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/lit/ - Literature

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15288955 No.15288955[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm so fucking fed up with this shit board full of normalfag tourists and illiterate tradcuck failed normalfags who pretend to read and yet I'm stuck in this shit hole forever because mentioning your hobby in any other alternative image board will get you called a normalfag as the average imageboard user has the attention span of a fucking goldfish and you're barred from participating in their circlejerk unless you're a room temperature iq midwit who lives off anime that appeals to the lowest common denominator. I've really reached the height of frustration, there's mo way to engage in a human discussion anywhere, threads feel more like pissing contests between who LARPs harder and who believes the most in some cuck ideology. This board isn't /lit/, mods should just remove the veil and rename this shit board to /ideology/ or some fucking topic that caters to all the micropenis incels who visit it to talk about absolutely nothing.

>> No.15288970

Seethe harder faggot

>> No.15288974

Unironically stop spamming buzzwords like a loser. Also, you're not helping.

>> No.15288983

I agree.

>> No.15289001


>> No.15289005
File: 511 KB, 1281x1281, 1588658543263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps you should create your own futaba-style imageboard dedicated to the arts and humanities?

>> No.15289010

Even assuming i manage to it would die within a week or be infested with the same cancer that killed this board

>> No.15289031

Then go read a book.

>> No.15289038

Imagine the state of the world where a 4channel board "lit" is the sanest place to discuss books.

>> No.15289061

read a book
there are plenty of them out there
you do not have to be here

>> No.15289106
File: 56 KB, 600x800, ken-sama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a board for teenagers who crace aesthetic association and larp.
there are better websites for /lit/ discussion and OC

>> No.15289108
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you could probably avoid the cancer through strict moderation, banning phoneposters, banning particular cookies, and maybe some other form of exclusivity. but i'm not sure how sites get enough users to sustain themselves, much less create an endogenous culture. Many of the alternative chans seem to be able to survive based around a small cluster of topics (eg. LC and programming+tech) and even 4chan was tiny at one point. true, the internet has changed since those days, but there still must be some way. people complain on many interest boards about a lack of quality discussion (/ic/, /mu/, /tv/, /lit/, /his/), so it may be with a big tent of fine arts and humanities you could catch enough people to make it sustainable. and presumably you would already have a culture resistant to the very thing that has been making these boards shit in the first place (i.e. a community which shares primarily a desire to be different than current 4chan). who knows, it would probably fail but it might not.

>> No.15289121

Read a book.

>> No.15289126


>> No.15289136

As these kind fellows have pointed out, you could try reading a book. If you're unsure where to start, try /r/books at >>>/lit/rbooks

>> No.15289138


And normies are even worse in all regards.

>> No.15289158

Well, how abut we try and do something about it? Make this a general book discussion thread or something. What have you been reading recently?

>> No.15289161

>Many of the alternative chans seem to be able to survive based around a small cluster of topics
I've seen all of these alternatives, they either vanish in a couple of months or become new nests of low iq /pol/tards whose only conversation topics are nigger jokes or antagonizing other people. Furthermore i lack any sort of programming skills so the best i can do is creating another board on 9chan or 8kun and hope it doesn't go to shit.

>> No.15289199
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>> No.15289239

Well aren't you special. Newsflash, everybody here has hate-love relationship with this website, and whining has never improved this place.

>> No.15289254

>Furthermore i lack any sort of programming skills
yeah me too, that's why i float the idea in these sorts of threads instead of doing it myself. There was an attempt at an offshoot a few years ago call /litpat/ but that didn't last for more than a month.

>> No.15289276
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>> No.15289338

>micropenis incels

>> No.15289493

Where did all the oldfags and classic chan fags leave to? Board culture has been in steep decline last 8-10 years there must be somewhere all those disgraced denizens have scattered to, the Internets not so homogenized small cultures focused around honest discussion can't survive anywhere?

>> No.15289545

The eternal question. Did they ever exist? And if they did, where did they go to? We shall perhaps never know, only be continually searching for some half grasped, desperate notion that things were better. I wonder what is the truth.

>> No.15289547

Fucking hell what sites?
I am starved for a site with active and serious literary discussion.
Please please please tell me where.