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15289078 No.15289078 [Reply] [Original]

My path is now certain.

>> No.15289104

enjoy mental illness. You're better off reading YA.

>> No.15289111

Butterfly is genuinely the sanest person there.

>> No.15289139
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pretty nice, get on my level though

>> No.15289208

It's funny how the whole Nrx thing slowly dissipated back into irrelevance as everyone realised that daddy Trump isn't God Saviour of the Right and writing witty tweets and blogposts isn't a viable path to power.

>> No.15289218

what were some accounts you were familiar with?

>> No.15289222
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>literally every single thinker opposed to each other except for a few combinations
This is galaxy brain shit how do you do it

>> No.15289253

Pretty much everyone associated with Social Matter, also guys like nydwracu and Foseti from before 2016

>> No.15289286
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NRX was never about Trump 'worship' and existed long before it.

NRX sank into irrelevancy because they were out flanked by more adapt and agile frogtwitter which in turn is perhaps in decline

>> No.15289294

i was also really into frogtwitter at the time, which i deeply regret

>> No.15290586
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>look i posted it yet again

>> No.15290598

what are your political positions now?

>> No.15290969

I haven't thought about icycalm in so long

>> No.15291049

you've been missing out.

>> No.15291064

I remember he had some good opinions about CRPGs in 2008 but that's all I read of the page someone linked me

Who is he? Some kind of old man? Gay old man nobody cares about?

>> No.15291075

he's the Nietzsche of the internet age.

>> No.15291250
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A toast, to Autopunk!

>> No.15291269
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*blocks your path*

>> No.15291307
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Recommend me books

>> No.15291318

Is that Jussie Smollett?

>> No.15291429

Rene Descartes
Jon 'Bones' Jones
Kurt Godel
Immanuel Kant
Richard Stallman
Isaac Newton
Lebron James
Winnie the Pooh

> Look mom I did the thing again

>> No.15291582
File: 2.02 MB, 3218x3264, overtime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15291925

idk why i want to fuck butterfly so much. is it some distortion of madonna/whore? like she's so disgusting i can't help be aroused

>> No.15291954

how do you reconcile iamblichus, deleuze, ponty and the zen guy i forgot the name with christianity?

>> No.15292098

she cute.

>> No.15292185
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