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15288092 No.15288092 [Reply] [Original]

And nihilism
Pic very related

>> No.15288112

define "truth"

>> No.15288153

Drugs and alcohol.

>> No.15288158

You can't

>> No.15288166

Isnt the whole point of God that he's the self affirming truth?

>> No.15288171

Pick the 3rd and move on retard

>> No.15288178

I just take the Kantian route. Also ultimate scepticism can be disproved by demonstrating how fundamental laws or axioms, if rejected, will result in "absurdity". People can always ask "well why is absurdity bad?" but if you demonstrate how experience will just not operate if you reject them there shouldn't be a problem. Maybe absurdity isn't the best word.
If you want to take the Hegelian route you'd pick the first one. Good luck with that though.

>> No.15288181

the trilemma is a regressive argument.
reductionism gets nothing done.

>> No.15288195

Pessism and nihilism the easy way out, soft neet shit. Go travel or fuck a hooker or do some coke and realize how fun life can be outside lit (adopt the Fear and Loathing perspective). People like to talk about Mishima but I much prefer Murakami

>> No.15288198

Proving things to others is irrelevant. Proving truths to yourself is what matters. And from your own time-space-reference, there are things that you know are true because you saw them with your own eyes, relative to your reality at least. Thus, determining the truth must rely on these things, but ALSO the constant awareness that the real truth would be true regardless of human beliefs. The truth does not depend on human arguments, but the reality that it is relevant to. For example, arguing whether the earth is flat or round does not change whether or not the earth is round. Regardless of who wins the debate.

>> No.15288206

You know I tried that shit and after I was done disttacting myself with hedonism I found that the void of meaning still existed within me. So I had just wasted my time.

>> No.15288213

The wisdom of Nehalennia tells me this: the fate of mankind is that all shall be tied together: good to evil, creation to destruction, life to death.

So too goes this for pessimism. It is inevitably linked to optimism

>> No.15288218

What was your hedonism experience ? Maybe pure hedonism isn’t it as there is nothing being fulfilled, whereas testing culture as an experience would be significantly more insightful

>> No.15288222

The fact that we accept the legitimacy of a proven statement on the basis of the method of proving, specifically it's the inference rule.

The next step after that is usually to go after the inference rule and see if it can be proven or not, and so on all the way down to the very foundations. But wait a minute, didn't we just show tolerance to the inference rule back when we make use of it to prove the initial statement? Back then the focus was on the statement, which was then controversial, and so the inference rule got a free pass. It's only after that that we increased out standards and got picky about our inference rules.

But while it may be right to demand proof out of everything, the nature of the process of regressive proof has an interesting behavior. No matter how many times we do it, it remains a constant that we show tolerance to something which is even more certain than a proof. It seems like the natural and proper place for an unproven thing to be used as a standard for proof. It only becomes a question of finding one that satisfies us.

>> No.15288233

I didn't fuck hookers, but I travelled, made friends, ate the best food I could find, and tried to immerse myself in the moment of enjoying life for it's temporary gifts. Turns out I'm still terrified of that lack of meaning that I observe to be the truth. On a logical level, "meaning" has no root outside of itself, and thus, not even omnipotent, omniscient opinions would count as "meaning". Meaning is a term that refers to a concept that fundamentally cannot exist. And yes, it still bothers me. Enjoying life does not remove it.

>> No.15288244

Damn I’d start with hookers. In all seriousness, I’m sorry what has worked for me has not worked for you. I agree that meaning is not a real construct and truly something we self-identity, but doesn’t change the fact that it’s the things we chase. Would you say where you are in life (school/work/career/relationships) are affecting that meaning in any way or is it all internal ?

>> No.15288272

you can't escape it, you can only cope.

>pic is for people how don't know anything about ontology

>> No.15288276

Enjoying life does remove it. Meaning is just a suffering justifier. A "what it's all for" for suffering. A "purpose" for suffering. If life was a picnic you wouldn't need meaning. This is why there is need for it in heaven. Nobody who believes in a heaven spends one second thinking about stupid things like "what is there to do in heaven". Pure bliss! That's what!

>> No.15288281

It's mainly all internal. I've been able to excell to an extent in my field of expertise (web development) and I have friends, a loving family, and a place to call my home. I don't really do sexual relationships right now, I've dated here and there before but nothing major and I don't really enjoy it, it's just stressful. I'm really just bothered that no action can have an "end-goal" purpose. Every action is done to make way for a new action. I feel like sisyphus, and I hate it. No matter where I was in life I felt like this, but ironically the better I seem to do socially, the worse I feel about it all. People tell me that it's a pointless worry but I can't help it. I know having a child would probably fulfill some mental circuit, but then I'd just be passing my problem onto another generation. Eventually, some human will be the last to live. And who will he live for?

>> No.15288283

>Nobody who believes in a heaven spends one second thinking about stupid things like "what is there to do in heaven"
Lol what. I worried about that all the time as a kid.

>> No.15288298

No worries I already installed a built in counter to this in my last post, I can just say you don't really believe in heaven.

>> No.15288300

A child wouldn’t do anything like you said they are just living for you and for their subsequent child and so on. I’m sorry you’re in this state anon it doesn’t sound debilitating but incredibly unfulfilling and lacking of a much needed catharsis. I feel your issue is inherently post-modern, the idea of “making it” yet being miserable regardless

>> No.15288317

I did. Used to cry myself to sleep at night as a kid because I didn't love god and knew I was going to hell. I knew that wanting to love god just because I wanted to go to heaven was not how it worked, and so I knew it was fruitless. I was being edgy and hating god or anything, I just didn't feel emotions for him.

>> No.15288343

Wow dude I don't give a shit about your childhood, why dump this on a friendly poster. Anyway you were obviously questioning your faith so that doesn't count. Plus it doesn't have to be heaven any blissful state serves the point. You don't have time to think about meaning when you're too busy being happy. That's why finding some task that totally absorbs your attention acts as one of those meaning providers.

>> No.15288354
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> mfw retards still think this is an actual problem in philosophy after I refuted it many times

>> No.15288376

you didn't refute shit negro

>> No.15288408

Ty anon. But how do i know the validity of my truths, if they are objective or not, without confronting these to other ?

>> No.15288411

>You don't have time to think about meaning when you're too busy being happy.

>> No.15288415

>how do i know the validity of my truths, if they are objective or not, without confronting these to other
Because your eyes, whatever properties they hold, observed a general reality which you call "reality". Unless you're really based and don't believe your five senses or even your own thoughts.

>> No.15288420
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>> No.15288436

I think that no experience can ever tell us anything about being itself. We only have access to phenomena, to appearances as they appear to us. A trip on LSD may have no more onto-metaphysical value than a meditative state.

>> No.15288444

Read Beyond Good and Evil, be a man take a deep breath and fight for that breath.

>> No.15288449

Hell no

>> No.15288452


>> No.15288465

>be a man

>> No.15288485

God has so many interpretations, versions, morals, "points". It's basically a wild card

>> No.15288740


>> No.15288810

I don't think that's actually a wrong reason to love God. Pretty sure there are bible verses that endorse that very thing.

>> No.15288878

Read Meno