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1528852 No.1528852 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we talk about eternal recurrence

>> No.1528854

ITT we talk about eternal recurrence

>> No.1528857
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>> No.1528858

ITT we talk about eternal recurrence 

>> No.1528864

I never really got this? Is this linked to the big crunch/big bounce theory? Or like alternate reality? Or was it just not literal?

>> No.1528866
File: 52 KB, 300x230, 1296854624041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

c..c...c....combo breaker.

>> No.1528871
File: 93 KB, 281x284, DavidMitchell16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking suck.

>> No.1528872

Care to give some explanation on it and who developed the idea?
I'm not all too familiar with ER.

>> No.1528876

ITT plebes who don't know about eternal recurrence

>> No.1528885

Here let me google that for you

>> No.1528886
File: 56 KB, 450x600, nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The great Nietzsche. See me spell his name!

Anyway: Its about what it seems to be about from the name.

>> No.1528895

I liked the explanation at the start of the Unbearable Lightness of Being.

>> No.1528902


>> No.1528924

gay shit for fags

if anyone thinks this is a real thing, explain to me where memories of my former life are and how to account for there being more people alive today than have ever died

humans deal with similar emotions across cultures and generations, just cuz u low on seratonin when u read homer doesn't mean society repeats its mistakes ad infinitum

>> No.1528934

You roll the rock up to the top of the hill, then do it again. What's to talk about?

>> No.1528950

whatever the fuck this kid is blabbering on about, it has nothing to do with eternal recurrence

>> No.1528962

sounds like a completely useless train of thought.
how is this significant in any way? I don't see the implications beyond the possibility of coincidence.

>> No.1528967


it's not reincarnation

>> No.1528973

Nietzsche gives it nowhere near as much weight as others do on his behalf.

The idea being just that, if time is infinite, and why shouldn't it be, any state no matter how improbable will come to pass an infinite number of times, So this moment and with its state of affairs will occur countless times, you will live your life countless times, and that having regrets is bad.

He's not making a point about cosmology, he's making a point about how we should live our lives, that if we find the idea of reliving the whole of our lives countless times unpalatable, then we're living all bad faith like or something.

>> No.1528975


>memories of my former life


>more people alive today than have ever died


>> No.1528999


This is symptomatic of the kind of ignorant dismissal that perpetuates most of the tragedies in the world.

>> No.1529017

I believe you flatly fail to grasp the concept. Lack of former memories means nothing. The you that you are now is the you that was before and the you that will be again, exactly. There is absolutely no difference at all, let alone room for inter-ontological memories. Lucretius covered this topic thousands of years before we were born. As in Dryden's excellent verse translation, "Nay, though our atoms should revolve by chance,
And matter leap into the former dance;
Though time our life and motion could restore,
And make our bodies what they were before,
What gain to us would all this bustle bring?
The new-made man would be another thing.
When once an interrupting pause is made,
That individual being is decay'd.
We, who are dead and gone, shall bear no part
In all the pleasures, nor shall feel the smart,
Which to that other mortal shall accrue,
Whom to our matter time shall mold anew."
As for your other objection, that of population increase, you misunderstand the scale of eternal recurrence. You are thinking in humanly understandable lengths of time. The Greeks, with their comparatively limited cosmological knowledge, who espoused eternal recurrence guessed at a time of tens of thousands of years per cycle. Those who ascribe to a modern version usually fall back on some sort of Big Bang/Big Crunch ping pong cycle, with eras measured in the hundreds of billions of years, though the red shift of distant galaxies does little in the way of supporting this theory. In either case, increase in population over all of human history could handily fit in one cycle.

>> No.1529019

it's more than possible seeing as how if the collection of all matter sums up to 'everything', then there isn't anything other than this 'everything' and sums are constants

>> No.1529037

jesus christ ease up fellas i typed up that post after glancing at the wiki page for like 15 seconds what do you expect

>> No.1529052

I have seen and done it all, but today I knew it was time to bring out the anal cannon. The anal cannon is loaded when a funnel is placed into an asshole, and a second whore pukes into it. After the ass is filled with puke, a cock then fucks it until the pressure is all built up. After the asshole has been fucked hard enough, the cock is pulled out and the anal cannon explodes! To top it all off, ass to mouth occurs, with both ladies licking off the fresh mix of vomit and ass for the ultimate eternal recurrence.

>> No.1529061

For the love of god read the Unbearable Lightness of Being and then get back to us.

>> No.1529068

ITT: art snob pseudo-intellectualism on overdrive.

>> No.1529070


Well done, OP.

>> No.1529080


We expect you to have a more than cursory understanding of a concept before weighing in on it.

Precisely as I said, that mentality/approach leads to a great preponderance of the world's wrongs.

>> No.1529097

i'm not trolling but this is 4chan what kind of content are you expecting

also, it seems my post has provoked the most thoughtful content in the thread

u bitter?

>> No.1529103


Your post has spawned a shitstorm of contempt, not actual conversation. If you'll look around for a few weeks, you'll notice that we encourage actual contributions on this board. So your shitting up the place is not appreciated.

>> No.1529115

>not actual conversation

well whose fault is that?

also, lol@the idea of "we" and "actual contributions"

you have no control over this board's content, and your community is imagined

>> No.1529118
File: 20 KB, 447x450, 108679-004-81F59B6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1529193

ITT: EVERYBODY gets it wrong

Eternal recurrence within Nietzsche's philosophy is essentially a kind of mantra or zen koan or something, i.e. an idea which is meant to be contemplated in order to reach a total state of affirmation.

The idea being that, if a 'devil' comes forward and says to you, when you die, you will re-live your life with everything exactly the same in every possible way, and this will happen an infinite number of times, you should let out a resounding 'yes!' to this idea, because to say no would be to deny life, in the sense of realising that everything in life is inextricably linked and you can't deny or wish one part had never happened without at the same time denying every other part of life, and likewise to affirm life is to necessarily affirm ALL of life. This was in a way Nietzsche's solution to nihilism.

>> No.1529200

you got it wrong too

>> No.1529204

Exactly. To top it all off, ass to mouth occurs, with both ladies licking off the fresh mix of vomit and ass for the ultimate eternal recurrence.

>> No.1529209


Seriously. Can we finally have an explanation instead of an opinion?

>> No.1529216


>> No.1529236


i've got baaaaalls of steel

>> No.1529250
File: 28 KB, 333x400, goodonebro5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys a devil doesn't come up to you at all that's just retarded

>> No.1529270

Devil is confrontation with life.

>> No.1529274

last time I checked a devil was a devil james.

but yeah the guy has pretty much got it right, he is just an asshole who needed to be taught a quick lesson

>> No.1529279

No, Deep&Edgy, you are the demons.

>> No.1529347


>> No.1529350

Its just existentialism.

>> No.1529357


I often daydream about having the ability to end your life by writing your pseudonym on a piece of paper, Death Note style.

It's not always death by a heart attack though.

>> No.1529362

This guy.


>> No.1529364

well except about the nature of zen koans

>> No.1529372


I hate to intrude on what you're doing, but there's this funnel, placed into an asshole, and this tyrannasaurs rex pukes into it. After the ass is filled with puke, this tyrannasaurs rex then fucks it until the pressure is all built up. After the asshole has been fucked hard enough, the cock is pulled out and the anal cannon explodes!
To top it all off, ass to mouth occurs, with both ladies licking off the fresh mix of vomit and ass for the ultimate purple unicorn adventure.


>> No.1529383

Eternal Recurrence if when you go full retard over a minor invasion because that's what you would have done when Hitler had gone berzerk. Humans are pattern-makers but the world does not consist of predefined patterns.

>> No.1529392


As a mode of thought, the scenario offered borders on wishwishy fantasy, I have to force myself to think it as metaphor.

so how does an acceptance of life lived in cycles en perpetua affect daily living?

like this?

-"God, I lost my car keys."
-"This will happen again for an eternity, so my regret is a waste of time and emotion." Doesn't it sound like reverse fatalism?

Do we have to live lives to the max because we are doomed to repeat it forever and thus we have to ensure a 'full' life for our future selves? (I apologize, this sounds really dumb even as I type) If we are not aware of our 'past cyclic existences' then what good will it serve us in the other lives. No, wait. It's just a metaphor and I am getting completely off track,

your thoughts

>> No.1529403

1. all things happen must happen
2. fin

>> No.1529408

shouldn't it be 'All things that happen, must happen.'

>> No.1529422

1. I want to build a wooden box
2. I use tools to build it
3. now I have a box
4. now I don't need the tools

once you have the meaning, you don't need the words

>> No.1529430

>>don't need the words
then how do they exist in your head, genius?

your post contributed nothing at all

>> No.1529444

the fuck are you talking about

>> No.1529446


d&e called me an asshole :(

i used to think you were cool...

>> No.1529450

>i used to think you were cool...
>retard detected

>> No.1529452


lol jks

>> No.1529475

actually small minority not getting trolled by him are the only people that arent retards here.