> No.15292803


>> No.15292881

He was right in his diagnosis but took a stupid and self destructive path in his solution. He didn't do the world any good and he sure didn't save himself, ending up in fucking prison.

>> No.15292914


>> No.15292942
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>> No.15292982
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does someone have that Ted meme which is an edit of pic related?

>> No.15292998

>He didn't do the world any good and he sure didn't save himself, ending up in fucking prison.
That is the punishment for sane men living in an insane world

>> No.15293011


>> No.15293030

Sounds like some resentful adolescent martyrdom fantasy to me. If the world is insane either try to fix it or extricate yourself from it. Going to war with a system you can never stand the chance of beating is childish and unhelpful.

>> No.15293051

His personality would prevent him from being anything less than correct.

I wonder if theres any wrong ideas ted holds in his noggin
i wonder who put them there
i wonder if ted goes on the internet
or reads books about napoleonand socratese
i wonder if he shitposts on lit
pretending to be diogenes

>> No.15293091

>the WQ
Show us your nose and skin colour, it is very important trust me.

>> No.15293433

>If the world is insane either try to fix it or extricate yourself from it
He literally did both, before realizing running like a coward would do nothing but doom mankind. He is the hero we needed, and he needs our help

>> No.15293477
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>> No.15293635


>> No.15293652

>with a system you can never stand the chance of beating
this is incorrect. and it's just defeatism and pessimism. the same exact feeling existed for the majority of people before all the world's great revolutions. enjoy wallowing in your own defeatist filth you hopeless conformist and loser.

>> No.15293658

If you want to do something, log off and kill some white people.

>> No.15294985

I wonder what volume two will have in it

>> No.15294989

Urmmm, based much?

>> No.15294993

You forgot the kikes

>> No.15295093

Do you descend from a line of nobles? If not, then you're not truly rich. You come off as an idiot who descends from a line of peasants but your parents got lucky.

>> No.15295309

this. in flowery language.

>> No.15295328
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This thread is BASED.

>> No.15295339

What is the chance that if I buy this book I end up on some sort of list?

>> No.15295370

Who cares, coward?

>> No.15296037

Just assume you're already on one

>> No.15296151

the FBI is a JOKE.

>> No.15296245

Nice argument. Just ignore his arguments and go straight for attacking his character. By the way, he may have attacked and killed neighborhood dogs which in my opinion puts him personally on the same level of child molesters, rapists, psychopaths (Jews), etc. But this does not take away from the fact that he was right.

>> No.15296263

You lead the revolution and return to the dirt, nigger lover

>> No.15296273

>return to the dirt

/pol/ tier comment. i came to /lit/ for something a little more intelligent

>> No.15296289

Earlier it occurred to me that Yukio Mishima and Ted Kaczynski were similar people

>> No.15296308

You are white

>> No.15296333

yeah, it's just that Mishima never understood what was frustrating him (and humans generally).

Ted did.

>> No.15296340

You are stupid.

Hooked on Phonics!

>> No.15296404
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They're both real world incarnations of the Savage from Brave New World.


>> No.15296457

Almost 40 and still shitpoasting on 4chan. You are not going to recover from your cowardliness

>> No.15297390

Just go be a slave you disgusting fucking coward

>> No.15298655

Wrong, bootlicking liberals.

>> No.15299276

>implying there is a difference
Both are servants are the system and are extremely oversocialized

>> No.15300387
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>> No.15300510

>nooo industrial society and transgenders cant exist
but also
>nooo white people make the world a better place

>> No.15300545

why the fuck would I buy these books?

>> No.15300586

No black people are on this site and they tend not to be insecure, so you must be Asian

>> No.15300591

Nigga half the planet is on a list

>> No.15300611

Do you realize he endorsed Obama in a letter? No? Oh you just pick and choose what you want to read about him because you're definitely not just a nazi who forgot being a nazi isn't acceptable?

>> No.15300641

Ted himself is white, dumbass.

>> No.15300653

Yes retard, I'm saying the person who made that post is a seething Asian incel

>> No.15300749

Why? Technology is made by Asians too.

>> No.15300796

As is seething over white people, yes

>> No.15300806

Saying that all technology is bad and that we should go back to a pre-industrial lifestyle is not just retarded, it is absolutely insane, i respect ted for his mathematical skills but he is not right in the head, technology is not the problem, it is who the technology is in the hands of that it a problem, technology is not this evil malevolent thing, it is a tool, and like any other tool it can be used to create or destroy. You want technology to stop fucking with us? then get it out of the hands of it's current controllers and put it in the hands of someone with good intentions.

>> No.15300807
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Except for the main thing he actually accomplished in the world, terror and violence which forever relegated discussion of his ideas to fringe and inconsequential circles

>> No.15300814

This is genuinely the dumbest post I've ever read on /lit/.

>> No.15300858

Ted is the one seething over whites and their 'advancements'.

>> No.15300890

I’m a white nationalist but I have realized that our own inventions have had overall a bad effect on our lives, and it is the very system that was born of white genius that is the force driving egalitarianism, anti-racism and globalization today. We were smart enough to create such technical wonders, now we must realize that we would be better off and healthier as a society without them.

>> No.15300999

amazing post. genuinely laughed so much that it made me cheery

>> No.15301005

>I'm a white nationalist but white people ruined my personal vision of the world
baby's first look into contradiction. I give you one, maybe two years before you're not a "white nationalist" anymore, if you actually continue to read. At least you outright admit you're a /pol/ leak

>> No.15301013

fucking kek holy shit

>> No.15301018

You're an idiot. If you abandon technology, then the Chinese, Muslims, or Jews will take over even more. Are you unable to think realistically at all? If whites abandoned technology, do you think you will easily get the Chinese, Muslims, or Jews to do so?

>> No.15301031


>> No.15301037

none of them will exist in the future, don't worry.

>> No.15301039

damn it's almost like a bunch of nazis got beat up by antifa cucks so they suddenly just became anprims as a cope

>> No.15301053

If I were the rightful ruler of my country, and note I descend from nobility, I would try to take over all of West Eurasia and end the Abrahamic menace once and for all.

>> No.15301112


>> No.15301174

How is the second edition of ATR different from the first?

>> No.15301210

I have successfully resolved the contradiction, I think.
That’s half the problem, the system that is destroying us we cannot give up, so we will become further enslaved along with the rest of the world. Truly a collapse and regression of organization-dependent technology is the only salvation, but I think it is unlikely in our lifetimes.

>> No.15301237

I hope you have been redpilled on the fact that the nation-state itself is merely how the system organizes itself and prepares for further consolidation into NWO

>> No.15301269

Cringe, also what country you're from?

Technology is tool, Tools aren't bad, it's how you use it.
Why would you blame hammers for killing people when they can be used to build shit that doesn't hold up.

>> No.15302034


Serious post here.

You want to revolt against current system which is corrupt, unjust and rusty? That's fine I myself see it as far from perfect, it's materialistic, abusive and exploitative of people and natural resources. However understand that revolutions take years to come into effect, even after official revolt has been ended, it’s not hurr durr we don’t like system, we want to change, there’s revolution and changes are introduced everyone is happy not. It takes plenty of politic operations behind the scenes and time to get what you want, like assassination of leaders, corruption of high-placed officials, intimidation of political rivals, gathering common people approval, indoctrination, changing facts and making your opponents irrelevant on political scene etc.
There’s relation between technology and well-being of our planet, that one I don’t deny but thing is how much of technology you want to get rid of? since the range is from stone-age to late renaissance. All of it? It isn’t feasible. Industrial and post industrial tech? It’s highly unlikely but if people are really determined it might succeed. Although living with primitive technology is possible as seen in Africa and other tribal societies.

Pros of cutting down technology:

>Healthier Earth since there’s no air pollution and factories burning sources to make energy.
>People are more social and spend more time outside instead of sitting in home.
>People eat healthier\ fresh food, less people are obese.
>People are less reliant on machines and depend on their own skill.
>More job opportunities.
>Younger society.
>No artificial illness.
>Earth will last longer and no retard will try to blow it.
>No guns, No nuclear warheads

>You can get publicly mobbed because people don’t like you and no one would care.
>People can be even more fooled by politicians since they would have to believe their words since you can’t capture evidence unless it’s from eye witness.
>Life isn’t comfortable and people have to do easy chores which turn into menial work.
>Return to medieval time where classes are clearly set and noble dynasties are a thing, so rich people get richer.
>People can die from simple untreated wounds and medical care is shit, you can’t perform as easily major surgeries, basically more people die.
>If some epidemic is ongoing, you’re clearly fucked up.
>You can get assaulted by serial killer and no one investigate your murder or at least they wouldn’t catch the murderer.
>Traveling between places would be limited and informations would take days to be received.
So to sum up you want to turn society upside down, which will result in millions of deaths and people losing the jobs to provide for families, chaos and anarchism of society where no one is safe for time being, that would make communism causalities look like nothing.

>> No.15302238

"Pros and cons" of technology are pretty much idealistic nonsense irrelevant to the question of revolution.

The real question is viability of such revolution. Tedism essentially imitates the Trotskist mode of revolution, where revolution is carried out on strategic level simultaneously on global level by multiple revolutionary vanguards; and by targetting the utilities required to maintain everyday life on tactical level. Trotski´s idea of global revolution has been proven to be rather naive to say the least.

In Ted´s case he´s relying on inter-connectness of modern globalized society thinking that his revolution can succeed. Reasoning behind this assumption lies primarily in the fact Ted was a mutt and as thus suffers with a case of severe national narcissism, meaning that he thinks like the world outside of US doesn´t really matter and if the revolution succeeds in US then the rest of the world will just stop working because ´Merrica! He may not explicitely state so, or try to half-heartedly adress these issues, however they can´t be resolved and are the reason why his ideas are deemed to stay irrelevant.

>> No.15302345

Well if he thinks that the world would stop once US decides to shut itself, is such bullshit I've never seen. 'murica would have been raped by everyone since they're literally defenseless.

>> No.15302431


Kaczynski perversely reduced all ends-in-themselves to surrogate activities. Hence, he did not defeat technological rationality, he affirmed it. All he did was limit the scope of it's domain to primitive self-sufficency. Technological rationality remains all-pervasive within technological society, and it remains all-pervasive within Kazcynskis utopia. The only difference is that technological rationality can pervade fewer things in Kazcynskis vision. He overlooked the disease in his fight against the symptom.

>> No.15302450

Why are normalfags on him now? Explain please because now i hate this fucking retard

>> No.15302483


>> No.15302880

>faith in the Bible has blinded them to what God has revealed
Mmmm No. That's contradictory.

>> No.15302886

Because information about him is readily accessible thanks to technology.

>> No.15302896
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guess again papist

>> No.15302928

You don't think God reveals the world to you? You have no Godly personal insight?

>> No.15304376

Link to these sea scrolls

>> No.15304907

I'm black and I only want to live around whites because the other races are one step above savages though. If we just killed every other race but whites the planet would a Utopia honesty, it can be split down the middle between the luddites and space federation

>> No.15304930

In a way, you're like the inverse image of Ted.

>> No.15305044

One man's nothing is another man's everything, I guess.

>> No.15305158

Netflix made an attempt to commodify Ted of all people and drew in all sorts of retards with half-baked understandings who haven’t even read ISAIF. Normalfags won’t ever change from being exposed to him though, he’s just another circus freak for them to watch on their TV and to help them forget how shitty and soulless their life is for another hour before bed

>> No.15305163

minor ways.

>> No.15305173
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>> No.15305174


>> No.15305190

The problem is that Netflix subscribers are overwhelmingly white. They haven't realized that the only solution for them is immediate self-suffocation.

>> No.15305418
File: 31 KB, 300x290, 1C361B60-15CC-4106-8D3F-E5BC46E1C368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Ellul-pilled, if only he could see normalfags “binging” Netflix shows today or couples spending their time sitting in a dark room not speaking or interacting and just sitting glassy-eyed before screens:

>Television, because of its power of fascination and its capacity of visual and auditory penetration, is probably the technical instrument which is most destructive of personality and of human relations. What man seeks is evidently an absolute distraction, a total obliviousness of him self and his problems, and the simultaneous fusion of his consciousness with an omnipresent technical diversion.

>The movies and television lead him straight into an artificial paradise. Rather than face his own phantom, he seeks film phantoms into which he can project himself and which permit him to live as he might have willed. For an hour or two he can cease to be himself, as his personality dissolves and fades into the anonymous mass of spectators. The film makes him laugh, cry, wonder, and love. He goes to bed with the lead ing lady, kills the villain, and masters life’s absurdities. In short, he becomes a hero. Life suddenly has meaning.

>Thanks to these technical devices, it is no longer necessary for the members
of a family to have anything at all to do with one another or even to be conscious of the fact that family relations are impossible. It is no longer necessary to make decisions. It is possible for a married couple to live together a long time without ever meeting each other in the resonant emptiness of television.

>> No.15306285

based and ellulpilled

>> No.15306811

>being a nazi isn't acceptable
>isn't acceptable
The idea of living alongside hardcore nazis is a lot more palatable than having to breathe the same air as pseudo-liberal faggots like you

>> No.15306936

only thing he was right was the need to bomb OP

>> No.15307787

>Yes I'm an epic liberal I love freedom of speech.
>NOO not the Nazi's, no one on the far right should have freedom of speech!
>But immigrating Islamic extremists from the Middle East is fine, Islam isn't inherently sexist and racist and they are niggers so it's ok!
>Bash the fash!

>> No.15308505


>> No.15308577

The real genius of Kaczynski is his ability to have constructed a lucid and poignant critique of industrial society from the POV of someone who really was completely cut off from society. I really think that had he been more exposed to contemporary academia (most of his sources are old as shit), he would have been able to refine his critique into something truly great.

I find reading him to be weird because a lot of his descriptions of modern political-economic systems mimic the form of a lot of accelerationist texts; that is: his model of technology (which an accelerationist might sub in "capitalism" here) as a self-propogating, autonomous system that seeks to self-improve at the expensive of human autonomy is strikingly close to Land's idea of capitalism as AI. Of course, their rhetorical modes are totally different. What is fascinating is how they came to be completely independently of each other.

Kaczynski's holistic ideology is, in the end, not terribly genius. And I think the fact that he never had anyone "pushing back" against him while he was writing his texts affected them in a bad way. However, there are a few choice components from which his ideology is constructed that are genuinely novel and extremely fascinating.

Also, his short piece "The System's Neatest Trick" is an excellent polemical.

>> No.15308905

Care to elaborate on your issues with his holistic ideology?

>> No.15308951

If you get rid of white people you'll just have a world of lesser peoples trying to do what we do but with worse consequences. Actually we already have that, and I think white people are the only ones trying to find a solution.

>> No.15309133

No, subsaharan Africa would never have achieved the level of destructive technology available today had they been left undisturbed. Whites are the problem.

>> No.15309392

His ideology is fundamentally rooted in an economically determinist (read: Whig or Marxist, either/or) mind-frame, although he never says this. He believes in history as a sort of modernist trajectory upwards; its best to imagine him as a sort of the anti-image of a Whig historian or a Marxist historian. Fundamentally speaking, this kind of mind-frame only makes sense for the recent past but broadly across human history, there's been many rises and falls. There's no reason to believe that our society is inherently destined to an endless regimen of economic expansion.

His critique is excellent for the purpose of breaking down many of the problems of modern society, and his "right to autonomy" argument is a fascinating counter-argument to the Whig liberal ideals that underpin industrial society, but I don't believe in his fundamental premise, because he suffers from the same modernist fallacies that Marxists and liberals do.

>> No.15309414

Building on this, I actually think that part of Kaczynski's problem is that he never had any real exposure to rigorous economic thinking. He displays a fairly cursory knowledge of economics in his writings which is strange because many of his theories are have very much concerned with economics. In a way, this makes me respect his genius more because he came to sophisticated conclusions about economic phenomena with pretty much no knowledge of the subject; its a shame because he could have done so much more had he been properly challenged.

>> No.15309445

You type like a pseud

>> No.15309460

>There's no reason to believe that our society is inherently destined to an endless regimen of economic expansion.
I don't think his views were limited to our civilization though. Excluding the possibility that all technology is wiped off the planet, or we make earth uninhabitable, there's always the possibility of future societies picking up where we left off.

My critique of his work was, should human happiness and freedom, or the survival of the species be prioritized? If ppl revolt and limit all development of future technologies, what happens when a planet-ending natural disaster occurs and we lack any tools to face it?

>> No.15309525

go fuck yourself

>> No.15309547

I mean, its a fair point. And both the determinist and non-determinist views are limited by a lack of historical precedent; the fact of the matter is that we're the only industrial society to exist that we're aware of.

As for a planet-ending disaster, what do you mean?

>> No.15309566

>should human happiness and freedom, or the survival of the species be prioritized?
I’d rather live a happy and free life and then get wiped out by an asteroid one day than turned into a hardly human wage-cog on some spaceship saying “at least we survived!”

>> No.15309612

As for a planet-ending disaster, what do you mean?
I'm no geophysicist, but what happens when a supervolcano erupts, or an asteroid, or any number of unforeseen events occur and we're facing extinction? Without habitation on another planet or a preventative measure, I don't see humanity surviving.

>> No.15309640

Same here, but I still think it's a fair point to be made that many would agree with. Species-wide extinction would be the ultimate negation to the power process. Living without meaning would make life itself a surrogate activity and the survival of your lifes work would become an unattainable goal, a 3rd drive.

>> No.15309747

This was, in essence, the reasoning Ted used for that argument

>> No.15309766

I want a theocratic monarchist agrarian society. Of course, I would deserve to be a noble or king.

>> No.15309797

But would the potential happiness gained with the future generations outweigh the overall lower standard of happiness?

>> No.15310272

No I deserve to be a king, you're going to be a serf slave.

>> No.15311008

If any of those things happen right now, we're fucked as it is. It's worth noting that as far as extinction-level events go, we're rapidly approaching the limits of our ecology as it is.

>> No.15311456

>nooo the average person totally accepts nazis you can't oppose this
>nooo if you aren't a nazi you have to support mass migration and islam
I'm telling you /pol/, you having feelings about certain complex topics doesn't make you correct or even smart, clearly. Read more.

>> No.15312344
File: 31 KB, 558x500, 1322882707413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so much of a fool that you waste your time on this guy and agree with him. We're centuries after the industrial revolution already and decades after the digital computer revolution already. These changes are not being undone. Developments in science which rely on these two revolutions will not be forgotten. These advancements are billions strong and are supported by life itself, which extends far beyond this small rock in space that we call earth. All you're doing is dooming yourself and your children in the next evolutionary cycle of it by listening to a disgruntled backwards retard like him.

>> No.15312352

Shut your trap, peasant.

>> No.15312430

>Trannies are a product of the modern technological system and its erosion of gender.
Even with the many Kaczynski sympathies I have, Technology can in no way be what necessitated transgenderism. Enabled, sure, but if transgenderism wasn't something that was here from square 1, then it's the trad's fault. I mean look at any billboard with a man on it. Any billboard with a woman. Look at as many as possible. What component of their body is consistently and by law required to always remain obscured? Where do we put the leaf on David? On his genitals. Lo and behold, new generations cease relating their genitals to gender. If transgenderism is the product of anything it's of an anti-sex climate.

>> No.15312443

>Technology can in no way be what necessitated transgenderism
He literally mentions primitive tribes that did it and that it's a result of stress, not solely technology.

>> No.15312463

>and once it collapses, no one we will be able to rebuild it back, forever.

How? Lower average IQ?

>> No.15312478

Yes. Tedfags are like Marxists in that the "collapse" they talk about is actually a violent revolution brought upon by them in which everyone of a certain category (specifically, people with an IQ over 120) are slaughtered in order to ensure that things do not ever progress the way they personally dislike again (since they're all low IQ delinquents).

>> No.15312486

It's still the eventuality if we all become primitives, at least with tech there's a chance.

>> No.15312494

He's a retard? He's literally 4 standard deviations more intelligent than you. Show respect to your superiors.

>> No.15312498

>hey this is a problem
>oh yea? well you're 300 years too late, so deal with it!

Great argument, sherlock.

>> No.15312508

>hey this is a problem
It's not.

>> No.15312510

I'd agree with him to an extent. I like Ted's definition of the problem, but I think we're past the point of no return. Your solutions should change with the years and Ted's answer was already unfeasible when he wrote it.

>> No.15312554

I'm not talking to the authors I'm talking to anon

>> No.15312568

Oh, well just point them to my post.

>> No.15312595

You're on 4chan, most likely on a list already.

>> No.15312611

List of people with autism

>> No.15313216

Gender is irrelevant to modern technological society by and large. It develops in such a way that all differences not useful to the system are eliminated (e.g. differences in legal rights, etc) – this is the “equality” of today. With gender being rendered increasingly irrelevant outside out reproduction and both men and women turned into mere economic units, stripped of any quality other than functions of consumer and worker, gender is being progressively eliminated. The rise of market relations, the penetration of capitalism, monetarization and commodity dependence and the like accelerated the abolition of gender as traditionally female domains were progressively coopted by the state and corporations. First we are seeing the idea that gender is merely some social thing, and then after this comes the idea of no gender at all. With the end of gender comes the end of sex, save for self-pleasuring, all male-female relationality destroyed. With this vanishing reproduction will be removed more and more from the sphere of free and loving relationships into the hands of market forces and state control. Increasingly atomized individuals will still want babies and it’s in both private and state interests to provide them with the artificial means of doing so and to exert influence over process and outcome.

The muddling of the idea of gender is due to its useless to technological society.

>> No.15313629


>> No.15313690

I found no evidence of this, and even if it were true, it doesn't refute Ted's writings on leftists

>> No.15313733

The one thing I wonder though is if religion can save us from the technological society. Certain strands of Islam, for example, often appear as the last bastions against the prevailing world order. Even beyond that though if anything can provide an alternative to endless technical “progress”, it would be the alternative of religion and a reject of the worldly. This is of course founded on the optimism that religion has not, by and large, been completely destroyed and trivialized in many areas.

>> No.15314026

What else was he supposed to eat?